Taoseguan Road

0161 You fight for me 5

Peachy Official Road 0161 You fight for me 5

At this time, Wang Dawang was thinking about how to hold Cai Weiguo tightly in his hand, and how to turn Cai Weiguo, the biggest leader of Donggui City, into his solid backer.If Cai Weiguo still had some doubts at first, then Wang Dawang also had to use his own efforts to bind Cai Weiguo firmly with himself as if he had used 5% glue.

"Hmm... keep talking!" Cai Weiguo stretched out his big hand to caress his clean-shaven chin, and his expression suddenly fell silent.

"Secretary Cai, I believe you are more aware of the importance of the coastal defense project than I am. I will not elaborate on this point. What I want to discuss with you today are the three important parts of the coastal defense project. In my personal opinion, I think the whole coastal defense project is mainly divided into three parts. The first part is the bidding of equipment and projects that everyone is very concerned about. The bidding of equipment and projects is the premise of a good start. Only by finding the right company can we carry out this project better Of course, with the financial resources of Donggui City, it is not a problem to find suitable companies and factories. Therefore, this can be done in accordance with the principle of "three publics". The second part is what I just reported to you, about This is about reassuring the people. Although the people of Donggui City know very well that the coastal defense project is a popular project, but... if this project for the people is carried out at the expense of personal interests, it is estimated that there may be differences If you can properly resolve these different sounds before they converge into noise, it will be a great contribution to harmony, Secretary Cai. Therefore, I suggest that our next work should focus on this aspect Come on." Wang Dawang talked eloquently, wishing to take out his fiery heart and show Cai Weiguo a good look.

"Well, Anmin is indeed a arduous task. The task is arduous! Tell me, which area should the focus of this Anmin be? Come, here is a map, let's take a look together!" Although Cai Weiguo's figure is not as tall as Wang Dawang , but also looks very burly.It's just that the long-term office work made his face look a little pale.

"Secretary Cai, look, this area belongs to Guicheng District, where there are the most tidal flats. Look, the marine aquaculture industry in this area is very developed. Local fishermen like to fish in this area, and the fish in this area The price of shrimp is about 20.00% to [-]% higher than that of seafood in other regions. The reason is that this is the entrance to the outer sea of ​​Donggui City. The intersection with fresh water. So the fish here is the most abundant and the most delicious. However, this is an important area for coastal defense work. Well... Secretary Cai, when the interests of local residents are impacted, I think The staff of the government department should explain carefully and patiently. Of course, the most important thing is to combine ideological education and economic compensation.” Wang Dawang stood beside Cai Weiguo and drew a semi-arc on the map of Donggui City with the pen he carried with him. shaped place.Although his tone was very humble, Wang Dawang, who was taller than Cai Weiguo, had the air of giving pointers when he gestured with a pen.

"Guicheng District? The secretary of the district committee is Sun Zhihui, and the head of the district Gao Muyang... Mmm! Wang Dawang, if the entire sea breeze project is entrusted to you, would you be able to undertake it?" After pondering for a while, Cai Weiguo seemed to be determined to put the bet on In front of him was Wang Dawang, who was quite familiar with the business.

"Secretary Cai, I haven't reported the third part of the coastal defense project to you! In fact, the third part is where the performance of the entire project is reflected." Wang Dawang didn't pick up Cai Weiguo's topic and continue talking, let alone hastily To undertake this kind of immature verbal commitment, but to stagger the topic.

Cai Weiguo's casual arrangement was just a speculation about Wang Dawang's details.The reason why this arrangement is immature is that Cai Weiguo is only relying on his passion now, and it is the enthusiasm driven by Wang Dawang's words.Of course, after Cai Weiguo calmed down, he would soon revise his decision.If Wang Dawang hastily opened his mouth to take on this task at this time, not only would Cai Weihui question his thinking back then, but people from different teams and different fronts would also raise questions.Therefore, Wang Dawang, who lived two lifetimes, simply brought the topic back to the third part of the coastal defense project.

"Part three? Speak up! Speak freely, let go, and speak boldly!" Cai Weiguo waved his hand, and gave Wang Dawang a verbal order that seemed to be a card to avoid death.

"Secretary Cai, the importance of the coastal defense project is not because of how many dams have been reinforced on the seashore, let alone how many additional troops have been deployed at sea. Of course, I am not saying that strengthening the dams is meaningless, let alone that we need to The Guizhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government interfered with the local garrison. What I want to say is that the importance of the coastal defense project lies in how to cut off the source of drug smuggling in Donggui City by strengthening the management of the coastal defense line, so as to reduce the The economy is developing in a healthier direction." Wang Dawang looked at Cai Weiguo with piercing eyes, and he talked with eloquence, even feeling passionate about himself.Wang Dawang feels a sense of accomplishment after being reborn as a human for the first time after feeling the various benefits that the power in his hands can bring.Imagine that because of this project, no one smuggles, no drug trafficking, and no one conducts illegal and criminal activities through the coastal defense line extending in all directions in Donggui City. What a wonderful thing that is.Just imagining it makes Wang Dawang's blood boil, not to mention that such a situation will become a reality in his own hands.

"Hmm..." Cai Weiguo looked at the excited Wang Dawang solemnly, looked up and down the notorious love master in front of him, and seemed to have some inexplicable touch in his heart.

"Secretary Cai, imagine that Donggui City has no smuggling, no drug trafficking, no sex industry, no gang fights, no life-and-death vicious struggles... What a wonderful thing it would be!" I wonder if Wang Dawang was too excited when he said it. Or Wang Dawang really has the potential of a poet. Anyway, when Wang Dawang finished waving his big hands and said these words, he hadn't noticed Cai Weiguo's eyes flickering with an indescribable emotion.

"Wang Dawang...Well, what you describe is the paradise described by Tao Yuanming! But the reality we are in is John Milton's Paradise Lost...It's so difficult!" Cai Weiguo looked at Wang Dawang who was full of passion thoughtfully, but I had no choice but to give Wang Dawang a basin of cold water.It's just that Cai Weiguo, who said this, seemed to have some indescribable depression in his heart.

"Well...Secretary Cai, it's up to man to make plans and God to make things happen! As long as we try our best, we will have no regrets." Wang Dawang's emotions were also blown from the top of the sky to the abyss of the [-]th floor of hell by Cai Weiguo's palm. Down.Although he already agreed with Cai Weiguo's statement in his heart, Wang Dawang still struggled to comfort himself.

There will be bread, there will be love, and tomorrow's sun and rainbow will appear at the same time.As everyone knows, even when the sun and the rainbow appear in the same sky at the same time, they appear in opposite directions.Just as it is impossible for a rainbow to appear in the same direction as the sun, it is impossible for love and bread to appear at the same time most of the time.Because of this, the people who survived just use those poignant love stories to tell themselves that there is love in this world.It's just that these loves are the product of people's leisure time after dinner and dinner.

Just as it is impossible for the rainbow and the sun to appear on the same front, Donggui City needs to maintain urban development and keep gdp on the table, and at the same time, how easy is it to clean up the city's appearance and style?Not to mention the many five-star hotels in Donggui City, and most of the stores that are everywhere rely on these fast money to support and consume, but the imported Hong Kong products that can be seen everywhere in Donggui City and even goods that have never been heard before. How monotonous life would be without these things!The reason why Donggui City can stand proudly on this continent is precisely because of its economic development.Drug smuggling and even pornography have already been deeply integrated into the economic system of Donggui City.If you want to cut off these tumors with a single knife, it is like Yue Buqun who swung a knife from the palace, even if he can stand alive and stand on the pinnacle above the heroes, so what?Losing the fun of being a man, so what if Yue Buqun can own the whole world?

For a city like Donggui City, it is not only flies and mosquitoes that are introduced at the same time as the opening, but also Gu insects with deadly germs.And what Wang Dawang proposed just now is the method to untie these bugs.It's just that the methods mentioned by Wang Dawang are equivalent to Yue Buqun who has obtained the evil sword technique, and there is no other way except to swing the sword from the palace.

Of course, Cai Weiguo thinks farther than Wang Dawang.It is precisely because of this far-reaching perspective that Cai Weiguo feels even more heavy.As the saying goes, standing tall and seeing far, the position of each person's buttocks determines the height of the person's eyes, the capacity of the head and the depth of thought.And Cai Weiguo, whose buttocks were clearly several levels higher than Wang Dawang's, sighed lightly, as if he didn't even dare to make a loud noise because of the depression in his heart.From a certain level, Cai Weiguo's situation is more difficult than that of Wang Dawang.

"Wang Dawang, it's up to man! Go ahead and do it! Xiao Lidong has my own arrangements. You go back and complete the first part of the plan first, including the bidding of all equipment and equipment. Also, all bidding companies Your qualifications must be strictly checked. If I find out that you are doing favors or accepting bribes in private, I will not be the first to spare you!" Cai Weiguo woke up from the momentary trance, looked at the paralyzed Wang Dawang in front of him with a heavy expression, hesitating It took a while before he spoke lightly.But the more indifferent Cai Weiguo's tone was, the more heavy Wang Dawang felt in his heart.

"Secretary Cai, I... thank Secretary Cai for his compliment! It's just that I have a lot of work and I need some assistants. I wonder if Secretary Cai can give me some convenience?" Wang Dawang gritted his teeth and did not make any gestures to refuse.He knew very well that this was his only chance, and it was also a hard battle for Cai Weiguo to prepare for the worst.If this opportunity is not grasped well, he, Wang Dawang, can only wait to be hidden in the snow.Of course, being able to be safely hidden in the snow until retirement is also a good way to die of old age naturally.I was afraid that the other party would never give him a chance to die well.

As for Cai Weiguo, he had to find a breakthrough as he was constrained everywhere.Just when Cai Weiguo was in need of someone, Wang Dawang had a huge head, which made Cai Weiguo feel sorry for Wang Dawang's huge head even if he didn't need it.

"Who do you want? As long as it is within the scope of the policy, you can propose it for reference." Cai Weiguo raised his eyebrows silently, as if he didn't expect that Wang Dawang's first request was to ask for people, not money.

"Secretary Cai, I want to use two assistants who are familiar with the business from the Tianma Bureau. One is the deputy director, David Qun, and the other is..." Wang Dawang hesitated whether to propose Ouyang Yue'er. It couldn't be any lower.Besides, it seems unreasonable to directly recommend one's lover in front of the biggest leader of Donggui City.But before Wang Dawang could finish his entanglement, Cai Weiguo's big hand interrupted him before he could finish his sentence.

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