Taoseguan Road

0195 split personality

Peachy Official Road 0195 Split Personality

Jiang Zhixiong directly told the ghost in front of him the worries in his heart.It seems that only in front of the ghost of Wang Dawang, can he regard himself as his original self, not the notorious Comrade Dog, the deputy director of Tianma Bureau.

"Let me figure out a way! By the way, where is Sisi? Where is it?" At this point, Wang Dawang couldn't help looking around, but he didn't find the female ghost that he thought should be in the room.

"I don't know where she's been. By the way, where have you been these two days?" Jiang Zhixiong raised his eyebrows silently, and found that the original body owner in front of him didn't answer his question just now.

"I tidied up some things while I was still able to do it. I heard that Gao Muyang's son Gao Junye was castrated, did you do it?" Wang Dawang, who was floating in front of Jiang Zhixiong, asked a question that didn't seem to need an answer.

"No!" Jiang Zhixiong also replied indifferently.After tonight, he no longer had any thoughts about the life and death of these young masters.Anyway, no matter what, it is impossible for Lei Zhenxuan to let these people go.Of course, Jiang Zhixiong didn't have any intention to care about these people.In his eyes, these second generations who are usually domineering and so on hang around all day long, and they haven't done anything good in the first place.If there were no such second generations in Donggui City, the sky would be bluer, the clouds would be whiter, the trees would be greener, and of course, people would be more friendly.

"That's the guy outside! Jiang Zhixiong, I came here tonight to tell you something. Although I have slept with many women in my previous life, I only have one son. This son is not good, and I know it, but who Calling Lao Tzu, there is only such a single seedling and such a thing left. So, Jiang Zhixiong, I want you to agree. Bao Wang Yiwang will live in peace for the rest of his life! Otherwise, even if I am reincarnated as a man and leave, there will be disappointment You can't bear the ability to go around." His face seemed to be a little grayer than the previous few days, but he still spoke as domineeringly as usual.

"Bao Wang Yiwang will be safe for the rest of his life? How? I don't even know how long I can live. How can I keep him safe? By the way, it's my own funeral tomorrow! I guess you and Shangguan Sisi won't be able to attend either, hehe , to attend my own funeral, it is probably unprecedented.” Jiang Zhixiong smiled self-deprecatingly, he did not notice the expression on the face of the man standing in front of him who once roamed around Donggui City. irritable.

"Jiang Zhixiong, at least you can live another half of my life for Wang Dawang. I don't think I can last long like Shangguan Sisi. So, before I go to the Yan Luo Hall, I must leave a way for my only son in this life. I was also at the scene that night. What these bastards did is indeed unforgivable. But, with a swing of your knife, you make people lose the man. Isn’t that making life worse than death? The other bastards I I can't deal with that much anymore, but my own son will definitely not allow him to live as a male or female in the future!" Wang Dawang rarely looked at Jiang Zhixiong who stood up from the bed seriously, and what was even rarer was that this man never A man who knows how to be a father remembers to claim certain benefits for his own children in such a situation.Of course, this kind of welfare is the most basic and important thing for a man.

"You came here tonight to intercede for Wang Yiwang? Don't you know how a jerk your own son is? Do you know that he also participated in a case of gang-raping a hostess at the MG Bar tonight? Case? Well, a gang-rape case that almost succeeded!" Jiang Zhixiong, who was yelling at the ghost in front of him, suddenly remembered that Jiang Boya's elegance had just been disturbed by him and Lei Zhenxuan, so he quickly changed his mind.

"What did you say? He slipped out again tonight? This bastard bastard, I'm really going to be pissed off by him. The bastard who can't even lock the locks in the house! Hey, no, Jiang Zhixiong, you How on earth did you know about Wang Yiwang's stay at the MG Bar? Could it be that you..." Cursing his son cursingly tonight, Wang Dawang floated back and forth in the room.It's just that he realized it all at once, and immediately stopped in front of Jiang Zhixiong.

"You don't care how I know! Anyway, your son is hanging out with Jiang Yanghai's son at the MG Bar tonight, smoking Laobai, and hugging the bartender is not enough. A few big men are still watching Jiang Yanghai Jiang Boya’s son, Jiang Boya, who was the hostess, not only watched, but your son even started to do it! Do you think this is **** disgusting? ***Those bastards hug each other and don’t want to, but how many people do they want? Take turns doing one! What kind of thing is this? Is this called a trend? I really care about his grandma!" Jiang Zhixiong, who was aroused by Wang Dawang, walked back and forth in the room, angrily pointing at someone in the air. A ray of ghosts screamed wildly.He couldn't help thinking of Shangguan Shuaishuai that night in his mind, the bruised Shangguan Shuaishuai was helplessly tied to the head of the bed, and lay naked in front of those bastards like that...

If he had gone one step later, Shangguan Shuaishuai might have been tortured to death long ago.Even if he was not tortured to death, Shangguan's handsome character would have chosen to commit suicide.Every time Jiang Zhixiong thinks about the scene of that night, he feels that eunuchs are taking advantage of them.If conditions permit, he really wants to find a group of hungry middle-aged and old abandoned women, dinosaurs, and the like to gang/rape these second generations.Anyway, these bastards like to play with each other so much, let them try to be played with.

"These bastards! I'm stupid...I'm fucking stupid!" Wang Dawang, who suddenly understood, seemed to turn darker and yellower.

"By the way, what did you mean when you said that you couldn't last long like Shangguan Sisi? Could it be..." Jiang Zhixiong paced back and forth in the room, and suddenly remembered that Shangguan Sisi's expression seemed to be the same as that of Wang Dawang in front of him. Darkened and yellowed.He couldn't help but feel a jolt in his heart, a feeling that he was about to lose soon emerged spontaneously.

"She..." Just when Wang Dawang was about to say something, the door was opened from the outside, and Lei Zhenxuan stood at the door with a surprised face and looked around the small room.When he found that Wang Dawang was alone in the room, his eyes widened even more, looking a little frightening in the night.

"Wang Dawang, what are you doing? What kind of plane are you talking to yourself?" Lei Zhenxuan, who had heard enough corners outside the door, opened his eyes and looked at the only living creature in the empty room, Wang Dawang, who was still thinking with his mouth wide open. When he said something, he couldn't help but screamed loudly.

"I...I...how did I say anything? Am I sleeping? Why did you wake me up?" Jiang Zhixiong, standing in the room with Wang Dawang's head on his head, glanced at his body that was floating out the window The original owner looked back at Lei Zhenxuan who broke in from the door, and then realized that his emotions were too agitated and his voice was too sharp and his voice was not low.It must have disturbed Lei Zhenxuan who was still asleep next door, so he came over to care.

Seeing the ghost floating out of the window sill and gesticulating at him, Jiang Zhixiong, who was holding his head on his head, quickly returned to his role, and hurriedly walked towards Lei Zhenxuan pretending to be crazy.

"Wang Dawang, are you sleepwalking? No, you didn't sleep at all. Where did you sleepwalk? You... have a split personality?" In other words, in the middle of the night, I watched a big man waving his hands in the air. , and yelling emotionally, this doesn't seem to be a normal thing.Therefore, even Lei Zhenxuan, who had been in the hinterland of the enemy's rear many times, couldn't help but feel a little strange seeing such a scene.Of course, it is impossible for Lei Zhenxuan, who cannot pursue idealism, to think of such a weird thing.And the only thing that can explain this miraculous phenomenon is that Wang Dawang had a split personality, shutting himself in the room and arguing with himself in the middle of the night.

"Sleepwalking? Split personality? Uh... Your mother has a split personality? I'm going to bed, and I have to attend my funeral tomorrow! Well, attend the funeral, attend the funeral!" Returning to Yuanshen, he who had been yelling and talking all of a sudden slipped his mouth.

"Wang Dawang, you fucking said you didn't have a split personality? You can even tell about things like attending your own funeral, aren't you a split personality? You should see a doctor right away! You're crazy!" How could Lei Zhenxuan miss it? It is even more impossible to believe Wang Dawang's defense.It's just that the direction of Lei Zhenxuan's thinking is far from the truth that Wang Dawang wants to conceal.

"When did I say I was going to attend my funeral? Lei Zhenxuan, are you looking for something to do? Go back to your room and sleep!" Wang Dawang, who realized that his mouth was a little out of control tonight, simply threw Lei Zhen Xuan blasted out of the room. After closing the door with a 'snap', Wang Dawang fell on the bed, losing even the ability to think.

It is normal for the owner of this body to protect his son Wang Yiwang, but it is probably not an easy task to save Wang Yiwang from the knife from the angry Lei Zhenxuan.

Also, what happened to Shangguan Sisi?

Why are the figures of these two unjust ghosts getting darker and darker?Why is there a saying that it is almost unbearable?Could this wandering ghost also have a time limit?

Do these figures floating by the window in the middle of the night also have a shelf life?

Wang Dawang, who was lying on the bed alone for the first time since his rebirth, thought lightly, his eyelids became heavier and heavier unconsciously...

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