Taoseguan Road

0203 Give water to the suspect

Tao Se Guan Lu 0 3 release water to the suspect

"Sun Xiaofeng, do you want to try the car shock here? I warn you, if you dare to touch your hands again, I will rape you! Right here! Hmph!" Lei was a little annoyed by the woman in front of him. Zhenxuan once again uttered fierce words that made Sun Xiaofeng speechless.

"You..." Sun Xiaofeng, who was inferior to others, had no choice but to shut his mouth tightly!From Lei Zhenxuan's dark face like splashed ink, she could see that the hostile man in front of him really could do what he said.On Lei Zhenxuan's body, Sun Xiaofeng didn't think there was any arrogant behavior that could not be unleashed.

"Sun Xiaofeng, listen! I didn't kill that person, I just came here to investigate the case. That Xue Xiaofei... is the deceased who was involved in my girlfriend's death. I received information that he resigned from the milk company and returned to Xuejia Village , so I chased after him to ask the instigator behind the scenes. Unexpectedly, I bumped into you!" Lei Zhenxuan briefly explained the matter coldly, and took two steps back after watching Sun Xiaofeng calm down slowly.

"The cause of your girlfriend's death? Is your girlfriend dead? What does it have to do with Xue Xiaofei? Also, why did we receive a call to the police at the same time saying that there was a murder in Xuejia Village? How do you want me to believe you?" Sun Xiaofeng said with a serious face. Confused, he wanted to look for signs on Lei Zhenxuan's face, but looked away disappointed.This man's face is too indifferent, and his eyes without warmth make it impossible to look at him.

"Believe it or not! That's all I have to say. Or, you should start with the police call instead of chasing me for such a long distance. Take your pistol with you!" Lei Zhenxuan said coldly Looking at Sun Xiaofeng suspiciously, he slowly stepped back towards the front of the police car.Casually putting the pistol on the front of the car, Lei Zhenxuan quickly disappeared from Sun Xiaofeng's sight.

"Hey, hello, hello, Lei Zhenxuan, where are you going? Hey, why are you like this?" Sun Xiaofeng stood on the spot and waved his hands, trying to stop the man who was walking away, but he didn't dare Catch up again.

"Put the gun away! Your colleague is chasing you." Lei Zhenxuan looked at the billowing dust at the intersection, and turned his head to Sun Xiaofeng with a faint smile.With a flash of his figure, he disappeared into the woods by the sea, leaving Sun Xiaofeng beside the police car feeling lost.

Liu Fuguo, who rushed down from the police car, ran to Sun Xiaofeng's side quickly, and asked with concern: "Xiaofeng, how are you? How did you come here? Are you not injured?"

"I'm fine! The car went into the sea!" Sun Xiaofeng replied lazily, looking at Liu Fuguo with a look of helplessness.

"The car went into the sea? What car?" Liu Fuguo's gaze had not yet shifted from Sun Xiaofeng's face, and even Sun Xiaofeng's purpose for coming here was forgotten.

"The car I was chasing! What other car? Liu Fuguo, I said why are you so fucking staring at my sister's face? Could it be that there are two flowers on my sister's face? It's so fucking boring!" Sun Xiaofeng, who was a little guilty of being stared at by Liu Fuguo, simply cursed at his honest partner in front of him.

"What the hell is going on? Sun Xiaofeng, why are you crazy? If it weren't for the location of the police car, I would have thought you had absconded in the police car!" Just when Liu Fuguo didn't know how to answer, he flew from the cement path again. Here comes a jeep.A sturdy figure jumped out of the car, and Shi Jianming's figure came to Sun Xiaofeng following his voice.

"Why am I absconding? What are you talking about? Really...forget it, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you guys. Call the crane, and the suspect's escaped car rushed into the sea." Sun Xiaofeng looked at Shi Jianming very emotionally Rolling his eyes, he left the two of them and walked towards his police car.Looking at the colleagues who were gradually approaching, Sun Xiaofeng simply nestled in the car and didn't bother to pay attention to the questioning eyes of Shi Jianming and others.Under the dazzling sunlight, Sun Xiaofeng felt for the first time that his heart was beating so violently, as if a frantic deer was jumping non-stop.

"Boss, you're here too!" Liu Fuguo nodded cautiously towards Shi Jianming, then shrank his head back, fearing that the flames from the exchange of fire between Sun Xiaofeng and Shi Jianming would accidentally hit him.

"What's the situation? What about the crime scene?" Shi Jianming looked back at the submissive Liu Fuguo, and had to suppress his anger.

"Two criminal policemen were left there and called for assistance. Sun Xiaofeng came here chasing the suspect's car, and I followed because I was worried that something might happen. I lost it in the middle, and then I followed the suspect's car. Here." Liu Fuguo quickly reported the situation briefly.

"Well, what's the situation over there?" Shi Jianming's deep voice gave a chill, and even Sun Xiaofeng, who was a few meters away from them in the car, could feel that their leader's mood was a little off.

"The deceased, Xue Xiaofei, had obvious blunt trauma to the head, and the fatal injury was an incision in the aorta. According to the investigation, Xue Xiaofei was originally a milkman, and he just resigned a few days ago." , just glanced at Shi Jianming while reporting.

"Milkman? Which milk company?" Upon hearing Liu Fuguo's report, Shi Jianming couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and his eyes suddenly became extremely deep.

"Mingchen Milk Company is quite famous." Looking at Shi Jianming's uncertain face, Liu Fuguo reported nervously. Shi Jianming's bombardment.

"Mingchen Milk Company! This bastard..." subconsciously repeated Liu Fuguo's words, and realized that he had heard about this brand of milk before, Shi Jianming's face suddenly became quite ugly.Looking back at the car with half of its tail exposed in the sea, Captain Shi's anger was ignited again.

"Boss, Sun Xiaofeng happened to be the closest person to the police car, so she was the first to chase it out." Liu Fuguo glanced at Sun Xiaofeng who was thinking about something in the car, and couldn't help explaining for her.

"Sun Xiaofeng, get out of the car! What are you doing today? The car went into the sea, where is the person? Did he run away? Or did he go into the sea?" Looking at the police car parked next to him, Shi Jianming yelled at the woman in the jeep, Can't help questioning.

"When I arrived, I only saw the black car rushing into the sea, but the criminal suspect didn't see it. I don't know if it will die in the sea water. Anyway, I didn't see anyone when I stayed here. People got out of the car, and no one came ashore! Are you satisfied with this answer?" Sun Xiaofeng, who was called out by Shi Jianming to get out of the car, answered with his neck crossed, but his voice became lower and lower, and he was a little reluctant in the end.

"Sun Xiaofeng, what happened to you today? With your usual personality, you will wait on the shore with peace of mind. You still haven't thrown yourself into the sea to arrest people! Are you sick today?" Shi Jianming was full of doubts, According to what he knew about Sun Xiaofeng, Sun Xiaofeng's behavior today was unreasonable.Although his female apprentice is careless, she is never ambiguous in her work.If she really watched the suspect vehicle rush into the water, how could she be so leisurely leaning on the jeep and doing nothing, not even doing necessary things like calling colleagues.Of course, unless she intentionally released water on the suspect!Thinking of this, Shi Jianming's expression became even uglier.

"It's only because you're sick! My sister can't swim, is that okay? My sister doesn't want to go into the sea, so it's okay!" Sun Xiaofeng was so annoyed by Shi Jianming's question, so he simply came to a three-character scripture general to follow Shi Jianming behind him to probe his brain Liu Fuguo was bombarded with all kinds of meat and eight vegetables.

"Sun Xiaofeng, you... are crazy! I think you are crazy today! Liu Fuguo, what are you looking at? Why don't you call and call a crane!" Shi Jianming, who was almost killed by Sun Xiaofeng, turned around and grabbed Take a scapegoat.He immediately transferred the anger he received from Sun Xiaofeng to Liu Fuguo.

Lei Zhenxuan, who was hiding in the woods, watched Sun Xiaofeng and Shi Jianming almost quarrel with his own eyes, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.After a little identification of the direction, Lei Zhenxuan ignored the few policemen who started to get busy, rushed to the edge of the road, and quickly left the sight of the policemen behind him.

When Lei Zhenxuan walked on the national road and took out his mobile phone from his pocket, he was sure that he had fallen into a vortex, a huge vortex that was going to swallow him inside.

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