Taoseguan Road

0207 bloody magnetic card

Tao Seguan Road 0 7 Bloody Magnetic Card

On the speeding jeep, Wang Dawang's face was silent, he didn't continue to condemn Lei Zhenxuan's behavior, let alone ask what happened.Even though Wang Dawang was sitting in the jeep, the conversation between Shi Jianming and Lei Zhenxuan could not fall into his ears.As a witness who witnessed the torture of Shangguan Shuaishuai, especially after Shangguan Shuaishuai was stopped from trying to commit suicide, Wang Dawang already acquiesced in Lei Zhenxuan's actions.Although Wang Dawang sometimes disapproved of Lei Zhenxuan's extreme behavior, he could understand the anger in Lei Zhenxuan's heart.

"What is that? It was brought out from the scene of the crime?" Wang Dawang glanced back at the small magnetic card that seemed to be stained with blood in his hand, and couldn't help asking.

"Hmm! Wang Dawang, do you think there will be anything that will surprise us?" Lei Zhenxuan took out a tissue and gently wiped the spoils in his hand, and asked lightly.

"I think it's better for you to think about who has mastered your whereabouts. This trick kills two birds with one stone really seamlessly!" Wang Dawang slowed down the speed of the car and stopped the driving behavior of drifting on the road.

Wang Dawang, who stopped at a red street light, suddenly realized that he seemed to have lost the terrific trepidation and fear at the beginning of his driving.And today he seems to be stronger than ever, without even a sense of fear.I don't know if it's because Jiang Zhixiong has been cremated, even his soul seems to interfere less with this body.In particular, the timidity and cowardice in Jiang Zhixiong's soul were replaced by Wang Dawang's toughness.It seems that this kind of replacement is so natural, without the slightest obstacle.Wang Dawang, who realized this, didn't know whether this change was a good thing or a bad thing, whether he should be happy or sad.Or, in the near future, he will soon become exactly like the owner of this body?

This self-consciousness makes it difficult for the reborn who is holding someone else's head to accept this fact.

"Who cares who he is? Anyway, the mastermind behind the scenes must die!" Lei Zhenxuan said coldly, his words without any warmth aroused Wang Dawang's sympathy.

"You really didn't kill the milkman? Then who can know your whereabouts? Also, what is your source of information? Could it be that the other party deliberately disclosed the information to you and then came to catch it? Glancing at Lei Zhenxuan's cold handsome face, Wang Dawang raised his eyebrows silently, and asked about his doubts.

"You said that if I really want to kill someone, do I need to cause blunt trauma to the corpse? I'm afraid Shi Jianming knew this in his heart, so he was more polite just now. If he really thought I killed someone, he probably wouldn't be like that Let's go. I've seen that the deceased had multiple blunt injuries, and the fatal wound was on the artery in the neck. He should have been questioned before being killed. When I arrived, the body was still warm, indicating that The murderer just left not long ago. If it wasn't for those criminal policemen who came too fast, I guess we could find some clues after searching." Lei Zhenxuan said lightly, without any emotion on his face, as if what he was talking about was just commonplace .

"How do you plan to get it? I feel that the person who provided you with the information should know it well. However, it is also possible that the person who provided you with the information was misled by others. Of course, there is also the possibility of being bribed." Wang Dawang turned skillfully. Turn the steering wheel and drive in the direction of Yuyuan Community.

"Look for my informant first, hehe, if he set me up, he will definitely regret it." Lei Zhenxuan said lightly, but his eyes were staring at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

"Lei Zhenxuan, I said you're a soldier. Why do you have your informant in Donggui City? I said, what are you doing? The army field regiment? The commander of the reconnaissance company? You are a lanugo Why did the unclean brat become the company commander? It can't be because of..." Wang Dawang glanced back at Lei Zhenxuan who was in deep thought, and found that the diet used by this young man was really unacceptable.informant?Where did the informant come from?What kind of person can be his informant?It all seemed like a litany of questions!Of course, what Wang Dawang couldn't figure out was how powerful Mr. Lei was behind Lei Zhenxuan.Could it be possible to reach out to Donggui City?What a long hand!Wang Dawang couldn't help staring at Lei Zhenxuan again and again.

"Hehe, the lanugo is not over? Wang Dawang, you can really say it! You mean that I rely on the virtues of my ancestors, and rely on the shade of my old man? Hehe...you can think whatever you want! Anyway, none of the damned people in Donggui City need to try to escape, anyone who dares to touch me, Lei Zhenxuan, will have to pay the price. No matter if he is the king of heaven or Lord Yan, I will make them regret what they did to Sisi and Shuaishuai Everything." Lei Zhenxuan still said lightly, still speaking in a gossiping tone.This indifferent tone made Wang Dawang beside him feel the chill of the changing sky again.

Donggui City has abundant sunshine, especially in such a hot summer.Of course, the summer in Donggui is not always sunny.The stormy Donggui City is also particularly ugly, especially the typhoon-famous Donggui City is quite terrifying when the wind blows.

"Keep your hands and feet clean. Shi Jianming is not a vegetarian. He did this to save face for you, or for Mr. Lei. If you really leave any traces, according to his personality, he will not let it go. When the car turned into the Yuyuan community, Wang Dawang felt a strange feeling in his heart. The city of Donggui has been exposed to the sun for too long. Should there be a storm to wash it off?

"Wang Dawang, are you caring about me?" Lei Zhenxuan's usual evil smile appeared again, but this time it was because of Wang Dawang.

"I don't care about you, I only care about Shuai Shuai and Sisi. Find out the cause of Sisi's death as soon as possible so that she can be reborn as a human being. Uh... I mean let her rest in peace as soon as possible!" Wang Dawang drove the jeep to In the underground parking lot, he kept making excuses.When he noticed the strange look in Lei Zhenxuan's eyes beside him, Wang Dawang quickly changed his words and corrected his expression.

"Wang Dawang, is that how you confuse Shuaishuai?" Lei Zhenxuan stared at Wang Dawang who opened the door and got out of the car in the somewhat dim underground parking lot, with a gloomy expression on his face that was about to drip ink.

"Lei Zhenxuan, believe it or not, this is what I mean. Find out the truth as soon as possible, let Sisi be freed as soon as possible, and let everyone who loves her and cares about her be freed." Wang Dawang ignored Lei Zhenxuan's murderous eyes , shut the car door with a bang.

"Hmph! Wang Dawang, if you fucking let me know that you have bad intentions for Shuai Shuai, I will be the first to spare you!" Lei Zhenxuan closed the car door heavily, and walked past Wang Dawang angrily.

"Hey, what a dog biting Lu Dongbin, I don't know good people! If it wasn't for Sisi's face, I wouldn't be too lazy to go crazy with you!" Wang Dawang pressed the lock button and followed Lei Zhenxuan's footsteps to the elevator entrance go.

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