Taoseguan Road

0229 Flexible woman's soft body

Momoirokanji 02) flexible woman soft body

You can't have both, fish and bear's paw.

Isn't there a way to have the best of both worlds?Wang Dawang weakly let go of Ouyang Yueer's palm, stood up from the bed and walked towards the door.

Wang Dawang, who silently closed the door of the master bedroom, was very troubled.Standing in the corridor, he silently glanced at the closed public restroom.Standing on the spot and listening to the sound of running water coming from inside, Wang Dawang, who knew that Lei Zhenxuan was taking a bath, hesitated for a moment before walking towards Liao Shuyi's room.

No matter what, he had to see the woman in his previous life.Liao Shuyi, who lost her husband and was helpless, was once the softest part of Jiang Zhixiong's heart, and the one he couldn't let go of.Now when he had the opportunity to let him take care of his wife in his previous life again, Wang Dawang hesitated at the door of her room.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Dawang quietly opened the door, stepped in and closed the door tightly.Silently sitting by the bed, Wang Dawang, who was a little guilty, stared blankly at Liao Shuyi who was lying flat on the bed, extremely emaciated, and felt even more uncomfortable.

"Zhixiong... You're here!" Liao Shuyi, who came to his senses, looked at the very strange man in front of him, and murmured.

"Shu Yi... I, I'm coming, I'm coming... I just want to tell you one thing." Wang Dawang moved his lips with difficulty, wanting to solve the problems before him as soon as possible.The longer the entanglement between one man and two women drags on, the more unfavorable it is to each other, which Wang Dawang still has a little awareness of.

"Zhixiong... By the way, should I continue to call you Wang Dawang? Hehe, you better not talk, okay? Listen to me first, okay?" Liao Shuyi sat up straight from the bed, looking at him with red eyes. Wang Dawang, with a troubled face, interrupted him abruptly.

"Well...Shu Yi, tell me! I'm listening!" Seeing Liao Shuyi who seemed not in such a bad mood just now, Wang Dawang was taken aback for a moment.Staring blankly at Liao Shuyi's unwavering eyes, Wang Dawang, who already understood what this woman was thinking, sighed silently.

"I should have guessed it when you first appeared, right? Hehe, but I still haven't guessed it. Zhixiong, it seems that the understanding between your husband and I is not as thorough as I imagined. Zhixiong , I miss you so much! Hmm...do you miss me? Did you really miss me at all during those days?" Liao Shuyi smiled miserably, and there was a hint of love on the corner of her mouth, which made the man in front of her look at her heart. All broken wry smile.

"Shu Yi, I really died on the day of the car accident. Later... Later, I got on Wang Dawang's body inexplicably. Shu Yi, I know you won't believe it. I couldn't believe it myself at the time. At the beginning I'm not used to it, I miss you, miss you, miss you..." Wang Dawang said slowly with a solemn face, wanting to give Liao Shuyi more time to think and accept.

"Zhixiong...I believe it, I really believe it! That day at home, when you... hugged me, I...I felt it. Zhixiong..." Liao Shuyi's eyes were full of crystal tears, but he was stubborn The ground spun around in the eye sockets for a long time and refused to fall.She slowly approached Wang Dawang, and slowly leaned into his arms but did not dare to reach out and hug the man who was no longer familiar in front of her.

"Shu Yi... I, I'm sorry for you!" Wang Dawang hugged the woman in his arms tightly, and rubbed her into his chest hard.

"Zhixiong, this is life, isn't it? Hehe... But no matter what, you are still in front of me. At least I can still see you from time to time, right? God still treats me kindly, right? I You should be happy, right?" Feeling the strength of the man's arm in front of him, Liao Shuyi sighed faintly.She hugged Wang Dawang's waist tightly, and the tears that poured out quickly wet the clothes on Wang Dawang's chest.

"Shu Yi, don't cry! My heart hurts, really, don't cry anymore. Shu Yi, don't cry for me anymore, it's not worth it." Wang Dawang let go of Liao Shuyi's waist, and wiped the tears from her face distressedly.

"Well! Don't cry, don't cry anymore. Hehe...I won't cry anymore. I'm happy, really, Zhixiong, I'm really happy!" Hearing Wang Dawang's words, Liao Shuyi nodded meekly, but his face The smile on the face was very forced.

"Shu Yi...Yue'er is pregnant, she should have been pregnant before. I can't..." Wang Dawang, who had a clear view of the woman in front of him, opened his mouth with difficulty, trying to explain something.

"I know! Zhixiong, I know! I..." Liao Shuyi covered Wang Dawang's mouth with his hand to prevent him from continuing, and slowly moved his lips together.

"Hmm..." Looking at the increasingly enlarged pretty face in front of him, Wang Dawang struggled weakly and decided to accept the body's suggestion.Holding the woman in his arms who yearned for the warmth of each other's body with his backhand, Wang Dawang exerted his masculine charm vigorously.

"Uh... Zhixiong, I miss you!" A long and passionate kiss made Liao Shuyi, who provoked the trouble, unable to resist, and collapsed limply in Wang Dawang's arms, gasping for breath.

"Shu Yi, I miss you too, I miss you crazily, really, really miss you..." After finishing speaking, Wang Dawang fixedly looked at his ex-wife whose face was blushing.Then, he rained kisses without hesitation on Liao Shuyi's neck, earlobe and skin exposed outside his clothes.He frantically stroked the still delicate body of the woman on his chest, wanting to do something but dared not do it for a long time.

"Zhixiong..." Liao Shuyi, who was ignited by Wang Dawang's big hands with energy in his body, murmured in a low voice with a charming face, and then began to pull up the home clothes on his body.

"Hmm... Shuyi! Is it really okay?" Feeling the soft touch of Liao Shuyi's arms hanging around his neck, Wang Dawang's body tensed again and again.He looked hesitantly at Liao Shuyi's naked chest, but his big hand stopped at a critical moment.

"Well... I want you, you don't mind. Uh... just wait a moment!" Although Liao Shuyi freely admitted his longing, his face still couldn't help turning red.Suddenly, not knowing what to think of, Liao Shuyi jumped off the bed, walked quickly to the door and quickly locked the door.

Looking back at the strange man beside the bed, Liao Shuyi slowly walked back to the bed.While walking towards Wang Dawang, Liao Shuyi started to release the restraints on himself.Seeing that the woman who had returned to him was only left with the plump little cloth covering the top and the triangle cloth underneath, Wang Dawang couldn't help but hugged her tightly in his arms.

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