Taoseguan Road

0241 You don’t have to pretend to be a grandson

Tao Se Guan Lu 0241 You don't have to pretend to be a grandson

"Call to the police? Where did you call? Did you find anything?" As soon as Sun Xiaofeng heard about the case, he immediately forgot about killing Liu Fuguo, and hurriedly asked.

"Hey, I didn't find anything. The other party used a public phone. But..." Before Liu Fuguo could finish speaking, he found that Sun Xiaofeng's eyes had widened, as if he wanted to instantly kill him with his gaze.

"What did you say? Liu Fuguo, are you fucking constipated today, right? Do you believe that sister beat you until you have loose bowels? Say what you have to say, and let go of your fart! If you f*** hesitate again, be careful, sister will beat you up." !" Sun Xiaofeng was almost stunned by Liu Fuguo's stuttering.She was so angry that she had the idea of ​​kicking her partner over.

"Hey, don't worry! However, this public phone call is from the coastline villa area. The surveillance video has been called up just now, hey, guess who it is?" Liu Fuguo ignored Sun Xiaofeng's jump , Continue to play the second round of I ask you answer game slowly.

"Liu-Fu-Guo, you...should you tell me? If not, I'll go to the technical department for investigation!" Really unable to bear Liu Fuguo's trickery, Sun Xiaofeng jumped downstairs angrily.

"Hey, hey, hey, Sun Xiaofeng, don't worry! I'll tell you if you don't have to. It's that, that Shouhouyang, the guy next to Guo Shengguo." Liu Fuguo hurriedly blocked Sun Xiaofeng's way, and quickly My own mystery was revealed.

"Shouhouyang? Which Shouyang? Could it be...Wu Youyang? Wu Qingdong's son?" Sun Xiaofeng patted his head, and blurted out the target person's name after a little thought.

"Yes, it's Wu Youyang, Wu Qingdong's son! I mean, why can't the second generations just sit still for a few days?" Liu Fuguo quickly confirmed Sun Xiaofeng's guess, but he was also very puzzled in his heart. What did these people do? Problem, I have nothing to do all day looking for something to do.

"It's so lively here! One is Guo Shengguo, the son of Guo Jingye, the executive vice mayor of Donggui City People's Government, the other is Jiang Boya, the son of Jiang Yanghai, director of Donggui Maritime Supervision Bureau, and the other is Gao Junye, Donggui City Gui The son of Gao Muyang, the mayor of the urban district, now has another Wu Youyang, the son of Wu Qingdong, secretary general of the Donggui Municipal Party Committee... I said, how did these people have sons? Why are they more bastards than each other?" Sun Xiaofeng was leaning on the stairs, while stroking her chin with her hands very ladylikely, at the same time cursing very fiercely with the Three Character Classic.

"Isn't it?! Who did these bastards offend? But, having said that, who dares to attack these young masters? Three of them have already been eunuched, and I guess they will continue." There is a fourth, even a fifth, a sixth... hey, hey, hey, Sun Xiaofeng, you wait for me..." Liu Fuguo continued to use the mathematical method taught by the music teacher to count one by one with his fingers. Sun Xiaofeng didn't seem to notice that he had already started walking downstairs.

"Liu Fuguo, go and find out how many people are still in Guo Shengguo's circle of pig friends and dog friends. By the way, where have these bastards been tossing people recently? Just find out what dirty things these bastards have done recently. Dirty things are coming, I believe this case will come to light soon. In this way, we can fully understand why he attacked these people, and his next target." Sun Xiaofeng went down the stairs Let's go, Holmes said to himself while stroking his smooth chin without any hair like weeds.

"He? Who is he? Are you and the captain hiding something from me? Sun Xiaofeng, talk to me!" Liu Fuguo followed Sun Xiaofeng's footsteps, but couldn't keep up with Sun Xiaofeng's train of thought.Liu Fuguo, who missed the midnight scene in Yuyuan, seemed to be unable to catch up with these people.

"Him? Which him? Male or female? Liu Fuguo, who are you fucking talking about?" Sun Xiaofeng stopped in his tracks, tilted his head and looked at Liu Fuguo beside him, with a dazed expression on his face.

"Just pretend! Sun Xiaofeng, let me tell you, your surname is Sun without pretending! You are just a grandson, just like a grandson! Hmph!" Liu Fuguo wanted to explode Sun Xiaofeng's head and look at this man What exactly is in the melon seeds in the mother-in-law's head.

"You're wrong! I don't have to pretend to be a granddaughter, you're the only grandson. Liu Fuguo, you're only a grandson, and you didn't even help me when I saw my sister go into the wolf's den. I haven't settled the score with you yet! You Dare to talk about me...Hmph! If you don’t want to die, get the hell out of here.” Sun Xiaofeng was scolded by Liu Fuguo but remembered that he was almost put together by the two hundred and five around him, and immediately bombarded Liu Fuguo stand up.

"How dare I? You didn't see the look on the boss's face. He just wanted to swallow you and me alive! Hehe, I know you have the ability to deal with the captain, so he will eat you! So..." Liu Fuguo had a dog-legged face, as if Sun Xiaofeng was his leader, not the newcomer he brought.

"Hmph! Liu Fuguo, get lost, sister! By the way, give me the car keys! Hurry up!" Sun Xiaofeng was very tough, and even the dispatcher was very sloppy.

"Xiaofeng, where are you going? Why don't you take me with you? Are you thinking about investigating the case secretly again?" Hearing this, Liu Fuguo hurriedly covered his trouser pocket subconsciously, for fear that Sun Xiaofeng would snatch it. his keys.

"It's okay, my sister is going to meet a handsome guy! By the way, my sister is going to have sex with him! Do you want my sister to take you to observe the scene? Follow...follow me! Keys, bring me! Hurry up! One...two...I stole it!" Sun Xiaofeng stretched out his finger slowly and waved it slowly in front of Liu Fuguo.Just when Liu Fuguo was about to say something, the car keys were already in Sun Xiaofeng's hands.

Sun Xiaofeng, who easily got the key, suddenly remembered that Lei Zhenxuan snatched her gun that day inexplicably, but the distance between her and Lei Zhenxuan at that time was simply unimaginable to her.

How did this damn Lei Zhenxuan do it...

Sun Xiaofeng, the temporary female Sherlock Holmes, suddenly became as sadly silent as Liu Fuguo.

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