Taoseguan Road

0256 Secret talk and broken back

Peachy Official Road 0256 Secret Talk and Broken Back

Weakly climbing into the driver's seat, Wang Dawang felt a very oppressive feeling spread from his heart to his limbs.He sat helplessly on the car, but couldn't think of where else he could go.

When the sun of the new day slowly climbed up from the eastern mountain, Wang Dawang, who was lying on the big bed in the office lounge, quietly opened his eyes.After lying in his office all night, he suddenly found that the life of occupying a big bed by himself is quite comfortable.At least he doesn't have to think about how to extract pleasure from the woman around him, and he doesn't need to pay attention to whether the woman on the bed has reached an orgasm.He just lay on the bed so quietly, enjoying his sleep so quietly.This may also be a new attempt.Wang Dawang suddenly understood why so many couples choose to spend weekends together and spend their days separately.

After washing up in the bathroom, Wang Dawang sat down at the desk and started the earliest work in the history of Tianma Bureau of Donggui City.He first sorted out all the wealth that belonged to Wang Dawang's body that had been looted, then destroyed all the evidence that might involve him in civil and criminal cases, and finally took away all the bank cards and identity documents related to wealth, as well as foreign documents. All the evidence of wealth transfer was put in a safe, ready to be deposited in the safe opened by Wang Dawang's body and another ID card as soon as the commercial bank opened.

After sorting out the relevant personal materials, Wang Dawang began to immerse himself in the task assigned to him by Cai Weiguo, which was the plan for the coastal defense construction of Donggui City.When Wang Dawang tapped the computer keyboard with his thick fingers, he suddenly discovered that his thinking can be so smooth, and his knowledge can also be so rich.As the owner of SW Procurement Office, Jiang Zhixiong has dealt with finance and procurement all his life, so it is not that difficult to deal with such a bidding plan.

Of course, the hard part is how to figure out what leadership means.Now that Cai Weiguo, who is the top leader in Donggui City, has already promised that all matters related to the coastal defense project will be handled by him, Wang Dawang, so Wang Dawang's thinking has been expanded instantly.

From sunrise to noon, Wang Dawang was busy at his desk.Wang Dawang didn't stop what he was doing until his almost hungry stomach couldn't take it anymore. He stood up from the chair and stretched himself.Walking to the sofa, Wang Dawang threw himself on the sofa, lit a cigarette slowly, and quietly enjoyed the rare moment of silence.

After resting enough, Wang Dawang printed out all the things he had sorted out all morning, bound them by himself, put them in his briefcase, and then started calling Dai Xiaoli.

However, what made Wang Dawang feel a little depressed was that Dai Xiaoli didn't seem to be in a high mood.Listening to Dai Xiaoli's cold words, Wang Dawang felt a basin of cold water pouring down on his head, which made his heart feel cool.After hanging up the phone, Wang Dawang went out with his briefcase under his arm.

When Wang Dawang came out of the elevator, he met Yang Weige and Li Dazhong who were guarding the guard room at the door as expected.Watching Yang Weige follow behind him all the way to the parking lot in front of the office building, and listening to Yang Weige's rambling report, Wang Dawang couldn't help feeling a little irritable.

"I know, from now on, you don't need to report to me the car shocks in the parking lot. By the way, Yang Weige, is the boss back to the office today?" Wang Dawang, who was about to dismiss Yang Weige in a few words, suddenly remembered that he had been in the office all morning. The office is quiet inside, and no one even comes to ask for instructions or disturb his quietness.Even Li Yizhi, who was caught in bed by him last night, did not dare to come to beg him, which made Wang Dawang feel a little lost while feeling peaceful.

"Boss? Yes, Deputy Director Wang, the boss above called David Qun into the office early in the morning. I don't know what they were discussing, but they stayed there for almost an hour muttering. Director Wang, what do you say?" Do I need to report this matter?" I don't know if he was really scared by the ghost of Wang Dawang's body at that time, anyway, Yang Weige's legs trembled when he saw Wang Dawang.But he had to go forward to deal with Wang Dawang, and even worried that Li Dazhong would rob him of the opportunity to show his merits.

"Really? Maybe both of them have a penchant for broken backs!" After listening to this, Wang Dawang raised his eyebrows silently, and said a word that almost shocked Yang Weige on the spot.

"Wang, wang, wang, Director Wang, is what you said true? Boss Xiao is really the same as that kid David Qun..." Yang Weige suddenly had an expression of enlightenment, which made Wang Dawang almost collapsed. .

"Yang Weige, what are you talking about? How could I say that? Don't just make up things! It will be a disaster if someone hears it." Wang Dawang stroked his forehead weakly, and quickly told Yang Weige a few words.But in Yang Weige's eyes, his two exhortations are equivalent to trying to cover up.These few words of Wang Dawang are invisibly an authoritative affirmation for Yang Weige's conjecture.

"Wang Bureau, I understand! I understand, I won't talk nonsense, I won't talk nonsense. God knows, you know, I know, no one else knows. I will keep it secret, and I will keep it secret." Yang Weige hurriedly pulled his mouth He opened an invisible zipper, and vowed to be the head of the Bureau of Secrecy.

"Uh..." Wang Dawang looked at the sky speechlessly, not wanting to continue talking to Yang Weige.

The first reason why Wang Dawang chose to leave was that the more he described, the darker he said, the more mistakes he made, and it is better to say less.The second reason was that he really didn't have time. He had to rush to the Donggui City Government Building within the time he agreed to deliver the plan in the briefcase to Dai Xiaoli, and then through Dai Xiaoli to Cai Weiguo.If Cai Weiguo agrees, this plan will be submitted to the Party Committee of Donggui Tianma Bureau for discussion.Of course, the result of the discussion must be unanimously approved.Regardless of whether there was any objection, or whether there was any objection raised on the spot, this plan approved by Cai Weiguo must be passed unanimously.

This is a rule, a rule that everyone knows well.

When Wang Dawang drove his jeep towards the Donggui Municipal Party Committee building, he suddenly found that Li Yizhi was unusually quiet today.According to Li Yizhi's personality, he was caught on the spot by his immediate boss last night on the bed of his ex-wife, no matter how helpless he had to appear in front of Wang Dawang holding his thigh and crying bitterly. Yu Dai Shishi's.However, what is very unusual is that Li Yizhi did not appear in front of Wang Dawang today.This had to make Wang Dawang pay more attention.When he parked the car in the parking lot in front of the municipal party committee office building, Wang Dawang regretted not asking Yang Weige whether Li Yizhi was at work today.

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