The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 201 The Sword Demon Walks Alone

Chapter 1 The Sword Demon Walks Alone

On the old map, many red lines are densely drawn, leading directly to the sword mound. 26nbsp;

Following the instructions of the map step by step, Liu Tian and Han Xian moved forward cautiously.

Before they knew it, the two had entered the sword mound.If you watch from a distance, you will find that the figures of Liu Tian and Han Xian are twisting and disappearing with the distortion of the sword mound.

In the sword mound, it is not as good as what the outside world sees.In it, everything is real, the canyons are continuous, and the peaks are competing for heights, pointing directly at the sky.Here, Liu Tian and Han Xian dare not be careless. The surrounding area of ​​the dangerous sword mound here is incomparable, and there will be space cracks that swallow everything from time to time. If you don’t follow the map, you will be smashed and destroyed within a minute. .

The final destination of thousands of red lines is the peak standing between the sky and the earth.On the way to the peak, Liu Tian saw many dense bones, some people and some beasts.


A crack in space suddenly appeared, completely devouring a huge rock, and then slowly disappeared.The hearts of the two were beating in shock.

"Han Xian, you have to be careful, you can't make a mistake in one step, otherwise you will be forever!" Liu Tian tightly held Han Xian's slender hand, and every time he took a step, he had to carefully look at the map to avoid mistakes. He didn't want to make mistakes at a critical moment. , All previous efforts were wasted.


Stepping on the road guided by the red line, the two walked towards the peak.From time to time, space cracks appeared around the two of them.In the crack, it seems to be boundless. After everything goes in, it can never come out, and it will be turned into dust and stay in the crack of space forever.

After about an hour, the two finally arrived below the peak. There was only one red line leading to the peak on the map, and space cracks and space collapse would appear on the path outside the red line from time to time.However, the most terrifying thing is the power of space without a trace, and its existence cannot be detected at all.Liu Tian once threw a stone beyond the red line, and the stone disappeared quietly within five meters.And the power of space will change, it may be here at one moment, and disappear at the next moment.

It took four hours for Liu Tian and Han Xian to climb to the top of the peak. At this time, the sky was already dark, and the bright moon hung in the night sky again.

An ancient temple sits quietly on the top of the peak. The ancient temple is covered with dust. Half of the horizontal plaque has been hanging in the void, and it seems that it may fall at any time. The words Zhenmo Ancient Temple can be faintly seen on the horizontal plaque.Weeds are overgrown, and there is no road leading to the ancient temple, all are covered by weeds.

Liu Tian took out the map, and a beam of brilliant light shot out from the map, condensing into a light map.

"There is no red line here, so there is no danger?" Liu Tian muttered, picking up a stone on the ground and throwing it forward.


The stone fell to the ground intact, without any change.Liu Tian threw several more pieces one after another, and they all fell safely on the ground.

"There is no danger here, let's enter the ancient temple." Liu Tian said.


The two easily walked to the ancient temple, looking at the dilapidated scene, a little sighed.


Liu Tian was terrified. As soon as he stepped into the ancient temple, his blood boiled, and a familiar feeling rose in his heart.

After walking a few more steps and entering the exterior of the ancient temple, Liu Tian saw a stone statue, which was a lifelike big bird that was about to fly.

"What's that?" Hanxian asked pointing at the stone statue. She didn't have Liutian's daytime skills, so she could only rely on the torch, so she couldn't see the true face of the stone statue.

"It's just a bird, but I've never seen this kind of bird. It's strange, why don't there be Buddha statues in ancient temples, but stone statues of birds?"

Liu Tian and Han Xian walked over the stone statue and walked towards the interior of the ancient temple.

Inside the ancient temple, a huge Buddha statue rests on the ground, majestic and majestic, but unfortunately it is also covered with dust from the world.

Passing over the stone statue, Liu Tian was surprised to find that there was a stone statue behind the Buddha statue, and the stone statue was carved with a person.The human-shaped stone statue is spotless, unlike the Buddha statue that is occupied by dust.

The human-shaped stone statue is carrying a long sword on its back, wearing ancient armor, and presumably also a swordsman.

Looking at this stone statue, Liu Tian couldn't help stretching out his hand, and gently placed it on the stone statue. Suddenly, Liu Tian's eyes went dark, the sky and the earth changed, and everything in front of him disappeared.

"Where is this place?" Liu Tian exclaimed, as soon as he opened his eyes, he found himself in a state of chaos.With his shout, the chaos gradually dissipated, revealing the true face of this place, a plain.

On the plain, a stone statue stands still, as if it is connected with the green grass and the sky.This stone statue is exactly the human-shaped stone statue Liu Tian had just seen in the ancient temple.

"Aren't I in the ancient temple? Why did I get here in the blink of an eye?" Liu Tian frowned and looked around: "Could it be because of it?"

Liu Tian's eyes focused on the humanoid stone statue.After gazing for a long time, he finally picked up his pace, and slowly approached the human-shaped stone statue step by step.

The closer he got to the human-shaped stone statue, the more blood in Liu Tian's blood boiled, and he seemed to be on fire.When Liu Tian was face to face with the human-shaped stone statue, Liu Tian couldn't help but stretched out a hand towards the human-shaped stone statue.


As soon as Liu Tian's hand came into contact with the human-shaped stone statue, a terrifying scene was born.Layers of stone skin rustled from the body of the human-shaped stone statue.A moment later, a living man wearing silver light armor and carrying a silver long sword appeared in front of Liu Tian, ​​causing him to back away quickly in shock.

The man slightly turned his head to look at Liu Tian, ​​then raised his head to look at the sky, his handsome face showed no trace of emotion, and his pupils were extremely empty.

Liu Tian stared at the man vigilantly, with his right hand already holding the hilt of the Star Killing Sword, ready to strike at any time.


After an unknown amount of time, a cold light shone across the world, and the long sword on the man's back was unsheathed, pointing at the blue sky obliquely, and cold light circulated on Xue Liang's body.


Half of the Xingxing sword was unsheathed, and the word "Xingxing" just exposed.

The man pointed at the blue sky obliquely for a long time, and finally moved. With a slight pull of the silver long sword, a series of sword flowers appeared, one after another blooming in the void, and only after one dissipated and the other appeared.

"Excellent." Liu Tian had to praise, the man's sword skills were exquisite and he was very precise.


The man took a step, seemingly erratic and light, but when he stepped on the ground, half of his foot sank into the ground.


Stepping out step by step, leaving footprints on the ground one after another, the speed of the man's stepping out became faster and faster, and soon turned into an afterimage.Soon, Liu Tian only saw a series of afterimages slowly dissipating in the void, and it was difficult to see the man's true face clearly.

"It would be great if this was my skill." Liu Tian murmured, looking at the man enviously. If he mastered this kind of pace, his strength could be improved a lot: "Yes, my skill? With a man's strength, how could So deep footprints on the ground? Could it be..."

Liu Tian suppressed the excitement in his heart, put aside his vigilance temporarily, and slowly approached the first footprint.


Liu Tian put the long sword back into its sheath, stepped into the footprints left by the man, and began to step forward step by step in the man's footsteps.

In the beginning, Liu Tian fell down several times, and the seemingly scattered footprints seemed to imply some kind of rules, which were difficult to grasp.However, gradually, Liu Tian got used to his footprints, and followed the steps left by the man step by step, and the speed became faster and faster.

"?do not come!"

Liu Tian screamed, unknowingly, the man had already stepped on this set of footwork and started again. His speed was naturally not comparable to Liu Tian's, but within half a minute, he was about to catch up with Liu Tian.Moreover, at this moment Liu Tian wanted to stop but couldn't stop, and he couldn't help but move to the next step.


Liu Tian screamed in horror, just now the man actually passed through him!He can't feel the existence of the man either!It seems that the two are in two different time and space!

Secretly heaving a sigh of relief, Liu Tian concentrated on practicing his steps.

"Huh, finally finished all the steps." At some point, Liu Tian let out a sigh of relief, he finally finished the footprints left by the man.


Just as Liu Tian was about to step forward, a sudden soreness rushed in. Caught off guard, Liu Tian fell to the ground, struggling but couldn't get up again.

"Damn, how did this happen? Didn't you feel good just now? Why don't you have any strength now." Liu Tian cursed in a low voice.


At this time, the man finished his footwork again, passed by his side as if he had never seen Liu Tian, ​​returned to the first footprint, and started to practice his steps again.

After resting for a long time, Liu Tiancai was relieved from the state of collapse and began to practice footwork.


Liu Tian fell again at the end of his footwork.


Again, at the end of the gait lies a man.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player for eternally comprehending the footwork, the sword demon walks alone!"

When Liu Tian finished his footwork again, the system notification finally came.At this time, he was finishing his footwork, and he would never collapse from collapse again.

"Sure enough, I can comprehend it. However, the footwork is called Sword Demon Walking alone. Could it be related to the Sword Demon profession?"

Liu Tian lamented that during the practice period, he could already appreciate the wonderful footwork.

"Sword Demon walks alone!"

Unable to restrain the excitement in his heart, Liu Tian stepped out of the sword demon walking alone, his figure was as erratic as an ethereal fairy.

On the plain, when Liu Tian exhibited the sword demon walking alone, the man stopped and looked at Liu Tian quietly.


Liu Tian let out a long cry. With his current strength, if he hadn't stepped on the man's footsteps, he could only take about one-tenth of the footwork.However, what excites Liu Tian the most is that his footwork can be changed as he likes.

Sword Demon lone step [Elementary]:

【Proficiency】: 10%.

[Skill Effect]:

Can use mysterious footwork to assist in battle, and the speed can be increased by at least 30%.

[Casting distance]: Self.

[Casting time]: None.

【Cooling time】: 1 minutes.

[Skill consumption]: 600 point of true energy.

"! 600 points of true energy, that's a lot." Liu Tian frowned. This footwork consumes a lot of true energy. If he didn't step on the footprints left by the man just now, it would be a question of whether he could complete all the steps. .

"Footwork should be a skill that will appear later in the game. No one can consume enough energy now. After using this, there are not many skills left." Liu Tian muttered. It's a tasteless one.


A sword 'chan' came, Liu Tian hurriedly looked towards the source of the sound, only to see the man holding the long sword flat in front of him.

"Why is it a bit like a sword technique? Could it be..." Liu Tian muttered, looking at the man fervently, perhaps, he will get another sword technique.


The man finally moved, and stepped straight out with mysterious footwork, striking out with a sword, sometimes like a stormy sea, sometimes like continuous drizzle.The sword light is like the stars in the sky, and it lasts for a long time.The sword shadows overlapped one after another, one sword superimposed one sword.

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