Chapter 230

Forest of Trials. 26nbsp;

Liu Tian came out with a killing sword, and went to the edge of the battlefield, obliterating many players along the way. Behind him was Tianxuan and an extremely wretched figure.


Just after rushing out of the battlefield, thunder and lightning intertwined in the sky, and a large net formed of intertwined thunder and lightning was pressed down from the sky, and the sound of crackling and crackling exploded in the ears of the two of them.

"It's really bad." Liu Tian lamented, he saw that Lei Wang wasn't targeting him or Tianxuan, it was just bad luck that he happened to be within Lei Wang's attack range.Originally, he could have retreated alone, but with Tianxuan behind him, it was impossible for him to escape alone.

"Falling stars!"

Just when Liu Tian was troubled, a voice came from behind him.Immediately, he saw countless starlights converging, forming three pillars of starlight under the thunder net!

"Retrograde and cut down the sky!"

The sound came again, and the three beams of light unexpectedly moved upwards, splitting the thunder net into pieces, and finally disappeared after being randomly picked by Liu Tian's long sword.

Looking behind him, Liu Tian saw a handsome man wearing a moon robe with a five-star ring. At this moment, this man was looking at him with a smile, not to mention his wretched smile, and a person flashed in Liu Tian's heart.

Ye Tianxiang.

"This guy is of the same type as Tianxiang, obscene." Liu Tian thought to himself, and finally bowed his hands: "Thank you, see you again by fate. Tianxuan, let's go."

"You're welcome." He smiled.

After casually beheading several attacking players, Liu Tian and Tianxuan quickly left the battlefield, and just before walking to a tree, the right eye of God was shocked!

"On the right! No..." Liu Tian had a premonition that the assassin was on the right side of a tree, but he found that the tree was two meters away from him, and only half a meter away from the one he had fled all the way from, showing the assassin's attack. The target is not him, but wretched.

At this moment, he was still smiling, thankful for escaping from the battlefield.Because, this kind of melee spiritual cultivator is at a disadvantage, and if he is accidentally entangled by a melee profession, it will definitely be a disaster.


The killing sword slashed obliquely, blasting out two sword qi in an instant, knocking out the assassin who had just appeared in seconds.

"Brother, you are truly a god." Looking at the assassin who fell in front of him with a dagger in his hand, he wiped his sweat in shock, secretly thinking that it was dangerous.


Liu Tian and Tian Xuan parted ways, and the two marched deeper into the forest of trials from the other direction.

Somewhere in the Forest of Trials.

"Thank you today, eternity." Tianxuan stood quietly in front of Liu Tian like a snow lotus, although she said so, her eyes were very flat, as if she was detached.

"You're welcome, at least the two of us have taken risks together." Liu Tian waved his hands and said with a smile, he felt inexplicable pity for Tianxuan in his heart, maybe it was because Tianxuan rejected people thousands of miles away.

"Oh." Tianxuan nodded: "Then, let's just say goodbye."

"Uh, do you want to go with me? Maybe I can protect you." Liu Tian asked.

"No, no need." Liu Tian's words seemed to touch a certain chord in Tianxuan's heart, and her heart throbbed inexplicably.

Liu Tian was a little disappointed, and said: "Oh, see you next time, be extremely careful in the trial forest, players will attack you at any time."

Tianxuan nodded lightly, holding a torch, walked towards the forest of trials, and slowly passed away.

"Ding dong, player Tianxuan wants to be friends with you, do you accept?"

When Tianxuan completely disappeared from Liu Tian's vision, a system prompt spread in Liu Tian's mind.

"Accept." Liu Tian whispered: "This weird girl is really weird."

"Kill back!" Liu Tian rushed towards the battlefield. He didn't have much experience for leveling up. It is estimated that he would be able to level up by beheading more than a dozen players.

"Earth Demon Sword!"

After rushing into the battlefield, Liu Tian immediately summoned the Earth Demon Sword, and immediately two players died.Immediately, holding the killing sword covered with the sword gang, he slaughtered wantonly in the crowd, almost one by one, and white light flashed frequently under his sword.

"Ding dong, the player's eternal level 23 experience is full, level up to level 24, strength +1, constitution +1, agility +1, spirit +1, free attribute points +5, life value +10, true energy value +10, the state recovery is the fastest Good, the upgrade reward of the Indestructible Origin Race, constitution +1, spirit +1, free attribute point +1, life value +5, true energy value +5"

After the upgrade prompt sounded, Liu Tian dodged into the forest and continued to explore the forest of trials.

"Ding Dong, you have been online for sixteen hours, please log out immediately."


After bathing and dressing, Liu Tian walked out of the room.

"What's the matter with you? Has something happened?"

As soon as Liu Tian came out of the room, he saw that all the girls were already in the living room, surrounding Zhang Long who was about to cry, with resentment flickering between his eyebrows.

"Brother, Long'er was bullied by other players in the Forest of Trials." Liu Ruoxi walked up to Liu Tian and said angrily.

"Bullyed? Who bullied Long'er?" Liu Tian hurried forward, came to Zhang Long, held her small hand with his big hand, his eyes were icy cold, and comforted him softly: "Long'er, who bullied you? My brother said, I will settle accounts with him!"

"Brother..." Zhang Long threw herself into Liu Tian's arms, sobbing, her exquisite body trembling slightly, and there were still a few teardrops on her eyelashes.

"Hey, tell brother, whoever bullies you, I will definitely make him pay the price." Liu Tian smoothed Zhang Long's beautiful hair and said softly.

"Liu Tian, ​​yes, it's Tianhuo Biaofeng." Yang Lan said hesitantly, now that she knew the strength of Tianhuo Guild, she was afraid of causing trouble for Liu Tian.

"He's looking for death!" Liu Tian said word by word, his eyes were burning with anger, he was worried about Zhang Long's mistake.

"How does this bastard, Tianhuo Biaofeng, bully Long'er?"

"Brother, Tianhuo Biaofeng has no shame, first attacked Long'er first, and then wanted to molested Long'er, because Long'er was extremely disgusted with Tianhuo Biaofeng, the system automatically judged him as soon as his dirty hands touched Long'er's body This is a violation of women's sex. A thunder fell from the sky and chopped him half to death. However, Tianhuo Biaofeng wanted to use the battle to make a move on Zhang Long. Back to the city."

"This bastard and scum, you should be punished! Even Long'er is bullied!" Liu Tian hugged Zhang Long, comfortingly said: "Long'er, don't be sad, this brother Qiu will definitely avenge you!"


The Trial Conference started, and Zhang Long was randomly sent to the Red Maple Forest of the Trial Forest, where tall and straight red maple trees grew, and the fiery red maple leaves were swaying in the sky.In the air, maple leaves fluttered down one by one, and there was also a layer of red maple leaves on the ground, which was very beautiful.

"Wow, it's so beautiful here." Zhang Long exclaimed, holding her small face, looking at everything around her, with a sweet smile on her face.

Originally, Zhang Long wanted to stay here forever in a whimsical way, but other players were teleported here soon. Zhang Long had a high level at the beginning, and she was forced to escape, but he just got out of the wolf's mouth and into the tiger' hole'.

"Haha, little girl, we are so destined to meet each other here." Zhang Long didn't expect that she had just escaped from the wolf's mouth of other players, and unexpectedly encountered the sky fire!

"You, you..." Zhang Long looked a little panicked, and shouted: "We are not destined, you go, go, go away."

"Go away? Impossible!" Tianhuo Biaofeng's face suddenly became ferocious, his eyes were 'stern', and he stared fiercely at Zhang Long: "I'll see who can save you today!"

After all, Tianhuo Biaofeng took the lead in attacking Zhang Long with a long spear. Zhang Long rushed to fight, and was still alone, and was soon bullied by him.

"Hey, little beauty." Tianhuo Biaofeng smiled wretchedly, approaching Zhang Long extremely, and even grabbed Zhang Long's little hand with one hand.In a hurry, Zhang Long couldn't dodge in time, and his wrist was held by him.

"Oh, help me, let go of your stinky hands..." Zhang Long shouted, struggling desperately.


A thunder from the sky descended into the world, and it struck down with fury, killing only half of the life left by the sky fire.

"Ding Dong, you have raped a woman once, if you rape a woman for the second time, the experience of this level will be reduced by 50%, and you will have no experience in killing monsters within five days."

"Damn, it's bad luck." Tianhuo Biaofeng was very upset, and charged at Zhang Long again with a spear.Originally, he wanted to kill Zhang Long immediately, but after a second thought, he decided to use the battle to take advantage of Zhang Long, the little girl.It's just that Zhang Long was alert, discarded the trial order, and was sent back to the city.

After hearing Long'er's experience, Liu Tian was filled with endless anger.

"Long'er, don't be sad, I will settle accounts with this kind of scum!" Liu Tian comforted Zhang Long in a low voice, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

"Brother, thank you, you must beat him hard." Zhang Long was angry, her big nimble eyes were full of dissatisfaction, her little nose twitched, she was really cute.

"Long'er, it's okay, don't be angry about this kind of thing." Liu Tian gently comforted Zhang Long, thinking to himself: "Beat him hard? It's not so cheap!"

"Lan'er, how are you doing in the forest of trials?"

"When I first entered, I was almost attacked by other players." Yang Lan frowned slightly: "However, it's much better now, and I should be able to sustain it."

"I was killed out of the forest of trials." Su Yan said weakly, her eyes were a little red.

"It's okay, the Forest of Trials is not suitable for girls, it's better if you come out earlier." Liu Tian comforted.

Zhang Long said sadly: "Brother, we won't be able to see you in the game for a month."

"Little fool, don't we meet every day in reality?" Liu Tian laughed dumbfounded.

"That's right." Hearing this, Zhang Long burst into tears, and pressed her small face against his chest.

"No." Su Yan shook her head in dissatisfaction, a trace of sadness flashed across her dim eyes, and said aggrievedly: "In reality, I can't see my brother."

Su Yan's words made Liu Tian's heart sink slightly. He was immersed in leveling this month, and he almost forgot Su Yan, a beautiful woman who relied on him very much.

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