The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 232 Wild Beast Tide

Chapter 232 Wild Beast 'Tide'

A Huasong shining with five colors of light was lying on the ground together with the corpse of the colorful rooster king. On the front of the Huashang was embroidered a big phoenix with fluttering wings in five colors, which was extremely gorgeous. 26nbsp;It's just that the swordsman and the warrior didn't see it, only the scene of the gun fighter falling in their eyes.

"I'm going to kill you!" The soldier roared, his eyes were red, and he ran towards Liu Tian in anger.


The swordsman was much faster than the fighters, and came first after the attack. He was the first to confront Liu Tian, ​​but he was firmly suppressed by Liu Tian, ​​and he didn't even have a chance to release his skills. A sense of powerlessness rose from the bottom of his heart.

"Strength cut!"

Holding a shield in one hand and a knife in the other, the warrior finally arrived. The long knife slashed down angrily, shining brightly. It was an ordinary blow, but there was compelling pressure, and all the strength in his body exploded at this moment.


The sword light swept across the sky, interweaved and covered, covering Liu Tian's body in an instant, protecting his front half, facing the warrior's forceful slash.

"Sword Qi Slash!"

The warrior's blow was enough to defeat the sword light, and the swordsman immediately made a move, and the long sword blasted out two sword qi, which cooperated seamlessly, forcing Liu Tian to retreat again.

"You must die today!" The soldier roared, holding a shield and bullying him again, just as Liu Tian wanted to fight back, a cold voice rang out.

"Third-rate sword light!"

Three streams of sword light: swordsman skill, condenses three streamer-like real sword lights, and slashes out, each sword light contains 0% air attack damage.


The white light gathered, and quickly condensed three strips of real sword light, the tip of which was sharper than a sword. The swordsman raised his arms, and the three sword lights shot out vigorously, flying towards Liu Tian, ​​like a shooting star in the sky, the speed is heart-stopping shock.

His complexion changed slightly, Liu Tian's figure quickly slid back, and the killing sword Huanwu blocked two sword lights one after another, but was hit by the third sword light in the chest.


"Splitting the mountain!"

Cracking Mountain Slash: Warrior skill, consumes 300 points of true qi, and strikes a powerful blow, which has 300% physical attack damage.

The soldier strode forward, his eyes burning with anger, he finally shouted out the strongest battle voice, and the mountain cracking strike slashed down in anger. It made a noise, as if being chopped apart.The timing of this knife cut was just right, so Liu Tian couldn't avoid it at all, and could only fight head-on.


With the power of a single blow, Liu Tiansheng retreated half a meter, and the tiger's mouth trembled in pain.

"Damn, bad luck." Liu Tian thought to himself, his figure shot out quickly, the long sword trembled, and a sword gang appeared, following Liu Tian's thoughts, he slashed towards the two of them.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for killing the player's wheel forever. Since you are in the forest of trials, you will not be punished for killing any player."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for killing the player's knife forever. Since you are in the forest of trials, you will not be punished for killing any player."

Liu Tian stepped over the two corpses under his feet and walked towards the corpse of the colorful rooster king. The two of them didn't see the colorful clothes next to the colorful rooster king, but he did.

This dress is extremely gorgeous, with colorful lights flowing. Although this dress is based on the palace costumes of ancient Chinese concubines, it is more gorgeous than palace costumes and has exquisite workmanship.On it, besides a colorful and lifelike big phoenix embroidered on the front of the clothes, five small phoenix heads in one color are also embroidered on other parts of the clothes.They guard the big phoenix.Five-colored phoenix tails are tied with five-colored ribbons, which sway lightly in the wind, giving people the illusion that the five-colored phoenix will fly high.

【Colorful Phoenix Clothes】Soldier-grade Top Grade:

[Equipment Durability]: 6000/6000.

[Equipment Category]: Clothes.

[Wearing requirements]: Female, spiritual practitioner.

[Wearing level]: Level 18.

【Accompanied effect】:

Physical attack: 50-60.

Qi attack: 60-70.

Physical defense: 1-140.

Gas defense: 160-180.

[Included skills]:

Divine light sweeps the world:

[Skill Effect]:

Divine Light Sweeping the World, the strongest killing technique transformed from the colorful rooster king, can sweep out five attacking divine lights.However, spiritual practitioners can only call out a divine light that matches their own attributes to kill the enemy. This divine light contains 250% air attack damage.

[Casting distance]: Within eight meters.

[Casting time]: 1 seconds.

【Cooling time】: 5 minutes.

[Skill Consumption]: 250 True Qi.

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

"The colorful phoenix clothes match the name of Tianqiong very well."

Putting the multicolored phoenix clothes into the dragon soul ring, when Liu Tian was about to take a step forward, a stream of five colors flashed by the corner of his eyes.


A round, multicolored bead was half covered by the corpse of the colorful rooster king. If Liu Tian hadn't been attracted by the colorful brilliance, this bead would have missed him.

This multicolored divine bead started out warm and moist, and the bead was filled with five-color mist, which was very strange. Suddenly, the five-color mist rolled over, and a magnificent peacock king appeared on the bead, and its tail feathers were five-colored. Color', but the five 'color' peacock kings only appeared for a moment, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

[Colorful Peacock Beads] Unknown rank:

Need to identify.

Cannot be discarded, can be dropped, can be traded, can be stolen.

"Colorful peacock beads, what is this?" Liu Tian put the five-color peacock beads into the Dragon Soul Ring suspiciously, and continued to go deep into the forest of trials.

At dusk, in the trial forest, all the beasts howled together, which was a sign of the "tide" of wild beasts.

"Ding dong, players in the trial, please note that the first wave of wild beasts has begun. During this period, the experience of all monsters has increased by 35%, and the explosion rate has increased by 10%. And, in the forest of trials Players in the trial cannot go offline, nor can they go online. In addition, each player must go through nine wild beast 'tides', if there is one less, they will be disqualified from the trial."

"Ding dong, players in the trial, please note that the first wave of wild beasts has begun. During this period, the experience of all monsters has increased by 35%, and the explosion rate has increased by 10%. And, in the forest of trials Players in the trial cannot go offline, nor can they go online. In addition, each player must go through nine wild beast 'tides', if there is one less, they will be disqualified from the trial."

"Ding dong, players in the trial, please note that the first wave of wild beasts has begun. During this period, the experience of all monsters has increased by 35%, and the explosion rate has increased by 10%. And, in the forest of trials Players in the trial cannot go offline, nor can they go online. In addition, each player must go through nine wild beast 'tides', if there is one less, they will be disqualified from the trial."

The system notified three times before and after, and the three times were over. During the trial, all the beasts had rioted, and the "tide" of wild beasts had officially begun!

"Fuck, can't it? This is fatal."

In front of them, nearly a hundred sharp-horned forest cows rushed towards them, their thick noses exhaled white air, and the momentum was so loud that the area they stepped on with their strong limbs trembled.

"Han Xian!"

Liu Tian quickly summoned Han Xian.As soon as she appeared, Liu Tian immediately took her jade hand and said, "Quick, fly to the tree."

Climbing up the giant tree, looking at a group of monsters rushing by under the tree, Liu Tian was secretly startled. In just 10 minutes, there have been four or five waves of monsters rushing out from the depths of the trial forest. Many trees were knocked crooked.

"I don't know what happened to Lan'er and the others, I hope they are safe and well." Liu Tian said to himself, originally he wanted to go offline, but the system prompted that he could not go offline: "Damn, this system is cheating, no It’s enough to let people go offline, even the ‘tide’ of wild beasts has to be ‘forced’ to experience the player, if the experience reaches nine times, they will be disqualified from the trial.”

Goo... Birds chirped in the sky, like the sound of war drums. Liu Tian looked up to the sky, only to see the blackness and the cold light of sharp claws.

Hundreds of black-feathered eagles shot from far away, and the birdsong shook the sky and deafened the ears.

【Black Feather Eagle】Soldier-level top-rank:

Level: Level 13.

Health: 6/6.

True Chi value: 300/300.

Although the level of the black-feathered eagles is not high, the number is horrifying. This is also the system that prevents players who can fly from flying over the trial forest to the trial platform.

Ga... Nearly a hundred black-feathered eagles rushed towards Liu Tian's position.Seeing this, Liu Tian hurriedly called Han Xian to go back under the tree and fight in the air. He was at a disadvantage. He would rather fight the beast tide on the ground than the birds.

Walking through the 'tide' of wild beasts, Liu Tian used the giant tree to cover himself, and shot out several swords from time to time, instantly killing monsters one by one.Although it was easier for him to kill monsters, he also did not dare to be careless. If he accidentally drowned in the crowd of monsters, he would only die.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for killing the earth bear forever. Since the experience has increased by 35%, the player will gain 1035 experience forever."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for killing the earth bear forever. Since the experience has increased by 35%, the player will gain 1035 experience forever."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for killing the earth bear forever. Since the experience has increased by 35%, the player will gain 1035 experience forever."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for killing the earth bear forever. Since the experience has increased by 35%, the player will gain 1035 experience forever."

A series of system prompts resounded in Liu Tian's mind. He killed a lot of ground bears, and dropped several pieces of equipment, but it was too late to pick them up. In the end, they were all washed away by the ferocious monster tide, which made Liu Tian feel a pain in his heart. .

"This is equipment, ahem, it's all money."

Chichi... The tide of ground furbolgs ended, the rats hissed, and a group of black mice the size of domestic pigs screamed and attacked in his direction.

【Sharp Claw Rat】Soldier-level top-rank:

Level: Level 16.

Health: 8/8.

True Chi value: 400/400.

The Clawed Mouse is about the size of a domestic pig, with a pair of sharp claws.

The sharp-clawed mice came rushing in like a 'tide', Liu Tian's scalp was numb, and he was thinking about how to deal with the enemy.

"Drowsy formation!"

The sword formation broke through the ground, trapping Liu Tian and an ancient tree in it, and Liu Tian walked to the edge of the trapped formation like a fish in water.

"Star Kill!"

Fifteen star swords fell, killing at least five sharp-clawed mice.

"Earth Demon Sword!"


Two claw mice were instantly killed.

Liu Tian released his skills in the trapped formation, but under the strange 'tide', the trapped formation could not last for a long time, and finally collapsed with a crackling sound. Fortunately, there was still an ancient tree for Liu Tian to hide in.

Soon after, this wave of monsters ended, and a new wave of monsters came.

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