Chapter 250

Walking out of the wild slope, Liu Tian entered a bloody forest. 26nbsp;The trees growing in this forest are all blood-colored, with blood-colored trunks, branches, and leaves.There is also a touch of blood in the forest.As soon as he entered this forest, a violent killing intent suddenly rose in Liu Tian's heart.

"This forest can also arouse my killing intent." Liu Tian sighed slightly. Although the killing god's profession is extraordinary, it also has great flaws. If he can't solve the killing intent, will he become a killing machine?The influence of the Killing God Order is real, and it is not invalid because this is a game and he is a player.

Not long after entering the blood forest, two players walked towards them, an archer and an earth-type spiritual practitioner.

"Arrowfinger and Shieldman are both level 19..." Liu Tian chanted the two names, which was the information he got from the glance.Now the lowest level on the level list is level 25, and Liu Tian has also risen to level [-] a few days ago.

Arrow Finger and Shield Guard looked at each other, nodded, and moved out suddenly.The shield guards were in front, darting towards Liu Tian, ​​pointing their arrows behind, bending their bows and nodding their arrows.


The shield guards entangled Liu Tian, ​​entangled with the latter boldly, this side of the void was filled with endless shadows of swords and swords, the sword groaned and the knives sang, and the shield guards were restraining Liu Tian, ​​creating opportunities for the arrows.

"Wind Crack Arrow!"

call out.

When the shield guard's long knife and Liu Tian's life-killing sword were lingering to death, the arrow finger instantly stretched the bow, and shot out two unparalleled streamers.

Liu Tianpiao took a step back, and the sword light skill blasted out casually. With a bang, the wooden arrow hit the sword light guard, causing [-] points of damage to Liu Tian's head.The shield guard took the opportunity to bully himself, activated his power slashing skill, and slashed on the sword light.



There is also a damage from the shield guard's head. This is the anti-kill effect of the sword light skill. While offsetting 30% of the damage, it will also bring 10% of physical attack damage to the enemy.

"Electric switch!"

Body like a wild goose, Liu Tian flew out and shouted loudly: "Earth Demon Sword!"


The shield guard just stepped on the crack with his foot, and was anxious, and was about to pull out his right foot with all his strength, but a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and the Earth Demon Sword rushed out of the crack, cutting a huge mark on his thigh.At the same time, Liu Tian killed with the sword gang in his hand, and after slashing several swords, he left a corpse, stepped on the lightning, and rushed to the next target - the arrow finger.


The three wooden arrows struck with a speed of lightning, but Liu Tian had already fixed his eyes on him, and as soon as the long arrows left the string, he dodged a position.Soon, the arrow finger was overtaken by him, several swords were slashed, and he also fell to the ground.

Walking in the bloody forest, at some point, another system prompt sounded.

"Ding Dong, since there are 100 players left and they are on the No.16 floor, another method of calculating the ranking is used. Except for the 17 players who entered the No.49 floor, the remaining 51 players are on the sixteenth floor of the test platform. The ranking is calculated according to the length of time spent in the layer, the longer the time, the higher the ranking."

"Ding Dong, since there are 100 players left and they are on the No.16 floor, another method of calculating the ranking is used. Except for the 17 players who entered the No.49 floor, the remaining 51 players are on the sixteenth floor of the test platform. The ranking is calculated according to the length of time spent in the layer, the longer the time, the higher the ranking."

"Ding Dong, since there are 100 players left and they are on the No.16 floor, another method of calculating the ranking is used. Except for the 17 players who entered the No.49 floor, the remaining 51 players are on the sixteenth floor of the test platform. The ranking is calculated according to the length of time spent in the layer, the longer the time, the higher the ranking."

As time passed, Liu Tian encountered Mo Xiaobo several times while beheading other players. Among them, he fought once. Liu Tian's arm was accidentally injured by his big sun archery. Mo Xiaobo didn't fight Liu Tiansan for a long time, and he often 'shot' Liu Tiansan and retreated after 4 minutes.

"Ding dong, there are only 49 players left, and the players will be automatically teleported to the seventeenth floor in 10 seconds."

"9 seconds."

"8 seconds."

"2 seconds."

"1 seconds."

A holy radiance descended from the sky and shone on Liu Tian's body. The next moment, Liu Tian's figure disappeared.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to you on the No.17 floor. The No.17 floor is the promotion stage. 48 players will have an elimination battle. There will be four rounds of competition. One of them can directly advance to No.18 Layer, for the final championship competition, now the system randomly draws numbers 1-49 to give players, and the player who gets number 49 does not need to participate in the battle."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to you on the No.17 floor. The No.17 floor is the promotion stage. 48 players will have an elimination battle. There will be four rounds of competition. One of them can directly advance to No.18 Layer, for the final championship competition, now the system randomly draws numbers 1-49 to give players, and the player who gets number 49 does not need to participate in the battle."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to you on the No.17 floor. The No.17 floor is the promotion stage. 48 players will have an elimination battle. There will be four rounds of competition. One of them can directly advance to No.18 Layer, for the final championship competition, now the system randomly draws numbers 1-49 to give players, and the player who gets number 49 does not need to participate in the battle."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to player Eternal for getting No. 2. Your opponent this round is No. 47. You will be teleported to the battle room after 5 seconds."

Five seconds passed in a flash, and Liu Tian disappeared in place and appeared in a quaint room.

Battle rules: None, just kill the opponent.

Liu Tian's opponent is a spiritual cultivator, wearing a white dress with cyan and blue brilliance flowing from time to time, he looks very handsome, with a smile on his mouth Sunshine smiled, extremely elegant.

"Immortal Dao Mang Wuang..." Liu Tian's pupils narrowed slightly, and under the unobstructed view, the information of the refined man was clearly seen. He is definitely a well-known master on the ranking list, and he seems to be a player of the Bipolar World Guild.

"Hello, Immortal Dao Mang Mang, a spiritual cultivator of the water and wood systems, this friend be careful." Immortal Dao Mang Mang cupped his hands towards Liu Tian.

"Eternal, swordsman, please advise." Liu Tian also cupped his hands without losing his courtesy.

"Ding dong, the battle begins."

Immortal Dao's vast figure retreated violently, a finely carved staff appeared in his hand, and two vines rushed out from the ground while waving his hands, blocking Liu Tian.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player's mother who said that a long name is useless for getting No. 49, and she is directly qualified to advance to the No.18 floor. You just need to wait for the end of the four rounds of elimination."

A system prompt sounded loudly in Mo Xiaobo's mind, making him froze for a few seconds. This surprise came a little quickly and suddenly.

"Hehe, my luck is pretty good. If that's the case, I'll fight for No.1!"

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