The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 254 Fierce Battle

Chapter 254 Fierce Battle

A tall and straight figure appeared in mid-air, his body was bowed, and his clothes were tightly stretched, which was a manifestation of strength. 26nbsp;A faint blood light emanates from a strange long sword with blood-colored patterns intertwined vertically and horizontally, and the wind howls around this strange long sword, and the transparent sword is gradually revealed. on the body of the sword.

"Earth Demon Sword!"

In Liu Tian's eyes, there seemed to be stars disillusioned, and at a glance, a long crack like an abyss burst open in the vast earth, in which the devilish energy was overwhelming, revealing a black sword's edge!

"Back!" This was Mo Xiaobo's first thought. Being close to him was already bad for him, not to mention being close to him by a swordsman who was born to fight in close combat.


After all, the Earth Demon Sword rushed out from the crack and abyss, but was successfully avoided by Mo Xiaobo. There was a small whirlwind under his feet, and he retreated at the most critical moment. The Earth Demon Sword was almost close to his cheek. rushed up.

"Sword Demon walks alone!"

Liu Tian drank the five words with difficulty, trying to stimulate the hidden effect of the sword demon walking alone, but it was a pity that he failed.

"Sword Qi Slash!"

The 'milk' and jade-colored sword energy is like a real long sword, bursting out from the sword body, transforming into a sharp streamer, piercing straight towards Mo Xiaobo, and finally, Mo Xiaobo was hit by a sword energy, Finally there is no useless.

At this moment, the battle between the four intensified, ignoring the attacking monster.

"Sky-eating mouse, combined combat skills!"

A cold drink attracted Liu Tian's attention, making him involuntarily look at Huansha Assassin.


The void above the Phantom Killer's head shattered, revealing an endless dark space. From a distance, the Phantom Killer Assassin looked like a round of black sky above his head.Suddenly, a pair of small blood-colored pupils appeared on the black sun, and a little black mouse jumped out of the sky.It is slightly larger than the average house mouse, and has four symbiotic claws, which are like snow blades.There is still a small crack on the forehead of Tianshu, like a tightly closed mouth!

"Skymouse, fit together!"

The Sky Eater poked its head out on the ground, and after hearing the words of the Imaginary Killer Assassin God, its figure flashed and appeared in front of the Imaginary Killer Assassin God. The small body stood upright, and a small hole opened from the closed crack on the forehead , 'shot' a red light, connected to the eyebrows of the phantom assassin, and finally it itself turned into a touch of black light, submerged into the brows of the phantom assassin.


Illusory Killing Assassin roared wildly, thousands of black lights erupted between his brows, the black lights did not shoot randomly, but flowed on his body like running water, the black lights moved extremely fast, and within a blink of an eye In a short time, it covered the whole body of Phantom Killing Assassin!In the end, they all settled on the body of the Imaginary Killer Assassin, and there were also mysterious runes circulating!

Devil!At this moment, the Imaginary Assassin's whole body is black, coupled with the black dagger in his hand, he looks resolutely like an ancient demon god.

"Fight against the heavens, do you dare to fight with me?"

Phantom Killing Assassin's eyes shot black light, and there was a crazy fighting intent in his eyes, with a tendency to never stop dying.

"Send you to see King Yama."

Dou Zhan Cang Tian said lightly, he lifted the Shengyan spear upside down, and without retreating the knife, he attacked the phantom assassin.

Shoo, shoo... On a vast plain, a jet-black figure disappeared into the void with one step, and then reappeared in one step, which was extremely frightening.Raising his hand, the Imaginary Assassin swung his dagger and cut out a black light like a giant black iron blade.

"Small tricks."

In a piece of gun light, the black light was shredded, but the phantom assassin did not appear anymore.After he made this blow, his figure completely merged with the world.

"If you want to defeat me by surprise attack, it's too wishful thinking." Dou Zhan Cangtian held the Shengyan spear tightly, and said lightly, but his eyes shot all over, ready to strike at any time: "Huo'er, protect me! "

A pair of broad wings will protect the fighting sky, and there is no gap for the phantom assassin to attack.

The flaming bird wailed suddenly, and the shrill cry revealed pain. A black dagger appeared on its head, and the black lights on the body of the Illusory Assassin Assassin flowed along the black dagger like hundreds of rivers, and all of them disappeared. In the head of the flame bird.

A huge wound floated out from the head of the Flame Bird, and with just one blow, its life was only half!

"If you simply think that I'm only attacking you, you're underestimating me. And protect your pets so they don't get cut off by me."

"If you simply think that I'm only attacking you, you're underestimating me. And protect your pets so they don't get cut off by me."

"If you simply think that I'm only attacking you, you're underestimating me. And protect your pets so they don't get cut off by me."

Suddenly, eight phantom assassins appeared around Dou Zhan Cangtian, and each phantom assassin said the same thing one after another.

"The same trick, see how I can break your illusory technique!"

Dou Zhan Tiantian laughed angrily, he already knew from the previous attack that the Phantom Kill Assassin's Clone Technique has no attack power, and it is all fake and shoddy products.


Several crisp chirps overturned Dou Zhan Cangtian's original thinking, and every phantom assassin he attacked was resisting him!

"I'm waiting for you to break my illusory art."

"I'm waiting for you to break my illusory art."

"I'm waiting for you to break my illusory art."

It was the same words again, resounding around Dou Zhan Cangtian over and over again.

"Heh, you want to destroy my peaceful state of mind?" Dou Zhan Cangtian smiled suddenly: "Since you want to die so much, I will grant you! Kill with ten thousand guns!"

Ten thousand guns to kill: In an instant, 36 80 gun lights are fired, the attack range is all-round, and the attack power of each gun gun is [-]% of the air attack.

Clang, clang, clang... Dou Zhan Cangtian waved the holy flame spear, and the dance became faster and faster, and finally the phantom assassin only saw a round ball of light!


The eight phantom assassins fight together to fight against the sky.

"Kill!" A trembling cold voice came from the ball of light, Liu Tian only saw the white light flourishing, shooting out countless gun lights in an instant, covering the sky, the ground, all sides, and all directions!

"Composite combat skills!"

The eyes of the Phantom Killing Assassins froze, and the eight Phantom Assassin's Gods merged into one, like a raptor, ignoring the direct shot of the spear and the damage floating above the head, and finally pierced Dou Zhan Tian's body with a dagger. on the chest.


The jaw-dropping damage floated out from Dou Zhan Cang Tian's head.

"Oops, none of the eight phantom assassins are real!"

Dou Zhan Cang Tian was stunned for a moment, but immediately thought that this was the "confuse" and "confuse" technique of phantom killing and stabbing god, but it was too late, a black dagger appeared on his back, and the dagger pierced fiercely His flesh and blood.



Following the words of Illusory Killing and Assassinating God, a ray of black light wrapped around his arm like a dragon and submerged into Dou Zhan Cangtian's damage.




The constant damage value floated out from Dou Zhan Cangtian's head quickly, and anyone could see that this was the reason for that black light.

"Haha, it's time for the skill, so I'll dodge first." Huansha Assassin smiled suddenly, dodged back, his speed was as fast as teleportation, and under the glaring gaze of Dou Zhan Tian, ​​he gradually moved away.

Then, the three of Liu Tian fought for another period of time, but in the end, like a phantom assassin, they rushed to other directions on the plain, with the goal of climbing the ladder!

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