Chapter 266


Black air spewed out from the mist-like face of the black devil, and a strange low growl also came out of the black air.

"Landslides and Earthquakes!"

The black demon raised his right hand as thick as a tree, and suddenly struck the saber in his hand on the ground. It seemed that this saber really had the power to cause mountains to collapse and the earth to crack. The ground split open without warning, and a crack appeared on the ground, and Quickly walking towards the two people who were still on the ground, sharp knives came out of the cracks one after another like a volcanic eruption.

"Sword Demon walks alone!"

Wrapping Tianxuan's willow waist with one hand, Liu Tian retreated sharply, escaped from the black demon's attack in a narrow escape.

"I'm offended." Liu Tian let go of Tianxuan, leaving this seductive and fragrant body, raised his sword to face the black demon.

"Drowsy formation!"

After fighting for a period of time, with the help of Tianxuan, a sword array rose from the ground, trapping the black demon in it. Tens of thousands of sword qi and sword light were frozen in the trapped array, motionless. Although its attack power Negligible, but extremely annoying.

Clang, clang... the black demon ignored everything else, let the sword energy and sword light attack on it, and only fought against Liu Tian.

"Hey, if you enter the trapped formation, don't even think that there is still a way to survive." After swallowing the Huixue Pill and Huiqi Pill, Liu Tian sneered, and with a thought, the sword light and sword energy that were originally like a galaxy without a specific attack position suddenly separated. Straight, shoot as many as possible to the black devil's eyes.This move is a tactic that Liu Tian discovered only recently.

"Instantly killing the sky-cracking sword!"

Taking advantage of the sword light and sword energy obstructing and disturbing the black demon, Liu Tian shouted coldly, and the death light shot out from his pupils.

The Sky-Splitting Sword is a strange sword that Liu Tian condenses with his God-killing will. This sword is different from other swords. The sword has double edges. There is also a curved hook on the edge of the sword, shining with a soul-stirring cold light.


A black vortex suddenly appeared between Liu Tian's eyebrows, and the Sky Splitting Sword rushed out of it like a stream of light, blasting into the body of the black demon.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player who triggers the 500% air damage effect forever, Dark Life -846!"

Five times the attack damage!

"The king is in the world!"

Strike while the iron is hot, Liu Tian is well aware of this truth, and directly puts the long-prepared king under the world, and kills the black demon on the spot.

After taking Huiqi Pill and Huixue Pill, Liu Tian sighed, "Damn it, it's really hard to hit."


A passage appeared on the stone wall in the center of the stone room, leading to a deeper place.

"Real grab!"

Liu Tian stretched out one hand, and the black iron sword on the stone platform was taken into his palm.

Hei Ling Saber handsome low-grade:

Equipment durability: 15000/15000.

Equipment category: weapons.

Wearing requirements: Warrior.

Wearing level: level 30.

Side effects:

Physical attack: 500-600.

Qi attack: 0-300.

Physical defense: 100-150.

Gas defense: 100-150.

1% chance to ignore 50% of the opponent's defense.

1% chance to increase attack damage by 50%.

Additional skills:

Crashing Sword Slash:

active skills.

Skill effect:

Beng Tian Dao Slash can gather an indestructible giant sword gang, which has 500% air attack damage.

Casting distance: within 6 meters.

Casting time: 2 seconds.

Cooling time: 30 minutes.

Skill consumption: 600 points of true energy.

Landslide and Earthquake active skill skill effect:

Landslides and ground cracks, straight-line attack, one blow can crack the ground, causing countless knives with 250% air attack damage to burst out of the cracks.

Casting distance: within 8 meters.

Casting time: 1 seconds.

Cooling time: 30 minutes.

Skill consumption: 550 points of true energy.

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

"Strong!" Liu Tian sighed: "The two skills used by the Black Demon are the ones that come with the Black Spirit Saber. They are worthy of being the guardian of the Black Spirit Saber."

"Hehe, Tianxuan, take a look."

"The attribute is not bad." Tianxuan took the Hei Ling Saber, looked at it casually, and said lightly: "The Black Demon also exploded a knife, right under it."

After being awakened by Tianxuan, Liu Tian realized that the black demon also exploded with a knife.

Black Mage Swordsman Low Grade:

Equipment durability: 8000/8000.

Equipment category: weapons.

Wearing requirements: Warrior.

Wearing level: level.

Side effects:

Physical attack: 250—(0.

Qi attack: 180-0.

Physical defense: 80-1.

Gas defense: 80-1.

Additional skills:

〖Collapse Mountain Knife Slash〗:

Active skill skill effect:

Collapsing Mountain Sword Slash can gather an indestructible giant sword gang, which has 300% air attack damage.

Casting distance: within 4 meters.

Casting time: 1 seconds.

Cooling time: 8 minutes.

Skill consumption: 400 points of true energy.

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

"Not bad." Liu Tian muttered a few words, feeling satisfied in his heart.

"Oh, let's go." Tianxuan stroked her hair and said.

"This equipment..." Liu Tian hesitated.

"You contributed a lot this time. I'll give you the Black Demon Knife, and I'll give you the Black Spirit War Knife." Tianxuan said cleanly. She was thinking of Liu Tian and didn't want to embarrass him.

"The value of the Black Spirit War Knife and the Black Demon Knife are very different, it's not fair to you."

"It's all up to you to kill the Black Demon this time. Give me the Black Demon Knife. I've already taken advantage of it. Alright, let's go."


Walking into the secret passage that appeared on the stone wall, Liu Tian wondered where this passage leads to. Does it lead to the next stone chamber, and there are good equipment that can be put in his bag?

On the next road, Liu Tian and Tianxuan encountered two stone chambers again, but they didn't have a single piece of equipment, maybe someone got there first, or maybe there was no equipment in the first place.On the way, the two encountered a demonic wraith. Although the level of the demonic wraith is also level [-], its attributes are a little stronger than that of the phantom shadow.

As time passed and the journey progressed, Liu Tian found that the passages were decreasing, or in other words, many secret passages began to merge into one passage like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea.

"If this continues, we will soon meet other players." Liu Tian thought.

Not long after, he and Tianxuan encountered several players, and they were still in a stone room. On the stone platform of the stone room was an armor. It's up to you.

"Let's not go there, they won't last long." Liu Tiandao, he and Tianxuan stopped in front of the stone room, looking at the six players who were gradually losing ground.

"Hey, no, there are only four people who entered this passage before me and Tianxuan. Why are there six people here? Are there other passages to come here?" Liu Tian frowned secretly.


A scream brought him back to reality. As he expected, these six players were not the opponents of the Armored Demon. At this moment, the six players had been killed and returned to the city.

"Go, it's time for us to make a move."

Liu Tian and Tian Xuan strode towards the stone chamber.

"Electric switch!"

Liu Tian shot like thunder, and with Tianxuan's cooperation, the armored demon was finally taken down by the two, but before he had time to check the properties of the armor on the stone platform and the boots that the armored demon dropped, he appeared in the middle of the stone room The scene shocked.

This time there was no passage on the stone wall, the entire stone wall disappeared directly, and a volcanic cave appeared, from which a bloody and hot breath gushed out!

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