The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 268 Ignition

Chapter 268 Ignition

In the small boiling pool, the bright red liquid is tumbling and gushing, but the ordinary stone platform is not stained with a little bit of bright red liquid, carrying the dark order of the sky up and down, affecting people's hearts. 26nbsp;

"No matter how difficult it is." Liu Tian said with a firm expression in his heart, "This token must fall into my pocket today!"

"Tianxuan, follow me." Liu Tian searched and found the teams of those players who did not belong, and said.Although Youlong Guild and Phoenix Guild also have teams here, but he will fight for the Heavenly Order later, so it is inconvenient to join them, it is better to mix with those lone players and play by ear.

Seeing many players around looking at the fairy-like Tianxuan with obscene eyes, Liu Tian frowned, pulled Tianxuan to the cave wall, stood with his sword in his arms, and protected Tianxuan behind him.

After standing still, Liu Tian began to observe the surrounding environment, and found that there are quite a few passages to enter this place. As time goes by, more and more players will enter here.

"Huh? Why is he here?" Liu Tian's eyes fell on a player, who was wearing leather armor and carrying a bird-like bow. He was Hua Xiaoyu.

At this time, there was a burly man about thirty years old with a swallow jaw and a tiger beard standing beside him, occasionally bowing his head to talk to Hua Xiaoyu.This man is the current president of the Black Hole Guild, Black Hole Biting Kong.

Moving his gaze to another place, after a round of inspection, Liu Tian focused his eyes on the unknown object trapped by a dozen iron cables in midair.Dozens of iron cables wrapped the unknown object into a rice dumpling, Liu Tian couldn't see what was inside, but Liu Tian vaguely felt that there was a creature in the iron cable, a creature that was suppressed here.

"It seems that we will not only guard against the players, but also guard against this unknown creature." Liu Tian said in his heart, taking a deep look at the unknown object: "However, the problem now is how to compete with the guild for the Heaven's Order."

After thinking for a long time, an idea came to Liu Tian's mind.

"Hey, brother, how long have you been here?" Liu Tian observed secretly for a long time before finding a player beside him.

"More than half an hour." The player looked at Liu Tian with a slight frown. Although there was a little hostility in his eyes, he still answered Liu Tian's question.

"Brother, I want to ask." Liu Tian lowered his voice, "Why did everyone stay here instead of trying to snatch the Heavenly Order?"

"I don't know, but I heard from other players that it seems that two guilds came here at the same time. Due to mutual fear, they didn't take action to snatch it, which led to the current situation." The player said.

"Oh, those two guilds are really idiots. If they fight to win the Heaven's Order, won't the guild's strength skyrocket?" Liu Tian said.

The player also seemed to dislike the guild. Hearing what Liu Tian said, he grinned: "Hey, they are a bit idiots, but if they are not idiots, how can we still have a chance?"

"Hey, brother, what will you do if you get the order of heaven?" Liu Tian hooked the player's shoulder.

"Of course it's a shot. Let the auction house auction the order of heaven. This is the first order of heaven. The price must be sky-high." The player showed fascination, but then he showed regret The look on his face: "However, even the top ten guilds have come, and our idle players want to grab the order of the sky, it is as difficult as reaching the sky."

"That's not necessarily true. We idle players also have our own advantages." Liu Tian shook his head.

"What advantage?"

"Whenever you want to make a move, you can make a move, and when you want to make a move, you can make a move."

"Well, what you said is also reasonable. However, this is our advantage and also our disadvantage." The player's analysis was clear and logical, which convinced Liu Tian and strengthened the idea in his heart.

"Brother is right, so..." Liu Tian suddenly leaned over to the player's ear, and said in a low voice, "We must unite. I have an idea. If we want to win the order of heaven, is it a big deal?" , However, if we 'fish' in troubled waters, the probability of winning the Heavenly Order will be greatly increased."

The player's eyes lit up and he nodded. He also knew this truth, but he couldn't implement it.Here, he has no acquaintances, which is equivalent to no one who can help him.It is impossible to make a boat with a canoe. In the final analysis, there is still insufficient strength.

"I have an idea..." Liu Tian continued, but his voice was lower: "We can actually..."

After Liu Tian finished speaking, the player stood quietly on the spot with his head slightly lowered, without saying a word.Liu Tian didn't say much, although the plan was feasible, but the two didn't know each other well and didn't trust each other.

"Your plan is good, and I agree to participate. However, who else will participate? If there are few people, it may not be effective." The player paced lightly, picked up his head and asked.

"It's just the two of us for the time being. Taking advantage of the confrontation now, we must select players and lobby."

Liu Tian told the player that he met the player's standards.First of all, to have strength, it depends on his equipment.Secondly, you have to be calm and easy to implement the plan. If you accidentally lose everything, it will not be worth the loss.

"Okay, time waits for no one, I'll go right away, brother, you have to hurry up."


"Hehe, I'll see you later. Oh, and, brother, you are blessed, your girlfriend is so beautiful." The player looked at Tianxuan who was standing behind Liutian ambiguously, and smiled.Although Tianxuan's face is not shown, but with her well-proportioned figure and ethereal temperament, it's normal for her to be fascinated.

"Uh, hehe..." Liu Tian smiled dryly, he didn't explain anything, fearing that it would become more and more black.Fortunately, that player flashed into the player group after joking, looking for a suitable candidate.

"Tianxuan, you wait here first, I'll be back when I go." Liu Tian stayed away from Tianxuan for the time being, and did the same thing as that player - lobbying.

Not long after, the two returned.

"I selected ten people, and in the end there were seven who wanted to join our plan." The player said.

"There are also six people on my side who expressed their willingness to participate in the plan, and I have already explained what they are going to do."

"Yeah." In the ensuing conversation, Liu Tian learned her name.Fengxing, the name is ordinary, but the person is definitely not ordinary you.

As time goes by, more and more players enter this place.The noise among the idle players is also getting louder.When there was a big disagreement, they fought and drove.

"The number of idle players is enough. If we continue to procrastinate, there will be more and more players in the guild, and the plan will be counterproductive, and all efforts will be in vain." Liu Tianxin said, nodding towards Fengxing, motioning him to carry out the plan. Naturally, we have to do the preparations.He didn't know if the plan would work, but he had to muddle the waters.

"According to the plan, 'confuse' others." Liu Tiandao: "Remember, after 'confusing' other players, dodge immediately."

"it is good."

Fengxing nodded, sneaked into the player group, stopped at a relatively loose player gathering place, inhaled, and drank!

"Kill, the order of heaven is mine!"

After saying a word, Feng Xing immediately dodges, and at this time, the player who had planned with Liu Tian immediately releases his skills, either facing the sky, or blasting against the wall.But no matter what, the atmosphere at the scene froze in an instant.

"Kill, grab the Heaven's Order, and buy it at a sky-high price." Suddenly, Liu Tianyou reached the junction of idle players and guild players, shouted, and shot decisively, directly blasting the two skills into the two camps respectively.At the same time, the dozen or so players also fueled up, shouting and fighting, but none of them made a move, but retreated.


The situation is like a barrel of gunpowder, which is ignited!All of a sudden, skills flew all over the sky.Moreover, the flames of war spread extremely fast, and soon, this area became a battlefield!

Liu Tian walked among the players on a lone sword demon, came to Tianxuan, pulled her back decisively, left the battlefield, and let the bullets fly for a while!

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