The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 293 Escape from Death

Chapter 3: Escaping from the Dead

A group of fire mine beasts have crystallized skin, their bodies are shining with luster, like spar creatures, they are walking towards the cave step by step, and more and more, half of the cave is occupied by fire mine beasts in a blink of an eye, Liu Tian situation is precarious.

"Damn, is there doom?" Liu Tian grimaced, unexpectedly, he was determined to look down on the king of the fire mine beast, and killed the mine beast king with a supreme fighting posture. The next moment, he was surrounded by minions of the mine beast king. And could die at any time.

"Facts have proved that going deep into the enemy's camp is likely to destroy both body and spirit."

Taking a few steps back, Liu Tian accidentally stepped on the corpse of the mine beast king. Immediately, all the fire mine beasts roared and rushed forward desperately. His unintentional action insulted the entire fire mine beast clan.

"Damn, is it necessary to be so crazy?" Walking alone on the sword demon, Liu Tian slammed left and right, and he can survive for a short time, but if he can't break through the encirclement, his final result will definitely be death. Crazy, disregarding his own safety, full firepower, and they are huge in number, attacking together, Liu Tian can only be beaten and defended.


Liu Tian was hit by four fire mine beasts at the same time, opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, stepped back a few steps, and landed on the wall.

"Sword Demon Town Kill Seal!"

Covering the sky with one hand, Liu Tianfan pressed a suppressing and killing seal with his hand, hitting the fire mine beast lying in front of him, and with a twist of his figure, he appeared next to the corpse of the mine beast king.Only around the corpse of the mine beast king, did the fire mine beasts restrain their attacks, they were unwilling to destroy the body of the mine beast king.


A fire mine beast bent its claws, and under the cover of other fire mine beasts, it left a claw mark on Liu Tian's back.


"If this continues, he will die sooner or later." In just a few minutes, he had countless scars on his body, and he was on the verge of death several times. Fortunately, the Dahuixuewan and his own recovery forcefully dragged him back from the brink of death.

With a figure like lightning, Liu Tian walked alone on the sword demon, with a high concentration of mind, dodging the fire mine beast's attack.

"Damn, it's just a king, why do you have to do this?" Liu Tian smiled wryly, the burning pain on his body made him feel death.After thinking about it, he didn't think of any skill that could help him get out of the predicament. If the Royal Sky Art is still there, there is a glimmer of hope, but that's just an if.

Just as Liu Tian was struggling to avoid the fire mine beast's attack in the cave, the fire mine beast outside the cave roared suddenly, and a white dress fluttered past them in the sky above them, plundering into the cave .

"Hanxian? Am I right?" Liu Tian was startled. In his eyes, a white-clothed beast was flying over many fire mine beasts from outside the cave.

"Quick, hold my hand!" Han Xian flew to the sky above Liutian, her white clothes bloomed with blood, flying all the way, she was injured.

With a vertical posture, Liu Tian held Hanxian with his left hand, and at the same time held the sword in his right hand and struck out the sword shield, resisting the attack of the fire mine beast.

"Go!" Han Xian held Liu Tian tightly and flew out of the cave again. Her complexion was a little pale and her life was only half.

"Drowsy formation!"

Liu Tian shouted coldly, a sword array rose from under him, and the fire mine beast at the entrance of the cave was trapped in it.



In a forest, Liu Tian and Han Xian were sitting on a tree panting, they had just escaped from the fire mine.In the process of breaking out, both of them were almost killed.Fortunately, the further the fire mine cave goes, the higher and wider the cave is, the two of them flew on the top of the cave, and the spar rain of the fire mine beast could not hit it, so the two escaped successfully in the end.

"Han Xian, why did you go deep into the fire mine to save me?" Liu Tian said with lingering fear, "If it wasn't for you, this time I would really have to go back to the city for free."

"I was waiting for you in the woods, but I didn't see you back for a long time, and I suddenly became restless and restless. I thought you might be in danger, so I took the risk and went deep into the fire mine."

"Han Xian, could it be that we have a good understanding? I am in danger, and you will be uneasy." Liu Tian teased.

"It's not a tacit understanding, but the effect of the holy blood contract."

"Uh, the effect of the holy blood contract?" Liu Tian said in embarrassment, "No matter what, anyway, Han Xian, I love you to death!"

"..." Han Xian remained silent, and a faint blush appeared on Bai Xue's cheeks.

"Are you injured? Is there any serious problem?" Liu Tian asked hastily when he saw the shocking blood on Han Xian's white clothes.


"Can you use this?" Liu Tian took out Yuxue Powder and Dahuixue Pill.


"Then use it quickly."

"No need, I'll just go back to your body."


Han Xian turned into fairy light and submerged into Liu Tian's left arm.

After resting for ten minutes, Liu Tian crushed the return talisman, returned to the villa in the Dragon Imperial City, and then walked to the blacksmith shop.

"Uncle, here are the fire ores you need." Liu Tian poured over 1000 fire ores on the ground.

"There are more than one thousand fire ores here, maybe fifteen or six hundred. You only need to give me one thousand fire ores." The blacksmith said with a casual sweep of his eyes.

"Uncle, your eyes are really accurate. There are more than 500 here, and the many are given to you by the boy. Anyway, it is useless for the fire ore boy to take them."

"Haha, no wonder Wang Pan often praises you for being good, as expected." The blacksmith suddenly smiled, and patted Liu Tian on the shoulder: "I have accepted more than 500 fire ores."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Eternal for completing the task [Fire Ore Collection], gaining 10 experience and 50 reputation."

"By the way, uncle, take a look at this." Liu Tian remembered the spar dropped by the mine beast king, and quickly took it out and handed it to the blacksmith.

"This is the essence of fire mine?!" The blacksmith asked in surprise, "Where did you get this essence of fire mine?"

"Oh, this is from the mine beast king, uncle, what's the use of this?"

"Forging equipment, fire is one of the most important. Fire ore is a good fuel, and the essence of fire ore is the essence of fire ore. The flames released are of certain benefit to forging equipment, and your fire ore essence is The ore king eats fire ore, and the remaining ore precipitates in the body, and the essence of fire ore bred is a relatively rare type of fuel ore. Using it to forge equipment, there is a certain probability that the equipment will have attribute effects."

"Oh." Liu Tian nodded, and said, "Uncle, I'll give you this Fire Mine Essence as well."

"No need, five hundred pieces of fire ore are enough."

In the end, Liu Tian took back the essence of the fire mine, left the blacksmith shop soon after, and met Er Dan who had just returned at the door of the blacksmith shop, chatted casually, and left the blacksmith shop.

In the inner room of the 'medicine' shop, Liu Tian and Wang Pan were sitting on chairs. In front of them were two utensils, one was like a pot filled with fire tree flowers, and the other was like a plate, placed alone. King flower on fire tree.

"Eternal, I didn't expect you to surprise me every time. Not only did you bring back extra Fire Tree Flowers, but you also brought back a lot of Fire Tree King Flowers. I really don't know what to say."

"Uncle Wang, I don't know what to say, so don't say it, we don't need to be thankful for our relationship." Liu Tian said: "By the way, I still collect a lot of honey from fire poisonous bees in the fire forest, do you need it? "

"Honey from the Fire Poison Bee?" Wang Panxi said, "It's useful. It can also be used to prepare various 'medicines'. Come here, and quickly fetch the stored honey."

"Uncle Wang, I still have honey from the Fire Poison Queen Bee."

"Huh?" Wang Pan was surprised: "You don't mean to bring the hive of the fire poisonous bee, right? How come you also have the honey of the fire poisonous bee queen?"

Wang Pan was only joking, but Liu Tianzhen nodded, which made him startled for a while, and he was really in a state where he didn't know what to say.

"You sit here now, the queen bee's honey is more precious, I need a special container to store it separately." After saying that, Wang Pan got up and walked towards the storage room.

Not long after, Wang Pan and an apprentice came, and at the same time brought a large number of bottles and jars to load honey.Regular honey comes in regular jars, while royal honey is stored in a clear glass jar.

"How is the development of the new 'drug' going?"

"all the best."

After casually asking a few words about the progress of the drug development, Liu Tian went to the job transfer hall for the third job transfer, because the trial must be done before level 31, otherwise even if the experience of level [-] is full, he will not be able to upgrade.

This time, he doesn't need to chase after the sword for the job change, he just needs to find the master of the swordsman job change.This job change is also an attribute increase, but this time it is not an unconditional increase, but a task can only be increased, and the tasks are divided into levels, and the same increase attributes also have strengths and weaknesses.

The difficulty level of the task is divided into two levels, the handsome level and the low level of the soldier level, but each level is divided into three levels, a total of six levels.They are the handsome top-rank, the handsome middle-rank, the handsome low-rank, the scholar-level top-rank, the scholar-level middle-rank, and the scholar-level low-rank.

When performing a mission, the system will block all communication systems of the player and send it directly to the mission location. This is also to prevent the player from looking for foreign aid. If 80% of the mission is not completed by the player alone, it will be regarded as a failure for the player. Although it can be done again, the mission will be reduced by one level and cannot be restored, and there is only one chance.

Of course, high risks come with high returns, and the third trial can increase two of the four basic attributes.

A total of 15 points can be added for handsome top grade.

A total of 12 points can be added for the handsome mid-tier.

A total of 9 points can be added for handsome low-rank.

A total of 7 points can be added to the upper rank of the soldier class.

A total of 5 points can be added to the middle rank of the soldier level.

A total of 3 points can be added for low-rank soldiers.

"I choose the task with the difficulty level of the handsome top grade." Liu Tian didn't think too much, and directly chose the most difficult task. Anyway, if you fail the first time, you still have a second chance.

"Young man, be careful, the difficulty of handsome top-rank is extremely difficult to complete." The swordsman master reminded.

"Thank you for your reminder, but I like to shock myself, hehe, even if I don't succeed, there is still a second chance." Liu Tian said.

"Okay, you choose the task of the handsome top-grade difficulty level, and you can choose the task independently. You can choose a task from this task scroll." The swordsman master took out a task scroll, which was densely covered with tasks.

After searching for a while, Liu Tian fell in love with a task, pointed at the task, and said, "Just this one."

"This? Good." The Swordsman Grandmaster touched the task with his finger, and the task disappeared. At the same time, a system prompt rang in Liu Tian's mind.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Eternal for receiving the third trial task [Destroy the Evil Tiger]"

〖Unique〗【Destroy the Evil Tiger】〖Top Grade Handsome〗:

【Task Content】:

Recently, a vicious tiger broke into Gumu Village and devoured many villagers of Gumu Village, breaking the peace of Gumu Village. Now the guards of Gumu Village can hardly hold on anymore. Please rush to Gumu Village within one day and destroy this tiger Evil Tiger, restore the peace and tranquility of Gumu Village.

【Task time】: one day

【Task status】: not completed

[Failure condition]: The task has not been completed or the task time has expired.

[Failure Punishment]: The level of the trial task will drop.

"Ding Dong, are you teleporting to Gumu Village now?"

"Do not."

Liu Tian is now physically and mentally exhausted, mining during the day and fighting at night.Since he has time now, of course he has to rest well and prepare for the extermination of the evil tiger tomorrow.

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