Chapter 321

Liu Tian twisted the bandit leader's hand behind his back with one hand, and held the sword close to the bandit leader's throat with the other. As long as the bandit leader made a slight movement, he could leave a bone-piercing three-pointed knife on the bandit leader's throat in the shortest possible time. points of scars.

The two held the bandit leader hostage and stepped into the secret passage leading to the treasure house step by step.The leader of the bandit was very quiet and didn't make any small moves. He didn't dare to bet his life. He could escape from Liu Tian's clutches by relying on his familiarity with the secret way and the mechanism of the secret way, but he couldn't guarantee that he was on the run. Was he intact when he came out of Liu Tian?He didn't want a potentially fatal gash on his throat.

Under the leadership of the bandit leader, the two quickly entered the bandit leader's treasure house.The treasury was full of gold coins, silver coins, and all kinds of treasures and equipment. For a moment, the eyes of the two were filled with these things, and they couldn't help showing a look of amazement.

"Hurry up and give me the blood jade phoenix pendant." Liu Tian looked away and said to the bandit leader.He knew that the system would not let him get these treasures empty-handed, so he didn't have a strong desire for the things in the treasure house, and he only glanced at them a few times.

"Yeah. Come with me, the blood jade phoenix pendant is among the treasures." The bandit leader glanced at Liu Tian a few times, seeing that he didn't show greed for his treasure, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

The bandit leader rummaged through the pile of treasures, and after a while, he found the blood jade phoenix pendant. Liu Tiancha directly traded the jade pendant to Tianxuan, and then escorted the bandit leader to the passage.

"It's okay, it's okay, he's really not interested in my treasure." The boulder that had been weighing on the bandit leader's heart finally fell as Liu Tian escorted him back to the secret passage.On the way back, he became more peaceful, because he believed that Liu Tian was a trustworthy person, and he wouldn't move if he said he couldn't move his treasure.It's just that when he opened the exit of the secret passage, he only had one thought in his mind: He lied to me!

At the moment when the exit of the secret passage opened, Liu Tian mercilessly pressed the killing sword into the bandit leader's throat, and then launched the sword slash, blasting the bandit leader's mind and body into two pieces.

"I'll send you out of the cottage later." Liu Tian said.

"Why? Do you want to stay?" Tianxuan asked.

"Well, I haven't finished my task yet. I have to kill a leader and more than 20 bandits." Liu Tian nodded.

"I'll stay and help you. After all, almost all of my tasks are done for me."

"No need, we are still friends, it's normal for me to help you." Liu Tian shook his head, he didn't want Tianxuan to stay because he was afraid that she would get hurt.

"You also said that we are friends, so I want to stay and help you." Tianxuan returned the favor in the same way.

"This..." Liu Tian nodded helplessly, who asked him to dig a hole for himself? : "However, you can't face it head-on, after all, your level, oh, by the way, what level are you now?"

"Level 26."

"Level 26?! Isn't that on the list?! How did you level up so fast?"

Liu Tian was a little unbelievable, level 26 would definitely be on the leaderboard, but he remembered that when he first met Tianxuan, her level was still a long way from the level leaderboard, even though she leveled up fast, the level leaderboard The masters on the list are not slow to upgrade.

"What is my level? Is it great to be on the list? I remember that someone seemed to hide his name on purpose." Tianxuan looked at Liu Tian with a strange look: "The reason why my level has risen so fast is because I have A large-scale attack skill, the leveling efficiency has increased a lot, and the sound controller is also part of the characteristics of a spiritual practitioner and a Taoist priest, so my level rises very quickly."

"..." Liu Tian awkwardly 'touched' the tip of his nose. He didn't expect Tianxuan to know the little secret he thought he was, but that's right, Tianxuan knows his strength very well, and he is definitely no worse than the people on the ranking list , but there is no such name as Eternity on the ranking list, so Tianxuan naturally knows Liu Tian's identity.

"Looks like I'm going to hire Tianxuan's big beauty 'Lu' later."

"Then you have to watch it." Tianxuan was not modest either.

"However, for your safety, I think it is safer for you to hide on the beams and attack. I will introduce some bandits into this room later, and it will be up to you then."

"it is good."

When Liu Tian held Tianxuan's little hand again, a strange feeling arose in the hearts of both of them.Flying to the beam with Tianxuan, Liu Tian squeezed Tianxuan's palm and said:

"You can hide here."

"Yeah." Tianxuan's face hidden under the veil was slightly hot because of Liu Tian's small movements, but it was strange that she did not resist Liu Tian.

Liu Tian returned to the ground and deliberately made some noise in the room. At first the bandits outside thought it was the leader who made it, but after a while the noise in the room not only didn't stop, but became even louder.The bandits outside the door felt that something might have happened, so they called the leader softly, but there was no response. The three bandits realized that something might have happened to the leader, and cautiously entered the bandit leader's room with nervousness and joy.The bandit leader didn't see him, but he saw a man sitting on the bandit leader's usual chair with a slight smile on his lips.

"You, who are you? Why did you appear in the leader's room." A bandit said sharply.

"Who am I? I'm your leader's elder brother." Liu Tian made up an identity for himself at will, and he didn't care whether these bandits believed it or not, anyway, his purpose was not to make them believe it.

"Are you really the eldest brother of our leader? How can the eldest brother of the leader be so young?" A bandit hesitated, not knowing whether to believe Liu Tian's words.

"What? If you don't believe me, then I'll ask your leader to explain it to you." Liu Tian looked casually at the beam, nodded slightly, and signaled Tianxuan to make a move.

"However, you have to wait. Your leader has just entered the treasury to pick some treasures for me." Liu Tian picked up the tea on the table, just about to drink it, but remembered that it was the tea that the bandit leader had drunk, and quickly put it down, secretly saying bad luck.

Seeing that what Liu Tian said was so true, the three bandits believed Liu Tian's words a little bit, but they couldn't be sure whether what Liu Tian said was true, so they had to wait for the leader to come out of the treasure house, but they didn't know that their leader was already there. The next time he died.

When they relaxed their minds, there was a strange piercing sound, which seemed to come from the sky, but Liu Tian's voice came at this moment.

"Your leader has come out of the treasury."

Hearing this, the movement of the three bandits to look up into the sky obviously paused. The next moment, a burst of pain came from their bodies. They knew they were being attacked. When they raised their heads to look at the top of the room again, Liu Tian moved. Like a ghost, raised the killing sword in his hand high.

puff puff...

After hearing a few muffled sounds, the three bandits fell to the ground, and the ground was stained red by the blood flowing from their bodies.

Liu Tian gave a thumbs up to Tianxuan, then sat on the chair and looked at the four or five bandits who broke in from the door.

"Who are you? How dare you trespass on my Black Snake Village, and even dare to kill people in my Black Snake Village!" The leading bandit saw the three lying on the ground, his expression darkened.

"Who am I? I have already told the three people lying on the ground, um, my identity is the elder brother of your leader." Liu Tian smiled evilly.

"Nonsense! Brothers, come on!" The bandit leader was really decisive, and he didn't believe Liu Tian's words at all, calling the bandits to bully him immediately.

"Magic pupil!"

Liu Tian's expression was cold, murderous intent shot in his eyes, and magic pupils appeared on his forehead. This time, all the five bandits who came came were attacked, one bandit fell into a hallucination state, and three bandits fell into a state of trance. A bandit freezes.

Liu Tian's body turned into electricity, and the killing sword in his hand went out again. For a while, the sword energy was flying, the sword light was disillusioned, and the sword shadow was heavy.A King's Landing came down with a combo attack, and the two bandits' bodies collapsed and they died unexpectedly.Sword Demon Zhen Shayin made a move, and Tic Tac Shayin also attacked and killed a bandit.

At this time, a melodious flute sounded, playing the Divine Comedy in the night sky!The minds of the remaining two bandits were disturbed, Liu Tian made a strong move, blasted out the Trial Cross Slash, and another bandit died.

Immediately, Liu Tian confronted the last bandit, and he deliberately made the noise loud.Because he saw a patrol not far away through the window.The last bandit lasted the longest under Liu Tian's men, but when the patrol team rushed to this side, it indicated that the life of the bandit was over. Beside him, the killing sword stabbed out flatly, penetrating into the bandit's body.

Slowly walking back to the chair, Liu Tian regained his lazy state.The patrol team came, and when they saw the corpses on the ground and Liu Tian sitting on the chair, they immediately knew what happened, foreign enemies invaded!

After all the patrols entered the house, Liu Tiancai stood up and told another lie.

"I am a member of the government. If you are arrested now, I can deal with you lightly."

Liu Tian's words made the group of bandits nervous. They are not afraid of anything in the bandit business, but they are only afraid of the government.If the government is determined to destroy them, they will never escape.

"Your leader has been executed on the spot for disobeying orders." Liu Tian said again, the bandits couldn't believe his words were true or false.

"Since you're all going to be captured without putting your hands up, then I have no choice but to wipe you all out." Liu Tian set off when the bandits lost their minds a little, and used the phantom formation, one of the three major sword formations, for the first time!

In an instant, the invisible sword wave and the sword of "Miling" shot out from Liu Tian's body, and sank into the body of the bandit one after another. Immediately, a circle of swords of "Miling" appeared around them out of thin air, arousing the bandit's body. The sword waves and the 'Mi'ling' sword made most of the bandits lose their minds for a while.

"Star Kill!"

As the star sword fell, screams came and went, and at this time, Tianxuan's range attack also fell, and more than 20 sound blades burst out from the jade flute in an instant, descending on the bandits, and there was another burst of screams.

Liu Tian released several bonus skills, rushed into the group of bandits, recklessly harvested the lives of the bandits who were in a state of confusion, and within a moment, all the bandits were wiped out.Liu Tian's task of eradicating bandits is now only short of a bandit leader.

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