The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 327 Training Palace

Chapter 3' Training Hall

Ghost Wolf King's body moved out strangely, avoiding Liu Tian's continuous attacks, and then it slowly floated up, with an invisible wall blocking its surroundings, blocking Liu Tian out. 26nbsp;

A black mist appeared out of nowhere around the Ghost Wolf King and diffused. In the blink of an eye, the Ghost Wolf King was hidden in the mist, while Liu Tian was still blocked by an invisible wall. .

After a long attack to no avail, Liu Tian took a few steps back and looked at the black mist from afar.About ten seconds later, three wolf howls came from the mist, and gradually the mist disappeared, and Liu Tian also saw the ghost wolf king in the mist, but what surprised him was that he appeared in the mist. What he saw were three ghost wolf kings instead of the original one.

Temporarily called ghost wolf king a, ghost wolf king b, ghost wolf king c.

"Is this also a body clone technique?" Liu Tian whispered, "Hey, I have it too! Mirror image clone technique!"

The first clone separated from Liu Tian's body and stood side by side with Liu Tian, ​​looking at the three ghost wolf kings expressionlessly.

"Kill!" Liu Tian shouted coldly, controlling the avatar, letting it attack first, entangled the two ghost wolf kings.He just checked the attributes of the three ghost wolf kings, and found that their life and true energy were one-third of the remaining life and true energy of the original ghost wolf king, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

Destroying them one by one is the most suitable tactic. Now each ghost wolf king has almost 30 lives, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Liu Tian is worried about how much strength these three ghost wolf kings have.Like his mirror image clone, the clone only has [-]% of his attributes.

Liu Tian cleverly used the trapped formation and his avatar to block the two Ghost Wolf Kings, and began to fight Ghost Wolf King C. His face slowly darkened during the battle. He found that Ghost Wolf King C had at least 80 %Strength!

"Hmph, I will consume you slowly!" Although Liu Tian said so, he did not intend to do so. , Resolutely hit the Trial Cross Slash!


Liu Tian and Ghost Wolf King C were knocked into the air by the opponent at the same time, but Liu Tian moved straight up and instantly moved to the side of Ghost Wolf King C who was flying upside down. tofu waist.


Liu Tian took advantage of the victory to pursue, and after cutting several swords in succession, the ghost wolf king turned into a wisp of black mist with a bang.The other two ghost wolf kings saw that Liu Tian had easily killed a clone, they roared and wanted to become one, but unfortunately they were hindered by the tens of thousands of sword qi trapped in the formation.


Liu Tian raised his body to the highest point, like a god coming to the world, his sharp eyes "pressed" Ghost Wolf King B, holding the sword with both hands, aimed at Ghost Wolf King B's waist, and fell!

"Hoo hoo..." Ghost wolf king b dodged the blow in embarrassment, gasping for breath.

Liu Tian chased after him on the sword demon lone step, and turned his hand over a well-shaped killing seal. With a bang, the killing seal hit Ghost Wolf King B in a solid manner. Ghost Wolf King A wanted to rescue him, but was killed Liu Tian's clone was entangled and could not get out.

"Roar..." The ghost wolf king b jumped up, his wolf mouth opened wide, and he wanted to swallow Liu Tian, ​​but what greeted him was a magic weapon, pushing the magic weapon with one arm, and piercing through its mouth body.

Ghost Wolf King B also disappeared.Now only Ghost Wolf King A who is a paper tiger in Liu Tian's eyes is left.With red eyes, Liu Tian met Ghost Wolf King A again. In a few minutes, the winner was decided, and Ghost Wolf King A fell to the ground dead, unexpectedly nothing exploded.

"Real grab!"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for eternally obtaining the Heart of the Ghost Wolf King x1."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player who has obtained the ghost wolf king's tooth x2 forever."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for eternally obtaining the Eyeball of the Ghost Wolf King x1."

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player for eternally obtaining..."


"Back to the city!"

After leaving the fighting state, Liu Tian took out the city return talisman. He didn't let Hanxian return to his body, but held her hand and crushed the city return talisman.

The appearance of Han Xian did not meet Liu Tian's expectation. The rate of turning back on the street was as high as 1%. 100% of them turned their heads because of the beautiful Han Xian, while [-]% of them looked at Liu Tian, ​​an ugly guy. Looking at Liu Tian, ​​he unanimously said this sentence in his heart: A cabbage makes a pig!

Returning to the Job Transfer Hall, Liu Tian handed the ghost wolf king's heart to Zhui Jian, and without further ado, Zhui Jian waved his arm, and a beam of light shot into Liu Tian's forehead.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Eternal for learning [Three Combos of Chasing Souls]"

〖Three Combos of Chasing Souls〗【Elementary】:

【Active Skill】

[proficiency]: 0/3500

[Skill Effect]:

Using this skill, you can strike three times in quick succession, one after another, the enemy has no possibility of dodging, and you can't interrupt when performing three combos at the same time.

[Casting distance]: Within three meters.

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 4 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 180 point of true energy.

"Teacher, this skill is not bad." Zhui Jian looked at Liu Tian with a smile.

"It's okay." Liu Tian replied casually. He was actually not satisfied in his heart. You must know that although the soul-chasing three-strike combo can deliver three hits in a row, these three hits are the damage of three normal attacks, which is not as good as his A powerful skill!

"What? Not satisfied?"

"It's a bit... The damage caused by the soul-chasing three-hit combo is equal to three normal attacks, not as high as the damage of one of my skills."

"Well, that's right. Triple strike is indeed a bit rubbish. Although it's not bad after a higher level, it's also rubbish in my eyes." Chasing Sword nodded in agreement and said: "But it's triple strike, I'm chasing Soul three combo, the power of chasing soul three combo is that you can 'insert' skills at will in three combos, for example, the first hit releases sword energy, the second hit releases sword gang, and the third hit releases sword shield .”

"Ahem..." If Liu Tian was drinking tea at this time, he would definitely be choked by Chasing Sword's words: "Master, it's really so powerful, why don't you demonstrate it to my apprentice once?"

"You don't have that spare time, do you think I'll lie to you?" Chasing Sword glanced at Liu Tian dissatisfied: "Don't be too happy, now you can't 'insert' skills at will, um, that is, with other people The same as the triple hit."

It was said that Liu Tian was like a frost-beaten eggplant, dejected, but there was a hint of excitement in his dejection. According to what Zhuan Jian said, the three combos of chasing souls are a super combo skill!Comparing other combo skills to being dead, the Soul Chasing Triple Strike is alive!

Liu Tian fantasized, but when he thought that his reputation was not enough to establish a guild, just as he was about to leave and take up the task, the words of Chasing Sword came.

"You don't want to go out these two days. I'll take you to the training hall to practice your skills. By the way, I'll explain the skills and the swordsman skill to you."

Hearing this, Liu Tian was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed.The biggest difference between this game and other games is that it is infinitely close to reality, everything is "live", just like skills, you learn, but the power of exerting is not necessarily the greatest, it depends on your use skills .

Liu Tian followed behind Zhuijian, and the two were walking towards the training hall.Liu Tian of the training hall knows that this is a training place, where you can fight against system npcs, other players, and train alone.And individual training is divided into shadow training and hard training.

Shadow training means that the system uses the player himself as the blueprint, simulates another self, and then fights against you.The simulated shadow strength can also be selected, divided into 50% of its own strength, 80% of its own strength, 100% of its own strength, and more than 100% of its own strength.Players with more than 100% of their own strength can adjust the shadow's strength by themselves, which can be 101% of their own strength or 110% of their own strength.Compared with shadow training, hard training is much more rigid. You can only train alone in a room against the air.

Of course, any kind of training in the training hall requires money, and the price is not low. Among them, shadow training is the most expensive. It costs 80 gold coins for an hour, which is a waste of money.However, with Liu Tian's financial resources, such consumption is more than enough.

"Give him shadow training, shadow strength, 80% of his own strength! The training time is one day!" Coming to the back of the training hall, Chasing Sword went straight to the administrator of the training hall, pointed to Liu Tian and said: "Well, and, give him It’s set so that you can’t come out if you don’t stay for an hour every time you enter.”

"Okay, shadow training costs 19 gold coins a day. Given your training time, we will give you 1900 gold coin for free. You only need to pay [-] gold coins." The administrator of the training hall looked at Chasing Sword with a smile on his face.

"Disciple, pay!" Chasing the sword.

"Wow, I thought you paid for it..." Liu Tian muttered in a low voice, but he paid the money anyway, he is not short of money now!

"Are you entering the shadow training space now?" the administrator asked.

Liu Tian glanced at Zhui Jian and nodded: "Yes, enter now."

"Okay, I wish you...come back safely!" The administrator said something inexplicable, and then waved his hand, Liu Tian disappeared directly into the training hall.

Liu Tian didn't know what the administrator said, but other players knew that many players were whispering at this time,

"You say, how long can a player who has just entered the shadow training space last in the shadow training space before coming out?"

"Ten minutes."

"Let me watch it for a few minutes. Look at his small body. Alas, I don't know why that wretched uncle is so cruel to him."

"You two idiots? Didn't that wretched uncle let the administrator set it into a mode where you can't come out after less than an hour?" A player really couldn't see these two idiots, and said aloud.

Liu Tian didn't know everything outside. At this moment, he appeared in a space with two light frames. Liu Tian was standing in one of the light frames. In front of him was an option interface.

"Ding Dong, please choose the degree of pain tolerance."

Liu Tian chose 80%.

"Ding dong, the system is scanning your attributes and generating a shadow at the same time, please wait."

A warm light shone on Liu Tian's body, and he felt very warm and comfortable.When he closes his eyes slightly to enjoy, in another light frame in this space, another him is being generated!

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