The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 330 Training

Chapter 330 Training

In the shadow training space, Liu Tian was KO'd again.He has been in the training space for half an hour. This half hour is exactly the same as the previous hour. Except for being abused, he was still abused, and it was worse than the previous hour.Because during these half an hour, Liu Tian was distracted to feel the mobilization of his true energy while releasing his skills, and as a result, the shadow often found opportunities to attack. After repeated attacks, he would only be beaten.

An hour finally passed in Liu Tian's anticipation. After Liu Tian survived the ongoing battle, he immediately withdrew from the training space. Although training is of great help to the enhancement of strength, no one likes to be abused all the time, right? ?Either way, take a rest.

After leaving the training space, Liu Tian went back to the tavern to look for Chasing Sword.This time, Zhui Jian told Liu Tian some techniques of using skills, which benefited Liu Tian a lot, and some of the fog in his heart was dispelled.

"When you go back to the training hall this time, go to the hard training to practice your skills. Only by understanding each skill at a deep level can you better display the power of the skills. Also, you need to match more skills to fully display the power of the skills Come out." Chasing Sword 'licked' the wine drops on his lips.

"Well, I will." Liu Tian was very willing not to face that devilish shadow, and he had just been instructed by Zhui Jian's words, and he was about to test the idea in his heart.

"Master, then I'm leaving." Liu Tian took a sip of wine, waved his hand, and left gracefully.

Back in the training hall, Liu Tian applied to the administrator to enter the hard training space, paid the money, and disappeared with the administrator waving his sleeves.In a room similar to the shadow training space, a white light flashed away, and Liu Tian's figure appeared in the white light.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Liu Tian recalled what Zhui Jian had said, and analyzed it carefully.In the end, he suddenly stood up, waved his sharp blade at the air, and released his skills at the void.

Bang bang bang!

Explosions sounded suddenly under the sharp blade, and Liu Tian himself simulated the battle situation in his mind, calculated various situations, and matched various skills. At the same time, he was still trying his best to feel the mobilization of true energy in his body .Fortunately, there is no cooldown of skills in hard training, he can match them as he likes.However, the proficiency of skills cannot be increased in hard training.

An hour or two hours passed, Liu Tian stopped training and began to reminisce about the previous training.Close your eyes and replay the scenes of the training just now.The use of skills has progressed rapidly under Chasing Sword's dialing. Compared with before, the skills of using skills have improved a lot, but it is a pity that he still cannot feel the mobilization of true energy.

In the end, Liu Tian chose to leave the hard training space, and went into the shadow training space without taking a break. He wanted to try his two hours of training results.It's just that his choice was to throw himself into the magic net, and he was tortured by the shadow again, and it lasted for an hour.

"One day, I will trample you under my feet." At the end of an hour, when leaving, Liu Tian'se said to the shadow sternly.

After all, these words were just cruel words. Half an hour later, he returned to the shadow training space in despair. Naturally, he was bruised and bruised by the shadow again, life would be better than death.

For a day, Liu Tian just spent the day in pain.The next day, Chasing Sword threw Liu Tian in a monster map of level 35, and ordered Liu Tian to kill all five hundred monsters before tomorrow, otherwise, family law will serve him!

On this day, Liu Tian spent killing monsters.With his hard work, he finally killed the 35th monster on the level [-] map when he was about to go offline. After completing the task delivered by chasing the sword, he immediately went offline and fell asleep on the bed. He was really tired for two days.

When Liu Tian was sleeping soundly, a beautiful shadow quietly came to his bedside, looking at him who was sleeping soundly, with an unknown brilliance in his bright eyes, he reached out and stroked Liu Tian's face. retreated quietly.At some point, there was a crystal drop of water on the floor. Under the moonlight from the window, it exuded a soft light, like a crystal.

The next day, Liu Tian turned over like a carp and got up, refreshed, and his hp and mp returned to their best condition.

"Brother, are you up? Hurry up and wash up, let's have breakfast." Liu Ruoxi gently greeted Liu Tian who had just walked out of the room.

"Well, you pack two copies, and I'll send them to Meng'er and Aunt Zhang later." Liu Tian was about to turn around and enter the bathroom, when he suddenly remembered something: "Xiao Xi, where is Sister Lan? Why haven't I seen her recently?"

"Oh, she's been entangled by Long'er, and now she's sleeping with Yan'er."

"oh oh."

Wash, eat, go to the hospital.Liu Tian carried two breakfasts into the ward. Lan Menger might have been guarding the bedside all night, but now she was lying on the bedside to sleep. Seeing this, Liu Tian smiled wryly, put down the breakfast, picked up Lan Menger, and put her on the bed. Another hospital bed.It may be that Liu Tian's movements were a little too big, Lan Meng'er's eyes trembled, and she opened those dim and affectionate eyes.

"Are you awake? Let's sleep for a while more." Liu Tian pityfully straightened Lan Meng'er's hair.

"I'm going to take care of my dad."

"I'm here, baby, sleep for a while, do you know how haggard you are now? If your father sees it, he will definitely be sad." Liu Tian pressed Lan Meng'er's shoulders to prevent her from getting up.

"Liu Tian..." Lan Meng'er's eyes were misty with tears, and mist filled her eyes.

"Hey, you go to sleep first."


Lan Meng'er obediently closed her eyes, her breathing gradually became calm, and she soon fell asleep.Only half an hour later, Lan Menger woke up.

"Why did you wake up? Did I disturb you?" Liu Tian frowned and asked.

"No, I was dreaming. I dreamed that my father, my father, he was dead... woohoo." Thinking of the scene of his father's death in the dream, Lan Menger couldn't help crying.

"Isn't Dad here? It's okay, it's just a nightmare." Liu Tian hugged Lan Menger into his arms and comforted him softly. In fact, Liu Tian knew that the reason why Lan Menger was crying was not because of the nightmare, but because of Lan Ming'er's life Not much really.


Lan Meng'er sobbed softly in Liu Tian's arms, gradually tired from crying, and fell asleep again.At this time, Mother Lan came in from outside the ward, and seeing this scene, she couldn't help but sighed.

"Xiaotian, leave Meng'er to me. I really trouble you. You should go back first."

"No, I'm here to accompany Meng'er."

"Go back, I'm fine here."

"Okay, then I'll go back first."

Back home, Liu Tian put on his helmet and entered the game. He remembered that today was the day when the gate of the ghost world was opened, and they were going to rescue the little princess.

Entering the job transfer hall, Liu Tian saw Zhui Jian and the dead old man sitting on chairs drinking wine, eating food, talking and laughing, Liu Tian couldn't help being a little dumbfounded, he remembered the last time he met the dead old man but was scolded go.

Seeing Liu Tian coming in, Zhui Jian waved to him with a smile all over his face: "Disciple, come, come, meet Uncle Li soon."

"Uncle Li? Isn't he uncle?" Liu Tian wondered.

"Uncle?" Zhui Jian glanced at the dead old man and said, "You have always only had an uncle, no uncle, Junior Brother Feng Hua, am I right?" At the end of the sentence, Zhui Jian stared at the old man with sharp eyes , smiling, but murderous.

"That's right, Brother Chasing Sword, let me toast you!" The dead old man naturally didn't dare to argue, and nodded in agreement.

The three of them chatted for a while, and then they set out on the road, aiming at the soul tomb under the tomb of the headless corpse king in Guiyunpo!

On the way, Liu Tian opened his attribute interface with great interest, and checked his attributes in detail.

Game Nickname: Eternal,

Race: Immortal Origin Race (the only one),

Adventure career:

First job: killing gods,

Second job: Sword Demon,

Auxiliary occupations: None,

Gang: None,

Level: 30,

Reputation: 9430,

Money: 50341 gold coins, 2 silver coins, 7 copper coins.

Basic attribute 'property':

Strength: 185+2,

Constitution: 76+2,

Dexterity: 75+2,

Spirit: 110+2,

HP: 1385+150,

Infuriating value: 1315+150,

Self recovery: 9 points/second,

Physical Attack: 1895- 85,

Qi attack: 1410-1551,

Physical defense: 770-1078,

Gas defense: 890-1246,

hit: 1',

avoidance: 94,

Speed: extremely fast,

response: 1(,

Fixed property 'property':

Lucky: 18+2,

charm:? ? ?

Enlightenment 'nature':? ? ?

Spirituality:? ? ?

Pet: Jin Er,

Mounts: None,

Free attribute points: 0,


〖Exploration Technique〗【Elementary】:

【Active Skill】

Proficiency: 1891/00,

Skill effect:

There is a 95% probability of detecting primary medicinal materials, primary ore names and attributes.

There is a 50% probability of detecting the names and attributes of intermediate medicinal materials and ores.

[Casting distance]: Within two meters.

[Casting time]: None.

【Cooling time】: 1 minutes.

[Skill consumption]: 5 point of true energy.

[Note]: This skill is a gift from the system.

[Collection Technique] [Elementary]:

【Active Skill】

【Proficiency】: 871/1000,

[Skill Effect]:

95% chance to collect soldier grade materials.

40% chance to collect [-]-level materials.

1% chance to collect handsome materials.

[Casting distance]: within one meter,

[Casting time]: None,

[Cooling Time]: None,

[Skill consumption]: 2 point of true energy.

〖Undying and Immortal Communication Art〗【Elementary】:

【Passive skill】

【Proficiency】: 2/10000,

[Skill Effect]:

When the player dies eternally, it will be automatically reborn once, without system punishment, and the recovery of the full state is the best, and it comes with 3 seconds of invincibility time.

[Casting distance]: Self,

[Casting time]: 1 second,

[Cooling time]: two weeks,

[Skill consumption]: 100 point of true energy.


【Active Skill】

【Proficiency】: (85/4000,

[Skill Effect]: Slash, kill the enemy.player

The vertical height can be freely controlled, the highest is no more than four meters, and the lowest is no more than one meter.The attack power will also vary with the height of the void, with a maximum of no more than 300% and a minimum of no less than 0%.

[Casting distance]: within 4 meters

[casting time]: 2 seconds

【Cooling time】: 2 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 50 point of true energy.

〖Sword Qi Slash〗【Advanced】:

【Active Skill】

【Proficiency】: 4002/6500,

[Skill Effect]:

Gather the sword energy in the body into the sword, condense into two air swords, and cut them out instantly. Each air sword has 250% air attack.

[Casting distance]: within 3 meters,

[Casting time]: 2 seconds [Cooling time]: 2 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 0 points of true energy.

〖Sword and Shield〗【Advanced】:

【Active Skill】

【Proficiency】: 2521/5000,

[Skill Effect]:

Mobilize the true energy in the body, use the sword as a guide, and condense a shield in front of the body to protect the front half of the body. The sword and shield can offset 50% of the damage.

[Casting distance]: within 1 meters

[casting time]: 2 seconds

【Cooling time】: 4 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 0 points of true energy.

〖God Killing Mind〗【Phase Level Mind Power】:

[Mind power form]: Intangible, divided into two parts: real intention and imaginary thought.

[Master of Mind Power]: The player is eternal [Effect of Mind Power]:

1 Killing is not punished by the pk system.

2 The holder of the "God Killing Mind" can forcibly absorb 24% of the experience lost by the player killed by himself.

[Psychic skill]:

〖False thought 'manipulation'〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Separate the imaginary part of the "God-killing mind" and invade the interior of the equipment at or below the handsome level, so that the owner is not limited by the equipment, and can forcibly control the equipment for his own use, and the equipment is more closely connected with the owner's mind.

[Casting distance]: within 1 meters

【Casting time】: 10 minutes

【Cooling time】: 1 month

[Skill Consumption]: 10 points of vanity.

Void: dot/dot.

False thoughts increase with the growth of "God-killing thoughts". False thoughts can only be withdrawn, but not restored.

〖Instant Kill〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Condensed the real part of the "God Killing Mind", condensed into a phantom weapon in a fixed shape, and shot out instantly.Players must first condense the form of three weapons, and only one weapon can be used during the battle, and the player has not yet condensed the form of the weapon.


[Casting distance]: within 5 meters,

[casting time]: 2 seconds

【Cooling time】: 2 hours

[Skill consumption]: 8 points of real meaning.

Actual meaning: 15 points/15 points

The actual intention increases with the growth of the "God Killing Intent", and the actual intention can be recovered, and 18 point of actual intention can be recovered in 1 minutes.

【Real grab】

【Active Skill】

【Skill Effect】

Grab it with real intent, you can ingest an item four meters away from the air.Moreover, this skill can be used to collect 'medicine' grass, corpses, etc., and increase the % success rate.

[Casting distance]: within four meters

[casting time]: none

【Cooling time】: 1 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 1 points of real meaning.

Actual meaning: 15 points/15 points

The actual intention increases with the growth of the "God Killing Intent", and the actual intention can be recovered, and 18 point of actual intention can be recovered in 1 minutes.

〖Clone Technique〗【Elementary】:

【First weight】

【Mirror Mirror Clone】

【Active Skill】

[proficiency]: 1001/10000

[Skill Effect]:

The first clone technique, mirror image clone technique, allows the person who releases the skill to separate a mirror image clone from the body. This clone has 30% of the attributes of the releaser and lasts for 5 minutes.

[Casting distance]: Self

[casting time]: 4 seconds

【Cooling time】: 3 hours

[Skill consumption]: 350 point of true energy.

〖Sword Gang〗【Elementary】:

【Active Skill】

【Proficiency】: 1910/00

[Skill Effect]:

Gather the sword energy and form an indestructible sword gang around the sword body. The sword gang has 260% air attack damage and lasts for 2 seconds.

[Casting distance]: sword body

[Casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 5 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 0 points of true energy.

〖Troubled Array〗【Elementary】:

【Active Skill】

[proficiency]: 3587/5000

[Skill Effect]:

Summon the power of the earth and condense it into a lightsaber to form one of the three sword formations to besiege the enemy. The effect is unknown and lasts for 10 minutes.

[Casting distance]: within 10 meters

[casting time]: 3 seconds

【Cooling time】: 30 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 300 point of true energy.

〖Earth Demon Sword〗【Elementary】:

【Active Skill】

[Proficiency]: '85/3000

[Skill Effect]:

Break open the vast land, pull the power of the earth demon, and condense into an earth demon giant sword, which contains 300% air attack damage.

[Casting distance]: Within seven meters

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 3 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 300 point of true energy.

〖King of the World〗【Elementary】(combo skills):

【Active Skill】

[proficiency]: 0/6000

[Skill Effect]:

Combine the four skills of Vertical Slash, Sword Gang, Sword Qi Slash, and Earth Demon Sword to form a powerful combo skill. The power of this combo skill will increase with the improvement of proficiency or the improvement of the basic four skills.King's Landing can perfectly use the four skills, each skill will be increased by 35% attack damage, and the combo skills cannot be interrupted.After use, the basic four skills will be in a cooling state.

[Casting distance]: Within three meters.

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 30 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 500 point of true energy.

〖Sword Demon Town Kill Seal〗【Elementary】:

【Active Skill】

[proficiency]: 0/3000

[Skill Effect]:

But he could press out a terrifyingly powerful Tic Tac Kill Seal in the air. The power of this Kill Seal is 350% Qi Attack!

[Casting distance]: within three meters

[casting time]: 2 seconds

【Cooling time】: 8 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 350 point of true energy.

〖Sword Demon Heaven Killing Seal〗【Elementary】:

【Active Skill】

[proficiency]: 356/2500

[Skill Effect]:

Combining the three skills of Vertical Slash, Earth Demon Sword, and Sword Demon Suppressing Killing Seal forms a powerful combo skill. The power of this combo skill will increase with the improvement of proficiency or the improvement of the basic three skills.Each skill will be increased by 30% attack damage, and combo skills cannot be interrupted.After use, the basic three skills will be in a cooling state.

[Casting distance]: within five meters

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: minutes

[Skill consumption]: 350 point of true energy.

〖Royal Sword Art〗【Elementary】:

【Active Skill】

[proficiency]: 0/2500

[Skill Effect]:

At the current level, you can use your sword to kill enemies within 3 meters at will within 150 minutes. Each blow is at least [-]% of the normal attack. The attack direction and attack speed are all determined by the player.

[Casting distance]: within eight meters

[casting time]: none

【Cooling time】: 8 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 350 points true


[Body of Killing] [Elementary]:

【Active Skill】

[proficiency]: 4/5000

[Skill Effect]:

Body of Slaughter, can increase the power of the caster's normal attack by 100%, and the power of skill attack by 1%!The casting speed of all skills is reduced by 1 second, and the cooling time of all skills is reduced by 1 minute.for 6 minutes.

[Casting distance]: Self

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 5 hours

[Skill consumption]: 250 point of true energy.

〖Phantom Array〗【Elementary】:

【Active Skill】

[proficiency]: 8/5000

[Skill Effect]:

Summon the power of psychedelic, summon the sword of psychedelic spirit, condense a phantom formation around the releaser, and those who enter the phantom formation will be affected, the effect is unknown, and lasts for 10 minutes.

[Casting distance]: within 10 meters

[casting time]: 2 seconds

【Cooling time】: 30 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 300 point of true energy.

[Note]: This skill cannot be used together with the magic pupil for the time being.

〖Magic Eyes〗【Elementary】:

【Active Skill】

[proficiency]: 5/10000

[Skill Effect]:

The magic pupil can release the 'psychedelic' wave to attack all enemies within four meters. There is a 5% probability that the enemy will fall into an illusion for 30 seconds, a 2% probability that the enemy will be distracted for 40 seconds, and a 1% probability that the enemy will be blinded for [-] seconds. Freeze for [-] second.

The three effects cannot appear on the same creature at the same time. [casting distance] self

[casting time]: 2 seconds

【Cooling time】: 45 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 300 point of true energy.

[Note]: This skill cannot be used together with Magic Array for the time being.

〖Sword Intent〗【Elementary】:

【Passive skill】

[proficiency]: 0/2500

[Skill Effect]:

Permanently increase the power of all Swordsman series skills, the current increase is 10%.

[Casting distance]: Self

[casting time]: none

[cooling time]: no

[Skill Consumption]: None.

〖Three Combos of Chasing Souls〗【Elementary】:

【Active Skill】

[proficiency]: 0/3500

[Skill Effect]:

Using this skill, you can strike three times in quick succession, one after another, the enemy has no possibility of dodging, and you can't interrupt when performing three combos at the same time.

[Casting distance]: Within three meters.

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 4 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 180 point of true energy.



【God's Right Eye】〖handsome top grade〗:

[Equipment Category]: special items,

[Wearing Requirements]: Immortal Origin Race,

[wearing level]: none,

【Accompanied effect】:

HP +150,

Infuriating value +150,

Strength +2,

Constitution +2,

Dexterity +2,

Spirit +2,

[Included skills]:

〖At a Glance〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

After opening the right eye of God, you can detect the attributes of all creatures except spiritless creatures.At present, the name, level, life value, true energy value, and strength level of creatures that are not higher than their own level 10 can be detected.

[Casting distance]: within 40 meters,

[Casting time]: None,

[Cooling time]: 3 seconds,

[Skill consumption]: 1 point of true energy.

The effect of the skill is enhanced as the God's right eye and the eternal fit of the player increase.


【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Turn on this skill and see night as day.

[Casting time]: None,

[Cooling Time]: None,

[Skill consumption]: 2 points of true energy per second.

The effect of the skill is enhanced as the God's right eye and the eternal fit of the player increase.

[Mind-reading thaumaturgy]:

【Passive skill】

[Skill Effect]:

After fusing with the right eye of God, there is a 1% chance of knowing the thoughts of other creatures.

【Fitness】: 25%,

【Recognized Lord】

Cannot be discarded, cannot be dropped, cannot be traded, cannot be stolen.

【Sky Meteor Sword Sheath】〖Low Grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: Not wearable

[Equipment category]: scabbard, special items

[Wearing Requirements]: Players are eternal

[wearing level]: no

【Accompanied effect】:

1: It can fit and bind with any sword. Once bound, it can never be changed.

2: The bound sword can never be dropped.

[Included skills]:

[Spirit of the scabbard]:

【Passive skill】

[Skill Effect]:

The spirit of the scabbard can warm and nourish the bound sword, and there is a certain probability that the bound sword can reach a real opening and become a magic weapon.

[Casting distance]: None

[casting time]: none

[cooling time]: no

[Skill Consumption]: None

[Warming Sword]: None

Cannot be discarded, cannot be dropped, cannot be traded, cannot be stolen.


【Killing Sword】〖handsome mid-grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: Never wear out

[Equipment Category]: Weapon

[Wearing Requirements]: Players are eternal

[wearing level]: level

【Accompanied effect】:

Physical attack: 400—410

Physical defense: 400—410

Qi attack: 400—410

Gas defense: 400—410

Casting time of any sword move - 2 seconds

[Included skills]:

〖Star Killer〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Concentrate star power, condense fifteen star swords, cut down from the void, covering an area of ​​eight meters, each star sword has 250% air attack damage.

[Casting distance]: within 8 meters

[casting time]: 2 seconds

【Cooling time】: 15 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 0 points of true energy.

〖Great Art of Killing〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

One: There is a 10% probability that ten enemies will fall into a hallucination for ten seconds.

Second: Weaken the attack and defense of ten enemies by %, last for 3 minutes

Third: Increase own attack and defense by 30% each, lasting for 5 minutes

Fourth: Self-recovery increase rate is 0%, which lasts for 10 minutes.

Fifth: The caster has a 01% probability of entering the 'killing' state.

[Casting distance]: within ten meters

[casting time]: 3 seconds

【Cooling time】: minutes

[Skill consumption]: 380 point of true energy.

〖Little Art of Killing〗:

【Passive skill】

[Skill Effect]:

The person holding the killing sword has a 30% probability of attacking other creatures to forcibly absorb % of the damage suffered by the creatures as life supplement.

[Casting distance]: Self

[casting time]: none

[cooling time]: no

[Skill consumption]: 50 point of true energy.

〖Seal Status〗: The first seal has been released.

〖Front Value〗: 50

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.


【Magic Cloud Helmet】〖Scholar Grade Middle Grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: 8000/8000

[Equipment Category]: Helmet

[wearing requirements]: no

[wearing level]: level 23

【Accompanied effect】:

Physical Defense: 2—230

Gas defense: 210—215

[Incidental Skills]: None.

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.


[Leopard King Shoulderguards] 〖Private Level Low-Rank〗:

[Equipment Durability]: 4143/6000

[Equipment Category]: Shoulder Pads

[Wearing requirements]: warrior, swordsman, gun fighter

[wearing level]: level

【Accompanied effect】:

Physical Attack: 180— 0

Qi attack: 180— 0

Physical defense: 250—300

Gas defense: 250—300

[Included skills]:

〖Thunder and Lightning〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Gather the power of one side of lightning, merge into lightning, interweave in the area with a radius of 5 meters around the holder, all creatures that enter the range of the interweaving of thunder and lightning will receive 50% air attack damage every 15 seconds, and last for [-] seconds .

[Casting distance]: within two meters

[Casting time]: 2 seconds

【Cooling time】: 25 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 330 points of true energy

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.


【Snake King Leather Armor】〖Soldier Grade Top Grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: 4 0/6000

[Equipment Category]: Clothes

[Wearing requirements]: swordsman, warrior, gun fighter

[wearing level]: level 16

【Accompanied effect】:

Physical defense: 180—195

Gas defense: 175—188

Exempt from all corona venom attacks. [Included skills]:

〖Blessing of the Snake King〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Snake King Blessing, applied to the holder's weapon, can increase the attack contained in the weapon by 0%, lasting for 6 seconds.

[Casting distance]: Self

[Casting time]: 2 seconds

【Cooling time】: minutes

[Skill consumption]: 0 points of true energy.

〖Snake King Gold Pattern〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Casting this skill can apply the unique golden pattern of the Silver Ring Snake King to the 'Snake King Leather Armor', increasing the defense of the 'Snake King Leather Armor' by 0% for 5 seconds.

[Casting distance]: Self

[casting time]: 2 seconds

【Cooling time】: 25 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 2 points of true energy

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.


【Crocodile King Bracers】〖Soldier Grade Top Grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: 2150/3000,

[Equipment Category]: Bracers,

[Wearing requirements]: None,

[wearing level]: level 15,

【Accompanied effect】:

Physical attack: 130-140,

Physical defense: 130-145,

Qi attack: 125-130,

Gas defense: 125-135,

[Included skills]:

〖Small Gravity Technique〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Gather the gravity of the earth and condense it in a small area with a length of four meters and a width of four meters, which doubles the gravity in the area and lasts for seconds.

[Casting distance]: within five meters,

[Casting time]: 2 seconds.

【Cooling time】: 15 minutes.

[Skill consumption]: 100 point of true energy.

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.


【Xundian Belt】〖Soldier Grade Top Grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: 4000/4000,

[Equipment Category]: Belt,

[Wearing requirements]: None,

[wearing level]: level 15,

【Accompanied effect】:

Speed ​​+2,

Lucky +1,

[Incidental Skills]: None.

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.


【Goshawk Skirt Armor】〖Scholar Grade Middle Grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: 7500/7500

[Equipment Category]: Clothes

[Wearing Requirements]: Swordsman

[wearing level]: 'level

【Accompanied effect】:

Physical attack: 85—102

Qi attack: 90—110

Physical Defense: 250—(0

Gas defense: 260—)0


[Attached Skills]: None

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.


[Electric Switch Boots] 〖Scholar-level low-grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: 6500/6500

[Equipment Category]: Shoes

[wearing requirements]: no

[wearing level]: level

【Accompanied effect】:

Physical attack: 80—100

Qi attack: 80—100

Physical defense: 80—100

Gas defense: 80—100

Speed ​​+2

[Included skills]:


【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Bless the power of lightning on both feet, increasing speed by 50% and attack by 4%. Each attack has a 5% probability of pulling lightning to attack the enemy, causing 5% air attack damage. The skill effect lasts for a total of seconds.

[Casting distance]: Self

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 10 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 350 points of true energy

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.


【Erosion Ring】〖Soldier-level top-rank〗:

[Equipment Durability]: 1523/2500,

[Equipment Category]: Ring,

[Wearing requirements]: None,

[wearing level]: level 15,

【Accompanied effect】:

Lucky +1,

Charisma +1,

There are ten storage spaces, and the items stored in the ring cannot be dropped or stolen.

[Included skills]:

〖Erosion Arrow〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

With the help of the corrosion energy, release the powerful corrosive 'liquid' poison arrows, the corrosion arrows have the effect of 'armor erosion' and the holder's 50% air attack damage.

[Casting distance]: Within six meters.

[Casting time]: 2 seconds.

【Cooling time】: 15 minutes.

[Skill consumption]: 90 point of true energy.

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

【Dragon Soul Ring】〖Private Grade Top Grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: Never wear out

[Equipment Category]: Ring

[Wearing Requirements]: Immortal Origin Race

[wearing level]: no

【Accompanied effect】:

Strength +1

Constitution +1

lucky +2

Charm +2

Spirituality +1

The storage space is [-] cells, and the items stored in the ring cannot be dropped or stolen.

[Included skills]:

[Dragon Soul Possession]:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Dragon Soul Possession, activates the dragon soul in the Dragon Soul Ring, and possesses the Dragon Soul Ring holder, increasing % attack and % defense for 10 seconds.

[Casting distance]: Self

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 10 hours

[Skill consumption]: 2 point of true energy.

〖Dragon Soul Protector〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

The protection of the dragon soul, the protection of the dragon soul, forms a light shield around the caster, lasts for 5 seconds, and avoids 80% of the damage.

[Casting distance]: Self

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 8 hours

[Skill consumption]: 250 point of true energy.

[Equipment Status]: Four Seals


Cannot be discarded, cannot be dropped, cannot be traded, cannot be stolen.

【Liufeng Jie】〖Scholar-level low-grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: 5530/6000

[Equipment Category]: Ring

[Wearing Requirements]: Swordsman

[wearing level]: level

【Accompanied effect】:

Qi attack: 100—100

Gas defense: 100—100

Speed: +10

Casting time of [Sword Wind] - 1 second

[Attached Skills]: None

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

After a series of attributes, Liu Tian almost fainted, put away the attribute interface, and Liu Tian looked at his task again.


〖Hidden〗【Earth Dragon of Dragon Soul Awakening】〖Scholar Grade Mid-Rank〗:

【Task Content】:

Due to an accident, the original owner of the Dragon Soul Ring collected the blood of four creatures and sealed the Dragon Soul Ring with the secret technique of sealing.There are four seals, and each seal requires the blood of a living being.The blood of the living beings needed to unseal the first seal is the blood of the earth dragon.Dilong lives in Dilongpo, the main city of Qinglong.The second seal unlocking task will be displayed after the first seal unlocking task is completed.

[Task time]: Unlimited.

【Task Status】: 0 copies/parts.

【Failure Condition】: None.

[Failure Punishment]: None.


〖Hidden〗【Ancestral Precepts】〖King Grade Mid-Rank〗:

【Task Content】:

3000 years ago, Jian Qing, the ancestor of Jianzong, was deceived and buried Meng Xianer in the Wanfen Tomb of Guyu. For Meng Xian'er's situation, try to make her a human-like existence.

[mission time]: unlimited

【Task status】: not completed

[Failure condition]: None

[Failure Punishment]: None.


〖Hide the only one〗【The 'Mystery' of Sword City】〖Unknown〗:

【Task Content】:

Explore the reasons why Jiancheng disappeared into the world 3000 years ago and the people in Jiancheng could not get out of Jiancheng.If you have the strength, let the people in Jiancheng get out of Jiancheng.

[Task time]: None

【Task status】: not completed

[Failure condition]: None

[Failure Punishment]: None.


〖Hidden〗【Grudgement from a hundred years ago】〖Admiral-level top-rank〗:

【Task Content】:

The nameless old man was suppressed by his younger brother Bing Lingtian for a hundred years with the aid of Fulong's terrain and Jiuzhilongsuo. His lifespan is approaching, so I entrust you with the task of revenge. I hope you can find him in "Misty" Snow City and kill him , to comfort the spirit of the unknown old man in heaven.

[mission time]: unlimited

【Task status】: not completed

[Failure condition]: None

[Failure Punishment]: None.


〖Hide〗【Five-Year Covenant】〖Middle Grade〗:

【Task Content】:

According to the wish of the master to chase the sword, kill Bing Lingtian within five years.Cut off Bing Lingtian's head and send it to Zhuijian.

【Mission time】: Five years.

[Task status]: 0 people/1 people

[Failure condition]: The task has not been completed or the task time has expired.

[Failure penalty]: none

[Task reward]: The unique skill of chasing swords.


〖Hiding the only one〗【Preparation for Obliteration】〖Low Grade〗:

【Task Content】:

Collect all the pure heart stones and meditation spells and send them to the Blood Dragon Cave.

[mission time]: one year

【Task status】: 0 samples/2 samples

[Failure condition]: The task has not been completed or the task time has expired.

[Failure Punishment]: The level drops by [-] levels.


〖Hide the only one〗【Confinement of Time Map】〖Imperial Low Grade〗:

【Task Content】:

A hundred years ago, a little princess born with a phoenix body was born. Eighteen years later, she was born into a slim and beautiful girl. When she got married, she was taken away by the ghost king who came out of the ghost world.When the gate of the ghost world was about to close, the time map was born, imprisoned for that period of time, and included the ghost king and others into the time map. Due to special reasons, the time map could not be opened.Now, a hundred years have passed, and the time map can be opened again. At this time, it is the thousand-year reincarnation of Shengyan Volcano, and the masters of the dynasty have other tasks and cannot go to the rescue.So let you ask the master to chase the sword and go out to rescue the little princess.

【Mission time】: Eight days.

【Task status】: not completed

[Failure condition]: The task has not been completed or the task time has expired.

[Failure penalty]: Unknown.

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