The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 332 Ghost King

Chapter 332 Ghost King

Liu Tian and the dead old man followed the sword-chasing eyes to look at the black shadow. It was strange that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't see the specific appearance of the black shadow clearly. What they saw was a blurred back!

"Let's go, go to the soul grave! I didn't expect the ghosts from the ghost world to come out. They have always stayed in the ghost world. Even though the gate to the human world from the ghost world is opened every hundred years, almost no ghosts from the ghost world will come to the human world, let alone ghosts. It looks like the ghosts from the ghost world are coming to rescue the ghost king!"

Zhuijian held up the collars of the two of them, stepped forward, and immediately appeared ten meters away, and stepped forward again, this time the distance traveled was even further.Chasing the sword did not go after the ghost soldier. This ghost soldier should be alone, and it should know nothing, and it would be useless to catch it.

After chasing the sword at full speed, he arrived at the tomb of the headless corpse king in just a few minutes.Chasing the sword did not let bloodletting open the mechanism of the tomb, but blasted the stone wall away with a sword, and the four characters Tongyou ghost way appeared in front of the three of them as the stone wall was smashed.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player who has opened the hidden map forever, and the reward is 50 reputation, and you and your partner Fengwu Tianqiong will have 15 times the experience and explosions of this map compared to other players."

The sudden system prompt made Liu Tian startled, but the next system announcement made him smile wryly.

"Ding dong, please pay attention to all players, the first hidden map is here, and its location is in Guiyunpo! After five hours, the hidden map will be upgraded and become a normal map, and the map will appear on the player's map. The location, the experience and explosion rate in this map will be 12 times that of other ordinary maps! Please dig more hidden maps, the surprises are endless!"

"Ding dong, please pay attention to all players, the first hidden map is here, and its location is in Guiyunpo! After five hours, the hidden map will be upgraded and become a normal map, and the map will appear on the player's map. The location, the experience and explosion rate in this map will be 12 times that of other ordinary maps! Please dig more hidden maps, the surprises are endless!"

"Ding dong, please pay attention to all players, the first hidden map is here, and its location is in Guiyunpo! After five hours, the hidden map will be upgraded and become a normal map, and the map will appear on the player's map. The location, the experience and explosion rate in this map will be 12 times that of other ordinary maps! Please dig more hidden maps, the surprises are endless!"

Three consecutive system announcements, some people are happy and others are sad. The happy ones are naturally the leaders of the guild. As long as this map is occupied, the members of your own guild will upgrade much faster than others, and the worried ones will naturally be Ordinary players, their sorrow is precisely because of the joy of the guild, the guild rents out the game, where is there any chance for them to level up?

"I'm afraid the appearance of this map will trigger a bloodbath..." Liu Tian said to himself, 12 times the experience and explosion rate, who wouldn't want it?Especially ambitious guild leaders.

"Through the ghost road, the road leading to the nether world!"

Chasing the sword talking to himself, he took the lead to walk into the ghostly way, Liu Tian and the dead old man followed behind Chasing the sword, all the ghosts that appeared along the way were solved by Chasing the sword, all of them were ended with one sword, and here Liu Tian Ghosts like death swordsmen and death assassins, who have to spend a lot of hands and feet, can't escape the sharp eyes of chasing swords!Even if you enter the stone wall, you can't escape death!

So not long after, the three chasing swords arrived at the tomb of souls.At this time, there are two forces confronting each other in the soul tomb, one force is the ghosts from the ghost world, they are all blurred, no one can see their appearance clearly, and the other force is the royal family.The appearance of the three immediately attracted the attention of the two forces.The appearance of the chasing sword is naturally a good thing for the royal family, and the joy is unabashedly hung on the face, but compared to the people in the ghost world, their faces are much uglier.

A middle-aged man in mighty light armor greeted him, and said respectfully: "Master Zhuijian, you are here."

"I saw the ghost soldiers from the ghost world rushing over on the road. Nothing happened, right?" Zhui Jian nodded, his eyes swept over the crowd of ghosts in the ghost world, and he couldn't help frowning. The opponent has three ghost kings that he has seen before, that is to say, the opponent has three king-level powerhouses!

"No, just, what happened this time..." The middle-aged man looked at Zhui Jian in embarrassment: "It's a bit tricky, we and you are only two people with the same strength as the ghost king, and if you enter the time map , I have to face another ghost king. I have sent someone to report to the emperor, but I don’t know when the reinforcements will arrive. It is less than 10 minutes before the time map is opened. If it does not open after 10 minutes, it will have to wait another 100 minutes. years."

"I see." Zhui Jian's face returned to calm, and he couldn't see what he was thinking. After a while, he said: "When it's time to open the time map, open it."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the middle-aged man's answer, Chasing Sword took a few steps forward, and said to the three ghost kings in the ghost world: "What are the three ghost kings doing to my Huaxia Dynasty?"


The gloomy voice came from a ghost king. When Liu Tian heard it, his hair was terrified, and goose bumps arose.

"Although there is no agreement between the ghost world and the human world, but you broke into our Chinese Dynasty without authorization, you don't think we are too serious, right? And the account from a hundred years ago has not yet been settled!" Chasing Sword The words are not only sharp, but also murderous.

"We count together this time!" The gloomy voice sounded again.

"I haven't seen you in hundreds of years, your strength hasn't increased much, your arrogant arrogance is not weak, hmph, don't you think that I, the Huaxia Dynasty, are easy to bully, and that there is no one in the world?" Chasing Sword's tone is very tough, now The situation is as if a sword is on the verge of breaking out.

"There have been countless strong people in the human world since ancient times. My ghost world has not succeeded in attacking the human world seven times, so naturally I will not underestimate you, but, quack, soon you in the human world..." Ghost King Jie Jie sneered.

Chasing the sword does not show any weakness: "Don't worry about the affairs of the world, you'd better go back to your ghost world, be careful that we close the door and beat the dog!"

"Hey, I won't play tricks with you, this time we will not only rescue the Twilight Ghost King, but also kidnap the little princess, so that a ghost emperor will be born in the ghost world!" The Ghost King sneered again.

It is said that the look of chasing the sword has changed. There is no emperor-level powerhouse, not to mention the Huaxia Dynasty, even the three continents in the entire human world. If a ghost emperor is born in the ghost world, then the ghost world will definitely be born. Invading the human world again, the human world without an emperor-level powerhouse may be captured by then.

"Wishful thinking, I want to take the little princess away, but there is no way! Today I will let your soul fly away! Let your daydream go to the six reincarnations to do it!"

With a bang, a simple long sword appeared in the sword chasing hand, and his aura was slowly rising at this moment!It made the face of the ghost king change slightly.

"This king will play with you!"

The ghost king stretched out his body, and countless ghosts floated around it. These ghosts all had hideous faces and a terrifying appearance.As the ghost king stretched out, howling ghosts and wolves spread throughout the hall.

"Ghost King Empty Hook!"

With the ghost king's cold shout, a pair of black iron hooks appeared in its hands. Although the iron hooks were ordinary, the dried blood on the iron hooks showed its extraordinaryness.

"Hey, my weapon has harvested no less than [-] human lives."

The ghost king smiled sinisterly, and when Zhuijian was burning with anger, his figure flashed, and a pair of iron hooks directly grabbed Zhuijian's body.At the same time, all the ghosts around Zhuijian shouted loudly, which affected Zhuijian's mind.

"Today I will make you disappear into ashes, stay in the world forever, and atone for the sins of those [-] lives!"

There was a clanging sound in the hall, Chasing Sword and Ghost King had been head-to-head, their speed was very fast, except for the strong men with the same strength as them, other people couldn't see their movements clearly at all, they could only see a series of movements. Sparks bloom in the void like fireworks.


With a loud noise, the two figures separated from mid-air and flew out in opposite directions. After landing, Chasing Sword retreated five or six steps, while the ghost king directly crashed into the pile of ghosts.

"The more you live, the more you go back. You used to be equal to me, but now you don't even have the qualifications to be my opponent!" Zhui Jian stabilized his figure and looked at the ghost king indifferently.

"What's the use of you winning me?! We, the three ghost king-level powerhouses, don't count the ghost king in the time map, you only have two! This battle, you will definitely lose!" The ghost king became angry and thought again. He rushed forward, but was held back by a ghost king beside him.

"Stop, now is still the time, let's fight together later." The ghost king whispered.

"Okay, let's kill them all together later! Let's see if they can still speak loudly!" The ghost king said viciously, although he was extremely upset, but stopped when another ghost king stopped him.

Zhui Jian also knew the situation at this time, and did not force the ghost king to take action. In fact, Zhui Jian was very worried about the ghost king's "chaos", and was very afraid that three ghost kings would attack at the same time. No one can stop the three ghost kings.

Time was slowly passing, and 10 minutes passed quickly. A spiritual practitioner sent by the royal family had to take action at this time, and started to open the time map!

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