The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 336 The Little Princess' Decision

Chapter 336 The Little Princess' Decision

The little princess didn't seem to know how powerful her words were, she blinked innocently and looked at everyone.

"Is that okay? Father, my daughter doesn't want to stay in the palace anymore, I want to follow eternity." The little princess was pulling the emperor's sleeve and acting like a spoiled child. I felt pity for the little woman's attitude.

"Jing'er, what did you say?" The emperor was a little confused.

"Father, my daughter is leaving the palace and following eternity." The little princess's voice was like the sound of nature, one could never tire of listening to it, but Liu Tian only felt that the little princess's voice was so cold at this time, and sweat broke out from time to time on his forehead.

"Infinite Heaven, Amitabha, I don't know all of this, it's none of my business, it's none of my business..." Liu Tian muttered in his heart, wishing he could escape from the palace immediately, the little princess clearly pushed him into the fire pit .

"Eternal, tell me what's going on." The emperor didn't give the little princess a clear answer, but asked Liu Tian.

"Father, he doesn't know anything about eternity. This is my daughter's wishful thinking." The little princess looked at Liu Tian with grievances, as if she had suffered a great grievance, her big barky eyes seemed about to shed crystal tears.

"Jing'er, are you joking?" the emperor asked.

"No, Jing'er is serious. Father, do you still remember the Taoist grandfather who rescued me when I was 16?"

"Remember, what's wrong?" The emperor was a little surprised.

"He said that he is my destined son, and my daughter has proved the prophecy of the Taoist grandfather, and the Taoist grandfather is indeed right."

As soon as the little princess said the words, even Liu Tian was stunned this time. How could his level suddenly change from the destined warrior to the destined son of a man? This progress is too fast, it's too nonsense.In fact, the little princess didn't tell Liu Tian everything that the Taoist grandpa told the little princess. The Taoist grandpa did say that the warrior she was destined to be her lifelong partner, that is, the true son of heaven.

The emperor was silent. He had seen the Taoist priest who saved the little princess' life back then, and he was indeed a master.However, this does not mean that the Taoist priest can predict the future.

"Father, don't you believe me? Then let me tell you." The little princess connected the Taoist grandpa's prediction with the exactness, and now even Liu Tian was wondering if he was really the little princess. Ming Tianzi.

"Although what you said may be true, father still can't let you out of the palace. The world is not peaceful now." The emperor refused, and he was also thinking of his daughter.

"Actually, I think it's good for the little princess to follow my apprentice." Zhui Jian said suddenly, his tone didn't seem to be joking, and his expression was quite serious.

The emperor and the eldest princess frowned, but due to the relationship between the two parties, it is not easy to directly deny the proposal of chasing the sword, and the look of chasing the sword is not like a joke.

"I agree with Uncle Chasing Sword's proposal with both hands!" The little princess was so happy that she couldn't even see her moon-like eyes, and her charming dimples were full of joy.

"Chasing the sword, what do you mean?" the emperor asked.

"My lord, you also know the consequences of the little princess if you are in this world. If you let the little princess stay in the deep palace, you will inevitably not be spied on by other forces. Why don't you change the little princess's appearance and let him follow my disciple? It is safer in the palace." Zhui Jian said slowly, tasting the fine wine.

The emperor and the eldest princess looked at each other, and they both agreed a little bit in their hearts, but there was still a little worry, that was Liu Tian's strength.In case of accidents among the people, isn't the life of the little princess insecure?

Seemingly seeing the worries of the emperor and the eldest princess, after chasing the sword to drink a cup alone, he said lightly: "The little princess is born with a phoenix body, blessed by God, the lucky star shines brightly, every bad luck turns good, and my disciple's strength is improving rapidly, I'm afraid In a short time, this kid will surpass me, and he will have a place in the mainland, even if he advances to the emperor level, it should not be difficult for him."

The emperor was silent, he had already figured out the meaning of Chasing the Sword, Chasing the Sword was secretly matching Liu Tian and the little princess, when Liu Tianhuang was at the top rank, he could combine with the little princess, and be promoted to Emperor rank without any effort!The natural phoenix body can only be promoted to the emperor level if it is willing to combine with the emperor-level powerhouse. Of course, some secret techniques can also "confuse" the mind and make the natural phoenix body willing to sacrifice, but the effect is naturally not the best.Based on the little princess's attitude towards Liu Tian, ​​Liu Tian is most likely to be a future emperor-level powerhouse!

In fact, the natural phoenix physique that appeared in the past was not combined with the long-established emperor-level powerhouse. It was often destined to be with the rising stars for life, and these rising stars were all textbook-level figures.The little princess keeps saying that Liu Tian is his destined son, is it true?

"Jing'er, do you really like being with Eternity? Are you kidding me?" The emperor looked at the beautiful little princess seriously, and he had already agreed to this proposal in his heart. As long as the little princess nodded, everything would be logical.

In today's world, there is not a single emperor-level powerhouse, and the world will soon be in turmoil. The emperor naturally hopes that there will be an emperor-level powerhouse in charge of the dynasty.A hundred years ago, the little princess was forced to marry partly for the sake of balance. There were not many strong people in the family that the little princess married, and the strongest was king-level middle-rank, while the little princess's fiancé at that time was only a general. Even if the little princess combined with him, it would be of no use.That's why the little princess's road to getting married was so smooth, but no one thought that the ghost world would "intervene" and almost cause disaster.Once a ghost emperor appears in the ghost world, he will definitely come to the world immediately, because the ghost emperor can control the opening or closing of the gate of the ghost world!

"Of course I agree. Although I will miss my father and my aunt, the palace is really boring." The little princess nodded impatiently, her eyes filled with endless joy.

"Okay, then it's settled." The emperor nodded and made a decision. Liu Tian, ​​one of the parties involved, was gorgeously ignored, and he didn't have a chance to say a word from the beginning to the end.But even if he opened his mouth, he couldn't change the things that were going to happen.

"Master..." Liu Tian wanted to refuse, but unfortunately he was immediately interrupted by Chasing Sword.

"Teacher, I know you're happy, so there's no need to say more, you just have to have fun secretly. We need to be low-key, low-key."

"not me……"

"Aren't you happy? Then you're so happy that you're going to die. Oh, didn't you tell me to keep a low profile? Don't spread the word, drink with the master."


The little princess squinted her eyes and looked at the resentful Liu Tian with a smile. She felt indescribable joy in her heart, and the corners of her mouth curled up triumphantly, and then she secretly revealed her tongue in a playful way. Her cute appearance made everyone present feel very comfortable. Even the depressed Liu Tian is no exception.

"Father, my daughter will come back to visit you often in the future." The little princess suddenly became sad again.

"I'm afraid that you will be reluctant to return to the lonely palace after you reach the colorful folk." The emperor gently stroked the hair of the little princess, very lovingly: "As long as Jing'er is safe and sound, the emperor will also be safe." Don't worry. Eternal, my daughter will be handed over to you. If there is anything wrong with her, you are the only one to ask!"

The last sentence, the emperor said to Liu Tian.

"We must live up to the emperor's high expectations!" Liu Tian replied hypocritically, he actually wanted to say something: I eat meat, she drinks soup!

Next, the emperor vaguely mentioned the matter of the eldest princess and Zhuijian, but unfortunately Zhuijian pretended to be stupid, and insisted on breaking the topic. After chatting for a long time, nothing came of it.

In the end, after chasing the sword to change the little princess's appearance a bit, he took her and Liu Tian away from the palace.

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