The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 339 The Golden Ape

Chapter 339 The Golden Ape

Following the direction told by the middle-aged man, in more than ten minutes, the three of them came to a valley—Golden Cloud Valley.The reason why this valley is called Jinyun Valley is because the rocks in the valley are light gold, and there is a sparkling lake in the valley. The golden rock walls are reflected in the lake water, causing the reflection of the white clouds to become golden. , very beautiful.

There is nothing strange in Jinyun Valley, but the scenery is pretty good.After leaving the Golden Cloud Valley, Liu Tian and the others immediately saw a high mountain shrouded in a faint golden light. This mountain was also composed of rocks from the Golden Cloud Valley. Under the sunlight, this mountain seemed to have become the legendary Foshan Mountain, covered in golden light. 'The Buddha's light shrouded, and the white clouds in the sky also turned into golden clouds under the golden light.

There is a snake-like path outside Jinyun Valley, along the path, Liu Tian and the others approached the Jinyun Mountain step by step.

There is a small forest at the foot of Jinyun Mountain. The three of them had just entered the small forest when a poisonous snake with a green body and white horizontal stripes slammed down from a green and verdant tree. Its broad triangular head was biting towards Liu Tian.

"Sword and shield!"

A jade-like sword and shield formed before the poisonous snake attacked, successfully blocking the poisonous snake's attack.

"Blessing Halo!"

The little princess summoned a halo greener than a poisonous snake and put it on Liu Tian's head. Liu Tian's head should be as green as it is now. If Liu Tian sees his influence, he will definitely beat the little princess's ass. a meal.

"Ding dong, congratulations player Eternal, you have been blessed with a halo of blessing by the little princess. Within 3 minutes, you have a 50% chance of not being affected by ordinary poisons, and you can also weaken 50% of the effects of poisons on yourself."

"Unobstructed view!"

While secretly thanking the little princess for her thoughtfulness, Liu Tian's right eye turned into a deep starry sky, and the attributes of the poisonous snake also appeared in Liu Tian's mind.

【Viper】〖handsome low-grade〗:

Level: 30

Health: 3700/3700

True Chi value: 1500/1500.

"Viper, now that I have the blessing aura of the little princess, it's a lot easier."


When Liu Tian was flirting, the viper suddenly jumped up from the ground, and a cloud of venom was sprayed out from its mouth, hitting Liu Tian's face, but it was a pity that he was missed by the blessing halo.

"Fuck..." When Liu Tian depressedly wiped away the black venom that was affecting his vision, he saw the viper bounce up from the ground again, wanting to spray the venom.Liu Tian was annoyed, relying on the power of the little princess' blessing halo, he confronted Viper face to face, head-to-head, and hit a [Spirit Chaser Triple Strike]

When the venom sprayed on Liu Tian's body again, Liu Tian's three-strike combo also successfully stood on the Viper's body. With three consecutive hits, the Viper was directly knocked into the air, and its health dropped by more than 400.Out of anger in his heart, Liu Tian was not as reckless as before, [Royal Sword Art] flew out, and he himself attacked the Viper at a distance of nearly seven meters, even though Viper tried every means, he did not escape death.

The second monster the three of them encountered was a golden ape, nearly three meters high, and Liu Tian only got the attributes of the golden ape after releasing his [Unobstructed View] skill.

【Golden Body Ape】〖handsome low-grade〗:

Level: 31

Health: 4300/4300

True Chi: 1 0/1 0

The three-meter-high golden ape looks like a miniature King Kong. After Liu Tian was blessed by the little princess with [Tianjin Xiaxia] and [Tianjin Shield], he hurriedly rushed to the golden ape, wanting to fight the miniature version of King Kong. , Unfortunately, he was punched back by the golden ape.

"This golden ape has at least the power of a level 36 seventh-level monster. Fuck, it knocked me back with a single punch. It has great strength and strong defense. My killing sword just left a bloodstain on its hand. I really don't know what kind of monster this is." Liu Tian wiped off the blood from his mouth, blessed himself with a [Dragon Soul Protector], walked alone on the sword demon, and suddenly circled around the golden ape, measuring its strength. offensive range.

"About 15 meters."

After paying the price of being hit on the body by the golden ape several times, Liu Tian 'fumbled' out of the golden ape's attack range.Using his position, Liu Tian slowly consumed the golden ape's life, one step forward, attracting the golden ape's attack, one step sideways, taking advantage of the golden ape's attack blind spot, to avoid the golden ape's attack.

Although the health of the golden ape was gradually declining, Liu Tian did not relax. From the beginning until now, the golden ape had not released any skills, so he had to guard against it.However, it does not rule out the possibility that the golden ape has no skills.After all, the attributes of the golden ape itself are too high, if the golden ape is raised a few more levels, it will not be so easy for Liu Tian to deal with it.


The golden ape finally showed signs of using his skills, and he beat his chest with both hands, making a drumming sound.The golden ape knocked on its chest for a few times and stopped, its black pupils shining with golden light.

It roared again, its body was raised by half a meter, its arms and thighs became much thicker, this is a skill similar to berserk.


The golden ape stomped its feet fiercely, rushed out of its body, and swung it down with a punch. Naturally, Liu Tian would not be entangled with it. With a sliding step, he retreated a few meters, leading the golden ape in the forest. spin around.


The golden ape roared again, its body spun suddenly, like a spinning top, this time its attack target was not Liu Tian, ​​but the little princess and Tianxuan.

"Fuck, this bastard has also learned to be smart."

Liu Tian spat secretly, and hurriedly let the little princess and Tianxuan escape separately, he didn't know if they could withstand the attack of the golden ape in this state.Seeing the golden ape chasing the little princess, he had to follow it carefully, lest the little princess make any mistakes.

After all, the little princess is a girl, her physical strength and speed are not as good as Liu Tian's, and she has a faint tendency to catch up with her.Liu Tian was anxious, so he could only sneak up behind the golden ape, trying to attract its hatred.


To Liu Tian's surprise, before he attacked the golden ape, the golden ape suddenly deflected, and the attack direction changed to Liu Tian.

"Sword and shield!"

At this moment, Liu Tian couldn't dodge no matter what, he instantly cast his sword and shield, and was bumped by the golden ape, his life dropped by 4.Fortunately, after this attack, the golden ape's skill effect disappeared, and it became Liu Tian's attack time.

Soon, the golden ape that fell into a weak state was worn to death by Liu Tianyi in 2 minutes, and a rare skill book [Frenzied Transformation] exploded.


[Active Skill]:

【Learning Requirements】: Warrior

【Learning Level】: Level 25

[Skill Effect]:

Berserk its own attributes, increasing attack, defense, and speed by 15%, lasting for 3 minutes.

[Casting distance]: Self

[casting time]: 2 seconds

【Cooling time】: 30 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 350 point of true energy.

【Current Status】: Unable to learn

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

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