The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 341 Fire Tong Bow

Chapter 341 Fire Tong Bow

Liu Tian watched Old Man Hao return to Jinyun Mountain, but when he was no longer in sight, Liu Tian withdrew his gaze, and together with Tianxuan checked the ancient bow that Old Man Hao had given him. 26nbsp;

The wood of this bow is paulownia, which is dark red in color. The texture on the bow is beautiful and delicate, and the bow body is carved with landscapes and flowers without affecting the wooden bow.

【Fire Tong Bow】〖handsome low-grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: 25000/25000

[Equipment Category]: Weapon

[Wearing Requirements]: Archer

[wearing level]: level 32

【Accompanied effect】:

Physical attack: 400—450

Qi attack: 400—440

Attack speed increased by 10%

There is a 5% chance that the attack will cause wood damage.

5% chance to make the attack with fire damage.

[Included skills]:

〖Three Links〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

At the same time, three wooden arrows are 'shot', and the power of each wooden arrow is equal to the physical attack.

【Casting distance】: 40 meters

[casting time]: 2 seconds

[Cooling time]: 30 second

[Skill consumption]: 150 point of true energy.


【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

'Shoot' an attack that contains fire damage.

【Casting distance】: 50 meters

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 1 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 100 point of true energy.


Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

"Another piece of upgradeable equipment." Liu Tian sighed, but he couldn't use it again, so he felt a little regretful.

"Upgradable equipment is really hard to come by, but it's a pity that we can't use it." Tianxuan is also a little regretful, after all, upgradeable equipment is hard to come by, and it is really not easy to find an upgradeable piece of equipment: "I see this The equipment is just..."

Just as Tianxuan was about to sell this piece of equipment, Liu Tian suddenly interrupted her: "Tianxuan, just sell this piece of equipment to me, I am useful."

Liu Tian's mood at this time could not be described as being excited, he suddenly remembered that he had a chance to use the Fire Tong Bow.He almost forgot the method of commanding troops obtained by killing the four soldier killers in his hand!He is now fully capable of learning the art of combat!

"Sell it to you? Oh, yes, almost all of this task is your contribution, so it's okay to give it to you." Tianxuan said.

"Hehe, how much is this bow? I'll give you half of the money." Liu Tian said.

With the growth potential of this bow, the price of several million is normal. With Liu Tian's current financial resources, he can still afford it.

"Then you can give me [-] gold coins." Tianxuan thought for a while and said.

"Ten thousand? Did I hear you right?" Liu Tian was a little surprised.

"Well, just give me [-] gold coins."

"No, this will make you suffer too much." Liu Tian shook his head, he can probably estimate the market price of this bow, [-] gold coins can't even afford the corner of this bow!

"This is the price of a friend, and you have contributed all the way, and you deserve it."

"Friend price...hehe, well, ten thousand is ten thousand." Liu Tian glanced at Tianxuan, and then traded ten thousand gold coins to her.

Soon, Tianxuan crushed the city-returning talisman and returned to the city first, and Liu Tian handed a city-returning talisman to the little princess.

The little princess looked at Liu Tian suspiciously: "What are you doing for me?"

"Going back to the city? Do you still want to go back?"

"No, I don't need this, I have a skill that can bind myself to you, no matter where you are, I can appear by your side at any time, but this skill requires your consent, and the skill effect lasts for a long time." not long."

"Wow, so amazing?"

"Yes, Brother Eternal, now I release the skills, you have to agree." The little princess said sweetly.

"En." Liu Tian nodded.

The little princess closed her eyes lightly, a hexagram appeared between her eyebrows, and this hexagram flew directly from the little princess's eyebrows to Liu Tian's.

"Ding Dong, please pay attention to Eternal Players, the little princess Qin Jing wants to use the skill [Accompany] on you, do you agree?"


Following the words Liu Tian promised, the six-pointed star disappeared on Liu Tian's forehead, and Liu Tian suddenly felt that he had an inexplicable connection with the little princess.

"Brother Eternal, well, you can go back to the city now."

Liu Tian nodded, crushed the city return talisman in his hand, his tall and straight body disappeared in the white light, and appeared in the villa he bought the next moment.

In the villa, there were several human beauties sitting on the sofa, Liu Tian immediately saw them as soon as he appeared, and his expression couldn't help but change.

"Ah, Brother Eternal, you are a treasure in the golden house?!" Hearing this, Liu Tian looked bitter, and looked helplessly at the little princess who appeared beside him.These words are exactly the little princess who followed Liu Tian to the villa just now. At this time, the little princess covered her small mouth with her forehand, and her pure eyes shone with surprise.

"Brother, who is she?" Zhang Long held Liu Tian's arm, staring vigilantly at the little princess exuding a pure aura.

The little princess blinked her eyes, pitifully grabbed Liu Tian's arm, and shook it lightly: "Brother Eternal, who is she?"

"Uh..." While turning his eyes, Liu Tian saw the questioning in the eyes of the other women.

"How should I put this..." Liu Tian thought for a while: "Jing'er, can you go out for a while?"

"Okay." The little princess looked aggrieved, but still walked out.

"Actually, Jing'er is an NPC, and she is also the princess of the Huaxia Dynasty." Liu Tian said.

"Brother, why are you with her?" Zhang Long asked.

"Uh, this is because of a mission." Naturally, Liu Tian would not say that it was the little princess who wanted to follow him.

As soon as Liu Tian's words came out, all the goddesses relaxed.

"Then I asked her to come in? Do you want to get to know each other well?" Liu Tian asked.


The innocent image of the little princess has won the love of all the girls, even though she is an npc.

When he came outside the door, Liu Tian saw the little princess squatting outside the door sullenly, muttering in his mouth: "Damn Brother Eternal, Jinwu Cangjiao, annoying Brother Eternal, Jinwu Cangjiao..."

Liu Tian was frightened by these complaints, and he felt wronged in his heart?He asked himself that he was not strong enough to hide his beauty in a golden house.

"This beautiful and kind Miss Qin Jing, what are you doing here?"

"Ah?" The little princess screamed in fright, and said aggrievedly, "When did you come? Or did you ask me to come here, and now you ask me..."

"Quiet Jing'er, don't be angry, I have a chance to take you to play, okay?" Liu Tian comforted softly.

"Really? What if you lie to me?" The little princess said happily.

"If you lie to me, let the beautiful and kind girl Qin Jing leave me." Liu Tian looked at the little princess with a smile.

"No, it's too cheap for you to let this princess leave you. If you lie to me, you will be fined to stay with me for one day, oh, no, two days! Remember, if you don't fulfill your promise, you have to play with me for two days. "The little princess snapped her fingers and said seriously.

"Okay, it's up to you, come in with me, and I'll introduce you to the sisters inside." Liu Tian pulled the little princess and walked towards the villa.

Under Liu Tian's introduction, the little princess and the girls got acquainted quickly. Soon, Liu Tian proposed to leave. He is really busy recently.

"Brother, where are you going? I'll accompany you!" Zhang Long said hastily, with a firm expression on his face


Before Liu Tian refused, Yang Lan's voice came first: "Long'er, what are you doing with brother Liu Tian? Stay with us, your brother Liu Tian has something important to do, so don't disturb him."

Yang Lan's words are definitely more effective than Liu Tian's words. If Liu Tian persuades Zhang Long not to follow him, it may not be successful, but Zhang Long still listens to Yang Lan's words. Hearing Yang Lan's words, Zhang Long can only nod helplessly.

"Lan'er, thank you." Liu Tian was a little grateful for Yang Lan's understanding.

"It's nothing." Yang Lan shook her head lightly, she didn't care what Liu Tian was doing, but she would support him regardless.

Liu Tian went to the City Lord's Mansion to accept a few more tasks. His reputation is about to reach [-], and he is not far away from establishing the first guild in the game!

〖Normal〗【Lost Wang Xiaotong】〖handsome low-grade〗:

【Task Content】:

Wang Xiaotong was an eleven or twelve-year-old boy who strayed into the wild forest outside the east gate. Please enter the wild forest within three hours to find Wang Xiaotong and send him to the City Lord's Mansion.

[task time]: three hours

【Task status】: not completed

[Failure condition]: The task has not been completed or the task time has expired.

[Failure Punishment]: None.

〖Normal〗【Complete wolf fur】〖Small low-grade〗:

【Task Content】:

Please go to Wolf Valley to collect the complete furs of [-] black wolves, and send them to Liji tailor shop in the city after collection.

[Task time]: Three days.

[Task Status]: 0 cards/100 cards.

[Failure condition]: The task has not been completed or the task time has expired.

[Failure Punishment]: None.

〖Common〗【Blood of the Huafeng Monster】〖Handsome Mid-Range〗:



With the little princess, a loli-level beauty, Liu Tian went to the wild forest outside the east gate, searched for it, and killed many monsters. It took nearly two hours before a player kindly reminded him to go to Wang Xiaotong was found in a hidden cave.After completing this task, Liu Tian gained some reputation.

After that, Liu Tian went to the Wolf Valley again, and was almost collapsed by the black wolf. He beat him for an hour and only got one complete wolf skin. After another hour of beating, Liu Tian figured out why it was so difficult to collect complete wolf skins. It turned out that he beat Hei Lang so badly...

In any case, Liu Tian successfully completed the task in the end and gained 35 reputation points.After completing this task, Liu Tian went straight to the territory of the Huafeng monster. The Huafeng monster was a monster shaped like a pheasant. Liu Tian's task was to collect 150 pieces of the blood of the Huafeng monster and send them to a 'medicine' store.

After working so hard to complete this task, Liu Tian gained another 30 points of reputation.After completing the three tasks, Liu Tian did not stop, but returned to the City Lord's Mansion of the Dragon Imperial City, continued to take on relatively simple tasks, and continued to do them.

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