The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 347 Nine Palaces Organ

Chapter 347

The Right Eye of God, one of the treasures of the Immortal Yuan Clan, Liu Tian was fortunate to be recognized by it, and the help it gave Liu Tian is immeasurable. 26nbsp; Judging from the strength of God's Right Eye, if he can find the main attacking God's Left Eye, then Liu Tian's strength will definitely change drastically.

"Okay, now you should be able to dialysis out the mechanism, you don't have to worry about not being able to dismantle it." Jin'er landed softly on Liu Tian's shoulder: "Han Xian has the ability to dismantle the mechanism, you two cooperate, and we will soon There is still no problem with this passage of death."

"Well, Jin'er, you are tired too, go back and rest."

Back in the team, Liu Tian asked Han Xian if he would dismantle the mechanism, and the answer he got was what Jin Er said.

"Let's keep going." Liu Tian waved his hand and continued to move forward.

"Dialysis!" Liu Tian muttered in his heart, his right eye turned into a starry sky again, but this time the starry sky was criss-crossed with rays of light.

[Dialysis] When used, a mechanism appears in Liu Tian's mechanism. This mechanism is hidden at the top of the passage. It is a line of light in Liu Tian's eyes. This is perspective analysis. The structure and working principle of the mechanism are all presented in the dialysis diagram. In front of his eyes, if a person is an organ, then it is a skeleton in Liu Tian's eyes.

This mechanism is about six meters long and is located at the top of the passage, so it is difficult to find.There are two stone balls with a diameter of five meters in the mechanism, and three hair-thin silk threads are hidden in the passage, as long as someone touches the silk thread, the mechanism will open at the beginning, and the two stone balls will fall from the top of the passage.

Tell Han Xian about the organ she knows, Han Xian nodded slightly, soared into the air, and used the skill of dismantling the organ, and soon the organ was dismantled by her.

With the cooperation of the two, everyone finally walked through the passage of the death mechanism, and after passing through a safe and ordinary passage, they came to a stone room.

This stone room is made of blue rocks several meters high. The top of the stone room is inlaid with seven fist-sized luminous pearls according to the arrangement of the Big Dipper. It's not the rare night pearl, but the ground of the stone chamber, a ground with various strange patterns painted on it.

There are a total of nine patterns on the ground, which just fill the entire stone room in a nine-square grid arrangement, and there is a white path [-] to [-] centimeters wide between each pattern.

Liu Tian looked at the patterns carefully, and the content of the nine patterns can be summed up in nine words, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, rain and mines.He activated the [Dialysis Technique], and scanned the entire stone room, but did not find any mechanism here.

"I didn't find any mechanism here, but I think there is still a mechanism here." Liu Tian seemed to be talking to himself, then turned around and asked, "Hanxian, what do you think?"

"I can't see through either, but my intuition tells me that this place is very dangerous." Han Xian said coldly.

"Brother Eternal, why don't we leave here?" Tianhuang didn't want to let everyone take risks, and asked: "Since this place is very dangerous, I think it's better to come back later when we have the strength, anyway, there is still a long time for the mission."

"I'll try it. If it really doesn't work, I'll have to come here again in the future." Liu Tian nodded.

A few steps forward, he came to a pattern that meant gold, and stepped on it.


Except for the pattern at Liu Tian's feet which means gold, the nine patterns are all sunken by about ten centimeters.While everyone was focusing on the nine patterns, the seven luminous pearls quietly changed their arrangement.


As soon as a strange suction surged from a bluestone wall, Liu Tian exclaimed, his body involuntarily flew towards the bluestone wall, and with a bang, he hit the bluestone wall, as if stuck by glue, clinging to the stone wall , unable to move.


At the same time, Tian Huang, Feng Lie, Xue Zhan, Zhang Long, Yang Lan, and Lan Qingcheng were also suddenly attracted by the suction and were sucked to the bluestone wall.

"Why were you also sucked in? Could it be..." Liu Tian found that the equipment of the people who were not sucked over did not contain metal, while the equipment of the people who were sucked to the wall more or less contained some metals. .

goo goo goo...

A strange sound resounded in the stone room, and five piles of liquid metal slowly seeped out of the golden pattern, and the five piles of metal gradually imitated the shape under the gaze of everyone, and it was impressive that five people were covered in metal colors. Metal Warrior.

The five metal warriors were all holding a metal spear. They were extremely mighty and walked towards the few people on the bluestone wall with heavy steps.

"Unobstructed view!"

【Metal Iron Guard】〖handsome top grade〗(boss):

Level: 38

Health: 9000/9000

Infuriating value: 5000/5000

Weaknesses: Unknown.

"Hurry up! Change to cloth equipment! These are five level 38 bosses!" Liu Tian shouted, his face showed 'anxiety', and he put on the novice equipment that had not been discarded, and dropped it directly from the stone wall. Originally, he wanted to remove the meteorite scabbard and the killing sword, but he didn't expect that these two pieces of equipment would not be affected by the earth's magnetism at all.

Seeing this, the others also quickly changed into cloth equipment and fell from the stone wall, but their expressions were still not good. There were five level 38 bosses in front of them, not ordinary monsters!A level 38 boss might kill them all, let alone five!

Liu Tian ran forward a few steps tentatively, when a slow-moving metal warrior suddenly raised the metal spear in his hand and threw it at Liu Tian.


Liu Tian moved a few steps sideways, originally thinking that he could avoid the metal spear safely, but he didn't expect the metal spear to transform into a long metal snake, biting towards his neck.Unexpectedly, the long metal snake wrapped around Liu Tian's neck easily, and its sharp metal fangs pierced deeply into his neck.

"Ding dong, the player is eternally hit by the Metal Iron Guard skill [Metalization], and the body is metalized for 10 seconds."

"Fuck, your sister Lin..."

Liu Tian cursed, and watched helplessly as the skin of his hands, feet, and body turned into metal, and he froze in place, unable to move, only the novice cloth fluttering.

dong dong...

The metal iron guard walked towards Liu Tian with rumbling steps, the metal body shone with a strange light.Liu Tian looked at it anxiously, wanting to retreat, but he was unable to move because of the metal body. Now he hoped that the suction would suck him away, stay away from the metal iron guard, and buy some time.

"That's right..." Suddenly, Liu Tian was overjoyed, and quickly changed into equipment containing metal. Immediately, the suction force reappeared, sucking him to the bluestone wall.

"7 seconds..."

"6 seconds..."

"5 seconds..."

Liu Tian silently recited the remaining time of metalization in his heart, praying for the time to pass quickly.It's a pity that in the 3rd second, the metal iron guard had already come to him, regained control of the metal spear, and slowly stabbed Liu Tian under Liu Tian's constricted pupils!

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