Chapter 356

After adding the attribute points, Liu Tian once again looked at the corpse of the earth dragon on the ground in confusion.In a day, hundreds of earth dragon corpses disappeared from his hands.But this is not the key point, the key point is that there are hundreds of earth dragon corpses, and he has only collected five parts of earth dragon essence blood, so how embarrassing is he.

"Real grab."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for eternally obtaining Earth Dragon Blood Essence x1."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for obtaining the Earth Dragon Scale x8 forever."

"Ding dong, the collection failed, and the corpse of the earth dragon disappeared."

The seventh blood essence is still short of thirteen. Liu Tian estimates that he will have to kill for a day or two before he can collect the rest of the earth dragon blood essence.

Liu Tian continued to use despicable methods to kill the earth dragons, one after another the earth dragons died in his hands.Gradually Liu Tian went deep into Dilongpo.Another day passed, and on this day Liu Tian was very lucky, harvesting the blood essence of the earth dragon one after another, causing the number of blood essence of the earth dragon to soar to fifteen copies, which was only five copies short of the mission goal.

On the third day, a white light flashed in Dilongpo, and Liu Tian's figure appeared.The ground dragons around him have been refreshed, and their heavy steps are not like stepping on the ground, but like stepping on people's hearts, giving people a lot of pressure.

"Han Xian."

Liu Tian recruited Han Xian, and after killing the three earth dragons in a despicable way, he used his own strength to kill the three earth dragons again, and the figures of the surrounding earth dragons decreased a lot. Looks like a lot.

While killing Dilong, he went deep into Dilongpo unknowingly, and finally, half a day later, Liu Tian met Dilongpo's boss.

The ground suddenly collapsed, dust was flying, and a cry that was somewhat similar to the dragon's chant came from the ground.Under Liu Tian's vigilant eyes, a giant earth dragon with a body length of seven or eight meters crawled out of the collapsed place.Most of the ground dragon's body has been covered by dense scales, only the abdomen, back and some places have no scales. Its tail has more sharp teeth and is denser. Its head has an extra tooth. The unicorn that the earth dragon does not have.

Liu Tian consciously stepped back for a certain distance, and threw [Unobstructed View].

[Scale-armored Earth Dragon King] 〖handsome low-rank〗(boss):

Level: 32

Health: 5500/5500

Infuriating value: 3000/3000

Weaknesses: Unknown.

dong dong...

The scaled Dragon King climbed out of the collapsed place just now, and immediately rushed towards Liu Tian. With every step, a wave spread from his feet. In two or three steps, Liu Tian was hit into the sky by this wave.


A streak of damage floated up from Liu Tian's head who was still in the air. He just learned from the system prompt that this move was called: Earth Dragon Shockwave.


The Dragon King of the Scaled Armor suddenly paused, and then rushed out suddenly, the speed soared, and the half-meter-long black unicorn faced the place where Liu Tian fell, and the black light flickered, showing the sharpness of the unicorn.

Looking at the scaled dragon king rushing towards him, Liu Tian's heart trembled, and he stepped on the "Space Control Technique", turned over and flew into the sky, aimed at the pause time when the scaled dragon king stopped, and shot a "Star Kill" to break through the sky. Down below, all the fifteen star swords attacked the body of the scaly Dragon King.




After a wave of attacks, the scaled Dragon King lost a quarter of his life.


The scaly dragon king looked at Liu Tian who was standing in the air and roared angrily, his thick tail slapped the ground violently.

Puff puff……

Roots of soil pierced out of the soil and shot towards Liu Tian high in the sky.Just as Liu Tian wanted to dodge, his body suddenly became heavy. He was affected by the [Gravity Art] released by the scaly earth dragon king, and the gravity was tripled.

Liu Tian quickly released [Dragon Soul Protection] and [Sword Shield]. With the protection of the two skills, even though he was hit by four or five earth thorns, he only lost 150 lives.


The scaled dragon king roared again, his tail hit the ground, and another wave of earth spikes rushed into the sky, attacking Liu Tian.This time, the effect of [Dragon Soul Protection] has disappeared, and only a sword shield protects Liu Tian. As a result, Liu Tian, ​​who was only hit by two earth thorns, lost 360 HP.

"Fuck, there are no soil thorns this time." Liu Tian flew around in the sky, looking for an opportunity to attack.

"Jin'er, get ready for Longwei!"

Seeing that the scaled dragon king was vigilantly defending himself, and there was nothing he could take advantage of, Liu Tian could only ask Jin'er to help, attacking the moment the scaled dragon king was frightened.Otherwise, if the time drags on and the cooldown of the scaled dragon king's skills expires, he will be attacked again.

Liu Tian descended rapidly, and when he was a certain distance away from the scale-armored Dragon King, he immediately asked Jin'er to cast [Dragon Might].The immature dragon 'yin' has supreme power, and the scaled Dragon King who was ready to attack Liu Tian was taken aback for a moment, a fear rose from the deepest part of his heart.

"The king is in the world!"

Liu Tian descended from the sky, his mind turned, and [Jun Lin Tian Tian] was played.The Dragon King of the Scaled Armor just broke free from the fear in his heart, when suddenly there was a sharp pain in his abdomen, as if some sharp weapon had pierced his abdomen.But it didn't have time to check, Liu Tian on its head had already attacked without any politeness, and two milky white sword-colors had already attacked its eyes.

bang bang.

When the sword energy hit the scaled Dragon King, Liu Tian was not far away from it. Under the effect of [Slash], Liu Tian instantly appeared on the scaled Dragon King's head. A waterfall, menacing.

Liu Tian had carefully calculated the attack damage of King's Landing, and found that its power had increased to nearly 00%, which was equivalent to a double attack. In the blink of an eye, more than 2000 lives were lost.At this moment, the scaled Dragon King's health is only over 2000.

clang clang...

The sword chanted like a song, and a series of jade-like divine swords burst out from the ground, forming a sword array, trapping the scaled Dragon King covered in bruises.Liu Tian stepped on the [Sword Demon Walking Walk], rushed into the trapped formation, and then released the [Phantom Formation]!The invisible sword wave and the sword of the 'misty' spirit rushed out of Liu Tian's body, and all of them sank into the body of the scaled dragon king, and then a circle of 'misty' spirit swords appeared around the scaled dragon king, triggering the scaled ground dragon king's body. Jianbo and the sword of "Mi" spirit in the Dragon King's body.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for successfully casting the [Phantom Formation] eternally, and the scale-armored Dragon King has fallen into an illusion."

Liu Tian manipulated the phantom formation to turn himself into an earth dragon in the eyes of the scaled dragon king, and what happened just now made the scaled dragon king think it was a dream.Then Liu Tian, ​​the earth dragon, came to the scaly earth dragon king in a friendly manner.


Seeing the bewilderment and suspicion in the eyes of the scaly Earth Dragon King, a murderous intent flashed in Liu Tian's eyes, and the center of his brows split open suddenly, turning into a strange black vortex. Slashed out of the vortex, and directly blasted into the eyes of the scale-armored Dragon King that were bigger than copper bells.


After a successful blow, Liu Tian stepped back resolutely, looking coldly at the crazy scaled dragon king outside the trapped formation, looking for an opportunity to attack.


The Dragon King of the scale armor roared frantically, and swung his tail tirelessly on the trapped formation. Every blow was earth-shattering. Many swords of the trapped formation were destroyed. Unfortunately, once the sword of the trapped formation was destroyed, it would recover soon.It's madness, causing the eye injuries to be worse, -45, -46 damage like that floating out of its head every second or two.

Gradually, the scaled Dragon King's speed slowed down, a cruel sneer appeared on the corner of Liu Tian's mouth, he first used [Light of Trial] to restore the use of [Star Kill], and then entered the trapped formation from behind the scaled Dragon King. Remember [Star Kill], cleared the life of the Dragon King of the scales.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player who killed the scale-armored dragon king forever and gained 80000 experience."

The Dragon King of the Scale Armor dropped a piece of scale armor, but Liu Tian threw it into the Dragon Soul Ring directly. What he cares about most now is the body of the Dragon King of the Scale Armor, and I will talk about the rest later.

"Real grab."

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player for obtaining the scale x of the scale-armored Earth Dragon King forever."

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player for eternally obtaining the meat of the scale-armored dragon king x10."

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player for eternally obtaining the tail teeth of the scaly earth dragon king x5."

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player for eternally obtaining the blood essence of the scale-armored dragon king x5."

"Ding dong, there is no material to collect from the corpse of the scale-armored Dragon King, and the corpse has disappeared."

"Ding Dong, please pay attention to Eternal Players, the blood essence of the earth dragon has been collected, and after 10 seconds, the Dragon Soul Ring will begin to lift the first seal."

A series of reminders made Liu Tian instantly relieved!

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