The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 359 Misunderstanding

Chapter 359 Misunderstanding

The wasp forest at the coordinates xxxxxx is not far from Huangtupo and Dilongpo. It takes about 10 minutes to drive there from Huangtupo. 26nbsp;

"Why is this cheap sister robbing other people's bosses all day long, and she seems to be hunted down often..." Liu Tian said helplessly, opened the map, determined the direction, and immediately released the [Royal Sky Technique] to fly to the wasp forest .

Across Huangtupo, Dilongpo Liutian and flew southward for about 2 minutes, we arrived at the Hornet Forest.

The Hornets in the Hornet Forest are at level [-], and there are quite a few players leveling up. Seeing Liu Tian descending from the sky, they all looked at him in amazement, and sent invitations to form a team one after another, but Liu Tian rejected them one by one.

"Sister, I've arrived at the Hornet Forest, what are your current coordinates." Liu Tian edited a text message and sent it to Yaoluo.

"xxxxxx, dear brother, if you don't hurry up, I'm afraid you can only go to the Resurrection Hall to see your dear sister..."

The enchanting text message made Liu Tian speechless again.

Stepping on the increasingly proficient [Sword Demon Walking Walk], Liu Tian shuttled through the forest, killing all the hornets he encountered in one blow, and soon he arrived at the coordinates that Yaoluo told him. He didn't see anyone here. But he heard the sound of killing.Looking for the sound, Liu Tian immediately found Yao Yao and the person who was chasing her.

"Uh, looking at the sword with the light on? My crotch is a bit murderous?" Liu Tian showed a strange look on his face. There were three people chasing and killing, and he knew two of them.

Seeing that the three of them were about to catch up with Yao Yao, Liu Tian hurried forward and rushed into the middle of the two sides in an instant.Turning on the lamp and looking at the sword, the three of them only felt a figure flicker in front of them, and a person appeared in front of them.

"My dear brother, you are finally here, otherwise my sister will be bullied by them." Seeing the person coming, Yaoluo immediately stopped running, walked up to Liu Tian, ​​and looked at Liu Tian with winking eyes.

Liu Tian turned his head to look at Enchanting, and said helplessly: "Sister, can you calm down a bit? Why do you want to snatch other people's bosses and make grudges with others?"

"I saw them fight the boss with a few other people, sneak attack those people, and send them all back to the city, so sister, I will do justice for the sky."

"Hmph, we're taking revenge, what are you doing?" Just as the enchanting voice fell, the angry voice of the boy Liu Tian didn't know came over.

There was a wry smile on the corner of Liu Tian's mouth, he turned around, looked at Lantern Jianjian and my crotch with a murderous look: "Long time no see."

"Eternity?! Is it really you?" Looking at the sword with the light on, he thought Liu Tian's figure was familiar, but he didn't expect it to be Liu Tian.

"It's me. I didn't expect to meet you all here. You should have heard my sister's words just now. Can you ignore the misunderstanding between you and her for my sake?" Liu Tian said: "As for the boss My sister will return the things that exploded to you."

"That's no problem. As for the things dropped by the boss, you don't have to return them. It's a gift for us to meet your sister." He said while looking at the sword, and then pulled the seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy beside him, and said: "He is my cousin, nicknamed in the game: Luoluo, Luoluo, what you see in front of you is the supreme master I always tell you about, Eternal."

"Wow, you are the Eternal Brother that my cousin said?" Luo Luo's eyes were shining with stars, and his face was filled with admiration.

"Uh..." Seeing Luo Luo's appearance, Liu Tian could think of how he said about himself when he raised the lamp and looked at the sword, and said with a wry smile: "Your cousin is also very powerful, I just have a higher level and stronger attack."

Luo Luo continued to look at Liu Tian with a look of admiration, and said: "Games are all about level and attack power, Brother Eternal, don't be humble, I finally know why your sister is so powerful, we chased her more than ten times I haven't caught up with her for a minute, so she is the elder sister of Brother Eternal, no wonder, no wonder."

Liu Tianmeng sweated, what kind of logic is this?He and Yaoluo have known each other for less than five days, so what does it have to do with him being so powerful?

"Yes, my younger brother is very powerful, and he also takes good care of my elder sister. If there is any danger, he will rush over immediately." Enchanting suddenly interjected, and that not-so-beautiful face smiled charmingly at Liu Tian.

The enchanting smile like a flower made Liu Tian feel like being targeted, it was weird, always felt that enchanting had a conspiracy.

"A few days ago, he also said that he would find some pieces of equipment for me to improve my attributes."

As soon as Yaoluo's words came out, Liu Tian knew what she was planning. It turned out that she wanted Liu Tian to spit out some pieces of equipment.

"Didi..." Liu Tian was contemplating how to answer Enchanting's words, when the notification sounded for the arrival of a new message, and when he opened the new message, Liu Tian saw the sender's name at a glance - Enchanted.

"Brother, you see that your friend gave me a gift when we first met, how about you?"

"Uh, well, I'll find out if there is any equipment that suits you."

A flash of pride flashed in the enchanting eyes, then gently picked up the sleeves, wiped the sweat stains on Liu Tian's forehead: "brother, I feel so tired every time, I'm really sorry, when you help me find good equipment, I shouldn't have to bother so much is you."

Liu Tian was stunned. On the surface, Yaoluo's words were thoughtful of him, but in fact, she was asking him to get some good equipment for her, so that she would not trouble him often in the future. It was full of threats!However, he was not disgusted with Yao Yao's words. Yao Yao gave him a special feeling, very comfortable, and he liked this cheap sister very much.

He rummaged through the Dragon Soul Ring, searched, and found a [Colorful Phoenix Clothes] that he had forgotten in a corner.

【Colorful Phoenix Clothes】〖Soldier Grade Top Grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: 6000/6000

[Equipment Category]: Clothes

[Wearing requirements]: female, spiritual practitioner

[wearing level]: level 18

【Accompanied effect】:

Physical attack: 50—60

Qi attack: 60—70

Physical Defense: 1—140

Gas defense: 160—180

[Included skills]:

〖Shenguang sweeps the world〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Divine Light Sweeping the World, the strongest killing technique transformed from the colorful rooster king, can sweep out five attacking divine lights.However, spiritual practitioners can only call out a divine light that matches their own attributes to kill the enemy. This divine light contains 250% air attack damage.

[Casting distance]: within eight meters

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 5 minutes

[Skill Consumption]: 250 True Qi

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

The five-color phoenix clothes are not high in level, but its skills are not bad.The most important thing is that its appearance is extremely beautiful, the multicolored divine light slowly flows on the clothes, a colorful and lifelike big phoenix is ​​embroidered on the front of the clothes, and five small phoenixes of a single color are embroidered on other parts of the clothes, and This piece of equipment is still based on the ancient palace costume, which is even more charming.

Originally, he was going to give this piece of equipment to Feng Wu Tianqiong, but the relationship between the two suddenly became rigid, so Liu Tian had no chance to give this piece of equipment to her.

When Liu Tian took out the multicolored phoenix clothes, a surprised expression immediately appeared on the enchanting face, and love shone in his eyes.

"Brother, is this the equipment you want to give me? It's so, so, so beautiful."

"Well, sister, this piece of equipment is for you."

"Wow, that's great, brother, thank you, come on, give one to my sister." Enchantingly embraced Liu Tian excitedly, gave Liu Tian a sweet kiss involuntarily, then took the equipment, and checked it happily.

Liu Tian murmured: "I seem to have been molested again, maybe when it's time to counterattack, eat tofu and get rich!"

"Brother, this piece of equipment belongs to me! From now on, the right to use and distribute it has nothing to do with you!" Yaoluo said pretending to be ferocious.

"I promised to give it to you, how could I go back on my word? By the way, I will give you this bead too, maybe it will be of some use in the future." Liu Tian took out the colorful peacock bead and handed it to Yaoluo: "This bead was made with the colorful phoenix at the beginning. I got it together with the phoenix clothes, and I gave you the phoenix clothes, so let me give you this bead as well."

"This bead is so beautiful too." Yaoluo took the bead and played with it in her hand. It happened that the mist in the colorful peacock bead rolled over, and the colorful peacock appeared inside the bead again, but it was only for a moment. Yaoluo exclaimed: "Brother, Did a colorful peacock appear on the bead just now?"

Liu Tian nodded: "That's right. There should be some secrets in this bead, but now you need to explore it."

"Brother, sister loves you so much!" Enchanting wanted to kiss Liu Tian again when she was excited. aside.

Seeing the enchanting appearance, Liu Tian secretly smiled, then turned around and asked, "Where is your girlfriend Yunyan?"

"She is waiting for us in the city. We accidentally saw the players who took our boss and wanted to take revenge on them. We followed them all the way to the Hornet forest. I didn't expect that their goal was the Hornet Queen, so we went to Lurk in the dark, wait for them to fight the boss almost, and kill them all, and then when we fight the boss with little blood remaining, when the boss is about to die, he was killed by your sister with a fireball." He said while looking at the sword with the lamp on. .

"So it is."

Luo Luo was dissatisfied and said: "Brother Eternal, those players take advantage of their backing as a guild, and they bully people everywhere. If I meet them again next time, I must teach them a lesson."

Luo Luo's words reminded Liu Tian of something. He looked at the three of them and asked, "Look at the sword, are you interested in joining the guild I'm going to create?"

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