The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 366 Accumulating ghost iron pieces

Chapter 366 Accumulating ghost iron pieces

"Brother, how about the equipment that sister exploded? The attributes are not bad!" asked enchantingly with a smile. 26nbsp;

"Not bad!"

"Hey, I told you that my sister's luck is good. From now on, follow her more often, she can change your destiny."

Liu Tianmeng sweated, isn't this cheap sister getting further and further away?A little fantasy, right?However, Huaxia has studied these things since ancient times. Destiny, if you say it is mysterious, is not mysterious. Fate is a lifetime, but luck is only five years.Although it is the age of science and technology, everything is scientific, there are still many fortune tellers in China, and there are still fortune tellers in the streets and alleys.Fortune-telling can bring confidence to people, so there are still many people looking for a fortune-teller for fortune-telling.However, people who believe in Christianity do not count fortunes. They believe that their destiny is in the hands of God and there is no need for fortune-telling.

"Brother, let me put this equipment first, how about it?"

"Yeah." Liu Tian said casually, "Sister, do you want to let me have my money?"

"Why?" Enchanting asked, a little confused about the meaning of Liu Tian's words.

"Salaries and private house money are all handed over to the 'state-owned'. This is how you look like a housekeeper!"

Before the words fell, Liu Tian had the foresight to rush out, leaving Enchanting to gnash his teeth on the spot.

Time flies, and three days have passed in a flash.In three days, the two traversed the first layer of Netherworld twice.I saw the radiant formation leading to the second floor.However, the number of Nether Iron Plates in the hands of the two of them is only more than 70 pieces, which is far from enough to synthesize Nether Iron Plates. They can only look at the entrance and cannot set foot on the second floor.

Liu Tian reckoned that there would be more monsters exploding the Nether Iron Plate in the future. After all, the first floor of the Nether was too vast, and the [-] monsters didn't even know where they were distributed.It is luck to be able to meet, and it is also luck not to meet. In short, it all depends on luck. If the luck is bad, maybe even a piece of ghost iron will not explode.

According to the speed at which he and Yaoluo collect Nether Iron Pieces, it will take sixteen days at the fastest. Even if all the Nether Iron Pieces in the first layer of Netherworld are exposed every day, [-] pieces, compared with the number of players in the game , It's just a drop in the ocean.

However, in order to speed up the upgrade, Liu Tian naturally couldn't wait for the Nether Iron Shard to explode easily. He was still thinking about Mie Ge's instructions to him: reach level 35 within eight months.Moreover, Liu Ruoxi was still alone in the Far West Continent, he wanted to reach the level where he could go abroad as soon as possible, and bring her back.

For two weeks in a row, Liu Tian and Yaoluo spent time in the first layer of Netherworld, and finally accumulated enough 320 four Netherworld Iron Plates to synthesize a Netherworld Iron Plate.But this is only a passport for one person. Although Yaoluo said that Liu Tian didn't need to help her collect Nether Iron Pieces, Liu Tian still insisted on staying with her on the first floor of Nether.

Although this sister is cheaper, she is also a sister, and it is hard to come by.

"Oh, why do you help me collect ghost iron pieces? In the past two weeks, I have obtained enough." Looking at Liu Tian who came back from killing monsters, a trace of heartache flashed across his enchanting smiling face. The non-stop killing monsters made her feel uncomfortable.

"Hey, actually I accompany you for another purpose." Liu Tian smiled and stared at Enchanting.

"Heh, you still dare to plot against my sister? Huh, tell me, what do you want to do?" The enchanting bright eyes widened. Although she knew that Liu Tian was actually talking nonsense, she continued to accompany Liu Tian to perform.

Feeling the enchanting and sharp eyes, Liu Tian said in a low voice: "Uh, sister, is it necessary to look at me like this?"

"Dear younger brother, older sister, I already know your purpose, do you believe it?" The corner of enchanting mouth suddenly evoked a bright smile.

"Tell me." Liu Tian looked at Enchanting with interest.

Enchanting and proudly said: "Look at the beauty of this beauty."

"Uh, how do you know?"

"Who am I? Your enchanting sister?"

"You have his heart?"

Enchanting shook his head.

"You can read minds?"

Enchanting continued to shake her head.

"Are you the reincarnation of the roundworm in my stomach?"

"Are you disgusting or not?" Yaoluo scolded, and lightly kicked Liu Tian: "Your little thoughtfulness, my sister will come out after a random guess."

"Then, for the sake of killing monsters, can you satisfy my wish? Let me see your beauty and open my eyes?"

"Okay, you turn around first."

"it is good."

Thirty seconds later, a delicate voice came from behind Liu Tian.

"Officer, you can turn around now..."

Liu Tian was overjoyed, and turned his head impatiently, but when he saw the "Fair Face", he took three steps back, and almost shouted: "Where is the evildoer? You haven't reported your name yet!"

"Brother, what's the matter?..." Yaoluo twisted the waist of the water snake, and walked slowly towards Liu Tian.

"Don't come here!" Liu Tian yelled: "Sister, you should change back to the face you had just now. I have no luck to appreciate this beauty."

At this moment, Liu Tian's little heart is still beating non-stop, the "face" in front of him is really a "panic face" that makes people panic.How should he describe this "panicked look"?In the 21st century, a legendary figure who appeared on Huaxia Network appeared in his mind - Sister Feng!

The predecessors gave Sister Feng a summary:

Bamboo shoots in the mountains, with a sharp mouth, thick skin and hollow belly;

The reeds on the wall are top-heavy and shallow-rooted.

Her appearance, a poem is enough:

The Dragon Dynasty has a sky nose and nine-tailed flying eyes.Five feet domineering lips, three inches shameless.

At this time, in front of Liu Tian, ​​the whole sister Feng reappeared, and Liu Tian was almost scared to the ground.He finally understood the enchanting strength.

"Sister, you don't have to scare me like that, do you?" Liu Tian said with a bitter melon look on his face, "It's fine if you don't show me, why scare me?"

"Who made you dare to say that I am a roundworm in your stomach, this is punishment!"

Enchanting giggled suddenly, reached out to grab Liu Tian's arm, and smiled coquettishly: "Come on, brother, sister will give you a scent."

"Mom, help..."

Liu Tian ran desperately towards the group of monsters brought back by Han Xian, leaving Enchanting laughing behind him.

"Hey, now you know how powerful I am."

Enchantingly talking to herself, she stretched out her hand to wipe her face, the face that could rival Fu Rong and Sister Feng finally disappeared, and the original appearance was restored.

After killing the monsters and tidying up the battlefield, Liu Tian carefully looked at the enchanting face, and found that the "panicked face" was gone, so he walked back in peace.

"Sister, this is the equipment that was dropped just now. I'll hand it in." Liu Tian handed the bow that was dropped to Yaoluo. These equipments are useless to him, and it doesn't matter if they are left in anyone's place.

"Not bad." Enchanting nodded, and directly checked the attributes of the equipment.

【Soul Bow】〖Scholar-level low-grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: 00/ 00

[Equipment Category]: Weapon

[Wearing Requirements]: Archer

[wearing level]: level

【Accompanied effect】:

Physical Attack: 180— 0

Air Attack: 0—2

[Incidental Skills]: None.

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

Soon, Han Xian led more than 20 ghosts back.After Liu Tian sent her a hard-working message, he rushed into the group of monsters alone, and killed more than 20 ghosts at the fastest speed.

"Ding Dong, you have been online for sixteen hours, please log out immediately."

I don't know how long I have been fighting with the ghost, a system prompt finally sounded in Liu Tian's mind.

"Sister, I don't have time for the game, let's play first, see you at nine tomorrow morning."

"Well, I'm down too, it's pretty boring here."

The two figures gradually disappeared on the first layer of Netherworld.

In reality, it was about nineteen o'clock in the evening.As soon as Liu Tian walked out of the room, a smile appeared on his face. He saw a person in the living room.

"Meng'er, are you here?"

In the living room, Lan Meng'er and Liu Ruoxi were sitting on the old sofa and chatting. They should have a good chat, and there were faint smiles on their lips.

"Well, I came here with my mother." Lan Meng'er nodded and said, looking at Liu Tian softly, with a trace of affection lurking deep in her eyes.


The door of Mother Liu's room opened, and Mother Liu and Aunt Zhang came out together.

"Mom, auntie, sit down." Liu Ruoxi stood up, gave the small sofa to the two, and walked to Liu Tian's side with Lan Menger.

Sitting on the sofa, Zhang Yunlan and Mother Liu looked at Lan Menger and Liu Tian, ​​who were standing together, they looked very well-matched, and smiled at each other, only the two of them could understand the meaning.

"Tian'er, you play games in the game all day, take your sister and Meng'er out for a walk, exercising your muscles and bones is also good for your body." Mother Liu said.


Liu Tian nodded, and walked out of the house with the two daughters under the gentle gaze of the two parents.

Walking by the side of the road, enjoying the night breeze, Liu Tian couldn't help showing a sense of satisfaction, looked at Liu Ruoxi and Lan Menger beside him, and asked, "Meng'er, did you leave Xinshou Village in the game?" ?”

"Not yet, I'm only level 6 now." Lan Menger said softly.

"Well, when you reach level ten and leave Novice Village, let me know and I'll pick you up."


"Brother, shall we go for a walk in the small bamboo forest?"

The small bamboo forest, the place where Liu Tian and Liu Ruoxi used to stay when they were young, contains many memories of the two of them. Hearing Liu Ruoxi's words, Liu Tian couldn't help showing melancholy on his face. It's here, but it's long gone.Although the figure of his father Wei'an was still clearly engraved in Liu Tian's heart, he was no longer there.

"Go and see."

Walking on the familiar road, Liu Tian had mixed feelings in his heart.He knows that the carefree childhood has left him, but he is very happy because he can replace his father and carry the family.

When Liu Tian brought Liu Ruoxi and Lan Menger to the place where they used to play, Liu Ruoxi and Liu Tian were disappointed. The place where they used to play had been built into a factory.

After silently staring at the place where he set foot when he was a child for a few minutes, Liu Tian took Liu Ruoxi's hand and left with Lan Menger.

At midnight, Liu Tian took the two girls back, Zhang Yunlan hadn't left yet, she was waiting for Lan Menger, when she saw Liu Tian brought Liu Ruoxi and Lan Menger back, she didn't stay any longer, said goodbye and went home up.

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