The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 384 A Speechless Reunion

Chapter 384 A Speechless Reunion

In the sky, two figures were slowly flying past.

"Brother Eternal, it feels so comfortable to fly." Looking at the slowly receding scenery below her, an intoxicated expression appeared on the face of the little princess.

Liu Tian smiled lightly, feeling the breeze blowing by his ears, and said: "The feeling of flying is really good."

Not long after flying comfortably, he suddenly stopped at a high altitude, looking at the distant sky, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Ah, why is the sky over there fiery red? And the wind here is so hot." The little princess said.

"That's the Chiyan Mountain Range, right?" Liu Tianxin said, standing in the air and looking at it for a while, then said: "Jing'er, let's go back."


After returning to the city, Liu Tian handed over the little princess to Yang Lan, and went to the Nether Map by himself.In sixty days, the player's level has risen a lot, and now the number of players on the first floor of Nether is almost three or four times more than before he left.As soon as he entered the first floor of Netherworld, what he saw were no longer ghosts, but mostly the backs of players fighting.

"The sword demon walks alone."

As soon as the voice fell, Liu Tian's figure had disappeared at the entrance of the first floor of Netherworld, like a flash of lightning shuttled between the player and the ghost.The player only saw a figure flashing past in front of him, while the ghost just wanted to attack, but lost its target.

In sixty days, Liu Tian's [Sword Demon Walking Walk] has improved a lot, he can already step on 40% of his footwork, and his speed has increased by 160%.However, as he became more and more familiar with [Sword Demon's Lone Walk], Liu Tian found that [Sword Demon's Lone Walk] was completely used for attacking and fighting, and there was only a little evasion in it. Obtain a set of agility for dodging. [Sword Demon Walking Alone] Manipulating the lower body, the movement of the upper body can only be performed by himself.

An hour later, he finally arrived at the entrance to the second floor of the Netherworld. During this hour, the killing sword had been carried on his back and had not been unsheathed, and he spent all his time on the road.After taking out the Nether Order, he directly entered the second floor.The number of players on the second floor has also increased a lot, and it is no longer so deserted.

Liu Tian also didn't intend to upgrade at this level, and continued to step on the [Sword Demon Walking Walk], shuttled among the ghosts, and rushed to the third level of Netherworld. His steps alternated, seemingly chaotic steps However, it puts him in an excellent state of attack or defense at any time.


The unintentional wild ghost stared blankly at Liu Tianfeng's back, and returned to the wandering state after a long time.


Suddenly, Liu Tian, ​​who was running fast, stopped, and looked at the creeping figure not far away with strange eyes.

"Sister Enchanting? Uh, what does she want to do?"

Liu Tian patted his forehead helplessly. When he saw a group of people fighting the boss not far from Yaoluo's direction, he understood what Yaoluo wanted to do.

"You want to grab the boss again, don't you know how to be quiet?"

Quietly following behind Enchanting, the helplessness in Liu Tian's eyes was obvious.Enchanting naturally didn't know that Liu Tian was behind him, and excitedly looked at the boss whose life was gradually decreasing, and the flames in his hands slowly gathered.

"Hey, the boss is mine."

When the boss's life was about to be exhausted, the enchanting figure moved and appeared not far from the boss, and his hands quickly formed seals.

"Damn it, someone is robbing the boss, stop her!" The team leader shouted when he saw the sudden appearance of enchanting.

"Hehe, it's too late, there's not even a lookout, isn't it just for me to snatch it?" said enchantingly, with a flash of sternness in his eyes: "Hell lava!"

The ground under the boss quickly turned into a puddle of lava, and black fireballs flew out of it, bombarding the boss.




With a puff, the boss's whole body exploded into a ball of ghostly aura, which slowly dispersed.

"Sister, let's go first." Enchantingly smiling.

"Fuck! Stop this stinky bitch for me!"

Looking at the players rushing over, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of the enchanting mouth, and with a movement of her steps, she even rushed towards the players who were chasing her.

"Go to hell! Crack the mountain!" The warrior player smiled cruelly, swung the big knife in his hand, and slashed at the enchanting body suddenly.It's just that from the beginning to the end, Enchanting just smiled and looked at the big knife coming.

"What's wrong with sister?" Surprised, Liu Tian's figure suddenly moved, and he stopped after only two or three steps, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "It turns out that she has learned teleportation, no wonder she is so arrogant, Hehe, you made me worry for nothing, don't blame me later..."

When Liu Tianyin's smile was still floating in the air, he had already disappeared in place.

The enchanting warrior stared blankly at Kong'dang's eyes, and murmured in disbelief: "Man, where is man?"

"Idiot! She's behind you!" The team leader cursed loudly: "Fuck, what will happen to you if you offend my Fenghuo Guild today! Give it to me!"

"Hehe, is that so?" With a move of her enchanting feet, she escaped the pursuit of several players and went straight to the place where the boss died. Her purpose was actually to attract the players and snatch the items that the boss dropped.


A seductive gleam flashed in the enchanting eyes, and she teleported behind the last two players. Looking back, she looked at the players who were already behind her, and said with a coquettish smile, "The things that the boss exploded belong to me."

"***!" The player in the team was so angry that he almost vomited blood: "A bunch of idiots, fuck me!"

"I'm not going to accompany you, this beauty..." Enchanting turned around and darted towards the boss's death place, but she couldn't help but yelled at the halfway: "Where did you come from, you little thief, stop me! My mother's things don't dare!" move?"

A figure passed the boss's death place, took away all the things that the boss exploded, and immediately ran to other places.

"You idiots, you don't care about anything! Everything that hurts my mother is taken away!" Enchanted scolded a group of players behind her, and then quickly chased after the person who stole the boss.

"That little thief in front, if you dare to steal, don't you dare to stop?" After chasing for a long time, Yao Yao saw that it was really difficult to catch up, so she couldn't help but began to mutter again.But then she was dumbfounded, the person in front really stopped, and turned around to look at her.

"Hmph, she looks pretty good, but it's unforgivable to dare to steal from this beauty!" Yaoluo said through gritted teeth, "It even made me sweat all over my body!"

If Yang Lan and the others see this person in front of them, they will be shocked, because this person looks exactly like Liu Tian, ​​or it can be said that it is Eternity who has restored his original appearance.

"Little girl, who said that the thing that the boss exploded is yours? You are not stealing other people's boss. Could it be that if I say you are mine, you are mine?" An evil smile appeared on Liu Tian's face.

"This voice..." Hearing this, Enchanting was stunned, and suddenly his eyes showed a fierce look, and he walked towards Liu Tian step by step: "Okay, my dear brother, even my sister dares to play tricks, has it been too long since I taught you a lesson?" ha?"

"Uh, oops, forgot the voice hasn't changed..."

Liu Tian put on a cold look on purpose: "Who are you? If you dare to take a step forward, don't blame me for doing it."

Hearing this, Yaoluo sneered, took three steps forward, and said: "One, two, three, let's do it."

"Okay, I lost again..." Liu Tian said with a bitter face, "Sister, long time no see, you are really getting more and more beautiful, more powerful, and more youthful."

"Hmph, with a glib tongue, changing into this appearance, which beauty do you want to deceive?" Enchanting continued to sneer.

"Oh, sister, I just wanted to lie to you, but unfortunately I was caught..."

"Hmph, if you really look like this handsome guy, my sister might like you, but I don't know your virtues, my sister?"

"Uh, then I'll lie to Lori from now on, and don't expose me when I lie to beautiful women..."

"Go, for the safety of other beauties, this beauty decides that you can follow me from now on."

"Help you fight monsters, won't you?" Liu Tian looked at the self-satisfied enchanting with contempt.

"Well, that's right, huh? No, I sacrificed myself for the sake of other girls." Enchanting sophistry.

"Tch, sister, let's go, go to the third floor, I haven't killed any monsters in two months."

"Where have you been in the past two months? Your rank has dropped off the leaderboard."

"My girlfriend ran away, and I was sad for two months." Liu Tian lied without looking back.


Half an hour later, the two finally entered the third floor.As soon as they entered, the two met a powerful lineup, four headless monsters, two hanged ghosts, and three resentful ghosts.

"Can it be solved? Do you want me to help?" Enchanting asked.

"Small idea."


The killing sword 'shot' out of the scabbard, and the sharp sword 'song' spread throughout. At the same time, Liu Tian stepped on [Sword Demon Walking Walk] and turned into a phantom and rushed over.

Liu Tian's eyes were slightly focused, his steps were mysterious and strange, his body was moving from left to right, his left hand moved slightly, and a black ink pad appeared in midair.The three resentful ghosts screamed, their hands swelled several times, and they flew towards him.

With a change in footwork, Liu Tian's stature slipped past the attack of the three resentful ghosts in an instant, and at the same time [Sword Demon Suppressing Kill Seal] also suppressed them, and the three resentful ghosts were directly beaten to the ground.





The killing sword made a beautiful turn in the air, pierced through the backs of the three resentful ghosts, and then flew back to Liu Tian's hand.

"Sword Gang!"

With a drift, Liu Tian dodged the two blood-stained long ropes attacking from behind, waved the two-meter-long sword gang in his hand, and swept the three resentful ghosts several meters away.




Whoosh whoosh.

Three blood-red rays came through the air, attacking Liu Tian's back.Liu Tian frowned, and stepped out of [Sword Demon Walking Alone], just when the shooting line was about to hit.

"He seems to be a lot stronger, um, he is indeed my younger brother..." Seeing Liu Tianxing's attack like flowing water, he muttered enchantingly a few times.

In just one or two minutes, the four headless monsters, two hanged ghosts, and three resentful ghosts were all wiped out.

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