The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 388 Bad Situation

Chapter 388 Bad Situation

On the tops of the valleys on both sides, a group of fire wolves raised their proud heads and looked at Sky City, their fiery red eyes full of contempt. 26nbsp;

A wry smile appeared on Liu Tian's face: "The trap they set up is too poor, isn't it? It hasn't been long since it was completely destroyed."

He remembered that Wufeng had asked the members of the guild to set up traps above and around the canyon yesterday, but now that the millennium reincarnation has just started, the fire wolves have occupied the top of the valley, and the garbage in their traps can be seen.

"It seems that Big Brother Blood Wolf is coming over and let them set up a trap."

Looking at the burning bodies on the top of the valley, Liu Tian stood up slowly: "I have to move my hands and feet again."

As soon as the words fell, Liu Tian turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed to the side of the valley wall, activated the [Aerial Control Technique], because he didn't want other players to know his flying ability, so he deliberately rushed to the top of the valley by stepping on the stone wall.


Seeing Liu Tian rushing up, the fire wolves couldn't bear the restlessness in their hearts, roared angrily, and spewed fireballs the size of basins towards Liu Tian.Although the fireballs hit him like a meteor shower, Liu Tian's ascent speed remained unchanged, and none of the fireballs hurt him. Every time his body shifted, some fireballs would fall into the air.

"The distance is almost the same." Looking at the majestic wolf head on the top of the valley, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of Liu Tian's mouth, and the killing sword on his back suddenly unsheathed, charged straight up, and pierced through the head of a fire wolf , instantly killing it.

Tilting his head slightly, after avoiding the attack of a fireball, Liu Tian finally climbed to the top of the valley.

The warm wind blew the hills, and a figure stood facing the wind on the top of the valley covered with scorched marks.Suddenly, there was a howl of a wolf, and a fire wolf behind him launched a surprise attack, clawing at his head with fierce wolf claws.


The blooming of blood flowers means that a fresh life has disappeared in this world, and the sneak attacking fire wolf was killed by Liu Tian's blow, and his body fell from the top of the valley.


Several fire wolves bared their teeth, howled angrily and rushed towards Liu Tian together, a flame spewed out from the mouth of the wolf.Liu Tian protected his cheek with one hand, stepped on the [Sword Demon Walking Alone], with a sword and shield on his head, and rushed into the raging flames impressively.Immediately, only the sound of sharp swords losing flesh was heard, and all the fire wolves that attacked Liu Tian fell to the ground.

Liu Tian's attack didn't stop, [Swinging Up] stepped out in an instant, before the three fire wolves appeared, the killing sword quickly thrust out, and the three fire wolves fell to the ground just as the flames condensed.

Liu Tian, ​​who stepped on [Sword Demon Walking Alone], doubled his speed, and while his figure was disillusioned, he had already entered the pack of fire wolves, and the killing sword attacked mercilessly. In just 3 minutes, all the fire wolves on the top of the valley on the right were wiped out .But he didn't go to the valley top on the left, but guarded this side, and all the fire wolves that rushed up were killed by him.On the other side, Liu Tian asked a team of guild members to defend first.

"Brother Blood Wolf, where are you now? Did Wufeng pull you into the guild?" Liu Tian sent a message to Cangyuan Blood Wolf, and after a while, Cangyuan Blood Wolf came back.

"I'm currently working on a task. I just finished it yesterday, and I'm about to come to Sky City."

"Well, brother blood wolf, hurry up, the level of trap skills of other thieves in the guild is too low, and the traps around Sky City rely on brother blood wolf."

"Okay, we'll be right there."

Soon, the dark wolf mercenary group headed by the Cangyuan blood wolf all arrived in Sky City, Liu Tian told them the location, seven or eight minutes later, ten Cangyuan blood wolves finally climbed up from Taniguchi.Liu Tian blocked the way up to the top of the valley by himself, and asked Cangyuan Blood Wolf and the others to set up traps on the top of the valley.Half an hour later, the top of the valley was covered with traps that lasted for a long time and caused great damage.

"We're going back to the city." Cangyuan Blood Wolf said, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

Liu Tian said: "Brother Blood Wolf, thank you for your hard work."

At this time, almost all the monsters around the canyon had been wiped out by the players, causing Liu Tian and Cang Yuan Blood Wolf to return to the city without spending much effort.

In the hall of the City Lord's Mansion, Wufeng and others were discussing about the millennium reincarnation. Suddenly, eleven people appeared at the entrance of the hall.

"Huh? President, are you back?" Wufeng stood up and said.

"Well, Wufeng, what happened to what I told you to do?" Liu Tian asked.

"The scouting thieves have sent a message, but the situation is a bit bad." Wufeng's face showed a look of worry.

"Let's talk about it." Liu Tian sat in the first seat, looked at Wufeng and said, before the Millennium Reincarnation started, he asked Wufeng to send thieves to distribute within a few thousand meters around Sky City, to investigate the distribution of the monster 'Tide'. How wide.

"The range of the strange 'tide' is astonishingly wide. It is far more than a few kilometers across. The thieves scattered thousands of meters around the sky city have encountered the strange 'tide'. A thief climbed a mountain and found that as long as it is The places he can see are all occupied by the strange 'tide'."

"So wide? If everyone comes to attack the city, not to mention Sky City, even the main city may be conquered." At this time, a trace of regret rose in Liu Tian's heart.It's also kind of weird.

Why did the emperor ask him to build the city, and the construction of the city was completed in one day. Such a fast speed should be due to the use of extremely rare foundation stones, and the foundation was built in an hour.

"Order the guild members to kill monsters around the sky city, not to leave the sky city too far, I'll go to heaven to see how many monsters have spread now." Liu Tian said.

"it is good."

Liu Tian looked at Cangyuan Blood Wolf: "Brother Blood Wolf, you all stay here first, I'll go out and have a look."


Leaving the City Lord's Mansion, Liu Tian stepped on the [Royal Sky Technique] first along the valley wall to the top of the valley, then hid his figure, and rushed to the sky in an instant.

"This..." Liu Tian, ​​who was in the sky, saw the ground below him, and his expression changed drastically.

At this time, the earth seemed to be a sea of ​​fiery red, with fire-type creatures coming from far away, almost all of them were fire-type creatures as far as Liu Tian could see.The canyon where Sky City is located has become the site of fire creatures, and the canyon is like an isolated island in a fiery red ocean.Although the speed at which the players killed the fire creatures was not slow, it was far behind the speed at which the fire creatures came.

"This battle is difficult to fight. Others built the city to fight a few waves of monsters. I guess I will fight for a few days."

Liu Tian had a bitter face, and felt a little like crying in his heart. The overwhelming monster 'tide', in terms of number alone, was not comparable to ordinary monsters attacking the city, and these were only the lowest-level monsters, and there were better and higher-level monsters behind. , although the quantity will decrease, but the quality of others has improved.

Just when Liu Tian wanted to return to the ground, many fiery red dots flew from the distant sky.

"A flying monster?"

With a movement of his feet, Liu Tianfei flew towards the group of red dots.Soon, he saw the appearance of the red dots clearly, it turned out to be a group of twentieth-level Huo Fen Ying.

"The monsters of level [-] have appeared, and the monsters of level [-] to [-] will appear soon, but this number..."

Liu Tian glanced sadly at the vast land below him, as if endless fire monsters were wreaking havoc on this land.

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