Chapter 391

"Boy, who are you? How dare you blatantly kidnap Tian Qing!" The tall man stared at Liu Tian. 26nbsp;

"Uh, I robbed Tianqing?" Liu Tian was helpless, he seemed to be saving people, right? When did he become the one who robbed Tianqing?

"I just saw with my own eyes that you ran away from the battlefield with Tianqing in your arms." Huashan Songbai said coldly.

"Huashan Songbai, Big Brother Eternal really didn't kidnap me. I was squeezed in front of the boss and was almost attacked by the boss. Fortunately, Big Brother Eternal saved me." Tian Qing's face turned reddish.

Hearing Tianqing's address to Liu Tian, ​​a man and a woman behind Huashan Songbai looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes.The two of them are actually sent by Tianqing's elder brother to protect Tianqing. The fact is so strange, the person Kunzi and the three want to contribute to capture the enchanting colorful phoenix clothes is actually Tianqing.

"Brother Eternal..." Thinking these words in his heart, a flash of anger flashed in Huashan Songbai's eyes. He had practiced with Tianqing for so long, but Tianqing still called him Huashan Songbai. So affectionately.

"In this case, thank you Brother Eternal very much, well, we have to go first if we have something to do, let's go Tianqing." Huashan Songbai said.

Frowning and looking at the pines and cypresses in Huashan, Liu Tian said to Tian Qing: "Tian Qing, then you go back with them, I'm going back to find my companions too."

"Okay, Brother Eternal, let's add a friend to each other, so we can keep in touch in the future."


After adding friends, Tianqing was a little reluctant to say goodbye to Liu Tian. Seeing Huashan pines and cypresses burning with anger, he wished to kill Liu Tian alive. He believed that if Tianqing and Liu Tian were allowed to stay for a while, Tianqing would definitely die. I like Liu Tian.

Before leaving, a man and a woman sent to protect Tianqing gave Liu Tian a meaningful look, which made Liu Tian a little puzzled.

Through the team channel, Liu Tian quickly confirmed the location of the four of Ye Tianxiang, and found them without much effort.

"Hey, I saw you saved a little girl just now, where is that little girl? Why didn't you see her?" Ye Tianxiang asked treacherously.

Hearing Ye Tianxiang's voice, except for Chen Qinglu, Yang Binghui and Wen Qingya all listened to Liu Tian's answer.

"Oh, she and her partner are gone." Liu Tian said as he fell to the ground.

"Tch, seeing how desperate you were when you rescued her, I thought you had some 'adult' affair with that chick." Ye Tianxiang curled his lips.

"Oh." Liu Tian replied lightly, and the faces of Su Yan and Tian Qing appeared in his mind.

"By the way, what about the remaining two bosses?" Liu Tian asked.

"Quack, when it comes to those two bosses, I'm going to talk about them." Ye Tianxiang shook his head chicly: "After you leave, the remaining two fire hyena kings are so fierce that other players dare not stop them!" , um, including the one next to me. I know this is the time for me to appear on the stage, alas, the final result is that I hit [up pick] and killed one of the fire hyena kings. How about it? Not bad right."

"Oh." Liu Tian said lightly.

"Fuck, don't be so indifferent, at least I showed it once."


"..." Ye Tianxiang was speechless for a while, and finally roared: "Keep killing monsters!"

The five regrouped and continued to fight among the monsters.

"Eight!" Ye Tianxiang roared, aimed at the fire hyena's head, and picked one of them up into the sky with a [Pick Up].

"Qinglu has six, and Liutian No. 270 has nine." Wen Qingya's light words directly pushed Ye Tianxiang's passion into a trough.

"Qingya, I beg you, don't torture me, didn't I just say something bad about you girls? Why do you do this? Someone doesn't like this look..."

Ye Tianxiang shouted, every time Ye Tianxiang kills a monster, Wen Qingya will report the number of monsters killed by Chen Qinglu and Liu Tian to attack him, and Liu Tian will forget it, but Chen Qinglu's speed of killing monsters is closely following him , really put him under a lot of pressure.

"You..." Wen Qingya blushed, "I'm not finished with you!"

"It's a tragedy again..." Ye Tianxiang suddenly felt that there was no light in the world, only Wen Qingya's figure was getting bigger and bigger.

Two hours later, Liu Tian and his three groups gathered and reported the number of monsters killed.

"420 and three." This is the number of monsters killed in the Wufeng Wrestling Hut.

"One thousand, 420..." Cangyuan blood wolf paused: "Ahem, 25."

"What? One thousand four hundred and twenty five!!!" Wufeng's face suddenly collapsed, this is too cheating, there are only two more.

"Yes, 420 five, two more than you." The Cangyuan blood wolf made a victory gesture.

"Fuck, how many are you, President?" Wufeng asked in a low voice.

"One thousand 640 five, how about it? It's amazing." Ye Tianxiang shouted proudly.

Wufeng said dissatisfiedly: "Tch, most of it is the credit of the president."

"I have credit too!"

"About 10%." Wufeng said.

"Okay, let's go back." Liu Tian said.

After returning to Sky City, Liu Tian went back to Dragon Imperial City through the teleportation array, and then walked to Wang Pan's 'medicine' shop.Due to the reincarnation of the millennium, the 'pharmacy' store was much deserted, but Wang Pan and his 'medicine' boy were still very busy, walking in and out.

"Uncle Wang, are you ready?" Liu Tian asked when he entered the 'medicine' store just as he met Wang Pan who came out of the inner room.

"I'll prepare a sufficient amount of 'medicine' immediately, and we can go to Sky City." Wang Pan wiped the sweat from his forehead.

When Sky City was first built, Liu Tian had already agreed with Wang Pan to open a branch in Sky City.It took two days to prepare enough medicines for a normal month, but during the millennium reincarnation, I am afraid that one month's medicines can only last half of the time.

However, with the overtime efforts of several drug manufacturing bases, it should be able to barely support the consumption of drugs. Even if the drugs in the Wangpan drug store are not enough, there are other drug stores, but not enough. It's just a little more convenient, and there is no need to worry about the problem of 'medicine'.

At the same time, Liu Tian also contacted the blacksmith shop through Erdan, and the blacksmith shop also agreed to open a branch in Sky City and dispatch a master-level blacksmith.

Walking to the blacksmith shop, what Liu Tian saw was also busy, busy because of him.When Liu Tian walked in, he saw a pile of casting tools, and Er Dan was standing beside the pile of tools.

"Erd, how are the things you need for the branch ready?" Liu Tian walked up to Er Dan and asked.

"Oh, it's Brother Eternal, we can go to Sky City soon."

Half an hour later, the blacksmith's shop and 'medicine' shop were all ready, and through the teleportation array, they arrived at Sky City in an instant. After three to two minutes of building the shop, Sky City had its own 'pharmacy' shop and blacksmith's shop.

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