The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 400: Battle Soul Reincarnation

Chapter 400: Battle Soul Reincarnation

When Liu Tian returned to Sky City, the battle had already begun.Because of his fuss, the number of red-spotted tigers attacking Sky City dropped sharply, and the players were able to cope with it for a while.

He was with Zi Ye on the streets of Sky City, he glanced at the quiet and elegant Zi Ye, feeling a little bit emotional in his heart, although Zi Ye's profession rarely has offensive skills, but her performance in the red-spotted tiger group just now It surprised Liu Tian.Under the protection of Yaochi Fushu, her life has almost been kept at its peak state, completely opposite to Liu Tian's slightly embarrassed image.

Back at the City Lord's Mansion, Liu Tian didn't do anything else, just discussed with Wufeng, Tianhuang, Tie Gu and others about the Millennium Reincarnation.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, a loud noise echoed in the canyon, Liu Tian was startled when he heard the loud noise, then looked at the others with a wry smile and said, "The first line of defense has been breached. "

"So fast? I'm afraid we are in trouble." Tian Huang said.

At this time, the players outside the canyon have been 'forced' into the canyon by more and more red-spotted tigers.The first line of defense in the former canyon has fallen, captured by the ferocious group of red-spotted tigers.The back canyon, which is jointly defended by the Youlong Guild and the Phoenix Guild, is not in any danger due to its location.

"Hey, I'll go out and have a look, it's annoying enough to stay here." Liu Tian stood up and moved his bones that were about to rust a little.

"Let's go together, now is not the time to stay here." Wufeng also stood up.

Liu Tian walked a few steps, stopped suddenly, and asked, "By the way, Brother Tianhuang, what happened to the matter I told you?"

"Are you talking about the purchase of the snake body and the pseudo-dragon blood? Part of it has been completed, and now there is still a complete corpse of the 30th-level snake boss and more than 800 copies of the pseudo-dragon's blood. I don't think it will take long for the pseudo-dragon blood." Liquid' can be purchased, but the body of the level 30 snake boss is not so easy to obtain." Tian Huang said.

"Oh, what kind of pseudo-dragon do the more than 800 copies of pseudo-dragon blood mainly come from?"

"Earth dragon, more than 800 of the 600 copies are the blood of the earth dragon, and the other 200 are the blood of the bird dragon of the same level as the earth dragon." Tian Huang said.

"Specially collect the blood of earth dragons, um, the purchase price will be raised a bit, and the collection must be completed as soon as possible." Liu Tian said, Jin'er just reminded him that a thousand copies of pseudo-dragon blood must come from the same pseudo-dragon.

"it is good."

The entire group left the City Lord's Mansion. When they passed by the entrance of the mansion, Liu Tian looked thoughtfully at the four guards at the entrance of the mansion. These four guards were all above level [-]. Tian is completely uncertain whether they will take action when the monster tide invades Sky City, because they belong to the emperor, and the emperor belongs to the system.

As soon as they arrived at the gate of the city, Liu Tian and others could already hear the roar of the tiger and the voices of the players.Climbing up to the city wall, what imprinted in Liu Tian's eyes were the backs of hundreds of players and ferocious red-spotted tigers.

The valleys on both sides are still full of archers and ordinary archers of the Eternal Alliance. As for the way to the top of the valley, they have been blocked by warrior players and ordinary warriors of the Eternal Alliance.

The rain of arrows all over the sky and the attacks of various departments of spiritual cultivators fell like a torrential rain on the group of red-spotted tigers.The long-range attack players are struggling, and the melee players are also working hard. They are fighting the red-spotted tiger at the forefront of the battlefield.

Although the players are working hard, they are still at a disadvantage. The melee players are slowly 'forced' into the second line of defense from the gap between the first line of defense and the second line of defense by countless red-spotted tigers. This exposed the second line of defense to the attack of the red-spotted tiger.

Half an hour later, the second line of defense collapsed with a bang.

Liu Tian rushed to the sky quickly while the others were engrossed in the battlefield.

"There are still so many..."

On the ground, there are still endless monsters. In fact, only a small part attacked Sky City. Many players also left Sky City to hunt monsters suitable for their strength in other places.

"Maybe we can make it through now, but in a day or two, it will be difficult. I wonder if Jin'er can help the Eternal Alliance overcome this difficulty." Liu Tian said to himself.

With the efforts of the players, after more than two hours, all the red-spotted tigers were finally wiped out, only six of the nine lines of defense were destroyed, and it was almost time for a new tide of monsters to emerge.

"Hurry up and repair the line of defense!"

Wufeng issued an order, and all the architects set out to repair the three lines of defense at the same time. Their speed of repairing the lines of defense was not bad, but it still took half an hour to repair one line of defense.

"Brother Blood Wolf, can you set up traps controlled by the players?" Looking at the busy figure of the architect and the dilapidated ruins, Tianhuang asked the blood wolf beside him.

"There is one, but the deployment is very slow and has no power. It is mainly used to block the enemy."

"How long will it take to set up?"

"About 10 minutes."

"10 minutes... time should be enough, you guys hurry up to set up, I will let the warrior players protect you." Tianhuang said.

"Okay, let's set it up right away."

Soon, ten figures appeared at Taniguchi, and they were ten Cangyuan blood wolves. The trap they are going to set up now is called: hot quicksand, which creates a piece of hot quicksand under the ground to stop the enemy's advance and cause the enemy to suffer from the effect of burning .

The appearance of the scorching quicksand is controlled by the installer. A scorching quicksand covers a seven-meter radius. Six out of ten Cangyuan blood wolves know how to use this trap technique. Unfortunately, it covers an area of ​​30 meters, which can already cover the entire Taniguchi.

Time passed by, and the new monsters hadn't arrived yet, but the monsters that had appeared before were still raging. Players took this time to go back to Sky City to buy enough medicines, repair equipment, and ate a few Steamed buns replenish hunger.

About seven or eight minutes later, waves of galloping sounds came from the direction of the Chiyan Mountains. Standing high in the sky, Liu Tian could easily see the strange appearance of this wave rushing towards the direction of the canyon.This time it was a group of bears, fiery bears burning with red flames.

"A group of rough-skinned and thick-skinned guys, this battle will be difficult again, but luckily it's not a flying monster, otherwise it will be dangerous." Liu Tian muttered, heaving a sigh of relief while being worried.

Back in Sky City, Liu Tian told Wu Feng that Sky City would be attacked by Fire Bear, and asked him to arrange it.

"It's still a monster for melee combat. If we follow the previous situation, we can barely stop them outside the city gate." Wufeng said.

Liu Tian nodded, and immediately said to Tianhuang: "Brother Tianhuang, how are your preparations going?"

"There are still more than 50 copies of the earth dragon's blood, and the body of the 30th level snake boss has not been purchased yet." Tian Huang said.

"Not yet?" Liu Tian frowned: "Should I kill it myself, but how to collect the whole snake body?"

"It doesn't need to be collected, as long as it is above level 30, the body of a dead snake will do." Jin'er's voice sounded in Liu Tian's mind.

"But even if I go to kill now, not only do I need to find the boss, but I also need time to come here..." Liu Tian replied, "By the way, Jin'er, what exactly is the method you mentioned."

"Reincarnation of the battle soul! Summon the dead dragon king!"

dong dong dong...

The ground trembled slightly, and the fire bear was approaching!A new round of fighting will begin again.

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