The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 403 Crisis Shadow Ghost Flood Dragon King

Chapter 403 Crisis Shadow Ghost Flood Dragon King

The Abyss Demon King came across the sky carrying Liu Tian, ​​and countless players stared at him and the Abyss Demon King in a daze.

"Wow, Brother Liu Tian is so handsome, when did you catch a dragon and come back?" Zhang Long cheered.

"Long'er, that's not a real dragon, it's a flood dragon, you see it has only one horn." Yang Binghui said with a smile.

"Yes, there is really only one horn."

At this time, no matter whether it was the players of the Eternal Alliance or others, there was a lot of discussion, and there were emotions such as surprise, jealousy, and envy in their eyes.

"It's Big Brother Eternal..." Tianqing and her teammates looked at Liu Tian on the back of the Abyssal Demon King among a bunch of players, with tenderness in their eyes.

"Human beings, do you need me to deal with these bugs on the ground and flies in the sky?" the Abyss Demon Flood King said.

"They are nothing to you, but they are still very difficult for us to deal with them now. You probably have to stay here for a few days, because there are still a few days when monsters will continue to attack us .” Liu Tian said.

"It's really troublesome. If it's not for the face of Lord Tianjiao King, I won't bother to talk to you."

The Abyss Demon King rolled his eyes, his speed increased sharply, and he flew into the canyon under the attention of everyone. All the players held their breath and stared intently at the Abyss Demon King. Suddenly, an extremely discordant voice sounded.

"Please pay attention, please pay attention, the Eternal Alliance is recruiting players, have you seen the one on the dragon's back? He is our Eternal Alliance player..."

Ye Tianxiang wanted to continue yelling, but Yang Binghui covered his mouth and pressed him against the wall.

"You bastard, be honest with me, you don't think it's embarrassing, but I'm afraid." Yang Binghui said in a low voice.

"Woo..." Ye Tianxiang rolled his eyes weakly.

In the sky, the Abyssal Demon Dragon King has already flown over Sky City, his 60-meter-long body covers the sky and the sun, and the gleaming scales and powerful dragon claws are exposed to the players' eyes.


The player only felt a shadow flashing in front of his eyes, the dragon tail of the Abyss Demon King had swept out, and the flying birds hovering over the sky city immediately fell in pieces, like a rain of corpses.

"Okay, that's amazing..."

Seeing this scene, the players couldn't help being stunned. They only managed to kill a few flying birds through hard work, but they couldn't match the divine power of the Abyssal Demon Dragon King's tail.

Asuka screamed, facing the threat of death, they finally broke free from the pressure of the Abyss Demon King, scattered with a bang, and fled in all directions.

"Endless abyss!"

The Abyss Demon Jiao King gave a long 'groan', the dragon's mouth was half opened, and the space one meter above his dragon's head suddenly collapsed, and a dark, cold corner of the abyss appeared in the void, and a terrifying aura swept across the earth.

As soon as the abyss appeared, the flying birds seemed to be pulled by an invisible hand, and all flew into the corner of the abyss in the sky, disappearing into the dark abyss forever.

For a moment, the chirping birdsong disappeared, and the birds that had troubled the player for a long time were easily wiped out.

"Is this the strength of level 30? It's amazing. Killing this group of birds of level [-] is as easy as crushing ants." Liu Tian sighed in his heart.

"This, how many dragons are there, how many levels, so big..." a player asked in Sky City.

"Fifty level, it's called the Abyss Demon King..."


The players discussed in a low voice, their eyes full of horror.

After killing the birds, the Abyss Demon Dragon King went to sweep the ground again. Piece after piece of monsters fell down, and soon a clearing was cleared outside the canyon.At this time, Liu Tian was secretly happy that the experience of killing monsters by the Abyss Demon King belonged to him.

The Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King slowly flew up to the sky, hovering in the sky, waiting for the next wave of monsters to come.

"Abyss Demon Flood Dragon King, please send me back to the surface first, and I'll go back to the city." Liu Tian said.

"Trouble." After sending Liu Tian back to the ground, the Abyssal Demon Flood Dragon King rushed up to the sky with Jin'er, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Wufeng and his group came out, and when they saw Liu Tian walking towards him, Ye Tianxiang joked seriously: "Excuse me, are you Comrade Liu Tian? May I ask how you abducted that dragon, you won't..." Ye Tianxiang glanced at Liu Tian's butt very coldly.

"Tianxiang, you're looking for death, aren't you?" Sensing Ye Tianxiang's malicious gaze, Liu Tian immediately said unceremoniously.

"No, no..." Ye Tianxiang shook his head decisively.

"Brother Liu Tian, ​​how did you get that dragon?" Zhang Long blinked, looking at Liu Tian hopefully, waiting for his explanation.

"It's my uncle..." Liu Tian whispered in his heart, and then said with a smile: "I can't tell its origin, anyway, don't worry about the next wave of monsters, it will stay here to help us for a few days. "


"Let's go, let's go back to the city." Liu Tian said, he was very happy after solving the problem of the strange tide attacking the city.

So under the attention of everyone inside and outside the city, Liu Tian and his party returned to Sky City, and most of them focused their eyes on Liu Tian.At the gate of the city, a crisp voice stopped Liu Tian.

"Brother Eternal..." Tian Qing stood alone among the players, looking at him.

"Tianqing? You're here too." Liu Tian smiled.

Tianqing said, "Well, Big Brother Eternal is amazing."

"As expected of the president, and another beautiful woman..." kevinbelieve muttered, but he didn't know if he had a loud voice or did it on purpose. His muttering was heard by many people present, including Tianqing and Liu sky.

Yang Lan and the girls looked at each other helplessly, and they all saw the resentment in each other's eyes, among them, Lan Meng'er squeezed her palm

"Uh, cough cough, Tianqing, you are here alone, do you want to come with me?"

"Okay." Tianqing raised her head slightly, looked at everyone, and said, "Brother Eternal, are these big brothers and sisters players of your Eternal Alliance?"

"Well, that's right." Liu Tian nodded.

"They all look so powerful, um, just like Big Brother Eternal." Tian Qing smiled slightly.

At this time, Wufeng, Yang Lan and the others all saw Tianqing's dim eyes, and their hearts shuddered, especially Su Yan, she felt that Tianqing's eyes were very familiar, and there was a feeling of resemblance.

"Let's go first."

Seeing everyone's expressions, Liu Tian knew that they could roughly guess that Tian Qing was blind, but after walking a few steps, a voice came again, Liu Tian raised his brows, secretly thinking that it was unlucky.

"Tianqing, I finally found you..."

Three men and one woman squeezed out from the player group, and they were the rest of Tianqing's team, who were talking about Huashan Pines and Cypresses.

"It really is you!" Huashan Songbai glanced at Liu Tian with a little bit of resentment, just after Tian Qing disappeared, he immediately thought that Tian Qing might be going to see Liu Tian, ​​and hurried over.

"What's wrong? Huashan pines and cypresses." Tianqing asked.

"Uh, it's okay..."

"Oh, then I'll go to Brother Eternal to have a look, and I'll contact you later."

"I'll go too." Huashan Songbai blurted out three words.

Liu Tian frowned inadvertently, and said, "Then let's come together."

Liu Tian and his party returned to the temporary residence of the Eternal Alliance on the city wall. The voices of the president along the way made Liu Tian feel indescribable. Anyway, it was not bad.

Looking out of the raging valley, Liu Tian smiled lightly. He knew that Sky City had been saved. Even if other guilds attacked now, those guilds would have no choice but to return.

"I didn't expect that Eternity turned out to be the president of the Eternal League who is so popular. I really didn't expect it." The male player who was secretly protecting Tian Qing said inadvertently.

"Hehe, it's just a small guild." Liu Tian laughed.

"Thank you President Eternal for saving Tianqing last time," said the player.

"You're welcome." Liu Tian's eyes moved: "Huh? It's strange that 'Tide' is here again."

There was a roar from far to near, and this time it was a group of back-stabbed tigers that attacked the canyon.The ferocious group of tigers rushed halfway, a shocking dragon chant came from the sky, the abyss demon flood king had returned, and the dragon tail swept across the wilderness, killing everything in seconds.

However, in more than 20 minutes, the backstab tiger 'tide' was almost completely wiped out. After finishing these tasks, the Abyssal Demon King rushed to the Ninth Heaven and disappeared into the vast white clouds.

"Fuck, I want to raise a dragon in the future! It's so sturdy, just like me!" Ye Tianxiang looked at Liu Tian enviously.

"Just you? Save yourself..." Yang Binghui pouted.

"Fuck, if I have a dragon pet in the future, I will come to your house to eat and drink for free for a month!"

"You have no chance." Yang Binghui said lightly.

The following wave after wave of monsters was originally difficult to resist, but due to the existence of the Abyss Demon Dragon King, these monster tides were all wiped out by the Abyss Demon Dragon King before they approached the canyon, and they were awarded Liu Tian, ​​who had experience with these monsters, rose to level 37 in a short time, and returned to the level list from outside the level list, ranking sixth. No. 1 is fighting against the sky, level 39.

Two days later, the level of the strange 'Tide' had also reached level 35, and Liu Tian's level soared to level 38 under the infusion of experience like 'Tide', and returned to the third place on the level list. This speed surprised many people. .

On the third day, the first wave of level 36 monsters came out. After the Abyss Demon Jiao King was easily dealt with, he was about to rush to the sky when a very loud dragon chant suddenly came from the direction of the Chiyan Mountains.

"Dragon clan? No, this is the dragon's chant of the dragon clan..." The Abyssal Demon King frowned, looking in the direction of the Red Rock Mountain Range, he felt that the dragon's chant seemed a little familiar.

The players heard the resounding dragon's chant, and they felt something unusual, so they all focused their attention on the direction of Chiyan Mountains.

However, in less than ten seconds, an extremely long figure appeared in the sky towards the Chiyan Mountains, and at the same time, a dragon's moan came from there. After careful identification, the player found that it turned out to be a dragon. There is another running figure ahead!

"What's going on?" At this moment, a common question arose in the players' hearts.

Soon, one dragon and one person approached, and the dragon and the fleeing policeman could already be seen clearly.

"Another flood dragon!"

The dragon chasing the human race turned out to be a flood dragon, and the one fleeing in front of the flood dragon was a woman.

"Tianxuan!" Liu Tian's pupils shrank sharply, and the woman in white who fled in front of Jiaolong turned out to be Tianxuan.

"Shadow Ghost Flood King!" The Abyss Demon Flood King stared at the dragon with strong hatred in his eyes!

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