The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 409 Time Change

Chapter 409 Time Change

Liu Tian's eyes flashed with shock and confusion. I didn't expect Jin'er to take the initiative to fly into the sky to face the evil dragon Kukri and the shadow ghost dragon king. Could it be that Jin'er lost his mind because of the death of the abyss demon king? ?

"Jin'er, come back!" He communicated with Jin'er in his mind: "What are you going to do? You are not their opponent at all, calm down!"

"I'm not impulsive, you don't have to worry."

"Then why are you rushing up? You will be killed by them! Come back to me!" Liu Tian said anxiously. Will be attacked by them crazily.

"If I don't go, they will really attack the city and slaughter the entire city. I don't care much about the death of other people, but this city is the result of your hard work. I can't just watch it be destroyed. Besides, I I have already figured out a countermeasure." Jin'er's eyes were firm, and he continued to fly upwards.

Hearing this, Liu Tian was stunned, with mixed feelings in his heart, and muttered to himself: "You don't want the city to be destroyed, and I don't want you to have an accident. You only have one life, but the city can continue to be built."

While Liu Tian was stunned, Jin'er had already flown to the same place as the evil dragon Kukri and the shadow ghost Jiaowang.

"Dragon? Jiaolong? Is she a dragon or a flood dragon? Why does it feel so weird..." Kukri, the evil dragon, looked at Jin'er and frowned.

"She is a dragon, I can feel the original power of the dragon, and there is a familiar aura..." The Shadow Ghost King said with more doubts: "Hey, little guy, what are you doing here, don't hurry up leave here."

"Evil Dragon Kukri, Shadow Ghost Flood King, don't you know me?" Jin'er said coldly, waving her front paws, streaks of golden light swirled in front of her.

The shadow ghost Jiao King and the evil dragon Kukri looked at Jin'er in bewilderment. Suddenly, their dragon eyes tightened suddenly, and expressions of incomparable shock appeared on their faces.

"You, you are the Heavenly Flood King, my lord..." The shadow ghost Flood King stared in horror at a huge black dragon that appeared behind Jin'er.

This pitch-black flood dragon is at least 150 meters in length. The dragon's eyes are like two black holes, and no living being dares to look at it. She has five claws, each claw is shining with metallic luster, and each scale is branded with mysterious. veins.

"Sky Flood King..." The evil dragon Kukri also frowned deeply.

"This is what Jin'er used to look like..." Liu Tian looked at Jin'er in amazement, not only him, but all the players present were in a state of astonishment, shocked by the huge phantom that appeared behind Jin'er .

"Hmph, Heavenly Flood King, are you impatient when you come out now? With level 23 strength, I can crush you with one claw." The evil dragon Kukri said contemptuously, but he didn't dare to The slightest carelessness, the opponent is the Heavenly Flood King, the peak powerhouse thousands of years ago, no matter what the circumstances, he must not be careless.

"Really? I'm afraid you don't think so in your heart." Jin'er said lightly. She had two plans in her mind. The first one was to delay the time and wait for the arrival of the Chinese powerhouse and the fire phoenix.The second plan can only be implemented when the evil dragon Kukri and the shadow ghost Jiaowang attack the city, and the cost of the second plan is so huge that even she is a little afraid.

"Tianjiao King, do you dare to appear here, are you not afraid of being chased by the dragon clan?"

The evil dragon Kukri looked at Jin'er coldly. Even though his level was much higher than Jin'er's, he didn't dare to attack at will. Back then, he and the Shadow Ghost Flood King attacked Jin'er together. Since then, Jin'er's strong image has been deeply imprinted in his mind.

"I don't have to worry about anything now, it's just that you have caught the attention of the heirs of the fire phoenix. You are in a more dangerous situation now." Although Jin'er's body is far inferior to the evil dragon Kukri and the shadow ghost dragon king, but the power and influence exuded But not weaker than the two.

"Hehe, now that you say that, I'm thinking of something serious. Heavenly Flood King, please let me go."

"I will never back down, let alone facing the two of you? I want to attack the city to find that human girl, unless I fall down." Jin'er said lightly, but it made people feel extremely firm.

"Then, don't blame us for being rude and bullying the weak with the strong." The evil dragon Kukri slightly turned his head to look at the shadow ghost dragon king beside him: "Shadow ghost dragon king, didn't you always want to defeat the sky dragon king before?" ? Today is an opportunity, go for it.”

"Me? This..." The Shadow Ghost Flood King hesitated. The influence of the Sky Flood King has always been in his mind. Although the Sky Flood King in front of him is only level 23, if the Sky Flood King has no backup, how can he Could it be possible to stop them?Isn't that the old birthday star hanged himself, looking for death?

"Don't waste time, if the fire phoenix and the powerhouses of the Huaxia Dynasty arrive, both you and I will face the threat of death." The evil dragon Kukri scolded coldly.

The shadow ghost Jiao King gritted his teeth, and suddenly shouted: "Thousand shadows!"

In an instant, the shadow ghost Jiao King's body disappeared, leaving only hundreds of black shadows in midair.

"After all, we still need to implement the second plan. Alas, it must be resolved quickly. The longer it is delayed, the more damage it will do to itself."

Jin'er said to herself, the grip of her front paw suddenly changed, and the huge phantom of the Heavenly Flood King hovering behind her turned into a stream of light and sank into her body.

"Time changes, the exchange of two worlds!"

As Jin'er's voice ended, the golden scales of her body began to become extremely black, and her figure was still growing rapidly.

"What skill?" Liu Tian looked at Jin'er suspiciously, at this time Jin'er actually looked more and more similar to her previous appearance as the Heavenly Flood King.

"Time change..." The evil dragon Kukri stared in thought. He seemed to have seen this name somewhere. Suddenly, he remembered a record he saw when he was still in the dragon clan. Time change was in it, and he recalled the content of the record. , his complexion gradually became gloomy.

Time Alteration: The ancient taboo technique has disappeared in ancient times. It is said that as long as you master the taboo art of Time Alteration a little, you can summon yourself from a certain period of time in the past to merge with your present self!The creatures who fight against it will face enemies with the power equivalent to two worlds!

"Shadow ghost dragon king, hurry up! We may have to face the sky dragon king who has been in peak form for thousands of years!" The evil dragon Kukri didn't care about the danger at this time. After warning the shadow ghost dragon king, he turned into a black hole , rushed towards Jin'er.

"It's too late!" Jin'er, who was originally golden all over, has now turned into an ink-like figure.

The evil dragon Kukri who turned into a black hole looked at Jin'er who was more than 150 meters away in front of him, and asked in disbelief: "Could it be that you have been forming seals just now, preparing for the time-altering skill?"

"That's right, the time-altering skill preparation time is not just a few seconds. If I want to use this skill, it will naturally take a certain amount of preparation time." Kukri, the evil dragon incarnated as a black hole, said.

"As expected of the Heavenly Flood King!" The evil dragon Kukri's icy voice came from the black hole: "It's just that with your original strength, your skill doesn't seem to last long."

"It's enough to destroy you!" Jin'er moved suddenly, and the super long tail directly wrapped around the devouring black hole incarnated by the evil dragon Kukri, and then squeezed frantically, and with a puff, the devouring black hole shattered, the evil dragon Kukri's figure reappeared in the void, and the entire lower body was wrapped by Jin'er's tail.

"Ah..." the evil dragon Kukri yelled in pain, his waist was being clamped by Jin'er's giant tail, as if a large pliers were clamping his waist, trying to cut him off from the waist.

"Ah! Evil Dragon Devouring Kongbo!"

The evil dragon Kukri suddenly raised his head, the dragon's mouth barely opened, and translucent ripples gushed out of his mouth.When Jin'er saw it, she smiled faintly and retracted her giant tail, but her attack was not interrupted because of this. With a puff, Jin'er's dragon tail swept out, and a small piece of the evil dragon's bite wave collapsed directly.

"Is your strength only so much?" Jin'er said softly, spitting out an equally pitch-black long sword from his mouth.As soon as the long sword appeared, it was immediately controlled by Jin'er, rushing into the hundreds of black shadows of the shadow ghost Jiao King and attacking back and forth, but after more than a dozen back and forth, only Jin'er and Xie Longku were left in the air. Kerry, the Shadow Ghost Flood King.

"Shenlong Chong killing skill!"

An extremely real Jin'er formed by condensing true energy shot out from Jin'er's body, rushing towards the shadow ghost Jiao King and the evil dragon Kukri with a howling roar.

"Shadow Attack!" The Shadow Ghost Flood King simply fled away, hiding aside, attacking at will.

The evil dragon Kukri is still facing the [Shenlong Chong killing skill] with the devouring black hole, turning into a black hole, trying to devour the energy of the true dragon while retreating.It's just that the result was not what he expected at all, his black hole was defeated by the dragon formed by the [Shenlong Chong killing skill] before his black hole could devour the energy!

"Eat every step!"

When the figure was knocked out of time and space again, the evil dragon Kukri hurriedly shouted, and retreated quickly. On the way of his retreat, small spiral-like vortices appeared one after another, and each vortex was devouring energy and growing rapidly. with.

"Eat every step!"

When the figure was knocked out of time and space again, the evil dragon Kukri hurriedly shouted, and retreated quickly. On the way of his retreat, small spiral-like vortices appeared one after another, and each vortex was devouring energy and growing rapidly. with.

Bang bang bang!

The small vortexes exploded one after another, and the golden dragon condensed out. Half of the body of the dragon was broken under many attacks, and the remaining body was still chasing the evil dragon Kukri and the shadow ghost dragon king.

"Evil Dragon Profound Truth, Transformation of Energy!"

The evil dragon Kukri suddenly stopped his retreating figure, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed the dragon of true energy in one gulp, and transformed the energy of the dragon of true energy into his own energy. In an instant, his strength improved significantly .

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