The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 412 Jin'er Fossil

Chapter 412 Jin'er Fossil

In mid-air, a swallowing black hole with its swallowing mouth closed is slowly shrinking, Liu Tian is getting more and more dangerous in it, the silent force of devouring is eroding him, it is estimated that within a few minutes, he will be with the swallowing black hole Disappear in this world together.Seeing that Liu Tian was in danger, Jin'er used another forbidden technique without hesitation! "Time changes, soul fusion!" The evil dragon Kukri's evil eyes were startled, and he quickly shot out [Evil Dragon Divide the Sky], and at the same time retreated quickly.In an instant, Jin'er's aura rose sharply, and two scorching 'compelling' divine lights burst out from her originally slack eyes, and the evil dragon Kukri was blocked by a light film as thin as a cicada's wings that appeared around her.A green brilliance scattered in the sky, and the brilliance showered Jin'er's horrific body. The wounds on her body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. "Soul Fusion... What kind of skill is this?" The evil dragon Kukri looked at Jin'er angrily, and in an instant he felt Jin'er's aura getting stronger and stronger, and soon surpassed him, probably at the peak of Jin'er Period around 30% strength.

Jin'er stretched out a dragon claw and spun it slightly, the dry ground around the evil dragon Kukri burst into eight streams of quicksand.The evil dragon Kukri was about to run away when two palms made of sand appeared under his feet, grabbing his ankles.

The eight quicksands are like eight salons, one end of which converges on the head of the evil dragon Kukri, spins rapidly, and forms a sand ball around the evil dragon Kukri in a blink of an eye.

The evil dragon Kukri tentatively slashed out a sword, but just as his dark red long sword touched the sand ball, countless quicksands rushed towards him along the blade of the long sword.

Jin'er glanced at the sand ball, then flew up to the devouring black hole in mid-air, and transformed into a dragon claw of energy. Since the devouring black hole was about to be compressed to the extreme at this time, and Liu Tian was still inside, Jin'er didn't dare to make a random move. Slowly sink the transformed energy into the devouring black hole.

Just as Jin'er was rescuing Liu Tian, ​​a shocking dragon's chant came from the sand ball, and with a bang, a huge dragon broke through the sand ball and flew out. There are still eight salons around Li, and they are trying to gather all the time, trying to form sand balls to besiege the evil dragon Kukri again.

"Did you rush out so soon?" Jin'er's pupils shrank slightly. She was at the critical moment of rescue, and she couldn't get away to deal with the evil dragon Kukri, otherwise Liu Tian might be buried in the devouring black hole.

"Tree God's Shelter!"

puff!A green seedling burst out of the ground, and immediately grew wildly, branches and leaves opened, each branch like a horned dragon grew rapidly, and in a blink of an eye it grew into a towering giant tree. Although the bark was cracked, the incomparably numerous branches Ye Mao covered a piece of sky.

Jin'er and the devouring black hole are hidden in the tree, and are sheltered by a ball made of twigs.

The evil dragon Kukri looked angrily at the quicksand that lingered around him, roared angrily, and flew towards the towering giant tree.

call out!

Before the evil dragon Kukri reached the giant tree, tree vines had already struck out from the tree or the ground, like sharp swords, piercing through the void!


He was whipped by the tree vine, and the burning pain rushed up immediately!The sound of 咻咻 breaking through the air spread out, and hundreds of tree vines danced in unison. After the evil dragon Kukri struggled forward for several meters, he resolutely retreated.

The evil dragon Kukri retreated to the attack range of the tree vines, looking like a horned dragon chasing away his own vines, his eyes turned cold, and he shouted: "Fire sea evil dragon!"

Puff puff…

Clusters of dark flames rose under the tree, burning with chirping, but the tree god didn't even damage a single leaf.Countless flames began to gather, and finally most of the flames formed a huge flame dragon, and the flame dragon rushed towards the tree god with the sky full of flames.


Countless vines came out from the tree god, and the vines swept randomly in the flames as if aimlessly. The flame dragon originally wanted to rush into the tree, but after being whipped by the vines a few times, it didn't dare to rush into the tree again. Go forward, just stay out of the vine attack.

"Give it to me!" The evil dragon Kukri roared, and the flame dragon rushed into the vine with the flames amidst his roar.

Puff puff!This is the sound of vines criss-crossing in the flames. Not long after the flame dragon rushed into the vines, it was blown to pieces, and other flames were also extinguished one after another.

"Damn it!" the evil dragon Kukri cursed angrily.

The ball made up of twigs in the tree god opened up, and the twigs were slowly withdrawn like swimming snakes, and the figures of Jin'er and Liu Tian were also 'revealed'.

As soon as Liu Tian appeared, he immediately rushed out of the shelter of the tree god with the killing sword in his hand, and rushed towards the evil dragon Kukri. His eyes were red and flashed with amazing killing intent. At this time, Liu Tian only wanted to kill the evil dragon. Kukri and the obsession with protecting Jin'er.

The evil dragon Kukri looked at the rushing Liu Tian, ​​smiled disdainfully, waved his long sword, and with a clang sound, Liu Tian flew out with the killing sword.


Liu Tian hit the tree trunk, stabilized his figure, and continued to rush towards the evil dragon Kukri.

"Eternal! Wake up quickly!"

Jin'er anxiously shouted in Liu Tian's mind. At this time, she knew her own state clearly. She was almost out of combat ability. Time has changed, and the soul fusion skill can only bring back part of the past strength, and the duration Extremely short!She has no chance to kill the evil dragon Kukri now.

Time change, soul fusion, it can instantly bless the strength of the past peak era in itself, it can be regarded as time change, the successor skill of the communication between the two worlds, it can be said to be the last move in the last move.

Release time changes, soul fusion, after the skill ends, part of the soul of the releaser will be carried by the soul of the past, and the releaser will also turn into a stone because of the loss of part of the soul!


There was no suspense at all, Liu Tian was struck into the air by the evil dragon Kukri again, spitting blood.The evil dragon Kukri didn't strike hard for the time being, he was waiting for Jin'er's attack, he didn't know that Jin'er's strength was about to disappear at this time.

"Overestimating one's abilities..." the evil dragon Kukri said disdainfully as he looked at Liu Tian who was rushing up again.Although Liu Tian who entered the killing god state is very strong, he is not yet against the sky to fight against the evil dragon Kukri, so Liu Tian has always been at an absolute disadvantage. 5bbr/5d "Huh? The shelter of the tree god disappeared?" The evil dragon Kukri looked at the towering giant tree that slowly disappeared behind Liutian in doubt, and murmured to himself, using the tree god to protect the previous Judging from the status, the tree god's shelter should last for a while. 5bbr/5d Suddenly, the evil dragon Kukri thought of a certain possibility, that is, Jin'er's skill effect time is coming soon.

"Hey, I'll 'force' you out, and I will know your current state." The evil dragon Kukri thought to himself, and suddenly shouted: "Human, since you want to come here to die, then I will fulfill you! The evil dragon eats the sky Wave!"

The evil dragon Kukri slammed into the dragon's mouth, roaring ferociously, countless light waves scattered from his mouth, Liu Tian's consciousness in the state of killing gods was all given to the killing intent, and he didn't know what to dodge at all. Li launched an attack and still continued to charge at him.

"Tianjiao King, if you don't come out, the human beings you value will really die." The evil dragon Kukri said, staring at the smaller and smaller towering giant tree behind Liu Tian. Jin'er in Zhong attacked him when he and Jiu were fighting, so he never dared to attack Liu Tian with all his strength.

"Come back soon!" Jin'er yelled in Liu Tian's mind.

If he was bombarded by the evil dragon's bite wave, he would have to peel off his skin if he didn't die!At this moment, Jin'er already felt the disappearance of her own power and the throbbing of her soul!

Puff puff…

Liu Tian vomited blood and flew back backwards. This time, the evil dragon Kukri didn't let Liu Tian go. The dragon's body shook and flew towards Liu Tian immediately.

"The evil dragon breaks the sky wave!"

The mouth of the evil dragon Kukri became brighter and brighter, and a shining ball of fire appeared in his mouth.The light is getting stronger and stronger, but its energy is slowly being compressed!Liu Tian, ​​the evil dragon Kukri flew again!

At this moment Liu Tian's figure is still retreating, he has not been released from the attack of Kongbubo, he can only watch the evil dragon Potianbo slowly approaching him, approaching him!If he is hit, he will definitely die!

The evil dragon Kukri watched Liu Tian's surroundings. He had no plans to prevent Jin'er from being rescued. He was just testing Jin'er's strength now.

At the moment when the evil dragon Po Tianbo was about to hit Liu Tian, ​​an amazing scene happened!Jin'er appeared in front of him in an instant, blocking the blow for him, but after the blow, Jin'er's body more than [-] meters long disappeared suddenly, and became the original 'mini' state, but Jin'er's change , and did not stop here!She actually turned back into the pet egg that Liu Tian had when he saw her!


An egg-shaped stone covered with mysterious patterns fell from the air, Liu Tian stared blankly at this scene, poof, the stone fell to the ground, making a small hole.

"Ah!" Liu Tian roared crazily, with blood dancing wildly, and flew to the ground at high speed, holding the stone with mysterious lines in both hands, his blood-red eyes flashed with doubts, puzzles, and bewilderment. 'vast.

"Jiner, Jiner..."

At this moment Liu Tian actually regained part of his consciousness, looked at the stone pet egg in his hand, and moaned in horror, this stone pet egg was Jin'er.

"No, no..." Liu Tian held the stone pet egg tightly, raised his head suddenly, his eyes 'shot' blood: "I will kill you!"


In an instant, a solid phantom of the killing god appeared behind Liu Tian, ​​and at the same time, the orb of killing that had been sucked into his body flew out through his mouth, embedded in the heart of the phantom of the killing god!Zheng!Killing God Xuying actually opened his eyes, staring straight ahead with emotionless eyes!

A streak of dragon-like blood surrounded Liu Tian's body. At this moment, he looked like a completely emotionless killing god.

No one knows that after this incident, a fiery red energy shot out from the deepest part of the Shengyan Volcano, like a meteor, is flying towards Sky City, and one can faintly see a bird in the fiery red energy. hand!

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