"Fuck, who is it?"

Tian Ding Yuan Mie looked angrily at the wooden arrow inserted deep into the ground, at this time the tail feathers of the wooden arrow were still trembling violently


Tian Ding Yundan pointed to the front, said Tian Ding Yuan Mie looked along his fingers, and a figure who rushed to him immediately imprinted into his eyes

"Bow in hand, sword on back, dual professions?" Tian Ding Yuan Mie frowned and whispered

The one rushing towards the battlefield was naturally Liu Tian, ​​but his attire had changed quite a bit at this time. He deliberately removed the [Thick Soil Leather Armor] and continued to wear the [Snake King Leather Armor]. He has a rough face, and he specially used the 【Fire Tong Bow】

When he was in the Immortal Sacred Realm, he used [Fire Tong Bow] to deal with those system-generated NPC opponents. The main purpose was to train the ability to fight with bows and arrows. He had already decided in his heart that archers would be the second attacking profession

[The Law of Tongbing] allows him to exert 70% of the power of bow weapons, and [Manipulation of Void Mind] makes the power rise to 85%. Tong Bow] is not his main attacking weapon, a [Fire Tong Bow] is enough for him. Moreover, after being tempered by the Immortal Saint Realm, the [Fire Tong Bow] has been upgraded

【Fire Tong Bow】〖Handsome Middle Grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: 3000030000

[Equipment Category]: Weapon

[Wearing Requirements]: Archer

[wearing level]: level 36

【Accompanied effect】:

Physical attack: 500—650

Qi attack: 500—540

Attack speed increased by 15%

8% chance to make attack with wood damage

8% chance to inflict fire damage on attack

[Included skills]:

〖Three Links〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

At the same time, shoot three wooden arrows, the power of each wooden arrow is equal to 150% of physical attack

【Casting distance】: 50 meters

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: Seconds

[Skill consumption]: 180 points of true energy


【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Fires two attacks with fire damage

【Casting distance】: 60 meters

[casting time]: 1 seconds

[Cooling time]: 50 seconds

[Skill consumption]: 1 points of true energy


Disposable, dropable, tradeable, stealable

Liu Tian pulled out three wooden arrows from the quiver on his back, activated [Three Links], and with a bang, three beams of light shot out, and their target was still Tian Ding Yuan Mie. He had just observed it from a distance. Yes, he knows who the leader is, and to capture the thief, naturally the king must be captured first. After killing the leader of the enemy army, the enemy army will have no leader, and the difficulty of extermination will be reduced by at least 50%

"Squad No. [-], No. [-], No. [-], No. [-], come out, there is a mission." Tian Ding Yuan Mie moved his body and easily flashed [Three Links], then squinted his eyes and said in the team channel

His voice fell behind, and three players ran out of the melee battlefield, one was a wood-type spiritual cultivator, one was a swordsman, and the other was a fire-type spiritual cultivator. The three of them looked ordinary and nothing feature

"No. [-], No. [-], No. [-], you go to deal with that player, and you must kill him." Tian Ding Yuan Mie said in a low voice, Liu Tian's sneak attack made him extremely angry


No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] didn't say much, just nodded to accept the order, and immediately rushed towards Liu Tian

"I sent three players to deal with you, and I already think highly of you. Don't let me down." Tian Ding Yuan Mie looked gloomy, looking at Liu Tian who had been rushing here without knowing the danger, Talk to yourself

With a expressionless face, Liu Tian pulled out two wooden arrows from his back, hooked them lightly, and with a bang, the two wooden arrows flew away from the strings, like rolling waves, rushing towards the three of them with turbulent momentum.

"Fire Shield"

While Liu Tian was bending his bow and nodding his arrows, the hands of the fire-type spiritual cultivator were also swaying. Little flames floated around his hands, clusters of flames gathered quickly, and in a blink of an eye a shield appeared in front of the three of them.

To the surprise of the three, two ordinary wooden arrows pierced through the fire shield of the fire cultivator and hit the three of them.




The three of them are pretty good players. They thought that with such a long distance, it would be impossible for Liu Tian's wooden arrow to pass through the fire shield of a fire-type spiritual practitioner after being weakened by the distance. Unexpectedly, he knows the strength of the fire shield better than anyone else. Breaking through the fire shield's defense and causing them so much damage shows how strong the opponent is.

For a moment, the three of them looked at each other, and saw the solemnity in their eyes.

"The opponent is tricky, be careful," said No. [-], he is a fire-type spiritual practitioner

No. [-] and No. [-] nodded, they can probably understand Liu Tian's strength now

The corner of Liu Tian's mouth curled into a smile, the three players, are you underestimating him?Even if he doesn't use his sword, but only uses the [Fire Tong Bow], he still has the confidence to kill them, although he still doesn't know the strength of the three of them.

He drew out three wooden arrows casually, and Liu Tian stepped forward with [Sword Demon Walking Walking], his figure suddenly increased dramatically, and during the extreme travel, the three wooden arrows in his hand shot out again

This time the three players learned how to behave. While defending with the defensive shield, their steps changed to avoid the wooden arrow's attack.

In the long-range attack profession, the longest attack distance of the archer is the absolute advantage of the archer. The attack distance of other long-range attack professions is far inferior to that of the archer. Originally, the archer would not approach the enemy at will. It's just that Liu Tian is not a real archer. While attacking, he unexpectedly approached the three of them without sparing any effort.

Because his real profession is Sword Demon, God of Killing, melee combat

"Come here to find death" No. [-] sneered. Liu Tian's doing this undoubtedly made him very happy. As a swordsman, the most annoying thing about fighting long-range attack players is to fight against long-range attack players. Because long-range attack cannot get too close to the enemy, once there is any If the enemy tries to approach them, they will immediately retreat

"Don't be too careless, I guess the long sword on his back should be his main attack method," said No. [-]

"I know, but no matter what his real occupation is, it's best if he doesn't have to chase after him." No. [-] shouted, and rushed towards Liu Tian

Suddenly, Liu Tian jumped up, and quickly pulled the [Fire Tong Bow] away. The [Fire Tong Bow] that was originally empty gathered flame arrows. With a whoosh, two flame arrows shot out, and the target Still unchanged, approaching number seven

Skill [Hokage,]: Hokage, the skill attached to the Fire Tong bow

[Hokage] has just left the string, [Three Links] has been activated, the three wooden arrows are divided into three directions, shooting at No. [-]'s head and body


The earth-type spiritual cultivator shouted, at this moment he is far enough away from Liu Tian to attack, even if he moves his hands, several thick vines will come out from the ground, like several small snakes, the most important thing is that Liu Tian is In the air, poor body control in the air

It's just that the next scene made the three of them dumbfounded again. They had counted the opportunity and planned to attack when Liu Tian's power landed, but instead of Liu Tian's whereabouts, he stepped out lightly and directly passed the vines on the ground.

His hands were extremely moving, and the wooden arrows flew away from Liu Tian's [Fire Tong Bow]. Into the flock, No. 2, No. [-], and No. [-]'s strength were solved within a minute or two

After dealing with the three of them, Liu Tian just wanted to move on when a system prompt sounded loudly

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player for killing the 2th person eternally, rewarding strength 1b2, constitution 1b2, agility 1b2, spirit 1b[-], the idea of ​​killing the god has changed, and the title [Slayer] is activated at the same time."

〖God Killing Mind〗【Phase Level Mind Power】:

[Mind power form]: Intangible, divided into two parts: real meaning and imaginary thought

[Master of Mind Power]: The player is eternal [Effect of Mind Power]:

1 Killing is not punished by the pk system

2 The holder of the "God Killing Mind" can forcibly absorb 30% of the experience lost from the player killed by himself

3 When the player's health is lower than 10%, the attack power is increased by %, lasting for 3 minutes

[Psychic skill]:

〖Virtual Thought Manipulation〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Separate the virtual part of the "God Killing Mind" and invade the interior of the equipment at or below the phase level, so that the owner is not limited by the equipment, and can forcibly control the equipment for his own use, and the equipment is closely connected with the owner's mind

[Casting distance]: within 3 meters

【Casting time】: 5 minutes

【Cooling time】: days

[Skill Consumption]: 12 points of Void Mind

Illusion: 40 points 40 points

False thoughts increase with the growth of "God-killing thoughts". False thoughts can only be withdrawn, but cannot be recovered

〖Instant Kill〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

To condense the real part of the "God Killing Mind" and condense it into a phantom weapon in a fixed form. To kill instantly, the player must first condense the forms of three weapons. Only one weapon can be used during the battle, and the player has not yet condensed the weapon form.

Each weapon can cause a minimum damage of 500% air attack, a 45% chance of 650% air attack damage, a % chance of 750% air attack damage, a 5% chance of 800% air attack damage, 1 % chance to instantly kill the enemy

[Casting distance]: within 8 meters,

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 1 hours

[Skill consumption]: 10 points of real meaning

Actual meaning: 60 points 60 points

The actual intention increases with the growth of the "God Killing Mind", and the actual intention can be recovered, and 10 point of actual intention can be recovered in 1 minutes

【Real grab】

【Active Skill】

【Skill Effect】

Real Grab, can ingest an item four meters away from the air and, this skill can be used to collect herbs, corpses, etc., and increase the success rate by 30%

[Casting distance]: within six meters

[casting time]: none

[Cooling time]: 1 seconds

[Skill consumption]: 1 points of real meaning

Actual meaning: 60 points 60 points

The actual intention increases with the growth of the "God Killing Mind", and the actual intention can be recovered, and 10 point of actual intention can be recovered in 1 minutes

〖Sincerity Injury〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

Real Injury, Control Real Intent, Invisible Blade of Transformation, Straight into the Heart, 60% chance to cause the opponent to suffer 600% Qi attack damage and a splitting headache for 2 seconds

[Casting distance]: within 8 meters

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 30 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 15 points of real meaning

Actual meaning: 60 points 60 points

The actual intention increases with the growth of the "God Killing Mind", and the actual intention can be recovered, and 10 point of actual intention can be recovered in 1 minutes

【Killing God Thought】has not changed much, only a small part has changed, but it makes Liu Tian now use the 【Fire Tong Bow】to exert 90% of its power

After watching [Desire to Kill God], Liu Tian went to look for the title of [Slayer]. 26nbsp;.

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