The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 432 Killing Hua Xiaoyu

Liu Tian mixed among a group of more than ten imperial soldiers, and rushed to the battlefield under the cover of imperial soldiers. 26nbsp;

"To live and die together, to share the air defense technique!"

Liu Tian's feet were slightly bent, like a sharp arrow, he shot into the air from among the imperial soldiers, resisting the attacks of other players, and quickly rushed towards Ziyan's bear king.

"Dragon Soul Protector!"

"Dragon Soul Possession!"

"Sword and shield!"

With the help of skills, Liu Tian rushed to the Xiongwangkong of Ziyan, and then landed quickly.

"Drowsy formation!"

A sword formation rises from the ground, sealing the sky and the earth, not only trapping Ziyan's bear king in the formation, but also blocking the attacks of other players.

Carrying fifteen star swords, Liu Tian descended into the trapped formation, and the fifteen star swords fell all at once, killing four to five hundred lives of Ziyan's bear king at once.In order to buy time, he directly confronted Zi Yan's bear king, releasing the unique skill of the killing god profession [killing god stacking waves]!





boom!The tall body of Zi Yan's bear king fell to the ground with a bang, and a piece of armor exploded.

Liu Tian picked up his armor, rushed out of the trap, and entered the group of players.

"Fuck! It's him again, stop me!"

The devil Heitian roared furiously, and it was fine to get out of the Black Hole Guild halfway. Unexpectedly, seeing Ziyan's bear king was about to die, he was snatched by Liu Tian.

"Damn it, I'm getting impatient for daring to grab my young master's b! Stop me now, don't let him run away." Hua Xiaoyu also yelled.

Liu Tian quickly shuttled among the players, deliberately setting the direction of escape to be not much different from the direction where Hua Xiaoyu was.After walking through several times, he changed the direction to where Hua Xiaoyu was.

"Going to the young master's side? Heh, don't blame the young master on me if you want to die."

The corner of Hua Xiaoyu's mouth twitched into a smirk, and slowly pulled three wooden arrows from the quiver on her back to the full bow.

He kept a close eye on Liu Tian's fast-moving figure, and the arrowhead moved with Liu Tian's movement, looking for the best opportunity to attack.

"Binding of the Wind!"

A player stared at Liu Tian's fast-moving figure, his eyes burst into divine light, and suddenly shouted.

Whoosh!Liu Tian only felt his body tense suddenly, as if being tied up with a rope, and then a system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Ding Dong, you were successfully restrained by the player's [Wind Binding], and you lost control of your body for 3 seconds."


Liu Tian's face changed slightly. He could use the sharpness of the sharpened sword to cut off the restraint techniques such as vines, but [wind restraint] was an invisible restraint, and he had no way to break it after being restrained successfully.

Hua Xiaoyu's eyes lit up, and she quickly adjusted the aim of the wooden arrows, [Wind Crack Arrow] was activated, and the three wooden arrows passed through a player like a streamer, approaching Liu Tian extremely quickly.


Blood blossomed, and a figure slowly fell to the ground.

"Fuck you sister!"

Hua Xiaoyu cursed angrily, the one who fell was naturally not Liu Tian, ​​but a hapless substitute who was attacking Liu Tian.

After resisting an attack from many players, Liu Tian recovered his body and stepped on the [Sword Demon Walking Walk] to walk out quickly.As he got closer to Hua Xiaoyu, his eyes became colder and colder, a plan had already been formed in his heart.

Suddenly, Liu Tian's speed increased sharply, and after rushing into the air, he quickly rushed into a bunch of chaotic areas.The moment he landed, his body separated into another him, and his main body was replaced with other equipment, and continued to walk towards the place where Hua Xiaoyu was.

Under Liu Tian's control, the avatar flew in mid-air, attracting the player's attention, while his main body was wearing a black armor and quickly approached Hua Xiaoyu.

The killing sword trembled in the Tianyun scabbard, as if he could feel Liu Tian's killing intent.

"One arrow pierces the sky!"

Hua Xiaoyu pulled the strong bow in his hand, and a solid light arrow slowly emerged from his strong bow!

The sound of plucking the strings suddenly sounded, and the arrow of light pierced through the air in an instant, causing a sonic boom in the air.

puff!The light arrow shot deeply into Liu Tian's clone, but there was no scene of blood blooming or splashing everywhere.

Hua Xiaoyu frowned, feeling a little strange.Bending the bow and nodding the arrow again, five wooden arrows suddenly appeared on the bow.This time, he didn't attack immediately, but stared at the rapidly falling blood color of Liu Tian's avatar, preparing to give Liu Tian's avatar the final blow.

He didn't know that a pair of cold eyes were staring at him, and they were approaching quickly. The distance between them was less than ten meters.

"Light of Trial." Liu Tian secretly used [Light of Trial] to eliminate the cooldown time of [Trial Formation].


Hua Xiaoyu finally let go of the finger that hooked the bowstring at a certain moment, and Liu Tian's life in the midair was instantly emptied as he thought, but there was no white light flashing, and Liu Tian in midair disappeared directly!And the system did not prompt him to kill the player.

"What's going on?! Could it be..."

Hua Xiaoyu frowned. Just as he was thinking about the problem, a sword formation suddenly rushed out around him, trapping the three players including him.

The moment she was trapped by the sword array, looking at the extremely familiar sword array, Hua Xiaoyu guessed that everything was done by the player who just grabbed the b.And Liu Tian's identity was also guessed by him.Because Liu Tian used this trick to deal with him before.

"You escaped once because of other people, this time I will see how you escape." Liu Tian's voice seemed to come from under the Nine Nethernesses, and slowly came in from outside the formation.

"It really is you..." Hua Xiaoyu frowned.A cold voice came from Liu Tian's mouth.


The Killing Sword rushed out of the Tianyun scabbard in an instant, heading straight for Hua Xiaoyu.At the same time, Hua Xiaoyu also took a few steps back.It's a pity that in this space, his fate is already doomed.

Under the control of [Royal Sword Jue], the Killing Sword criss-crossed the trapped formation. Except for Hua Xiaoyu, the other players gradually died in Liu Tian's hands.Hua Xiaoyu gradually became the target of Liu Tian's attack.

Although Hua Xiaoyu dodges everywhere, where can he hide in an area less than ten square meters?In just one or two minutes, he was cornered.

Liu Tian looked at Hua Xiaoyu who was close at hand, his eyes were cold, and he said calmly: "Goodbye."


The killing sword that stayed in mid-air shot out instantly, and shot at Hua Xiaoyu.Hua Xiaoyu struggled to dodge the attack in the tiny space.It's just that before dodging for a long time, a printing pad has already blasted towards his front.


[Sword Demon Town Kill Seal] Hitting Hua Xiaoyu's shoulder, Hua Xiaoyu's life dropped a lot in an instant.

Hua Xiaoyu stared at Liu Tian coldly, the killing intent in his eyes flickered, he didn't expect that he would die here, and at the hands of Liu Tian.

Liu Tian pressed on with the killing sword by remote control. The ability of [Royal Sword Jue] to kill enemies from a distance made Hua Xiaoyu's long-distance attack skills completely useless, and she had no chance to release them. She was always facing Liu Tian's attack. attack.

Slowly pressing on Hua Xiaoyu, Liu Tian also slowly adjusted his position, and finally at a certain moment he regained his control of the Killing Sword, and suddenly played [Killing God Stacking Waves].

At this time, Hua Xiaoyu was completely within Liu Tian's attack range, and as soon as [Killing God Stacked Waves] appeared, Hua Xiaoyu received continuous attacks.



A series of injuries emerged from Hua Xiaoyu's head, and Liu Tian and Hua Xiaoyu were already face to face at this time.Hua Xiaoyu couldn't attack, but Liu Tian attacked as usual, and the combo continued to land on Hua Xiaoyu.

"My lord, I won't let you go!" Hua Xiaoyu shouted, while taking the red medicine, she tried her best to dodge. Although he was stepping on [God Walking the World], Liu Tian had [Sword Demon Walking Alone], No matter where he went, Liu Tian would follow him immediately.

"Seventh combo, die!"

Liu Tian chased after Hua Xiaoyu, and finally launched the seventh combo at the end.Hua Xiaoyu, who had just lost her life, fell to the ground under the seventh combo, exploding some money and materials.

Without even looking at the information on the ground, Liu Tian went out of the trapped formation and disappeared into the vast red land.

Nearly a thousand meters away from the battlefield, Liu Tian stopped his pace, sat on a rock to rest, opened the Dragon Soul Ring, and checked the equipment attributes of the Purple Flame Bear King Burst.

【Earth Bear Armor】〖Low Grade〗:

[Equipment Durability]: 4000040000

[Equipment Category]: Clothes

[Wearing requirements]: None [Wearing level]: Level 40

【Accompanied effect】:

Physical defense: 1000—1 0

Gas defense: 1100—1 0

Fire damage is reduced by 10%.

[Included skills]:

〖Power of Earth Bear〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

After releasing this skill, the caster can draw the power of the earth with the help of the earth bear armor, forming an invisible layer of defense on the surface of the armor, exempting from 60% damage for 1 minute.

[Casting distance]: Self

[Casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 15 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 400 point of true energy.

〖Wrath of the Earth Bear〗:

【Active Skill】

[Skill Effect]:

By releasing this skill, the caster can use the earth bear armor to use part of the power of the purple flame earth bear king for his own use, increasing the attack power by 50%, so that every blow of the player will be accompanied by splash and burn damage.

[Casting distance]: Self

[Casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: 10 minutes

[Skill consumption]: 400 point of true energy.

Disposable, dropable, tradable, and stealable.

"It's mine." Liu Tian said to himself, threw the equipment into the Dragon Soul Ring, and changed it when he was ready to level [-].

After resting, Liu Tian went to the gathering place of imperial soldiers again and recruited [-] imperial soldiers, and led them towards Wufeng's large army.

Before reaching the Wufeng army, a system sounded again.

"Ding Dong, players please note that the third guild in the game has been created, and its name is Summit."

"Ding Dong, players please note that the third guild in the game has been created, and its name is Summit."

"Ding Dong, players please note that the third guild in the game has been created, and its name is Summit."

Liu Tian was stunned, listening to the system announcement, he said to himself: "The Summit seems to be another powerful guild from the past..."

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