The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 434 Unseal Left Hand

【First Update】

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"Looking for b? Maybe I can help you," said the little Taoist priest in Maoshan.

"Can you help me?" Liu Tian was taken aback for a moment, and then showed joy.

"My profession is a Maoshan Taoist priest, and I have many strange skills, among which is the ability to find b." The Maoshan Taoist priest said.

"Uh, this, the Taoist priest I'm looking for is not just one or two bastards, but seven or eight, a dozen or so bastards, and I will eventually bring them all together and kill them together," Liu Tian said.

"More than a dozen..." The little Maoshan Taoist priest's forehead was covered with black lines: "All of them are brought together, you are too... Are you trying to blow up the order of the sky?"

"Well, help a friend."

"It's so hard to help a friend..." The little Maoshan Taoist looked at Liu Tian with slightly surprised eyes: "There are more than ten bastards, I can barely find them, but I can't do anything to attract them together."

"sorry to bother you."

Liu Tian's expression was obviously relieved, he didn't expect to find b to be so easy to solve.

"It's okay, it's fate that you saved me twice."

The little Maoshan Taoist took out a compass, bit his index finger, and drew quickly on the compass, where the blood passed, there was a faint golden light.

Suddenly, the compass shot out a bright golden light. At the same time, the compass needle rotated crazily to determine the position of b. Soon the compass needle stopped and pointed to the east. The golden light converged on the side of the compass, and a line of words appeared.

"Due East, coordinates

The little Maoshan Taoist waved his palm, the golden light dissipated, and then repeated the forward and downward movements.Soon Compass Kong condensed another line of text.

"35° northeast, coordinates


"Due North, coordinates

The little Maoshan Taoist used his skills to find the location of the twelve bastards one after another, and every time he searched, his face became paler.After finding the No.12 b, his face was already pale.Liu Tian hurriedly told him to stop looking for b.

The little Maoshan Taoist smiled bitterly: "It's okay, but I won't be able to find b again for a long time."

"Taoist, thank you very much."

"Ahem, wait, I'll take a break and draw the location for you to see."

After resting for a long time, the young Maoshan Taoist priest looked better, not as pale as before.

A grass branch was broken from the ground, and the Taoist priest of Maoshan drew a circle on the ground, and marked the four directions of east, west, south, north, and south around the circle.

"The circle represents our location. Now we start to find out the specific location of b. The coordinates of the first b are, and it should be here."

The little Taoist priest of Maoshan drew a heavy concave point somewhere in the east.Immediately afterwards, he drew the specific positions of the remaining eleven cockroaches, and the positions of the twelve cockroaches were clear at a glance.

Liu Tian gathered the remaining scout soldiers and divided them into twelve teams.

"The first team remembers the position of this b, and the second team remembers the position of this b..."

It was quickly determined which scouting team was in charge of each b.Then Liu Tian evenly distributed the fighting team to twelve scouting teams.

"In order to allow everyone to lead back to b in about the same time, I want to talk about the time when each team starts to lead back to b. The first team will be about 10 minutes later, and the second team will be about 10 minutes later... Remember, if you are in charge b Someone is killing, no matter who it is, lead me here!"

At the end, Liu Tian's eyes flickered sharply.

After everything was adjusted, he gave the order to set off.Seeing groups of dynasty soldiers disappearing into his eyes, he breathed a sigh of relief, the plan has been implemented in an orderly manner, and now he only needs to wait for the dynasty soldiers to lead b back, and the plan will almost succeed.

"Hope there won't be any more trouble."

Liu Tianxin said, he is now worried that the imperial soldiers will be encountered by other guilds when they are attracting b.Once encountered, in the end, he usually wants to kill again.

The wait is always very long, Liu Tian and the little Taoist priest of Maoshan lay on the hills, looking at the fiery red sky, chatting boringly.

"By the way, Taoist priest, are you interested in joining the guild?" Liu Tian turned to look at the little Taoist priest in Maoshan.

"Join the guild? I haven't thought about it, and I'm not interested in it. I think it's better to be free alone." The little Taoist priest from Maoshan said.

"Oh. I still want you to join my guild. Since you're not interested, forget it. But just let me know when you want to come."

"If I think about it in the future, I will definitely come to you." The little Taoist priest from Maoshan laughed.

Then the two chatted about other things, and as they chatted, they heard the sound of trampling in their ears.

"Huh? Are you back?" Liu Tian stood up, looked into the distance, and immediately saw the dust flying in the northeast direction, a group of soldiers from the Imperial Dynasty came towards him at a high speed, and they followed a giant wolf with blue flames all over its body.

"Finally back." Liu Tian sighed: "The waiting time is always so long."

Not long after this group of dynasty soldiers appeared, another group of dynasty soldiers came back, and what they brought back was a boa constrictor!Afterwards, successive soldiers of the dynasty successfully lured b back.But it also brought back two tails.

"People from the two guilds have followed..."

Liu Tian frowned slightly. As he expected, there were guilds following the imperial soldiers. Now only five teams have returned, but they have attracted people from two guilds.He didn't know how many guilds would be brought back after the twelve teams came back!

Are you worried?He wasn't worried, it was just annoyance, no matter how many guilds he came to, it was just to add some experience to him.But if other guilds find out that he is the leader of the Eternal Alliance, it will be difficult.

That's not making enemies with one guild, but two or more.It's a good thing he has another day belt, so it should be fine if he changes his appearance later.

Within a few minutes, the sixth, seventh, and eighth teams all returned. These three teams were lucky not to be targeted by a guild.

But sadly, the ninth team was followed by two consolidations.When the tenth, No.11, and No.12 teams came back, the number of guilds that followed increased to five.

With the return of Dynasty Soldiers, nothing is more shocking than the five guilds following Dynasty Soldiers.

Their original plan was just to use the imperial soldiers to attract B's firepower, so they followed them all the way.But I didn't expect the final result to be unexpected. Twelve of the b, which were difficult to meet at first, gathered here!

"Taoist priest, hide for a while, don't let people from these guilds see you, otherwise these guilds will probably hunt you down from now on." Liu Tian said, looking at the imperial soldiers who were not far away from here, a twitch appeared on the corner of his mouth. smile.

"Uh, do you want to destroy them all?" The little Taoist priest in Maoshan looked at Liu Tian in amazement, and thought of a possibility in an instant.

"If they don't listen to the advice and want to grab B, they can only send them all back to the city."

"Okay, I'll hide first, I don't want to be hunted down by five guilds, or even more. Invisibility talisman!"

The little Maoshan Taoist pasted a yellow talisman on his forehead, and the whole person slowly disappeared from the head. Within a few seconds, the Maoshan little Taoist disappeared completely.

"I'm right next to you. My invisibility talisman is no better than the stealth technique of thieves and assassins. I can't move. If I move the invisibility talisman, it will lose its effect. But it is not easy for others to detect me." The voice of the little Taoist priest in Maoshan suddenly came.

"Oh, then I'll go, be careful."

Liu Tian stepped on the [Emperor Kong Technique] and flew directly into the air. The moment his feet left the ground, his appearance transformed into a handsome and charming man, and all the equipment on his body was taken off by him.

The players from the five guilds discovered Liu Tian when he was flying in the sky, and doubts arose from the bottom of their hearts.However, they continued to follow the imperial soldiers towards where Liu Tian was.

Soon, the imperial soldiers, b, and five guild teams were only 30 meters away from Liu Tian.

"Please, you five guilds, retreat within 1 minute. Otherwise, you will bear the consequences."

Liu Tian opened his mouth and closed his eyes slightly. At this moment, the curse mark on the palm of his left hand was spinning crazily, and strange curse marks poured out from the palm mark, spreading towards his entire arm.

After Liu Tian finished speaking, the soldiers of the imperial dynasty gathered together and stood neatly under him, the number of soldiers was reduced by more than half.The twelve bastards looked at each other a few times, as if sensing something, they also gathered together.

"Excuse me, are you an n, or a player?" someone from the guild asked.

"Player." Liu Tian closed his eyes and frowned slightly. He felt that his arm was a little hot, and there was a burn-like pain at the place where the curse mark was.

"Fuck, player?! How dare you tell us to leave? You're looking for death!"

Hearing that Liu Tian was not n, many players immediately cursed.

"Damn it, fuck me, come out and act aggressive if you have a flying skill?"

"Think you can come out and flirt just because you have a girly face?"


Liu Tian slowly opened his eyes, looked at the teams of the five guilds, and said coldly: ", 19, 1..."

"Damn, this fake mother-in-law is really pretending."

"Come, come, sir, I'll stand here waiting for you to kill me."

Tian Bing looked at the five teams coldly, and said, "One minute has passed, all consequences are at your own risk, don't blame me."

"Blame Nima's size, I..."


The talking player fell down slowly, his head was pierced through a two-finger-wide hole, and fresh blood gushed out like a gurgling water.

"Thousands of miles burning and killing."

Liu Tian's indifferent voice came again, the middle finger and index finger of his left hand joined together to form a sword shape, and the several-inch-long sword light flickered on his finger.


Liu Tian swung his left hand suddenly, and the sword lights of his middle finger and index finger instantly grew to hundreds of meters long, and with a bang, he fell on the team that had the loudest scolding just now.

After a burst of screams, the audience was silent, and they saw a scene like hell on earth.

A scorched black gully stretching hundreds of meters and two meters wide appeared in the middle of the team. More than 100 broken and charred corpses lay horizontally in the gully.

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