Leaving the Sword Demon Space with boundless joy, Liu Tian returned to the villa. 26nbsp;

"Ding dong, your good Xianqiong sent you a text message."

"Squad leader?" Liu Tian murmured, and immediately opened the text message, and found the text message from the beautiful squad leader.


Liu Tian:

The Fenghuangxuan city will be built tomorrow, do you have time to come and help resist the monsters attacking the city?


"The city is almost built? The squad leader is ready..."

After reading the short message, Liu Tian sent a request to set up [Heart Communication] to the beautiful squad leader.In four or five seconds, the request was passed.

"Are you back?" the beautiful class leader asked.

"Well, it's time to complete the fourth trial." Liu Tian said, "Is everything ready to resist the monster's siege?"

"Well, a week's time is enough to prepare, and the players have been fully recruited. A few days ago, Brother Youlong's guild was also created, and players can be selected to support me. Do you have time these two days?"

"Yes. I will personally lead the players of the Eternal League to support them."

"I'm a little worried that Ji Hao will gather his guild to sabotage my construction of the city." The beauty squad leader said worriedly.

"He's a guild, isn't that a big problem?" Liu Tian frowned slightly.

"If it's just his guild, with you guys here, I don't have any worries. It's just that his guild was an extremely powerful guild in the game before the troubled times. Moreover, he has many guild leaders in the game, and each of his friends is also very powerful. Entered the game and created a guild. If Ji Hao mobilizes his friends..."

"It's really difficult..."

"It doesn't matter, the soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it."

Although the beautiful squad leader spoke very easily, Liu Tian could still hear the slight sadness in his tone.

"Squad leader, I will do my best to help you. Anyway, my city is guarded by the evil dragon Kukri, and my level has reached the deputy city level. Even if there are no players to defend, it will be difficult for other guilds to break into my city. .” There was a firmness in Liu Tian’s eyes.

"Liu Tian, ​​thank you."

"Ha, we've known each other for so long and are still so polite. Where are you? I'll come over later."

"I'm at the headquarters of Phoenix Xuan, which is the original headquarters of the Phoenix Guild. I'll wait for you to come over."

"it is good."

After hanging up the teleportation, Liu Tian carefully searched for the mysterious gift bag rewarded by the system for subduing the evil dragon Kukri in the storage space, which might be of some help to the city construction this time.

After about half a minute, Liu Tian found the mysterious gift bag and opened it, only a glass ball appeared.When he saw the properties of the glass ball, he was stunned, but then a stern smile appeared on his face.

"This time, no matter who dares to take the opportunity to attack the squad leader's guild, hehe, don't blame me if there is no return."

The beautiful class leader sat on a chair carved with flowers and birds, staring blankly at the nickname eternity in the good list, and then sighed after a long time.

"Why you... If you weren't... that would be great." The beautiful class leader murmured, with a look of loss and disappointment on her face.

She was sitting alone in the conference hall, looking at the flowers and plants outside the hall, gradually becoming infatuated.After an unknown amount of time, a man appeared in his sight, and a ripple appeared in her beautiful eyes.

"You're here." The beautiful squad leader strolled to Liu Tian with a faint smile.

"Hey, squad leader, don't worry about building the city. You just need to resist the monsters attacking the city. No matter how many players Ji Hao leads over, you don't have to worry about it. I'm here for everything." Liu Tian smiled lightly.

The beautiful squad leader said in astonishment: "Uh, what can you do?"

"Hey, you will know tomorrow. Do you mind if I advertise on the battlefield tomorrow?"

"Advertising? What do you want to do?"

"Tomorrow you will know, how about asking the beautiful squad leader to smile now as a reward for me?" Liu Tian smiled.

"Pfft..." Hearing this, the beautiful squad leader covered her mouth and laughed, and scolded, "Why are you becoming more and more unscrupulous, even I dare to make fun of you."

"Whoever makes you look sad and doesn't make you smile, I guess you will become Lin Daiyu."

"Cough cough..."

After discussing with the beautiful squad leader about tomorrow's construction of the city, Liu Tian left the Phoenix Pavilion and walked into the training hall.Not only did he have to train the two skills he acquired this time, but he also had to practice a skill that might be more powerful than [Boundless]—Nine Steps Against Heaven!

〖Nine Steps Against the Sky〗【Elementary】:

【Active Skill】

【Proficiency】: 0 00

【Skill Introduction】:

Heaven-Defying Nine-Step Slash, a skill in ancient legends, the highest level is said to be able to crush the vacuum and cut off the space!

[Skill Effect]:

Ascend to the void, take a step and a sword that imply the laws of heaven and earth in the air, and attack the enemy.The current minimum attack power is 600% of physical attack.

[Casting distance]: within three meters

[casting time]: 1 seconds

[Cooling time] 3a minutes

[Skill consumption]: 400 point of true energy.

When he reached the fortieth level, he learned [Defying Nine Steps], what shocked him the most was that [Defying Nine Steps] even had an introduction, none of the skills he had acquired had an introduction .

From here, we can see the power of [Nine Steps against the Sky], but the introduction is not necessarily the most powerful. Through Han Xian's description of [Boundless], we can also see that [Boundless] is powerful, both offensive and defensive !

He started the single-player training mode. For half a day, he worked on [Wu Tian] body skills and [Sword Demon Walking Alone]. Although he made some progress, it was still not satisfactory.

He can control [Wutian] or [Sword Demon Walking Alone] alone, but he can't control the two skills together, and the feeling of being extremely difficult to control makes him extremely uncomfortable.

While training [Wu Tian] body skills and [Sword Demon Walking Alone], he did not stop practicing [Boundless] and [Nine Steps against Heaven]. , Footwork and combat skills are running in together.

And because of the increase in Liu Tian's agility, [Swinging Straight] has also changed, and its effect has increased a lot.

〖Swing Straight〗【Special Grade】:

【Active Skill】

【Proficiency】: 123)000

[Skill effect]: When using this skill, the player can run 30 meters in any tangible place without being hindered by space, and can travel through all areas at will. The speed is 400% of his own speed, and the effect can be superimposed.

[Casting distance]: Self

[casting time]: 1 seconds

【Cooling time】: minutes

[Skill consumption]: 300 point of true energy.

Half a day later, he left the training hall, returned to the gate of the headquarters of the Phoenix Guild, and immediately went offline.At [-]:[-] the next day, he was online. When he entered the headquarters of the Phoenix Guild, he found that the beautiful squad leader had already been online.Sitting in the center of the conference hall, he was discussing with the high-level players of Phoenix Pavilion on the matter of building the city.

Liu Tian stood next to the conference hall, and only entered the conference hall after the beautiful squad leader adjourned the meeting.

"You finally came in." The beautiful squad leader looked at Liu Tian and smiled slightly.

"The squad leader's demeanor is still the same as Fang Fang's, and the command is determined." Liu Tian sat on a chair casually: "How long will it take for the city to be built?"

"Half an hour. At that time, we will start to resist the monster's attack."

"Oh, squad leader, where is your city built?"

The beautiful squad leader said: "A high slope in the depths of the Wanxiao Plain stands opposite the Youlong Guild. The distance between the two cities is only 500 meters."


Half an hour later, three system prompts resounded through the player's mind.

"Ding dong, congratulations to Fenghuangxuan for successfully leveling the city. I hereby announce that players of Fenghuangxuan should get ready. The monster siege will begin in half an hour."

"Ding dong, congratulations to Fenghuangxuan for successfully leveling the city. I hereby announce that players of Fenghuangxuan should get ready. The monster siege will begin in half an hour."

"Ding dong, congratulations to Fenghuangxuan for successfully leveling the city. I hereby announce that players of Fenghuangxuan should get ready. The monster siege will begin in half an hour."

"Squad leader, it's started..." Liu Tian stood up, and at the same time, he let the Eternal Alliance players who had already prepared pass through the teleportation array of Sky City, and began to enter the city built by Fenghuangxuan.

"My guild members have started to enter Qingcheng." You Long Tianxia said.

"We're going to Qingcheng too, this time we're going to trouble everyone." The beautiful squad leader looked at everyone calmly and said.

Through the teleportation array of Phoenix Imperial City, the group arrived at Qingcheng.At this time, Qingcheng is not considered a city, strictly speaking, it is just a small village, and many shops are very simple.

The class leader of the beauty, Liu Tian, ​​and the Youlong guild worried about the members of their respective guilds outside the village and brought them together.

"First of all, I would like to thank the friends from the Eternal Alliance and Youlong Guild for coming to help..." the beautiful squad leader said slowly in front of tens of thousands of players without changing her expression.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Liu Tian's mouth, he occasionally looked at the beautiful squad leader, and occasionally at the tens of thousands of people who were quietly listening to the beautiful squad leader's speech.

In three to five minutes, the beautiful squad leader finished her speech, and Liu Tian and You Long Tianxia also spoke.

Time passed slowly, and 15 minutes before the monsters attacked the city, the beautiful squad leader sent a team of thieves to set traps in the direction of the four gates of Qingcheng.

When everything was proceeding in an orderly manner, Liu Tian leaned against the wooden pillar of the village gate, leisurely looking at the busy players around, his eyes wandering.

"Ding dong, the monster siege will start in 5 minutes, please get ready for Phoenix Xuan and Phoenix Xuan's allies."

"Ding dong, the monster siege will start in 5 minutes, please get ready for Phoenix Xuan and Phoenix Xuan's allies."

"Ding dong, the monster siege will start in 5 minutes, please get ready for Phoenix Xuan and Phoenix Xuan's allies."

"It's finally about to start..." Liu Tian let out a long sigh, waiting is always the most annoying thing.

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