A slight roar sounded, and the nine-square grid, which means gold, is slowly descending, while the nine-square grid painted with black 'sè' ocean is slowly rising. 26nbsp;txt e-book download**

When the nine-square grid, which means gold, is completely sunk into the ground, the nine-square grid, which means water, is also completely out of the ground.

ding dong…

A drop of water fell from the sky and landed on Liu Tian's bright and clean forehead.After wiping off the water droplets, he frowned and looked at the top of his head, only to find that drops of water were dripping from the top of the stone chamber.He didn't dare to neglect, he swayed his figure, carefully dodging the water droplets dripping from the roof of the room.

I don't know when, the bluestone walls around the stone room also slowly seeped water droplets, but the water droplets dripping from the roof of the room are blue 'sè', while the water droplets seeping from the bluestone walls are black 'sè'.

Every drop of water seems to be a world, which reflects the stone chamber, the Nine Palaces, and Liu Tian...

Liu Tian stepped on his footwork to dodge the water droplets on the roof of the room, relying on the mystery of his footwork, he managed to keep the water from dripping on his clothes, but he didn't know what the effect of these water droplets was.

The drops of water did not break when they landed on the ground, but continued to slowly roll in the shape of water drops in the white channel with a width of thirty to forty centimeters.And the black 'sè' water droplets on the wall flow into the white 'sè' channel to form a small stream, and flow forward along the white 'sè' channel.

The blue 'sè' water droplets merged one after another during the rolling, forming larger water droplets.Not long after, water drops the size of fists appeared in the white aisle, and as they rolled, more and more water drops merged.In the end, there were only ten blue 'sè' water polo the size of human heads left in the aisle.

The black 'sè' water flow and the blue 'sè' water polo are both moving forward in the aisle, and finally at a certain moment, the two meet!

chi chi...

A corrosion-like sound sounded in the stone chamber. At the same time, the arrangement of the seven night pearls on the top of the stone chamber changed subtly, but no one noticed it.Others are paying attention to Liu Tian, ​​and Liu Tian is paying attention to the black 'sè' water flow and the blue 'sè' water polo at this time.


The sound of water ji'dàng', the black 'sè' water flow suddenly soared into the sky, like a black 'sè' long dragon, rushing straight to Liutian.

"Sword and shield!"

The killing sword trembled slightly, forming a shield of light in the void.At the same time, Liu Tian's footsteps were miraculous, like the Big Dipper of Tiangang, crossing a few nine squares, and dodged to the side.

Suddenly, a series of water arrows shot out from the black water dragon, pierced through the void, and directly hit Liu Tian.

Liu Tian's face changed slightly, these water arrows covered him up, down, left, and right, blocking all the places he could avoid.


In an instant, Liu Tian entered a mysterious state, and the speed of the extremely fast 'shè' water arrow seemed to be much slower. "Nuoshu.com domain name -- please familiarize yourself with it." At the same time, Wutian's body skills were activated, and he moved his body at will, cleverly avoiding the passing water arrows.

swoosh swish...

The water arrow struck one after another, Liu Tian's face was calm, his eyes were unmoved, his body stopped and moved suddenly, sometimes he spread his wings like a roc, and sometimes twisted his body like a spirit snake, easily dodging the attack .

"Brother, little one, be careful behind you!" Suddenly, Zhang Long's panicked 'luàn' voice reached Liu Tian's ears.

Liu Tian tilted his head slightly, his sword eyebrows slanted, and at some point, the water arrows he dodged gathered together and turned into a giant black hand that was grabbing towards him.

With a cold snort, he just wanted to turn around, but when he was about to turn around, he was suddenly shocked, and he was stunned in place, with a look of horror flashing on his face.

"Ding dong, because your skin has come into contact with the nether water, your true qi is temporarily frozen, you cannot use your true qi for 3 minutes, and your body is paralyzed for 5 seconds."

Lowering his head with difficulty, he saw a stream of nether water appearing around his ankle at some point, and part of the nether water was wrapping around his ankle at this time.


The giant black hands grabbed Liu Tian's body at once, and for a moment he felt as if his body was being suppressed by the sky and the earth, his bones were about to break, and he felt powerless.


The time of paralysis passed in an instant, and his body returned to normal. He wanted to break free from the shackles of the giant hand, but found that no matter how hard he tried, the giant hand remained motionless, as if he had the power of the sky!

In fact, this is all because the giant hand is formed from the water of the nether world. The water of the nether world originated from the nether world. Although it is water, it is as heavy as a thousand weights!


A beast's roar sounded suddenly, Liu Tianxun looked at Sheng Sheng, his pupils narrowed sharply, Nether Water opened a huge mouth full of fangs and bit him.

The giant mouth was getting closer, tiny beads of sweat appeared on Liu Tian's forehead, his true energy was frozen, he couldn't think of any skills to block the giant mouth.

At this time, everyone outside the stone room looked at this scene in horror, forgot to shout, and there was nothing but shock in their clear eyes.

The roar became louder and louder, and in an instant, it rushed in front of him with a huge mouth.

"Instant Kill ●!"

The light in his eyes was cold, Liu Tian stared coldly at the huge mouth that was about to engulf him, the center of his brows split open suddenly, and the Buddha's voice burst out, and a sharp drill rushed out, instantly passing through the huge mouth.

In the nick of time, he remembered the idea of ​​killing a god without using true energy!

"Ah..." Howling in pain, it retreated a few meters, and a large hole that was bright front and back appeared on the body of its Nether Water.The big hole is slowly healing, but at the same time, drops of black ghost water are slowly dripping down.

"Fuck, it's still so tight..." Liu Tian struggled a bit, and found that the giant hand was still tightly confining him.

When Liu Tian was struggling, Jukou slowly calmed down, and the moment his body fully recovered, the roar immediately filled the space, Jukou attacked Liu Tian again, and the cold fangs shone with a frightening cold light .

"Fuck, shit, shit..." Liu Tian struggled desperately, trying to break free from the shackles of the giant hand, but everything was in vain.The giant mouth approached quickly, and Sen Leng's fangs clearly appeared in front of his eyes.


The screams of the girls suddenly spread.Liu Tian's figure in the stone chamber was completely swallowed by the giant mouth!At this time, it was as if Liu Tian was surrounded by the dark water of the netherworld.However, despite being swallowed, Liu Tian did not die. According to the team information, Liu Tian's life and qi bar were still normal.

"Brother!" Zhang Long shouted, trying to rush in, but was stopped by Yang Lan and the others.

"What are you doing here? Your elder brother Liu Tian is already very dangerous, you are only causing trouble for him by going in!" Yang Lan said, her pair of beautiful eyes were concerned about Liu Tian's figure.

Suddenly, the Nether Water squeaked, like boiling water, and wisps of water vapor curled up.It shrank back all of a sudden, turning into a stream of water again.And Liu Tian's figure also reappeared in the stone room.Although he was fine, his body was still restrained by the giant black hands, unable to break free.

"This is it?" Liu Tian looked at the hot palm of his left hand in amazement, at this moment the curse mark on his palm was actually shining with fiery red 'sè' light.Just now, the water of the netherworld retreated, it was because of the curse seal!

Looking at the curse seal, a flash of inspiration flashed in Liu Tian's mind, he flexed his wrist suddenly, and stuck the curse seal of his left palm on the giant hand.

As soon as the curse seal was imprinted on the hand of You Ming, the hand of You Ming loosened its firm five fingers and released Liu Tian.

"I didn't expect this curse seal to have such a magical effect."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Liu Tian's mouth. When he was swallowed by the Nether Water just now, if it wasn't for the help of this mysterious curse mark, he might still be staying inside the Nether Water, waiting to die.

Looking at Nether Water hiding far away, Liu Tian held the sword in his right hand and raised his left palm, and rushed over at once, his left hand imprinted on Nether Water's body unceremoniously.

chi chi...

Liu Tian's left hand easily submerged into the Nether Water. For some reason, the Nether Water became extremely boiling as soon as it touched the curse mark. Wisps of water vapor were slowly drifting in this stone room, shrinking rapidly in size.

The Nether Water rolled and tried to escape Liu Tian's left hand, but the stone room was not big, and no matter how it rolled, Liu Tian's left hand was never inside its body, and its body was already dissipating quickly without attacking.

Liu Tian never thought that he would pass a level so easily.I'm afraid that after a while, when the Nether Water completely dissipates, he will be considered to have cracked this grid.

chi chi...

A strange sound came from the Nether Water, and after a minute or two, all the Nether Water disappeared, and the scorching curse mark on Liu Tian's hand gradually returned to calm.


Water means that the Jiugong grid is slowly descending, and wood means that the Jiugong grid is slowly rising from the deep ground at the same time.

A green 'sè' whirlwind suddenly appeared above Mu Yiyi, thousands of green vines crazily struck out from the green 'sè' whirlwind, and their targets were Liu Tian who was standing not far away!

The killing sword slashed, and the green vines were chopped off and fell to the ground.

Suddenly!A vine the size of a human body struck out from the green whirlwind.As soon as it appeared, it immediately rolled towards Liu Tian, ​​trying to entangle him.

With a flash of sword light, the Killing Sword slashed at this vine, and with a bang, the vine was not cut off, but a few streaks of yàn green juice were released from the skin!Unfortunately, Liu Tian's face was splashed with green juice!

"Ding dong, the player is eternally affected by the 'liquid' of the tree's raw vine juice, and will be blind for 1 minute!"

"Fuck, it's all there..." Liu Tian cursed angrily, he was still in the freeze of true qi, and this made him blind for another minute, how would he defend against attacks?Although Boundless can be said to be an absolute defense, the premise is that it can be used.

bang bang bang...

The green 'sè' vines quickly burst out from the green 'sè' whirlwind, like a group of demons dancing 'luàn', they all choued towards Liu Tian who was standing still.

slap, slap...

This was the sound of vines colliding with guns. Liu Tian was blind and unable to use his skills, so he could only stay where he was and let the vines attack.He didn't dare to 'luàn' run away, if he accidentally stepped on other Jiugong grids and drew out new monsters, he would be the one to suffer.

"Liu Tian..."

Outside the stone room, everyone looked at Liu Tian worriedly.Fortunately, Liu Tian is now level 44, and the vines attack him, only dealing more than ten points of damage each time.


One foot, the foot of a deformed plant, stepped out from the green whirlwind, and another foot followed closely behind.Finally, a tall figure emerged from the blue whirlwind.

It is seven meters high and has four limbs. The main body is a vine that can be embraced by three people. There are many roots hanging from the limbs, and two green eyes are staring at Liu Tian.The vine the size of a human body just now is one of its arms, and other small vines also spread from it.Please remember the URL, if you like "Online Games: Eternal Immortality" written by Xiao Di Tiantian

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