The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 455 Passing the Ninth Palace

On the ground, the Martian ants slowly stood up, standing up like a human being!

The golden-yellow ant's body shines like a golden armor. It is as tall as a person, and its body is about the same size as a person. It looks like a human-shaped ant beast. The four ant hands are flat and sharp, like four blades. 26nbsp;


The Martian ant opened its mouth, and a bright golden light curtain shot out from its mouth, as if a piece of golden sky was crushing down, forcing Liu Tian to fight.

Suddenly, the golden light curtain did not directly suppress it, but like a piece of cloth, the four corners slowly fell down, forming a square light curtain space and trapping him in it.




A series of blue numerical values ​​floated out from Liu Tian's head. These numerical values ​​do not represent life, but true energy!


A cold light struck the golden light curtain like thunder in a rainy night, and a long and narrow opening was cut in the light curtain, which was slowly healing.

The cold light flickered, and there were narrow and long cracks in the golden light curtain, but there were only one cracks.The golden light curtain still covered his body, and it didn't collapse due to his attack.

"Sword Demon Town Kill Seal!"

In the blink of an eye, a printing pad appeared in Liu Tian's hand, and with his movements, it hit the golden light curtain.The next moment, the result Liu Tian expected did not appear, [Sword Demon Walking Alone] was firmly absorbed by the golden light curtain, and then slowly decomposed into true energy, which was absorbed by the golden light curtain.

"Physical attack doesn't work, and air attack doesn't work either... What exactly is this light curtain?" Liu Tian frowned, looking at the Martian ants that were walking slowly with slightly cold eyes.

The Martian ants walked outside the golden light curtain and watched Liu Tian's red eyes twinkle.It lifted its ant hand lingering in golden light, which looked like a blade, and pierced Liu Tian through the golden light curtain.

Frowning slightly, Liu Tian unceremoniously swung his sword back and slashed at the ant hand.

The ant hand and the killing sword, which were cast like gold, seemed to be two streams of light intersecting in the void, and there was a slight sound of gold and iron clashing.

With illusory footsteps and a graceful figure, Liu Tian suddenly took a step back, and a golden light slashed across his abdomen, almost hurting him.


There was a strange sound, looking for the reputation, Liu Tian's complexion gradually became weird, one by one tiny Martian ants were spreading out from the feet of the humanoid Martian ants, and crawled into the golden light curtain.


Liu Tian lit the torch again, and pressed the torch to the Martian ants on the ground, wanting to use the flame to kill the Martian ants again, but when the flame touched the Martian ants... Boom boom boom!All Martian ants touched by the flames exploded!




Although only a little life was forcibly deducted, in an instant, Liu Tian lost nearly a hundred lives!

"Wow..." Liu Tian jumped back, staring in horror at the Martian ants that continued to pour into the golden light curtain.

"If so many Martian ants blew themselves up, even a forced deduction of a little HP would be enough to kill me?" Liu Tian murmured, "I can't use fire attacks, but can physical attacks work?"

The Killing Sword accurately stabbed a Martian ant that crawled to its feet, but just as the Killing Sword stabbed it, a slight explosion sounded, making the Killing Sword tremble slightly.

"Sister Lin, don't you want to kill me with these Martian ants?" Seeing more and more Martian ants, Liu Tian's face changed slightly. He buckled.

"I don't know if there is no attack, will it explode..."

A Martian ant crawled to Liu Tian's feet and blew itself up.

"Fuck, are you trying to make things difficult for me?" Liu Tian's complexion changed slightly, and he didn't dare to stay on the ground anymore. With a stretch of [Royal Sky Technique], he flew directly into the air.

One by one Martian ants slowly gathered under Liu Tian's body, like a pile of golden sand.With the continuous addition of Martian ants, the pile of golden sand gradually increased in size and height.

"You can't go on like this, you are waiting to die." Liu Tianjian frowned slightly, thinking about countermeasures.

Outside the light curtain, the humanoid Martian ants were slowly moving, their red eyes flickering.Martian ants crawled out of its feet one after another like gravel, and burrowed into the golden light curtain one after another.

After thinking about it, Liu Tian's gaze finally fixed on the body of the human-shaped Martian ant, and the person who tied the bell was needed to untie the bell. The culprit was the human-shaped Martian ant, and the Martian ant had to be killed.

To kill humanoid Martian ants, the first thing to do is to let humanoid Martian ants walk in from outside the light curtain or let him go out from inside the light curtain.Naturally, it was impossible for him to get out of the light curtain, so he could only find a way to let the humanoid Martian ants in.

After thinking for a while, Liu Tian thought of a countermeasure.He straightened his body and took a step forward, putting himself within the attack range of the humanoid Martian ants.


With a flash of golden light, the humanoid Martian ants suddenly cut into the hands of the two ants.With a smile on the corner of Liu Tian's mouth, neither dodging nor dodging, the killing sword skillfully rotated, taking off the strength of the ant's hand.

A doppelgänger that had already been hidden rushed out of his body, grabbed one of the human-shaped Martian ant's hand, and pulled the human-shaped Martian ant into the light curtain with all its strength, regardless of the palm being cut bloody by the ant's sharp hand.

Caught off guard, the humanoid Martian ants were pulled into the golden light curtain.Liu Tianxing narrowed his eyes slightly, and instantly propped up the [Trapping Formation], trapping the Martian ants in it.

"Let me see if you can be like this ghost light curtain, physical attack is useless, air attack is useless!"

After taking a big Huiqi pill, Liu Tian waved the killing sword in his hand, and swiped out [Killing God Stacking Waves]. Following the change of his figure, a series of blows bombarded the body of the humanoid Martian ant.


The third combo shattered the carapace of the human-shaped Martian ants, and just as Liu Tian's fourth attack was about to fall, the body of the human-shaped Martian ants disintegrated in an instant, turning into living Martian ants!

"Oops!" Liu Tian's complexion changed drastically. Looking at these Martian ants, two words appeared in his mind - self-destruct!

The human-shaped Martian ants are decomposed into at least tens of thousands of Martian ants, densely packed, shining golden, reflecting Liu Tian's skin as if coated with a layer of gold.

retreat!This was Liu Tian's first thought, and he followed suit, but it was a little late, a series of explosions merged into a loud bang, and Liu Tian's figure flew upside down in the explosion.


Outside the stone room, Han Xian's life dropped by more than 1000 in an instant, because of the effect of [Life and Death], she saved Liu Tian again.

"Nearly capsized in the gutter..."

Liu Tian patted the dust off his body, and took the Dahuiqi Pill and Dahuixue Pill.If it wasn't for 【Live and Die】 this time, he would die again.In fact, it's not that the monsters here are very powerful, the most important thing is that the monsters here have endless strange moves, and the monsters themselves are very strange!

For example, Nether Water, if there is no curse mark, he really doesn't know how to deal with it.


The meaning of fire is that the palace grid has risen to the ground!At the same time, the arrangement of the seven stars on the top of the room shifted again.



after an hour!


A thunderbolt as thick as an arm blasted down from the top of the stone room, just missing Liu Tian's dodging body.At this time, dark clouds are rolling in, and thunder and lightning are intertwined!

At this time, Liu Tian had already reached the last nine-square grid. Although there were dangers and dangers along the way, he still made it successfully.

This time he was fighting against a level 44 Thunder Beast.At this time, the Thunder Beast was hidden in the billowing dark clouds on the roof of the room, but no matter how Liu Tian searched, he couldn't find the Thunder Beast.The invisibility [Exploration Technique] did not find the hiding place of the Thunder Beast, as if the Thunder Beast had merged with the dark cloud.

Boom boom boom!

The electric snakes danced wildly, one after the other crashed down, Liu Tian had been entangled with the Thunder Beast for more than ten minutes under the dark clouds.Except for seeing the Thunder Beast when Lei Yiyi Jiugongge appeared, he has never seen the Thunder Beast again.

Looking at Tianhuang and the others who were anxiously waiting outside the stone room and worried about him, Liu Tian gritted his teeth and decided to take a risk.

"Light of Trial!"

After Liu Tian used [Light of Trial] to eliminate the cooldown time of [Life and Death], he immediately released [Life and Death] and shared [Space Control], and immediately kicked his feet and rushed backwards!


A thunderbolt the size of a human body crashed from Liu Tian's shoulder.

With a clever maneuver of his body, after passing through a cloud of thunder and lightning, Liu Tian rushed into the dark clouds.

After entering the dark clouds, Liu Tian was not attacked violently, and the world seemed to have quieted down, but his eyes were hazy and he couldn't see anything.

Suddenly, a storm surged on his right side, and just as he shifted his attention to the right side, a sharp pain came from his left cum, and a figure passed by the corner of his eyes and disappeared into the thick dark clouds.


A figure suddenly passed in front of him.Then it appeared on his right again, and then on his left...

boom!Liu Tian staggered and threw forward a few meters. Behind him, a pair of pupils intertwined with electric lights slowly disappeared in the dark clouds.

"Damn it, what should I do, I can't see anything..." Liu Tian looked at the gloomy space around him in annoyance.

Outside the stone room, a group of people looked worriedly at the dark clouds on the top of the stone room.It has been two or three minutes since Liu Tian entered, but the dark cloud has remained silent, and Liu Tian has not come out again.

"Sister Lan, is brother okay?" Zhang Long asked softly, her big crystal eyes filled with worry.

"believe him."

In the dark clouds, Liu Tianshen has been injured in many places. Although the loss of life is not much, it is not a solution to go on for a long time.

boom!There was another sharp pain in his back, and the blood from the corner of his mouth dripped onto the killing sword due to the impact.

The blood quietly disappeared on the killing sword, and suddenly, the red light of the killing sword flashed away.

"Brother, why are you looking for Qingqing?" A voice suddenly sounded.

"Brother?" Liu Tian was startled, and then suddenly realized: "It's you, Qingqing. Uh, I didn't call you."

"Huh? Then why did I feel that a force woke me up just now?"


"Well, Qingqing has been feeling dizzy for some reason recently."

"Oh, so... ah..."

Before Liu Tian could finish speaking, he staggered out and got another scar on his shoulder.

"Brother? What dares to hurt brother? Qingqing is angry..." Qingqing's cute voice was full of anger: "Brother, to the right!"

Hearing this, Liu Tian hurriedly dodged, and a figure happened to pass by his shoulder.

"Qingqing, do you know where the Thunder Beast is hiding?" Liu Tianxi said.

"Thunder beast? What is that? Is it the nasty thing that attacked my brother just now?"


"I know, it's hiding behind my brother, about five meters away."

Liu Tian turned around abruptly, and the [Sword Demon Town Kill Seal] blasted out, followed by screams, and a figure in the dark cloud flew upside down and disappeared in the dark cloud.

"Qingqing, where is it now?"

"On the left, eight meters away."

"it is good!"

With Qingqing's help, Thunder Beast was quickly killed by Liu Tian.The dark clouds dissipated, and the barrier that blocked the people outside the stone room also disappeared, and a group of people poured into the stone room.


Lei means that the nine grids are descending, the patterns of the nine grids change, the four grids in the center sink, and a secluded hole appears.

On the top of the stone chamber, seven night pearls suddenly separated and flew into the secluded cave.


A deep roar slowly came from under the cave, a gloomy light flashed away in the cave, and two red suns the size of fists rose slowly!

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