The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 461 Rage, Lust

The seven deadly sins are arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, and adultery. 【】

They are actually all **.

arrogance, the ** of excellence; envy: the ** of property; *.

It is often said that the desire for profit is blinding the mind, which shows the influence of lust on people.The seven sins and eight trigrams array combines the seven deadly sins and the eight trigrams array, not only has the unpredictable and changeable nature of the eight trigrams array, but also has seven kinds of desires that affect people's hearts.

In fact, there are all kinds of desires lurking deep in everyone's heart. If there is no external stimulation, desires are just lurking in people's hearts.But once they erupt in people's hearts, the consequences will be unimaginable.

**Confused.When a man is swallowed by the abyss of lust, he is not far from destruction.

Stepping on the cobblestone road, Liu Tian looked extremely cautious. Ten minutes passed quietly, and he experienced large and small illusions one after another. Many illusions were unconsciously trapped, and he completely forgot about the battle many times.

Fortunately, his mind is also considered firm, and it took a long or short time to break through.Only because of the illusion, he has only traveled 30 meters now, and he is still 50 meters away from the fog.

He knew that the road ahead would be more difficult and dangerous, but he didn't know if there were still seven deadly sins waiting for him.After traveling for so long, the most dangerous time was being blinded by the arrogance of the seven deadly sins.

The seven sins and gossip array arouses the desires of people's hearts. Because of desires, they get lost and fall into illusions.Rather than fighting against the illusion, it is better to say against the explosion of desire.

What Buddhism emphasizes is to have a pure heart and few desires, and the six roots are pure.Although there are many monks who are sincere to the Buddha, there are definitely not many eminent monks who are truly pure-hearted and ascetic.In order to achieve a pure heart and few desires, the purification of the six roots requires hard work, not just abstaining from meat and vegetables, meditating, chanting scriptures and chanting Buddha.

It is true that sitting in meditation and chanting sutras can make the mind free from other distractions and forget the desire for profit, but this is only temporary. It is not that simple to eradicate the desire for profit.

Liu Tian walked forward step by step, getting closer and closer to the mist, every step he took was very cautious, always reminding himself to stick to the altar and stick to his heart.

But in the eyes of Xiaotan's people, Liu Tian stopped again at this time, only ten meters away from the mist.They all knew that Liu Tian had fallen into an illusion again, because Liu Tian stopped and walked no less than twenty times before.Every pause indicates that Liu Tian has fallen into an illusion.One of the longest pauses is when he falls into a vision inspired by the arrogance of the Seven Deadly Sins.


"Sister Lan, brother will break through, yes."

"Brother will definitely." Before Yang Lan could answer, the voice of little princess Qin Jing had already come.Due to interfering with the Eight Trigrams of Seven Sins Formation for a long time, she has consumed a lot of energy and physical strength. At this time, her face is slightly pale, and there is a weak and pitiful aura all over her body.

"Sister Jing'er, are you alright?" Looking at the pale face of little princess Qin Jing, Zhang Long's bright and clear eyes were full of regret.

The little princess Qin Jing shook her head: "Brother, he will definitely break through, I believe in him."

"We believe it too!"

Liu Tian didn't expect that he would reach the front of the mist so easily. On the way forward, he only encountered illusions twice.But they were all easily seen through by him.

He stretched out his hand to gently stir the mist, and in an instant, the wind rose and the clouds dissipated, and the sky and the earth seemed to be showered by sweet rain, and it was unusually clear.

The mist receded quickly like a white veil, and everything behind the mist was naturally exposed to his eyes.At the end of the pebbles is a small pool, and his eyes are fixed on the front of the pool—the purple figure that will never be forgotten in his heart.

He was shocked physically and mentally, but just as he lifted his foot, he retracted it like an electric shock.He wanted to go, but he dared not.That purple figure seemed to be the demon in the deepest part of his heart.Attracted to him yet resisted by him.

He opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end his expression darkened and he didn't say anything.Perhaps because of a sympathetic heart, the purple figure slowly turned around, and a peerless face that overwhelmed the country and turned everyone upside down appeared in front of his eyes.

Ye or Liu Ruoxi spoke softly, her expression was flat, and there was no fluctuation in her beautiful eyes looking at Liu Tian.

"You, why are you here?"

Liu Tian's eyes flickered, and the lingering scenes of Shenlong Restaurant involuntarily appeared in his mind. He shook his head and tried to get rid of the image in his mind, but unexpectedly it became clearer.

"I'm here waiting for you."

"Wait for me?" Liu Tian was stunned, not knowing why Liu Ruoxi appeared in the seven sins and gossip array.Seven Sins Bagua Formation?what is that?He muttered, a little confused.

"Brother, forget everything about that day."

Liu Tian raised his slightly lowered head suddenly, his face was full of horror: "You...why?"

"Brother, you are my brother. And now I have found my true destiny." Liu Ruoxi didn't understand what she said, but Liu Tian knew it well.

At some point, Liu Ruoxi's slender waist was surrounded by an arm, and the owner of the arm was a man whom Liu Tian couldn't see clearly no matter what.But he could feel the man's provocative eyes.

Liu Ruoxi snuggled into that man's arms, her face was not happy but had a sneer.Liu Tian's heart was aching, he didn't see Liu Ruoxi's affection for that man, instead there was a ray of revenge flickering in her eyes.Could it be that Liu Ruoxi is like this because of herself?He didn't dare to think about it.

"Xiao Xi, don't..." He said with difficulty.

"What don't you want? Brother, I'm leaving. We will still be brothers and sisters in the future."

Liu Ruoxi, half embraced by the man, turned and walked to the depths of the small pool.

"Don't!" Liu Tian roared like a mad lion, rushed to Liu Ruoxi with a few strides, and pulled away the big hand around her waist.

"Get out, or I won't spare you!" Liu Tian glared at the man angrily, the anger in his heart erupted like a volcano!Getting stronger and stronger, his rationality was almost overwhelmed by the monstrous anger!

"Why should I leave?" The man chuckled, "Xi'er really likes me."

Xi'er? !I don't know why hearing this word, the anger in Liu Tian's heart immediately exploded like a small universe.boom!The man was punched by him and flew away.

"If you don't leave, I will kill you."

An icy murderous intent surged in the air!Liu Tian's eyes flickered with a wild beast-like light.

The man looked at the two of them and smiled: "Brother and sister, it's fine." After speaking, he walked away and disappeared without a trace in two or three seconds.

"Why are you ruining yourself?!" Liu Tian roared, at the moment he was so emotional that he couldn't even feel it.

"Brother, I have the right to pursue happiness. You won't care about what kind of boyfriend I find?" She sneered, "Or do you want to possess me?"

"No, what are you talking about, I am your brother! I have the right to control you!" The voice trembled, and there was a trace of fear in the depths of Liu Tian's eyes.

"Brother, I am no longer the little girl following your ass, I have my own ideas, and I can make decisions about my own affairs." She continued to sneer, laughing until Liu Tian's heart was extremely cold.

"Xiao Xi, I beg you not to give up on yourself..." Liu Tian's expression darkened: "Everything is my brother's fault, and all the responsibilities rest on my brother."

"You said that the responsibility is all on you, but when did you take the responsibility? I have been away for so long and you have never come to me. You are just a coward who only knows how to escape! Coward!" Liu Ruoxi suddenly became hysterical: " I'm looking for my boyfriend, why do you stop me? You selfish guy!"

"Can I be responsible? Can we?" Liu Tian was instantly depressed. Maybe he had the idea of ​​being responsible deep in his heart, but he couldn't think about it, let alone express it.

"Why not? Could it be because of that relationship. Brother, I misunderstood you." Liu Ruoxi stared at him coldly: "But I have never regretted my efforts. If there is an afterlife, everything will continue."

An unusually coquettish blood flower bloomed on a piece of snow-white skin.Liu Tian was stunned, but he was still stunned after that delicate body fell to the ground.After a long time, there was a shrill cry from heaven and earth.

"Do not…"

Holding the cold body in his arms, a question kept echoing in Liu Tian's mind.Why can't I be responsible?Why?Why……


A flash of sword light slowly passed through the void, the killing sword was unsheathed, the sword was cold, and the heart was even colder.At this time, Liu Tian's fiery body was beating with a cold heart.

When the killing sword was resting on his neck, he felt a little relieved, yes, it was relief.I can't love in this life, and I dare not love.In the next life, you may be able to love vigorously.

The cold sword edge touched the skin of his neck, and he felt that he had finally left this confused world of mortals, and a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

"Perhaps this is my fate."

Liu Tian didn't show any sadness, as if he was not going to die, but to go to an appointment.


Suddenly, a tingling pain came from the depths of his mind, his hand became weak for a while, and he involuntarily let go of the killing sword.The magnificent Buddha's voice suddenly sounded in his mind again.For a moment, Liu Tian lost consciousness, and he saw the killing order in a coma.When he opened it again, everything in front of him finally shattered like a mirror in water.

"Another illusion. If there is no order to kill the gods this time, I am afraid that the spiritual world has become my grave."

Spiritual death, what is the use of **?If it hadn't been for the killing god order to strike again at the critical moment, he would surely die in the spiritual world forever in the future.

Although he broke through this illusion of a narrow escape, Liu Tian was silent for a while, without a trace of joy.The seven sins and eight trigrams formation should have just aroused fury and desire, and the two desires struck at the same time, so it's no wonder that Liu Tian couldn't escape with his own strength.

It's just that in the eyes of others, this is just an illusion, but Liu Tian knows that this is his inner struggle, and it is the truest portrayal of his heart.A demon that has been inescapable since that incident.

At some point, the surrounding fog cleared.Each of the eight cobbled roads terminates in a rusty bronze gate.


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