The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 463 Mission Completion

[] 5b This chapter is for you and for you 5d The cold fairy took the risk and summoned the ice dragon soul that became one with him. After paying a certain price, the danger finally ended_巷26书26

Surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness, except for the area protected by the trap, the rest of the small beach is frozen into solid ice. The eight pebbles that were originally full of water are now lying on the ground like eight white pythons.

The water flow in the sky that seemed to come from outside the domain was also frozen. It was hard to imagine that the fierce water flow could also be frozen

In the solid ice, a beautiful figure moved, and with a light wave of his plain hand, the pieces of solid ice disappeared without a trace. Seeing Han Xian walking towards the trapped formation, Liu Tian quickly controlled the trapped formation to open a gap and let her in

"Cough cough..."

As soon as he entered the trap, Han Xian fell to the ground as if he was sucked by the air force. Luckily, Liu Tian had quick eyesight and quick hands, so he took her into his arms

"Hanxian, are you alright?" Liu Tian looked at Hanxian's weak face with pain in his heart. He knew that if it wasn't for his persistence, Hanxian would not have put himself in danger, resulting in his current appearance.

"I, I'm fine, I'm just tired, I want to take a break..."

Han Xian passed out in Liu Tian's arms while talking, her pair of black eyebrows were still tightly locked in the coma because of the pain, and her pale lips were tightly pressed. The ice dragon soul in her body has also been greatly traumatized and she will not return to normal in a short time

Liu Tian was flustered, and quickly took her back into his body, letting her recuperate

"Brother, where is Sister Hanxian?" Zhang Long covered her small mouth and asked in surprise

Liu Tian looked around at everyone, and said a little embarrassedly, "Actually, Hanxian is my pet..."


At this time, not only Zhang Long was surprised, but even the other people were surprised. They always thought that Han Xian was a realistic person, but they didn't expect to be an NPC like the little princess Qin Jing, and she was also Liu Tian's pet.

"Brother, what's going on?" Zhang Long asked her question on behalf of other people's questions

" make a long story short, it's actually because..." Liu Tian briefly talked about the matter of subduing Hanxian back then

It took a long time for everyone to break away from the state of shock

"Brother Big Selangor..." Zhang Long whispered

"Ah? Long'er, what did you say? Say it again, I didn't hear clearly just now." Liu Tian said

"Brother Tianhuang, go up and get it." Liu Tianhuang stood still in a daze.

"oh oh…"

After a few steps forward, Tian Huang came to the golden platform, and after [-] light strokes on the golden platform, there was only a click, and the brocade box opened. Except for Tian Huang, no one else thought that there was still a piece of gold in the brocade box. brocade box

Taking out the brocade box, Tianhuang smiled and said, "The brocade box outside is actually a mechanism, it is fixed on the gold platform, if you want to take it by force, I'm afraid you will suffer another attack."

"So that's how it is." Liu Tian nodded, "The task is completed, shall we go back now?"

"Well, but you can't use the city return talisman here, you have to go back to the ground first," Tianhuang said

This time, everyone walked into the passage unimpeded. After nearly an hour, they finally returned to the mechanism that entered the ground.

Tianhuang stepped forward, and after spinning a few times at the organ, the iron plate moved away. At the same time, the Lanyan Guild players who were ambushing around the iron plate heard the sound of the iron plate opening, and instantly became vigilant, knowing that they had entered under the iron plate. The players are finally about to come out, and they all hold their weapons tightly

"Wow, it's finally out"

Zhang Long jumped out of the iron plate and everyone who followed her couldn't help but smile knowingly when they saw her happy appearance.

Suddenly, the smile on the corner of Liu Tian's mouth froze, and he shot out of the iron plate like a sharp arrow. At this time, his right eye was shaking wildly, which indicated that the assassin was about to attack.

As soon as he rushed out of the iron plate, Liu Tian saw a figure appearing behind Zhang Long as if stepping out of the void, holding a dagger shrouded in green light and stabbing at the man with a happy smile on his face who didn't know the danger was approaching. Zhang Long

"die me"

The killing sword soared into the sky, and under the control of Liu Tian's mind, it attacked the assassin like a flash of light


Liu Tian's pupils shrank sharply, and a hint of hostility loomed on his face. At the same time that the killing sword hit the assassin, the assassin's dagger also pierced Zhang Long's arm. Although the assassin's goal was not to kill Zhang Long, but even so, he Liu Tian's heart is already a cold corpse, anyone who hurts his relatives and friends, he will make them pay the corresponding price

Holding the killing sword that was flying backwards, Liu Tian stepped on the sword demon lone step and flashed to the assassin's back in an instant. While patting the assassin's left shoulder with his left hand, Wutian's body technique was activated, and while the assassin was looking to the left, his figure Surreptitiously circled to the right, with a swipe of the killing sword

A line of blood appeared on the assassin's white neck. The assassin's eyes were wide open, as if his eyeballs were about to fall out, and he clutched his neck helplessly. He whimpered a few times and then fell to the ground.

After the killing sword crossed the assassin's neck, Liu Tian never saw the assassin hugging Zhang Long and returning back, and Zhang Long did not see the bloody scene

"Jing'er, Long'er is poisoned." Liu Tian caressed Zhang Long's pale face and said, with a cold light in his eyes.

"Jing'er knows what to do"

The little princess Qin Jing nodded, her fingers fluttered, and she began to release her healing skills

"Be careful, there may be more than one enemy"

Liu Tian tilted his head, looking at the surrounding wind and grass. Since the opponent was able to launch an attack when Zhang Long went out, it can be seen that they have been in ambush for a long time, and there should be more than one person.

"Mr. V, go back under the iron plate. The three of you will guard the iron plate. The rest..." Liu Tian's mouth curled up with murderous intent, "Give it all to me."

"Yes, president." Tian Huang nodded, let all the girls enter the iron plate, and then He Feng Li and Xue Zhan stood guard at the iron plate

A piercing sound, a murderous arrow

Behind him, Liu Tian instantly sensed where the attack was, his figure was disillusioned, and he struck out with the killing sword

There are two broken arrows on the ground

"Keep it safe"

After saying that, Liu Tian rushed to the place where the wooden arrow shot with his sword, his arm trembled slightly, and the three sword qi pierced through the air and blasted into the grass

A figure climbed up from the grass in a panic, holding a short bow in his hand, and a wooden arrow was attached to the bow. He was interrupted by Liu Tian's sword energy when he was about to attack.

A sneer gradually surfaced on Liu Tian's face. Now that he has come out, he is ready to report back to the city

Wutian flexed his body skills slightly, and after easily dodging the archer's attack, Liu Tian slashed down with his sword simply and directly, like the Milky Way falling into nine heavens, hitting the archer player in an instant


The Lanyan wolf ghost hiding in other places saw that his side had lost two players in just one or two minutes, so he couldn't bear it anymore and issued an order for all to attack

Seeing more than 20 players gathered around, Liu Tian smiled brightly and genuinely

"Brother Tianhuang, go up and get it." Liu Tianhuang stood still in a daze.

"oh oh…"

After a few steps forward, Tian Huang came to the golden platform, and after [-] light strokes on the golden platform, there was only a click, and the brocade box opened. Except for Tian Huang, no one else thought that there was still a piece of gold in the brocade box. brocade box

Taking out the brocade box, Tianhuang smiled and said, "The brocade box outside is actually a mechanism, it is fixed on the gold platform, if you want to take it by force, I'm afraid you will suffer another attack."

"So that's how it is." Liu Tian nodded, "The task is completed, shall we go back now?"

"Well, but you can't use the city return talisman here, you have to go back to the ground first," Tianhuang said

This time, everyone walked into the passage unimpeded. After nearly an hour, they finally returned to the mechanism that entered the ground.

Tianhuang stepped forward, and after spinning a few times at the organ, the iron plate moved away. At the same time, the Lanyan Guild players who were ambushing around the iron plate heard the sound of the iron plate opening, and instantly became vigilant, knowing that they had entered under the iron plate. The players are finally about to come out, and they all hold their weapons tightly

"Wow, it's finally out"

Zhang Long jumped out of the iron plate and everyone who followed her couldn't help but smile knowingly when they saw her happy appearance.

Suddenly, the smile on the corner of Liu Tian's mouth froze, and he shot out of the iron plate like a sharp arrow. At this time, his right eye was shaking wildly, which indicated that the assassin was about to attack.

As soon as he rushed out of the iron plate, Liu Tian saw a figure appearing behind Zhang Long as if stepping out of the void, holding a dagger shrouded in green light and stabbing at the man with a happy smile on his face who didn't know the danger was approaching. Zhang Long

"die me"

The killing sword soared into the sky, and under the control of Liu Tian's mind, it attacked the assassin like a flash of light


Liu Tian's pupils shrank sharply, and a hint of hostility loomed on his face. At the same time that the killing sword hit the assassin, the assassin's dagger also pierced Zhang Long's arm. Although the assassin's goal was not to kill Zhang Long, but even so, he Liu Tian's heart is already a cold corpse, anyone who hurts his relatives and friends, he will make them pay the corresponding price

Holding the killing sword that was flying backwards, Liu Tian stepped on the sword demon lone step and flashed to the assassin's back in an instant. While patting the assassin's left shoulder with his left hand, Wutian's body technique was activated, and while the assassin was looking to the left, his figure Surreptitiously circled to the right, with a swipe of the killing sword

A line of blood appeared on the assassin's white neck. The assassin's eyes were wide open, as if his eyeballs were about to fall out, and he clutched his neck helplessly. He whimpered a few times and then fell to the ground.

After the killing sword crossed the assassin's neck, Liu Tian never saw the assassin hugging Zhang Long and returning back, and Zhang Long did not see the bloody scene

"Jing'er, Long'er is poisoned." Liu Tian caressed Zhang Long's pale face and said, with a cold light in his eyes.

"Jing'er knows what to do"

The little princess Qin Jing nodded, her fingers fluttered, and she began to release her healing skills

"Be careful, there may be more than one enemy"

Liu Tian tilted his head, looking at the surrounding wind and grass. Since the opponent was able to launch an attack when Zhang Long went out, it can be seen that they have been in ambush for a long time, and there should be more than one person.

"Mr. V, go back under the iron plate. The three of you will guard the iron plate. The rest..." Liu Tian's mouth curled up with murderous intent, "Give it all to me."

"Yes, president." Tian Huang nodded, let all the girls enter the iron plate, and then He Feng Li and Xue Zhan stood guard at the iron plate

A piercing sound, a murderous arrow

Behind him, Liu Tian instantly sensed where the attack was, his figure was disillusioned, and he struck out with the killing sword

There are two broken arrows on the ground

"Keep it safe"

After saying that, Liu Tian rushed to the place where the wooden arrow shot with his sword, his arm trembled slightly, and the three sword qi pierced through the air and blasted into the grass

A figure climbed up from the grass in a panic, holding a short bow in his hand, and a wooden arrow was attached to the bow. He was interrupted by Liu Tian's sword energy when he was about to attack.

A sneer gradually surfaced on Liu Tian's face. Now that he has come out, he is ready to report back to the city

Wutian flexed his body skills slightly, and after easily dodging the archer's attack, Liu Tian slashed down with his sword simply and directly, like the Milky Way falling into nine heavens, hitting the archer player in an instant


The Lanyan wolf ghost hiding in other places saw that his side had lost two players in just one or two minutes, so he couldn't bear it anymore and issued an order for all to attack

Seeing more than 20 players gathered around, Liu Tian smiled brightly and genuinely

Holding the killing sword that was flying backwards, Liu Tian stepped on the sword demon lone step and flashed to the assassin's back in an instant. While patting the assassin's left shoulder with his left hand, Wutian's body technique was activated, and while the assassin was looking to the left, his figure Surreptitiously circled to the right, with a swipe of the killing sword

A line of blood appeared on the assassin's white neck. The assassin's eyes were wide open, as if his eyeballs were about to fall out, and he clutched his neck helplessly. He whimpered a few times and then fell to the ground.

After the killing sword crossed the assassin's neck, Liu Tian never saw the assassin hugging Zhang Long and returning back, and Zhang Long did not see the bloody scene

"Jing'er, Long'er is poisoned." Liu Tian caressed Zhang Long's pale face and said, with a cold light in his eyes.

"Jing'er knows what to do"

The little princess Qin Jing nodded, her fingers fluttered, and she began to release her healing skills

"Be careful, there may be more than one enemy"

Liu Tian tilted his head, looking at the surrounding wind and grass. Since the opponent was able to launch an attack when Zhang Long went out, it can be seen that they have been in ambush for a long time, and there should be more than one person.

"Mr. V, go back under the iron plate. The three of you will guard the iron plate. The rest..." Liu Tian's mouth curled up with murderous intent, "Give it all to me."

"Yes, president." Tian Huang nodded, let all the girls enter the iron plate, and then He Feng Li and Xue Zhan stood guard at the iron plate

A piercing sound, a murderous arrow

Behind him, Liu Tian instantly sensed where the attack was, his figure was disillusioned, and he struck out with the killing sword

There are two broken arrows on the ground

"Keep it safe"

After saying that, Liu Tian rushed to the place where the wooden arrow shot with his sword, his arm trembled slightly, and the three sword qi pierced through the air and blasted into the grass

A figure climbed up from the grass in a panic, holding a short bow in his hand, and a wooden arrow was attached to the bow. He was interrupted by Liu Tian's sword energy when he was about to attack.

A sneer gradually surfaced on Liu Tian's face. Now that he has come out, he is ready to report back to the city

Wutian flexed his body skills slightly, and after easily dodging the archer's attack, Liu Tian slashed down with his sword simply and directly, like the Milky Way falling into nine heavens, hitting the archer player in an instant


The Lanyan wolf ghost hiding in other places saw that his side had lost two players in just one or two minutes, so he couldn't bear it anymore and issued an order for all to attack

Seeing more than 20 players gathered around, Liu Tian smiled brightly and genuinely


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