The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 465 Pterosaur Ring

【26nbsp;】Book mi group 2 "嗤"

A sound of dragon's yin that shot straight into the sky suddenly spread, and the birds around Leiyun Peak were startled and flew away***

Following the struggle of the Purple Gold Demon Flood Dragon King, the iron lock shone coldly and made a clanging sound

"Boy, what did you just say? Tell me again."

The Zijin Demon Flood King roared and roared, Zhiyu swallowed Liu Tianlong's body and rushed forward with all his strength, the iron chain was pulled so straight that it collapsed, and the sound of rubbing iron chains spread in the cave. If the iron chain hadn't suppressed him, I'm afraid Liu Tian has already been attacked by him at this time.

Liu Tian looked gloomy, opened his mouth a few times, wanted to speak, but finally couldn't say anything

"Hurry up and return to my uncle's words"

The Zijin Demon Flood Dragon King's copper-bell-like dragon eyes were burning with raging anger. He couldn't believe that the stone in Liu Tian's hand was the Heavenly Flood Dragon King. At this moment, he wanted to prove it, but he didn't dare to prove it. He was afraid of the result. Exactly as I thought

"I'm sorry, I hurt Jin'er"

"What's going on in the end?" Shocking cold lights flashed frequently in the eyes of the Purple Gold Demon Flood Dragon King.

"I'm sorry, Jin'er became like this in order to save me." Liu Tian lowered his head, a wave of sadness welled up in his heart like a spring, gradually filling his heart and spreading out

The Zijin Demon Flood Dragon King said coldly, "Specifically"

"Not long ago, the millennium reincarnation started..." Liu Tian recounted while recalling, the grief in his heart was beyond words

Soon, through Liu Tian's mouth, the Purple Gold Demon Flood King understood all the ins and outs

"Evil Dragon Kukri... When I come out, I will definitely not spare you." After gnashing his teeth and roaring a few times, the Zijin Demon Flood King stared at Liu Tian. Use the tricks against the sky

"I'm here today... I, I want to ask if you have a way to save Jin'er." Liu Tian hesitated for a while, and finally said the purpose of this trip

"Hmph, Lord Tianjiao King is so precious in ancient times, how could he be killed so easily?"

"You, you mean, Jin'er can still be saved?" Liu Tian suddenly raised his head, his face was filled with surprise.

"If you want to save Lord Tianjiao King, it's actually not difficult. In order to save you, Master Tianjiao Wang used the heaven-defying method of soul fusion and forcibly introduced her from the past into her body now. The price he paid for this was that part of the soul of the past She took away the "Purple Gold Demon Flood King Dragon Eyebrow Lock" "The only way to save Lord Heaven Flood King is to bring her soul back"

"This, how do you bring this back? The past she existed in the past, and we can't go back to the past..." Although Liu Tian was a little confused, he still understood a little

"So, let's go to the ghost world, find the legendary space-time stone, stay there, and bring back the soul of Lord Tianjiao King." After finishing speaking, the Zijin Yaojiao king silently added a sentence in his heart, "Maybe at that time, we can let you go to the ghost world." Lord Tianjiao King..."

"Ghost world?" Liu Tian was overjoyed at first, but then discouraged again

"The gate of the ghost world is opened once every [-] years, and it is already past the time for the gate of the ghost world to open"

"You don't have to worry about this, I have my own way, the most urgent task now is to help me break this damn seal"

"Isn't one year up yet?" Liu Tian asked

"I can't wait any longer, later things will change, and it's up to you whether I can successfully get out of trouble"

"What do you want me to do, even if you say you have to risk your life, I will do it" Liu Tian said, with a firm look in his eyes, as long as he can save Jin'er, what is the difference between going up the mountain of knives and going down into the sea of ​​fire? ?

"Let me explain first, although your current strength is not bad, but the things I asked you to do are still a bit weak with your current strength, and it is very likely that your life will be in danger."

"Say" Liu Tian said lightly

The Zijin Demon Flood King glanced at Liu Tian appreciatively, "My lord is right. What I want you to do is to go to Winged Dragon Island and steal the supreme treasure of Winged Dragon Island."

"Pterosaur Island?" Liu Tian was taken aback, didn't he need the pterosaur's blood to unseal his dragon soul ring?

"You know?" the Zijin Demon Flood King asked.

"I've only heard the name." Liu Tian shook his head, and immediately asked, "Where is the pterosaur ring on Pterosaur Island? What does it look like?"

"The pterosaur ring is on the pterosaur mountain in the center of the pterosaur island. As long as you reach the top of the pterosaur mountain, you can see the pterosaur ring floating on the top of the mountain. It is only [-] centimeters in diameter and is blue in color," said the Zijin Demon Flood King.

"What is the highest level of monsters on Pterosaur Island?" Liu Tian continued to ask.

"It seems that the pterosaur king with the highest level of [-] will get higher and higher from the outside of the island to the center of the island. However, except for the pterosaur king, the highest level of the others is only [-]. If you are careful, you may return to the island. "Pterosaur Mountain"

"Well, when will I go to Pterosaur Island?"

"The sooner the better, but before that, you have to acquire the Eye of the Black Fire Snake King." The Zijin Demon Flood Dragon King paused and said, "There is one thing I want to tell you, you'd better be mentally prepared."

"what's up?"

The Zijin Demon Flood Dragon King said seriously, "If you successfully steal the pterosaur ring, you will definitely be chased and killed by the pterosaurs on the whole island. At that time, the pterosaur king will definitely make a mistake, and you may become the enemy of the dragon clan."

"Uh, what is the function of the pterosaur ring that makes the pterosaur value it so much?" Although Liu Tian was startled, he didn't back down

"The function of the pterosaur ring, um..." The Zijin Demon Flood Dragon King pondered for a while, "The pterosaur island is located in the most violent area in the East China Sea, where there are violent storms all year round, and the weather is rarely sunny.

Pterosaur Island has to be beaten by raging waves all the time, and Pterosaur Island is an island suspended in the sea. The reason why it can be in the most violent sea area without being pushed out by the violent sea water is that Because of the existence of the pterosaur ring

The pterosaur ring suppresses the pterosaur island, which makes the pterosaur island as stable as Mount Tai, and becomes the pterosaur's eternal habitat. The reason why the pterosaurs set the pterosaur island in the violent sea area is because they need to use that sea area for defense. Their natural enemy - the black peng eagle

Once you take away the pterosaur ring, pterosaur island will definitely be sent out of the sea area by the wind làng within three months. At that time, the black peng eagle will definitely attack the pterosaur with its clan, and the peaceful life of pterosaur for 2000 years will definitely be broken "

Liu Tian frowned and pondered. After the Zijin Demon Flood King spoke in detail, he clearly realized the importance of the pterosaur ring to the pterosaur. War means bloodshed, bloodshed means death, and death means farewell

"Boy, it's up to you to choose whether you can get out or not," said the Purple Gold Demon Flood Dragon King.

"I will send the pterosaur ring back after the most things are done," Liu Tian said.

"Actually, I hope that the dragons will suffer more casualties. Although the pterosaurs are not pure dragons," said the Purple Gold Demon Flood Dragon King.

"Oh, by the way, the pterosaur ring is used to suppress pterosaur island, what use is it for you?"

"I want to forcibly break through the seal ahead of time, which will definitely trigger the prohibition that the Dragon Clan has set up here. The ban will pass on what happened here to the Dragon Clan. By then, if the seal is not broken, the Dragon Clan will add a few more seals.

The pterosaur ring can suppress Leiyunfeng, and prevent the breath here from leaking out. Everything I do here will be shielded by the pterosaur ring, and the pterosaur ring is stained with pterosaur breath, which can just hide people's eyes and ears

I have never dared to forcibly break through the seal, just to break through and attract the dragons. If I accidentally get a few more seals, I may die of old age here."

"Oh, that's how it is." Liu Tian nodded, and finally said, "I'll go back and prepare first. As long as I get the Eye of the Black Fire Snake King, I'll go to Wing Dragon Island immediately."


Leaving Leiyun Mountain and returning to Shenlong Imperial City, the first thing Liu Tian did was to issue a reward to find the trace of the Black Fire Snake King and at the same time make the members of the Eternal Alliance pay attention

After releasing the reward task, Liu Tian went straight into the training hall and immersed himself in the training

One day, two days, three days...

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, but there was no news from the Xuanhuo Snake King. Liu Tian, ​​who was originally calm, inevitably became irritable, and lost the battle against Shadow.

"Ding Dong, you have received a short message from player xx"

Liu Tian walked out of the training hall depressedly, and within a few steps, a text message came

SMS content

I know where the Xuanhuo Snake King is. If I want to know, first go to the private room of Shenlong Restaurant to book a table of Dragon and Phoenix Dance. It will arrive in 10 minutes.

After reading this short message which hides the letter from the sender, Liu Tian frowned slightly, and immediately walked towards Shenlong Restaurant with big strides.

Not far behind him, a beautiful woman is looking at his back, covering her face and smiling coquettishly, with a sly smile on her charming scissored eyes

According to what the letter writer said, Liu Tian found a private box of a local name and sat down, booked a table of dragon and phoenix dance, and after sending the box number to the letter letter by replying to a text message, he quietly waited for someone to come.

About seven or eight minutes later, the door of the box opened, and Liu Tian cast his eyes on the box, and was stunned for a moment.

What kind of beauty is the visitor?

As soon as she walked in, Liu Tian was attracted by her seductive appearance, like a fish and a wild goose. The corners of her perfect mouth were now smiling slightly, and her pair of flat lake autumn eyes were full of seductive charm. With just one look, It made Liu Tian's heart flutter

It's not that he has never seen a beautiful woman, he is surrounded by almost all beauties on the list, but the woman in front of him is the most charming and energetic woman he has ever seen, her face is almost perfect, and she is extremely charming, with a frown A smile, or anger or resentment, all attract people's attention and give people endless reverie

Hands and feet are natural, exuding the charm of inverting all beings all the time ** Slender, fragrant shoulders and half lugs, snow-white skin is like holy snow, glowing with faint fluorescence, three thousand soft blue hairs are scattered on the shoulders, matching the ice skin Yu skin form a strong visual impact

She was wearing a gorgeous mage robe, her plump body formed shocking curves on the mage robe, and she wore a three-color ribbon on her wrist. With the shaking of her arms, she aroused the deepest desire of men.

She is like a goblin, the beauty is suffocating

She came to the chair opposite Liu Tian and sat down, without saying a word, there was still a faint smile on her pretty face, two pieces of crimson spring always make people have the urge to fly to the flame

"Hello, my name is Eternal." Liu Tian recovered from the brief shock and said politely

The woman of "Disturbing Yao" replied, her voice was the same as her appearance, it was very pleasant

"Excuse me, where is the Xuanhuo Snake King?" Liu Tian asked, he didn't want to waste any more time, he wanted to see Jin'er as soon as possible

Chaoyao was taken aback, she didn't expect Liu Tian to have no intention of staying for a long time in front of this beautiful girl like him

"Can I allow the slave family to fill their hunger first?"

Chaoyao smiled gently, like a lady of everyone, but Liu Tian didn't know why she had an indescribable weirdness

"Okay" Liu Tian nodded, looking helplessly at Chaoyao eating the expensive dragon and phoenix banquet in front of him without any scruples

After a long time, Chao Yao gracefully wiped the oil stains from the corners of her mouth, "My dear brother, now let's get down to business"

Liu Tian was taken aback, when he saw the teasing eyes of Chaoyao and the familiar voice lingering in his ears, he knew he had been tricked

What disturbing Yao?Clearly enchanting

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