[] Device 3a has no advertisements, full text, and more "Domain names please be familiar with everyone." Liu Tian sat on the shore, and lànghuā splashed on him from time to time_26

Not far away, fishing boats went out to sea one after another, but none of them went to the hunluàn waters

After thinking about it, Liu Tian decided to ask those captains. It was not an option to stay here all the time. Maybe all the questions of those captains would be solved.

After a few jumps, Liu Tian fell from the rock to the beach and looked around. He walked quickly to a captain.

"Uncle, do you know if there are any ships going to the Hunluàn waters?"

The wildest sea area where Pterosaur Island is located is in the Hunluàn sea area. The Hunluàn sea area is not a peaceful place. Except for the most violent sea area in the center, there are some pirate ships on the periphery of the Hunluàn sea area. Merchant ships passing through the Hunluàn sea area are often attacked by pirate ships.

Due to the complexity and changeability of the hunluàn sea area, there are countless hidden reefs and undercurrents, and there are many islands. The arrogance of those pirates was extremely arrogant, and the Hunluàn sea area has since become a paradise for pirates

However, even pirates dare not enter the violent sea area. Several pirate ships entered the violent sea area in order to find the treasure left by the former pirate king Tian Buyin, but when those pirate ships were still under the watchful eyes of other pirates, they did not know what to do. The reason is that the ship suddenly capsized and sank, and no pirate came out of the violent sea

The captain glanced at Liu Tian up and down, and said, "Young man, do you want to go to the Hunluàn sea area? I advise you to give up this idea. Pirates are rampant in the Hunluàn sea area. No matter who it is, once they enter it, they will be looted by the pirates." , ranging from loss of property, to loss of people and wealth

The Dynasty has sent troops many times but failed to wipe them out, but instead fueled the pirates' arrogance. Fortunately, the Hunluàn sea area is far away from the coast, and there are Dynasty warships patrolling the coastal waters. As long as the fishing boats go out to sea and stay close to the coast, there is not much danger."

"Uncle, I know the Hunluàn sea area is very dangerous, but I have to go" Liu Tian said firmly

"Hey..." the captain sighed, "It's up to you, but I don't know any ships going to the Hunluàn waters, you can ask other people"

"Oh, thank you, Uncle." Liu Tian looked around disappointedly, a captain who was approaching entered his eyes, and he hastily greeted him

"Uncle, do you know any ships going to the Hunluàn waters recently? I have a life-and-death matter going to the Hunluàn waters," Liu Tian said

"I don't know, but young man, I advise you not to go. Don't say that our ordinary ships go to the hunluàn sea area. Even the merchant ships and transport ships of the imperial dynasty rarely pass through the hunluàn sea area. The hunluàn sea area gathers pirates in the nearby sea area. The dynasty doesn't want to go to war with it either," the middle-aged captain persuaded

"Thank you uncle for your concern, but I have to go there if I have something important to do."

"Oh, I hope you can come back safely," said the captain uncle

"Thank you uncle, I won't bother you anymore, kid."

Next, Liu Tian searched for three or four captains and six or seven crew members to ask if there were ships heading to the Hunluàn sea area, but in the end they were all disappointed. He thought of renting a boat, but he couldn't drive a boat, and he didn't have any crew members. The captain is willing to go to the Hunluàn waters, this method can only be given up

The hunluàn sea area has a bad reputation, and going to the hunluàn sea area is tantamount to death. It is difficult, very difficult to find a ship going to the hunluàn sea area

"Do you want me to build a boat by myself and steer it to the Hunluàn sea?" Liu Tian looked at the East China Sea, feeling extremely depressed.

"Are you the young man who is looking for a boat to go to the Hunluàn sea area?" Suddenly, a middle-aged man's voice sounded behind Liu Tian

Hearing this, Liu Tian had a thought, a gleam of joy crept up on the brows of his brows and turned around, and saw a middle-aged man with a dark face and a black beard on his mouth, looking at him with a smile

"Uncle, what do you want from me?" Liu Tian asked cautiously, his voice trembling unconsciously

"I heard that you are going to the Hunluàn sea area for a life-and-death matter, and I happen to be going too, so I want to invite you to go with me." The middle-aged man laughed

"Really?" Liu Tian was ecstatic, "Uncle, thank you, thank you so much"

"Young man, don't be too happy, I don't know when I can set off." The middle-aged man suddenly sighed, "In order to go to the Hunluàn sea area, I have prepared for several years and built a sailboat, but recently a group of thieves came here The precious wood I used to make the sails was stolen, and I don't know when I will be able to finish this sailboat and go to sea."

After listening to the middle-aged man's words, Liu Tian knew that his mission was coming

"Uncle, where are those thieves? I'll go get the wood back immediately."

"The group of thieves ran away long ago, but I know where there is this kind of wood, but it's a bit dangerous there..." The middle-aged man sighed

"Uncle, where can I get that kind of wood? The boy is still a little strong, maybe he can get some wood back."

"I, Xiangyin, did not misunderstand the person. That kind of wood is in Fengtonglin, south of the Phoenix Imperial City. I will trouble you, young man." The middle-aged man laughed heartily.

"Don't bother, this is what you should do." Although Liu Tian was a little depressed because he was calculated, but when he thought of finally being able to go to the Hunluàn sea area, his depression was immediately swept away.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player Eternal for accepting the quest Precious Wood for Sailmaking"

〖Unique Hidden〗Precious wood for making sails〖Medium Grade〗

Mission content Go to Fengtong Forest in the south of Phoenix Imperial City and bring back a little Fengtongjing wood

Unlimited task time

Task status 0 root 15 root

Failure condition The task time is over and the task has not been completed or died twice during the task

Failure penalty unknown

Mission rewards can take Xiangyin's sailboat to the Hunluàn sea area

"Young man, Fengtong Jingmu is made of special material, ordinary cutting tools can't help Fengtong Jingmu, you still need to bring this." Xiang Yin took out a fiery red axe from his arms

"When you meet Fengtong Jingjing, you can easily cut down Fengtong Jingjing with a fire axe."

"Well, thank you uncle"

In order to hurry up, Liu Tian chatted with the middle-aged man Xiang Yin, and then returned to the city. Unfortunately, he didn't see that when he disappeared, the warm smile on Xiang Yin's face disappeared instantly, and the poison in his eyes flashed. of color

On the way to Fengtonglin, Liu Tian learned about Fengtonglin. With the strength of the sky, it is not a big problem to run rampant in Tonglin

an hour and a half later

In an hour and a half, Liu Tian traveled through three maps and finally arrived at Fengtonglin. But just after arriving at Fengtonglin, the system beeped, indicating that the online time had reached [-] hours


Taking off the helmet, Liu Tian let out a long sigh of relief. After wandering on the bed for a while, he logged into the game forum and browsed some useful posts

Half an hour later, just as he was about to close the forum, a sticky post that popped up suddenly caught his attention

"Currency exchange is about to open, the game is online [-]/[-]"

"Is it finally possible to open the exchange of game currency and real currency?"

A look of joy appeared on Liu Tian's face. After waiting for so long, he finally waited for the currency to be opened. He now has a lot of assets in the game. Under his instruction, Wang Pan opened a chain of yào stores in major cities

Through the relationship of Erdan, he and the blacksmith shop also established a cooperative relationship. Liu Tian invested in opening blacksmith shops in major cities, and the blacksmith shops sent people and effort, and Liu Tian accounted for six floors of profits.

Although his business in the game was very successful, most of the money he earned was invested in the operation of the Eternal Alliance

The content of the post is similar to what Liu Tian thought in his heart. The currency exchange will be opened in three days, and the all-day online will also be opened at that time. Players will be able to stay in the game all day

After reading the post, Liu Tian felt a bit of pressure. After the currency exchange is opened, the development speed of the Eternal Alliance will probably be inferior to that of other guilds. The other guilds have strong financial support behind them, but he is the only one who has gained points in the Eternal Alliance through luck. Funding guy support, the gap between the two can be seen

Once the currency exchange is opened, there will definitely be a large amount of real money pouring into the game. At that time, the gap between other big guilds will not change much, but the development speed of his Eternal Alliance may be much slower than other guilds.

"Don't think about it, first exchange a few million real coins, and it's time to move, buy a car and drive."

Liu Tian said to himself that he wanted to move to another place a long time ago, not that he hated it, but that it was too inconvenient and he wanted to buy a bigger house and take Lan Menger and her mother to live there. So that Mother Liu also has a companion. After the game starts, he will be online all day long. If he doesn’t work hard, he will have to spend all day in the game

Walking out of the room, Liu Tian saw Mother Liu watching the TV program with great interest. Seeing Liu Tian, ​​Mother Liu was overjoyed, she got up and pulled Liu Tian to sit beside her.

"Mom, what do you think about buying a house and moving there?" Liu Tian asked softly

"Buy a house? No more, I think it's not bad to see a house, and the house price is so expensive now, wait for it to come down in a few years, and buy it when you have money."

"Mom, I have some money first. Buying a house is not a problem. The main reason is that our place is far away from the urban area, and it's a bit remote. It's very inconvenient to do anything," Liu Tian said.

"This..." Mother Liu hesitated.

"Mom, after buying a house, we can take Meng'er and the others over to live together"

Hearing Liu Tian's suggestion, Liu's mother was moved, thinking, "It would be good if we could let them move here together, it can help the poor mother and daughter and..." Liu's mother looked at Liu Tian, ​​"and also Can cultivate the relationship between Tian'er and Meng'er"

"Then, then buy it, but don't buy one that is too expensive, too luxurious, as long as it is enough for us to live in," Mother Liu said

"Okay, I'll go to the house buying office in a few days"

"Tian'er, you are promising now. Mom is really happy for you. Your father will rest in peace in heaven." Mother Liu held Liu Tian's hand, her eyes full of love.

"Mom..." Before he knew it, Liu Tian's eyes were already moist.

This night, Liu Tian chatted with Liu Mu for a long time. At eleven o'clock at night, Liu Tian took a bath and went to bed.

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