The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 471 6 Drawings

【】After collecting this wind paulownia tree, the number of wind paulownia trees has finally reached the requirement of the mission. Now Liu Tian smashed the return talisman and hurried to the East China Sea

At the place where Xiang Yin meets Xiang Yin by the East Sea, Liu Tian sees Xiang Yin again

"Come back so soon? Have you gathered all the Fengtong Jingmu?" Xiang Yin looked at Liu Tian in surprise

"Good luck, I found a few wind paulownia trees in a row"

"Okay, we can finally finish that ship." Xiang Yin smiled, "Haha, come with me."

Xiang Yin led Liu Tian along the east coast, and after listening to the rise and fall of the tide for about half an hour, the two came to a small forest

"Through this forest, we will reach our destination." Looking at the forest, Xiang Yin smiled slightly


The grove is not dense, but each tree seems to fill the empty space, and the end is blocked by trees as far as the eye can see.

Walking into the woods, Liu Tian found that the trees in this forest are arranged in a certain order. Looking into the depths of the woods, he can only see a distance of ten meters at most, and the trees will block him any further.

"Uncle, is this forest artificially planted?"

Xiang Yin looked calm, "Well, I spent a lot of effort to transplant it."

"May I ask, what are these trees transplanted for?"

"Because of some need"


As soon as he passed through the grove, Liu Tian's expression was stunned. An unfinished ship was parked on the beach more than ten meters in front of him. It was 50 meters long and ten meters high, and it was majestic. The ferocious structure is like a prehistoric beast squatting on the beach. Many workers are busy around the ship.

"This is the warship I built." A trace of pride flashed across Yin Yin's face, "I have been preparing for eight years to build this warship. All the materials I used are top-notch materials. If it is one-to-one, it will be in the Hunluàn sea My pirate ship is no match for my precious warship"

Hearing this, Liu Tian's expression moved, "Uncle, why did you go to the Hunluàn sea area?"

"To be honest, my ancestors buried a batch of treasures in the hunluàn sea area. I went to the hunluàn sea area this time to fulfill my father's last wish and find the treasure," Xiang Yin said solemnly

"You built this warship to deal with the pirate ships in the Hunluàn sea?"

"Well" said to Yin, "To find the treasure of my ancestors, we must enter the hunluàn sea area. Once we enter the hunluàn sea area, we will face the pirate ships in the hunluàn sea area."

"I see"

"Take out the wind paulownia wood and use the wind paulownia wood to make sails, then we can set off, but I want to remind you that this trip is extremely dangerous, and there may be no return."

Liu Tian said firmly, "Uncle, you don't need to say too much, I'm mentally prepared."

"Yeah" Xiang Yin patted Liu Tian's shoulder in comfort

With a thought in Liu Tian's mind, a large pile of wind paulownia trees appeared on the ground. When Xiang Yin saw the pile of wind paulownia trees on the ground, the smile on his face was full.

"Hey, come over here and move the Fengtongjing wood, and try to meet the warship within three days." Xiang Yin shouted at the group of workers, and immediately, seven or eight workers trotted over

When the seven or eight workers arrived in front of him, Liu Tian couldn't help shouting in his heart. These workers were all tall and tall, over 1.9 meters tall, with dark skin, bulging muscles, and powerful eyes. They didn't look like workers at all.

"Hurry up and help the Fengtong Jingmu, it must be completed within three days," Xiang Yin said


Even though the wind paulownia wood is small, it is not light. Three workers lifted a wind paulownia tree

"Young man, if you still have something to do, you can go to work on your own, just come back here within three days," Xiang Yin said with a smile

"Uncle Xiang, I'll leave now, just to trouble you," Liu Tian said

"No trouble, without you, we wouldn't have been able to complete this warship," Xiang Yin said with a smile

"OK, bye"

Leaving East China Sea, Liu Tian suddenly realized that there was nothing to do. Finally, after much deliberation, he decided to go back to Sky City to learn about the development of the guild.

Back in Sky City, Liu Tian casually sent a message to Wufeng and Yang Binghui. When he arrived, the conference hall was already full of people, among them, apart from the original veterans of the Eternal Alliance, there were several people who had been promoted. The players who came up saw Liu Tian walking in, and all the players present respectfully called out to the president, only Liu Tian glared enchantingly, and Liu Tian deliberately showed a smug smile

Liu Tian pretended not to see the enchanting and cannibalistic expression, and went straight to the first seat to sit down.

"Wufeng, please report on the recent development of the guild"

"Now the total number of our guild has reached 6000, with [-] core members, and the work of each department is also proceeding in an orderly manner. According to the president's wishes, I have asked the ministers of the nine departments to pay more attention to training the personnel of each department. Compared with the initial stage of the guild, it has increased by at least four or five times. However, with the development of the guild, the guild will consume more and more funds, and the funds injected by the president when he first registered are almost used up."

Wufeng paused for a moment and continued, "However, according to the president's plan, we have established yào shops and blacksmith shops in various cities. The profits not only offset the capital output of the guild, but the surplus of the two or three floors is just... the opening of the currency exchange , I'm afraid our guild will be impacted, although we don't have to worry about it for a short time, but it will be detrimental to the development of the guild over time."

Liu Tian frowned slightly. Funding has always been a big problem in his mind. No matter what kind of guild, it absolutely needs huge financial support to grow. He has also thought about the financial problem. It is his plan to build yào stores and blacksmith shops in various cities. One, when he made up his mind to start a guild, he took advantage of his advantage over the current players and the funds he obtained from cooperating with Wang Pan to secretly buy suitable stores in major cities

It's just that he also knows that it is absolutely impossible to maintain the output of a guild with the income of yào shops and blacksmith shops, unless you can occupy the two industries of yào shops and blacksmith shops. After all, there are other yào shops and blacksmith shops. shop, unless the effect of your products is much higher than that of other shops. Although Wangpan’s yào products are indeed higher than those of other yào shops, other people are also committed to the development of yào products, especially some guilds have specialized research departments. mén

"Brother..." A gust of fragrant wind came from his ears, and Liu Tian turned his head to see that the little princess Qin Jing was already beside him, half squatting with a smile on her face.

"Jing'er, when did you come?"

"Just now, brother, I have a lot of blueprints for blood-enhancing and blue-enhancing medicines with good medicinal effects." The little princess Qin Jing whispered next to Liu Tian's ear, and the fragrant wind invaded his ears. makes him feel itchy

"Do you have it? How is the effect of the yào?" Liu Tian was pleasantly surprised. If there are yào products, the profit of the yào store will definitely increase a lot


"Jing'er, can you give it to me, no, are you selling it to my brother?" Liu Tian looked at the little princess Qin Jing expectantly, her heartbeat increased a lot because of nervousness.

"No..." The little princess Qin Jing shook her head

"That, forget it." A look of disappointment flashed across Liu Tian's face.

The little princess Qin Jing suddenly smiled and hugged Liu Tian's neck, "You are my brother, my things are yours, so of course they can't be sold, brother wants the blueprints, so you have to promise me something."

"What's the matter? Tell me, I will definitely agree"

"Hee hee, I'll talk about it later" For some reason, an intoxicating blush slowly appeared on the face of the little princess Qin Jing

"it is good"

The little princess Qin Jing let go of her hand, and took out six blueprints for him, which were three kinds of red yào and three blue yào blueprints. yào are called Zhenxue Pill and Tiansheng Pill. Zhenxue Pill can restore 400 life instantly and 300 life continuously.

"This Tiansheng Pill is simply a must for fighting the boss."

Liu Tian sighed, and then looked at the drawings of the other three kinds of blue yào. The blue yào that the little princess Qin Jing said was the worst blue yào was called Lan Ling Wan, and the other two were called Zhenlan Wan and Tiantian Wan. Continuously restore 450 true qi, weather pills instantly restore 300 true qi, and continuously restore 650 true qi. These are all yào products with extremely good effects. If they are made, they will definitely be snapped up crazily

"Wufeng, look at this." Liu Tian raised the blueprint in his hand and motioned him to come up

Wufeng took the blueprint, examined it carefully, with a look of surprise on his face, "President, this, this..."

Liu Tian glanced at the little princess Qin Jing, and said, "Give them to Uncle Wang Pan, and let him produce them as soon as possible. As for the medicinal materials, besides buying them, you have to cultivate them yourself quickly."

"Yes, president." Wufeng had a look of joy on his face. He knew what Liu Tian meant. If there were these six blueprints, the profit of the yào store would probably increase by three or four levels. The guild's development should be no problem in the short term.

"President, I have a proposal." Wufeng suddenly raised his head and said


"I think, let's not sell these Tiansheng pills and weather pills in large quantities. The president should know the value of these two kinds of yào pills. If you sell this kind of yào pills now, I am afraid that many players will almost restore their life or true energy to full with just one pill." "Wufengdao" I think this kind of yào pill is temporarily sold in limited quantities, and the price can be higher."

"I also have the same idea, okay, let's do it this way," Liu Tian said

Afterwards, other guild members also reported on their work Overall, everything is fine

After staying with everyone for a while, Liu Tian said, "I'll go first, you decide on small things yourself"

"Let us do all the work, but I'm taking my beautiful girl around leisurely..." When Liu Tian took the little princess Qin Jing by Yaoluo's side, a very low voice came from Yaoluo's mouth to the ears of the two of them.

Liu Tian and the little princess Qin Jing blushed slightly, but after being stunned for a moment, they pretended nothing happened and continued walking outside the conference hall

Walking outside the city lord's mansion, Liu Tian looked at the little princess Qin Jing who was smiling like a huā beside her, and said, "Jing'er, I'm going to another place soon, what did you want me to promise you just now, tell me now"

The little princess Qin Jing held Liu Tian's arm bouncingly, and looked at Liu Tian with her small face tilted, "Brother, I just want to go out for a stroll with you. Wherever you go, I will go too, okay?"

"Okay" Liu Tian pondered for a while, "Then let's go to the Underworld now."

"Yeah." The little princess Qin Jing nodded obediently, holding Liu Tian's arm, looking like a little bird.

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