The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 488 Dragon Monster

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Getting farther and farther away from that weird pirate ship, Booth's face was obviously relieved, but the fear in his eyes did not diminish

The mysterious devil pirate ship can be said to be the devil of the pirates in the chaotic sea. Almost all the pirate ships saw them and had to make a detour. Perhaps only the pirate ships that existed in the depths of the chaotic sea from a long time ago can fight against it.

The Devil's Pirate Ship didn't exist before, it appeared not long ago, only a few months ago, it appeared very suddenly, as if many pirates appeared out of nowhere to detect its coming, but they all failed in the end

Since the appearance of the Devil's Pirate Ship, its endorsement is fear. On the day it first appeared in the chaotic sea, it destroyed eighteen pirate ships of different strengths in a row. Since then, the Devil's Pirate Ship has become famous and shocked the entire chaotic sea.

Another endorsement of the Devil's Pirate Ship is its strangeness. Its hull is extremely black, and even its flag is extremely black. The whole ship exudes a terrifying and gloomy atmosphere, and it looks like a ghost ship from hell at first glance.

So far, hundreds of pirate ships have been destroyed by the devil's pirate ship, among which twelve pirate ships that claim to be the only pirate ship in the depths of the chaotic sea have been destroyed, but no one has seen the devil's pirate ship, and the devil's pirate ship has no base. A pirate ship roams the chaotic sea

No one knows what its purpose is, but it makes many pirate ships huddle in their respective islands, afraid to go out

What makes the pirates very strange is that the number of shots taken by the Devil's Pirate Ship has been reduced for some reason recently, and the pirate ships that encountered it are no longer there. Just as no one knows why the Devil's Pirate Ship kills people, no one knows why it doesn't. But all the pirates who encounter the Devil's Pirate Ship are frightened and flee everywhere

"Fortunately, there is no danger," Captain Booth muttered to himself: "The devil's pirate ship is indeed the same as what others described, terrifying and terrifying."

"Captain, in this battle, more than 20 of our ordinary personnel died, and the rest were slightly or seriously injured." A pirate came to Booth and said in a low voice

"Oh." Booth nodded lightly, without any sadness on his face, he knew better than anyone else that, as a pirate profession, casualties are unavoidable no matter what

"The captain is not good!" Suddenly a pirate rushed out of the cabin and hurried to Booth, his face full of panic.

"Captain, something is wrong"

Booth's heart trembled: "What's wrong? The devil's pirate ship is chasing you?"

"That's not it, it's just..."


After the pirate finished speaking, there was a sudden loud noise from the sea in front of them, thousands of flowers bloomed, and a body similar to a dragon's body appeared on the sea, with a pair of blood-red eyes shining red, releasing an unparalleled evil spirit Its head is similar to the dragon's head, but it gives people the feeling of fierceness

"Dragon Monster" Booth exclaimed

"Captain, what I want to report is it, we just discovered it when we explored the sea ahead," said the pirate

"***, this is terrible." Booth cursed, "I didn't expect to be so unlucky today. I left the tiger's den and met a wolf again."

Dragon monsters are relatively famous sea monsters in the chaotic sea area. It is said that their ancestor is an evil dragon clan whose strength surpasses that of the dragon king. The blood of the dragon clan flows on the dragon monsters, but they are not recognized by the dragon clan, but their strength is in the chaotic sea area. But one of the best, even if they are not recognized, but the blood of the dragon clan actually exists in their bodies

Perhaps because the ancestor was an evil dragon, the dragon monster became a notorious beast in the chaotic sea

"Boat, captain, what should we do now?" The voice of the pirate who spoke was a little trembling, which shows his mood at this time.

"Immediately ask Karen to lead a team to fight the dragon monster, and the rest will withdraw for me." Booth's face was cold, and a trace of unbearable flashed across his face

Why fight?To put it bluntly, it is just to die, delaying time so that others can escape. Although Booth can't bear it, this is something that can't be helped. Generally, dragon monsters will not appear outside the chaotic sea area. Who knows that their luck is so perverted today. Not to mention the mysterious pirate ship of the devil king, now we meet the dragon monster again

"Yes, Captain..." the pirate replied after hesitating for a while

"Aw!" A sharp dragon chant came out of the dragon monster's mouth, and with a bang, the dragon monster rushed into the sea and attacked Booth's pirate ship.

"Are Karen and the others ready to dawdle and kill the entire ship?" Booth panicked when he saw the dragon monster take the initiative to attack.

Under his shout, three small boats carrying [-] pirates sailed towards the dragon monster. At the same time, the pirate ship began to change its course. At the same time, if it could not escape at this time, the dragon monster might swallow the entire ship.

"What sound?" In the cell, Liu Tian heard the cry of the dragon monster, and couldn't help asking: "Dragon? No, there are dragons in the chaotic sea?"

A faint voice of "Dragon Monster" came into Liu Tian's ears

Liu Tian was startled, and looked at the woman: "You, have you recovered your memory?"

"No." There was a trace of confusion and pain on the woman's face: "I only know that the word dragon and monster suddenly appeared in my mind."

"Dragon monster? What kind of monster is that? Do you know?" Liu Tian asked

"The dragon monster is the descendant of the evil dragon demon Shaqianli. It is said that the dragon demon Shaqianli escaped from the dragon tribe and came to the chaotic sea area and the descendant of an evil beast in the chaotic sea area." The woman said without thinking. After speaking, not only Liu Tian was surprised, but even her own face There is also a trace of surprise

Liu Tian asked: "Oh grass, how strong is the dragon monster? Can Booth deal with it?"

"Equivalent to a king of more than 60 levels, it is absolutely impossible for Booth to fight against the dragon monster, he can only escape for his life," the woman said

"Oh grass, I hope Buddha is merciful, and bless Captain Booth to escape safely"

At this time, Liu Tian felt that the hull of the boat was turning to the right.

"Booth is going to start running away" came the woman's voice


Liu Tian was silent for a while: "Hey, do you still remember your own name?"

"do not know…"

The woman seemed to be trying to remember her name, but after thinking about it for a long time, she only felt pain like a splitting head, her pretty face was extremely pale, and she seemed to have exhausted all her strength after saying the three words, and fell to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Liu Tian shouted anxiously

The woman didn't answer, her delicate body curled up on the ground, trembling all over, it was obvious that she was enduring the pain

"Han Xian, come out quickly" Liu Tian shouted quickly, the fairy light flashed, and Han Xian appeared beside Liu Tian. Without saying a word, she pulled out the killing sword on Liu Tian's back and cut off the rope in Liu Tian's hand with a sword.


Liu Tian's body leaped forward, and several skills were thrown out, beating the cell to pieces. He rushed to the front of the women's cell, and blasted out a few more skills, and the women's cell was blasted out of a door

"Jing'er, come quickly." Liu Tian covered his heart and hurriedly called to the little princess Qin Jing.

As if he knew Liu Tian's anxiety, within half a minute, little princess Qin Jing appeared beside him

"Brother, what's wrong?"

"Look at her!" Liu Tian pointed to the trembling woman who was enduring the pain with her head in her hands.

"Spring Rejuvenation·Rejuvenation"

It was the last skill again, following the skills of the little princess Qin Jing, the girl fell into a deep sleep

Liu Tian asked anxiously: "Jing'er, how is she?"

The little princess Qin Jing pouted dissatisfiedly: "She's fine."

"That's good"

"Brother, why are you so worried about her?"

"I rescued her from the vast sea, so it's fate, and I should care about her."


"F*ck" Booth couldn't help yelling at him just after escaping from the dragon monster, but he didn't expect to meet his deadly enemy Wu Ersuo before he escaped so far


"Turn the direction and run for me." Booth roared and gave the order if there was no firewood left.


A cannonball exploded next to the pirate ship, and there was an arrogant shout from a distance, from the pirate ship in the distance

"Booth, do you dare to fight to the death?" Urso stood on the height of the pirate ship, looking like he was giving directions.

"Fuck you, I don't have time to play with you." Booth can only hurry back to his island now. He always feels that the chaotic sea area is weird recently. Everything is based on life, so he should go back to his base first.

"Fire, fire." Urso didn't say much, but urged his subordinates to attack. You must know that today may be his chance to annihilate Booth's pirate ship when he ran away before the battle started.

Booth ignored Urso, and just let his men take control of the pirate ship, escape is the most important thing


Suddenly, a soaring dragon chant sounded and Booth's heart beat. He was very familiar with the dragon monster's cry.

The dragon monster appeared next to Booth's pirate ship, and half of the dragon's body was exposed on the sea

Bang Maybe the dragon monster was lucky, a cannonball exploded above its head

"Roar" the dragon monster screamed, the waves rolled, and a pair of red eyes burst into blood

The dragon monster turned around and seemed to be plundering the Urso pirate ship.

"Damn it, who fired the cannon?" Wu Erso was shocked when he saw the dragon monster rushing towards him. While fleeing behind the pirate ship, he scolded him angrily because he knew that his pirate ship could never be the opponent of the dragon monster. The most important thing now is to escape

Booth sneered, he knew Urso's pirate ship was doomed

"Come on" he yelled

Not long after they left, the Urso pirate ship sank, along with the pirates on board

After several hours of running around, Booth finally arrived at his base. 【26nbsp;】.

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