The e-book download function is suspended!It is expected to be completed by next week!

The skill book was mixed among a pile of shining gold and silver treasures, and it was also a golden book cover. 【26nbsp;】***If it wasn't for Liu Tian's sharp eyes, I'm afraid he would have ignored it.

He went straight to the pile of treasures, picked up the skill book that looked like garbage, and raised the skill book in his hand, asking, "Is this okay?"

"As you wish." Tian Ruoshui smiled, the womanly aura on her body disappeared at this moment, and her gentleness made people feel good.

"Thank you." Liu Tian smiled back.

Thousand swords break the army, this is the name of the skill book, occupation requirements, swordsman, level requirements, level 40.

Liu Tian clicked to learn, and the golden skill book melted into a ray of golden light and entered his mind.A system prompt sounded immediately.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the player who has learned the skill forever

. "

〖Thousand Swords Breaking the Army〗


: 03000


At the same time, countless sword qi are stimulated to attack the enemy, attacking in a small area.

: Three meters.

: 1 second.

:2 minutes.

: 0 points of true qi.

"Another skill." Liu Tian was slightly happy.

"You can go."

Liu Tian nodded: "It's fine."

Leaving the basement, Liu Tian met Han Xian and immediately proposed to go back.

"Aren't you going to the violent sea?" Tian Ruoshui asked softly.


"Then why are you going back? Do you still want to go to Xiang Yin? He must be using you. I think it's better for me to send some men to go in with you to be safe," she said.

"It's okay, I don't think he will hurt me." Liu Tian said, "However, can you draw another copy of the nautical chart? I can use it."

The chaotic sea area seems not to be calm recently, he doesn't want to trouble Tian Ruoshui, and he knows that although Xiang Yin used himself to obtain the nautical chart.But he believed that after he told Xiang Yin his destination, Xiang Yinnian could give him a ride for the sake of helping him get the nautical chart, right?

Tian Ruoshui sighed: "Alright then, just wait a moment."

After finishing speaking, Tian Ruoshui took the nautical chart that Liu Tian handed over, and went straight into the study.Not long after, when she came out again, she had a nautical chart in her hand.

Liu Tian took the nautical chart and said thank you.Then he put the newly drawn nautical chart into the Dragon Soul Ring, and he planned to hand over the nautical chart with a certain age to Xiang Yin.

The moment he returned to the city after crushing the city return talisman, Liu Tian was inexplicably sad.Maybe it's because...

As soon as he returned to the city, he immediately rushed to the East China Sea.When he returned to the East China Sea, he happened to see the warship made by Xiangyin returning from the sea.After the warship was a certain distance from the coast, Liu Tian waved and shouted.

"Uncle Xiangyin, I'm back, and I got the nautical chart!"

Hearing Liu Tian's voice, the workers on the warship were taken aback, and then went back to report to Xiang Yin in surprise.After a while, he saw Xiang Yin walking onto the deck with a smile on her face.

"Haha, you're finally back. You've been waiting so hard for Uncle Xiang. Did you have any accidents along the way?"


While the two were talking, the warship had already speeded up and reached the shore, Xiang Yin jumped off the warship excitedly, with an excited expression on his face, but he didn't open his mouth to ask Liu Tian for the nautical chart, but he didn't know whether it was true or false Huo Han asked a few warm words.

Liu Tian answered Xiang Yin's question in a serious manner on the surface, but in fact he kept laughing in his heart.After chatting with Xiang Yin for a few words, Liu Tian saw that his expression was a little strange, so he brought the topic back to the nautical chart.

"Uncle Xiang, the nautical chart is here, when shall we set off?"

"Immediately. However, I heard that Tian Ruoshui gave you the nautical chart. Is this true?" Xiang Yin asked.

"Uncle Xiang, talking about this makes me angry. I thought I could get the nautical chart without any effort, but I didn't expect that Tian Ruoshui just wanted to trick me into her island, and asked me why I knew the nautical chart was on her." Liu Tian He had already figured out how to deal with Xiang Yin, and now when he asked, he blurted out immediately.

"Ah?" Xiang Yin was surprised: "Then what happened? How did you escape? Did you tell her that I told you that she had a nautical chart?"

"Uncle Xiang, how could I tell you. Although I was caught by her, I was talking to her at the time. Seeing that she couldn't ask anything, she planned to imprison me first. Hehe, but she didn't know I already had a way to escape, so I escaped from the cell that night, and while she was discussing things with the pirates, I took the nautical chart with me when I left." Liu Tian said frankly.

After these words, although Xiang Yin still didn't believe it, he still accepted Liu Tian's explanation in his heart.

"Oh, what a pity..." Liu Tian suddenly sighed.

Xiang Yin's heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

"Uncle Xiang, I checked the nautical chart, and the pterosaur island I'm going to is outside this safe passage." Although Liu Tian was using this method to deceive Xiang Yin, when he mentioned the location of the pterosaur island, Liu Tianju was completely depressed.Because Pterosaur Island is indeed off the chart.

"Are you going to Pterosaur Island?" Xiang Yin did not admit it, and asked again cautiously, but this move was a bit weird.

"Yeah, I have a lot of things to deal with when I go to Pterosaur Island. Oops, I forgot to ask where your destination is?"

"Ah, oh, my destination is very inside Wing Dragon Island." Xiang Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Liu Tian also breathed a sigh of relief, and then took out the navigation chart from the Dragon Soul Ring.

"Uncle Xiang, this is the nautical chart, check to see if it's fake."

Hearing this, Xiang Yin couldn't help but tremble, maybe it was fake?

He opened the nautical chart, looked at it several times carefully, and then breathed a sigh of relief: "It should be true. You see, the blueprint recording this nautical chart has a certain age, and it is definitely not a fake thing in recent years." .”

"Oh, it's good if it's true. Uncle Xiang, my business is very urgent, can I leave now?" Liu Tian asked.

"Let's go now? No problem!" Xiang Yin was actually more anxious than Liu Tian, ​​a huge treasure was waiting for him, how could he not be excited?How can we not wait?

So, within half an hour of Xiang Yin's return, he left in a hurry.However, they did not intend to directly enter the chaotic sea during this trip.Xiang Yin had also heard about the devil's pirate ship appearing in the chaotic sea, and he didn't want to seek death.So I took a detour, although it was a little far, but it was safe.

Because of the longer journey, the days spent at sea this time were longer.According to the calculations of the navigators, it would take at least fifteen days for them to reach the intersection of that passage, which is three days in reality.

In order not to waste time, Liu Tian ostensibly locked himself in the cabin room, but he was already offline to help Liu's mother arrange the moving.

After Liu's mother's persuasion, Zhang Yunlan and Lan Meng'er agreed to live in Liu Tian's new home.But it's on a lease.

While Mother Liu was tidying up things at home, Liu Tian took the time to go to the bank to convert the 1000 million earned from selling Tian Xingling into game currency, and inject it into the membership funds of the Eternal Alliance for the operation of the class.

After fifteen days of playing time, Liu Tian and the others finally arrived at the entrance of the safe passage.Liu Tian also came out of the room at this time, looking at the violent sea ahead, he was shocked. . .

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