The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 496 Adoption Certificate

The warship was ups and downs in the huge làng, and the giant snake had already adapted to such an environment, and its body was very stable amidst the rolling huge làng. 【26nbsp;】

"Let the navigator take control of the ship, and I'll kill him."

After finishing speaking, Xiang Yin's body was like a big roc spreading its wings, and he flew down from the warship, and between flipping his hands, a long spear with a gloomy light appeared in his hand.


A ray of cold light suddenly shot at the water snake after a shocking shout, and appeared in front of the dazed water snake in an instant, the speed was astonishing.


With a soft sound, a small hole appeared on the body of the water snake, and the bloody wound was numb.


The severe pain from the body awakened the water snake. Facing the sniper spear stabbing head-on, its eyes were blood red instantly, and at the same time as it spat out the poison, its giant tail swept across, drawing an afterimage on the sea like a sickle.

Xiang Yin made a casual move, and a water curtain appeared in front of him, isolating all those poisons.At the same time, instead of retreating, he stepped forward again and again, and water jets attacked the water snake one after another as he advanced.

Looking at the afterimage that swept over from the corner of his eyes, Xiang Yin snorted coldly, and the spear in his hand blasted out like lightning, breaking through the water snake's defense in an instant, and piercing the tail of the water snake with one shot!

"Get out of here!"

Xiang Yin shouted loudly, and the water snake with a height of 50 meters was lifted up along with the body of the gun, and then was blasted to the sea surface.At the same time, a water dragon suddenly rushed out of the sea, it wrapped around the body of the water snake, entangled with it, and bit it.

"Dual cultivation of magic and martial arts?" Looking at Xiang Yin who was fighting, a word suddenly popped into Liu Tian's mind.He didn't expect Xiang Yin to have two professions, water system spiritual practitioner and gun fighter, one for long-range attack and one for close combat. Both professions are extremely powerful in Xiang Yin's hands, and they cooperate perfectly.

Xiang Yin stood on the surface of the sea, his violent and ferocious aura disappeared in an instant, replaced by unparalleled sharpness.At this moment, Xiang Yin was like a sharp spear, looking at the entangled water dragon and water snake, he moved.The whole person disappeared between the sky and the earth. At this moment, it seemed that only the human-shaped spear was left in the sky and the earth.

With a flash of cold light, the spear disappeared, and Xiang Yin stood calmly on the sea.The water snake crashed onto the water surface, a big hole appeared on its head, and a steady stream of blood poured out from the head, dyeing the sea red.

"Captain wise!"

"The captain is mighty!"

"The captain is invincible!"


The workers or pirates on the ship couldn't help cheering when they saw Xiang Yin winning. 15

Xiang Yin stretched his body, returned to the boat, pressed down with his hand, and the cheers that overwhelmed làngcháo disappeared immediately.

Killing the water snake was just a small chant. Once the chant was over, the warship continued to move forward, like a flat boat that might be swallowed by the sea at any time.

Liu Tianli stood on the deck, his eyes rarely stayed on the boat, and he was always paying attention to the surrounding sea area.

Incomparably huge and soul-stirring bodies appeared and disappeared in the huge wave.Most of them are probably stronger than the water snake that was killed just now.

Liu Tian didn't know why some ferocious beasts were very close to them, but they didn't attack them, as if Liu Tian and the others were separated from it by two worlds.But Liu Tian and the others could clearly see the beast and hear the sound of the beast rolling in the sea.


After pondering for a long time, formation is the only answer in Liu Tian's mind.This safe channel was probably created by a certain formation, and it shouldn't affect creatures walking through it.But creatures outside the formation cannot see things inside the formation, but this effect should only be effective for creatures in the violent sea area.Because when they were outside the violent sea area, they could clearly see every move of the worker in the safe channel.

Moreover, the formation has weakened the power of nature in the violent sea area. In this safe channel, Liu Tian and the others do not have a single danger of nature, such as undercurrents and vortexes.In other words, the person who arranged the formation chose a safe route.

"What a great handwriting." After thinking it over, Liu Tian couldn't help but sigh in his heart.Those who can create such a channel in the violent sea are absolutely powerful.To create this waterway, one must first be able to fight against any beasts in the violent sea area, otherwise people will die before the waterway is set up.

He returned to his room, took out the nautical chart newly drawn by Tian Ruoshui, and looked at it carefully.He didn't know where the treasure of Tian Ruoshui's ancestor, the pirate king Tian Buyin, was, and he didn't want to know.Anyway, his goal is Pterosaur Island. Judging from the nautical chart, it will take at least ten days before he wants Pterosaur Island.After all, the speed of advancing in the huge wave is really too slow. If it weren't for the existence of the formation, the ship would have capsized long ago.


Liu Tian reckoned that there should be nothing wrong with him, so he might as well go offline.

With the end of the year approaching, many people are already preparing.Mother Liu thought it was the same, but she was tidying up the house.We are about to move to a new house. Although the new house has everything you need, Mother Liu still can't let go of some things in the old house.And she has to seal up many things, after all, it's a pity to throw them away, although she is not poor now.

When Liu Tian walked out of the room, Mother Liu was tidying up the hall, many things had been put away by her, the hall seemed a bit empty.

"Mom, don't you want some things..." Liu Tian couldn't help saying when she saw that Mother Liu almost wanted to seal up all the things she didn't need.

"These things may still be useful in the future, so how can they be thrown away? Anyway, the house is empty, so it's okay to leave things there." Mother Liu didn't look back, she still lowered her head to tidy up the furniture.

"Uh, that's up to you." Liu Tian was helpless, in his opinion, these things that have been used for an unknown amount of time should have been thrown away long ago.I didn't want to spend money on buying new ones before, but now it's not that I don't have money, so why do I keep these things?But although he was helpless, he could understand Mother Liu.

"Mom, have Aunt Zhang and the others tidy up all the things they want to move? We'll call a car in a few days and we'll pull them there together." Liu Tian asked.

"They're coming soon, and they don't have anything. Originally, they wanted to bring some daily necessities, but last time they went to check, they found that the new house had everything, which saved a lot of work."

After tidying up for a while, Mother Liu wiped the fine sweat from her forehead, and sat down next to Liu Tian: "It's about to be tidied up, I've already tidied up Xiaoxi's things for her, and now there are only two of us left." It's gone."

"I don't have anything to move. Just take a few clothes and leave the rest here." Liu Tian said.

After resting for a while, Mother Liu got up and walked towards her room: "I'm going to pack my things."

"Mom, I'll help you." Liu Tian followed.

The two of them worked together for more than an hour before finishing packing.Liu Tian and Mother Liu sat by the bed together, there was some sweat on their foreheads.

"Hehe, Tian'er, I didn't expect that we would move house one day." Liu's mother smiled happily: "You are doing well now, and my mother is relieved. Sigh, think about when you were a child... that's right..."

Mother Liu suddenly squatted under the bed, and pulled out a wooden box from under the bed.The wooden box was locked with an old lock.Although there was a thick layer of dust on the wooden box, when she saw the box, Mother Liu had a look of happiness on her face.

"Mom, what's in the box?" Liu Tian asked. He had come into contact with this box when he was a child, but it was always locked, and he didn't know what was in the box.

"Some things from your childhood."

Mother Liu opened the box, took out a photo album from it, and sat next to Liu Tian.

She opened the album and pointed to a yellowed photo in the album.In the photo, two pink dolls are hugging each other, lying on the bed, with smiles from the heart on their faces.

"Tian'er, look at the two of you, you have smiling little faces... and this one, Tian'er was really not ashamed when he was a child."

Liu's mother pointed to the other one, when Liu Tian was about four or five years old.In the photo, Liu Tian was standing naked in a bathtub, and his little brother was so eye-catching.

Liu Tian blushed slightly, and hurriedly turned to the next page.

Looking at the photos of childhood, Liu Tian and Liu Mu were filled with happiness.But it's a pity that there are only more than 30 photos, and they will disappear after a while.

After closing the photo album, Mother Liu was about to put the photo album back into the box, when the phone rang in the hall.Mother Liu put down the photo album and hurried out of the room.When the phone rang, Liu Tian vaguely recalled the word Meng'er, probably Lan Menger opened it.

He turned his attention to the box, with a slight smile on his face, he didn't know how many memories of their childhood were still kept in the box.

Besides the photo album, Liu Tian also found some crude toys in the wooden box.He still vaguely remembers these toys, which were the most precious things in his childhood.

"Huh?" Liu Tian found a book in the wooden box, opened it, and did not expect it to be a diary, a diary about him and Liu Ruoxi recorded by Liu Mu.The diary records some interesting things about the two of them when they were young.But between the lines, Liu Tian saw not only the warmth, but also the hardships of life.

He also knew how hard his family was when he was a child. Given the family situation at that time, it was indeed difficult to raise two children.

Each diary is very short in length, some with dozens of words, and some with only a dozen words.After Liu Tian flipped through it briefly, he put down the diary.

Afterwards, Liu Tian found some childhood memories and family hardships in the wooden box.

Mother Liu didn't know what she was talking about with Lan Menger, but faint laughter came into the room.Liu Tian smiled, with a firm look on his brows.He wants to make his family happy.

Randomly flipping through the few things in the wooden box, he soon reached the bottom of the wooden box, and Liu Tian saw a folded piece of paper at the bottom.

Opening the paper, Liu Tian's complexion changed completely when he saw the first few characters on the paper, and the hand holding the paper trembled a little!A pair of star eyes full of shock!

Liu Tian felt that his breathing was a bit difficult, and this piece of paper turned out to be an adoption certificate!


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