[26nbsp;] Device 3a has no advertisements, full text, more device 3a has no advertisements, full text, and even more at seven o'clock in the morning, Liu Tian got up on time chuáng_2626 After practicing as usual, he simply washed up

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Lan Menger raised her hand, was about to knock on the door, smiled slightly, and said, "Go and have breakfast."

Since the two families lived together, Lan Menger would call him every day

"En." Lan Meng'er nodded, took a step back, and went downstairs with Liu Tian

After the meal, Liu Tian was at the dining table, talking to Liu Mu about his decision

"Mom, I will go to Xiaoxi's city in a few days"

Mother Liu was startled, and then said: "Then when will you come back?"

"Probably come back with Xiaoxi," Liu Tiandao said. He has already made up his mind to rent a house in that city first, and then come back with Liu Ruoxi when she is on vacation. The dragon ring has already been obtained, which can free up a lot of time

"Xiaoxi is also studying outside these years, you can go and accompany her." Liu's mother had a trace of melancholy on her face, thinking about a few months ago, the family was separated in three places, what about now?Liu Tian is at home every day, she can see him every day, and she lives in the whole house, and Liu Ruoxi will be back soon, thinking about her current life, she feels very satisfied

Lan Meng'er silently cleaned up the dining table. To be honest, she felt a little bit reluctant when she heard that Liu Tian was leaving.

After logging into the game again, Liu Tian appeared in the crystal-like underwater Dragon Palace

"Dragon Blood Refining Pill..."

In Liu Tian's hand appeared a light golden, bead-like yào pill, which is the Dragon Blood Body Refining Pill, which not only allows people to have the opportunity of Dragon Blood Body Refining Pill, but also allows people to avoid the danger of Dragon Blood Body Refining Pill One left hand, ten copies of Ao Guang's dragon blood appeared on the palm

As the heir of the Dragon King of the South Sea, Ao Guang's dragon blood is already extremely pure. Liu Tian guessed that he would not be able to find a dragon blood that was more pure than his. Unseal ●Left hand] can make him stronger than the average dragon clan, but regardless of the purity of dragon blood, if you just intentionally injure the dragon clan and collect dragon blood, you will offend the entire dragon clan. fate?

"If there is a dragon that allows me to collect dragon blood, it will be cool. I don't know what the effect will be if I combine multiple dragon blood to refine my body."

Liu Tian was just thinking about combining different kinds of dragon blood for body training. Dragon blood training didn't mean that he could combine different kinds of dragon blood for body training. Perhaps the effect would be higher or lower than that of one type of dragon blood, but if he had the chance, he would will definitely try

"It's a pity... the dragon race is also considered one of the top races, it's hard to offend them," Liu Tian said to himself, suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he remembered a certain dragon, a dragon that he had always forgotten, the evil dragon library Kerry

The evil dragon Kukri is now the guardian beast of Sky City, so it's not a big problem to ask for a few drops of his blood?

"Fuck, go back to the evil dragon Kukri to squeeze some blood, it's a little bit of interest for him to turn the gold into stone" Liu Tian smiled yin

After thinking about everything, Liu Tian walked out of the room and went to visit Ziqi to meet with the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Before reaching Ziqi's boudoir, Liu Tian met her on the road

"Are you awake? I was going to find you," said Ziqi

"Are you going to see your father?" Liu Tian asked


On the way, Liu Tian asked: "After seeing your father, I will go back."

"Ah? So fast, you finally came to Dragon Palace, and I haven't entertained you much yet." Ziqi looked at Liu Tian in amazement, with a hint of reluctance on her pretty face, repaying her kindness and being lonely, she really didn't want to let Liu Tian the day is gone so soon

"I have very important things to do, otherwise I will definitely stay in Dragon Palace for a while"

"Oh, I will see you off after meeting my father and queen"

"You don't need to give it away, I can crush the city return talisman and go back directly"

"If you are in the Dragon Palace, the City Return Talisman is useless. You can only use the City Return Talisman if you leave the Dragon Palace within a certain range," Ziqi explained.

"Oh..." Liu Tian felt his face turn red.

Liu Tian originally thought that the Dragon King was full of unparalleled majesty like the superiors in the world, but after seeing the Dragon King, Liu Tian knew that the Dragon King in front of him and his fictional Dragon King would not be able to fight each other in eight lifetimes. With an amiable breath, piercing eyes full of smiles

Liu Tian guessed that perhaps it was because he saved Ziqi once that the Dragon King was so friendly to him.

"Hehe, thank you little brother Eternal for your help, otherwise Ziqi would have been in danger last time, and it's also my fault, I didn't even know that my daughter was being chased and killed on my own territory." The Dragon King looked ashamed

"Easy to do!" Liu Tian had a humble smile on his face, but he was thinking in his heart that the next time they meet, they will probably fight each other.

In fact, Liu Tian didn't have much fear in his heart when he was going to fight the dragon clan. On the contrary, he had an impulse to fight the dragon clan, the top race in the game. One day, it would be a fascinating thing to be able to fight with them head-on.

"Hey, this may be a trivial matter to you, but to this king, this kindness is as deep as a mountain"

After chatting with the Dragon King of the East China Sea for a while, Liu Tian bid farewell to him, and now he just wants to go back quickly, rescue the Zijin Demon Flood King, and then go to the ghost world to find the space-time stone, and bring back Jin'er's soul from the past

But before going to the ghost world, he still has to go to the violent sea to return the pterosaur ring to the pterosaur family

Hearing Liu Tian's farewell, the Dragon King of the East China Sea immediately persuaded Liu Tian to stay for a while, and he could also try his best to entertain guests. However, under Liu Tian's repeated refusals, he had no choice but to let Ziqi take Liu Tian away

Outside the Dragon Palace, Ziqi unexpectedly revealed her real body—a little white dragon

"You get on my back, let's go out quickly, hey, let's play in your human world again" Ziqi said

"Okay" Liu Tian was stunned for a moment, then rolled over on Ziqi's back

"Hold on tight, I'll let you feel the flight when you reach the surface of the sea"

Hearing Ziqi's words, Liu Tian's mouth curled into a weird smile, do you want to feel the flight?hehe

Ziqi rushed out of the Dragon Palace with Liu Tian on his back, the patrolling shrimp soldiers and crab generals saw Ziqi, and they stepped aside one after another, watching one person and one dragon leave with surprised and doubtful eyes


lànghuā splashes on the blue sea, like a snow dragon carrying Liu Tian to the blue sky

"In what direction can I fly to reach your city?"

Liu Tian looked at the map and pointed to the direction


Ziqi flew several thousand meters upwards, only then did he fly towards the coast with Liu Tian on his back

Three hours later, one person and one dragon finally arrived at the coast of the East China Sea. Liu Tian brought Ziqi, who had completely transformed into a human form, into the nearest city, and returned to the Dragon Imperial City through the teleportation array.

"Wow, it's so lively." As soon as he came out of the teleportation formation, Ziqi covered his mouth in shock from the flow of people coming and going.

Liu Tian smiled slightly: "Go, it's no big deal, I'll show you around."

He decided to accompany Ziqi to play in the Dragon Imperial City first, and then go to Sky City after Ziqi leaves.

After wandering around with Ziqi for a while, Liu Tian finally realized what a dragon who has never seen the "world" is like. Along the way, Ziqi kept exclaiming and almost didn't know anything, even Liu Tian told her about the candied haws

Three or four hours later, Ziqi reluctantly left, looking at the figure in the teleportation formation, Liu Tian wiped off his sweat, being with this little girl is more tiring than killing monsters

"It's time for me to go back to the guild." Liu Tian stepped onto the teleportation array, and with a flash of light, he arrived at Sky City

He didn't go back in a hurry, but turned on the previously closed communication system, and the beeping sound kept ringing for a while.

He took a look at the information, and there was nothing important in the information. He directly screened out the information of Wufeng and Yang Binghui through the system. Only their information was useful to him.

The information of Wufeng and several people is to report the development of the guild. There is nothing worth noting in the initial information, but in the recent information, they all revealed a strange place - the emergence of Eternal Alliance talents

"Talent emerges?" Liu Tian was a little surprised

"Let's go meet Wufeng and the others first."

Liu Tian replied a text message to Wufeng and other high-level executives, telling them to come back by themselves, and let them go to a room alone to discuss what they said in the text message

Entering the City Lord's Mansion, Liu Tian met Wufeng and the others in a separate room

"Tell me about the things mentioned in your message in detail," Liu Tian asked.

"President, we only discovered this strange place not long ago. At the beginning of the meeting, aren't we still troubled by too few talents? But recently I found that our Eternal Alliance seems to have too many talents and after our trials, we found that They are very loyal to the guild, and they should not be spies sent by other guilds." Wufeng said simply: "Some of these talents are good at training, some are good at management, some are good at organizing, and some are good at publicity. In short, there are many talents."

"A lot of talents?" Liu Tian frowned slightly. If those talents were really sent by others, what was their purpose?

"Can you completely rule out the possibility that they are spies?" Liu Tian asked

"It's really hard to say, but in our testing, they didn't have any signs of being spies," Wufeng said

"That's weird." Liu Tian frowned, and through the information Wufeng gave him, he clearly understood that these talents could never be players who joined normally because of the reputation of the Eternal League.

"President, there is one more thing" Wufeng hesitated

"what's up?"

"In recent days, a total of nearly [-] million funds have been injected into our guild"

"What? Nearly 1000 million?" Liu Tian remembered that he only injected [-] million into the Eternal League.

"I asked other people, and they all said they didn't know. What's going on?" Wufeng knew from Liu Tian's words that the funds were not injected by Liu Tian

Liu Tian fell silent, all of this was so weird, but it was beneficial to him, the emergence of talents, the injection of mysterious funds, what is going on?he can't figure it out


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