The Eternity of Online Games

Chapter 523 On the verge of death

【26nbsp;】A rain of arrows rained down on the sky, and immediately, many thieves fell down_2626

"Archer, go forward luànshè" Wufeng frowned

The archers of the Eternal Alliance quickly came behind the thieves, and returned a wave of black arrows to the opponent's archers.

The two teams of archers have their own goals, standing under the rain of arrows, fearless, and quickly fight back with their strong bows

The archers of the Eternal Alliance are numerous and powerful, and they are all elites. The archers of the two sides with excellent equipment only met each other. After a while, the archers of the Luàn World were defeated. At this time, the thieves also dismantled a lot of them Trap, advanced seven or eight meters

"Vice president, I apply to bring a team of assassins and thieves to rescue the president." Cangyuan Blood Wolf came to Wufeng and said, he is the head of the shadow department of the thieves

"You organize the personnel yourself, and I will let the Weeping Blood Department cooperate with you." Wufeng nodded, the opponent has definitely set up a lot of traps for this part of the journey to hinder the marching speed of his side, should let a team of invisible troops go to the rescue first Liu Tian

"You have to be careful, by the way, check the arrangement of the opponent's troops"

"Yes." Cangyuan Blood Wolf nodded, turned around to organize personnel, and not long after, a group of troops silently attacked the side of the trail

In the valley, shouting to kill Zhentian, the players of the Luàn era attacked and killed Liu Tian one after another, with a variety of emotions in their eyes. As long as they kill Liu Tian, ​​not only will they not be punished, but everyone will be rewarded generously

The stalemate has lasted for quite a while, and Liu Tian's situation is getting worse and worse. No matter how strong he is, he will be ground to death without supplies. He couldn't hide even if he wanted to, and his life was wasted like this, leaving only seven or eight hundred

However, his distance from Taniguchi has not decreased much. The opponent has planned it long ago. Many players with knockback and forced knockback skills are always sneaking up on other players. They may not be able to knock him back once, but more than ten times ?The opponent is already ready to consume him

After quickly killing the three or four players who joined forces, Liu Tian glanced at the direction of Taniguchi, and a wry smile appeared on his face: "If you want to kill them, the difficulty is really not ordinary."

Normally, even if there were more besieged players, he would be sure to kill them, but now life and true energy cannot be replenished, self-recovery is invalid, and skills cannot be used. He can only rely on normal attacks to kill besieged players one by one.

Ting Jian stepped forward, and the gorgeous sword light exploded like smoke, and the few players who had just rushed up also became ghosts under the sword, with a strong wind blowing from their backs, Ting Jian just avoided the players behind him with a few steps forward Only the attacks of the players behind him can be dodged, but the attacks of the long-distance attacking players who have been planning for a long time are not so easy to dodge.

Either hot or cold or stinging pain hit his heart at the same time from many parts of his body, Liu Tian smiled wryly, if he could use super defensive and offensive [Boundless] now, at least half of these injuries could be avoided

An assassin had sneaked up to Liu Tian's side unknowingly. While Liu Tian was dealing with other players, he exploded and hurt people like a poisonous snake, stabbing Liu Tian's throat with a dagger

Although the right eye of God was beating all the time, reminding Liu Tian that there were assassins lurking around Liu Tian, ​​but there were too many assassins lurking around Liu Tian, ​​and he had no way of identifying the exact location of the assassins. Assassin's attack, he can only barely deflect his head

The assassin sneered, his gesture changed, and the dagger slashed fiercely towards Liu Tian's chest, and then he disappeared and hid with a [Concealment Technique] At the same time, several players behind Liu Tian bullied forward, Taking advantage of Liu Tian's escape, the weapon in his hand landed on Liu Tian's body

"Fuck seven hundred and three..." Liu Tian staggered and glanced at the life bar, only 730 left





Compulsory damage kept popping up, and Liu Tian's face was extremely gloomy. He estimated that he should have killed thousands of players, but the players around him did not decrease at all, and they rushed towards him like wolves seeing sheep. Come on, if this situation continues, he won't last for 10 minutes

"Ding Dong, you have been bound by [Wind Binding] successfully, and your movement is restricted for 3 seconds"

"Damn it..." Liu Tian's body froze, and the invisible restraint made it difficult for him to move.

In an instant, the surrounding players let out a wolf howl, and all kinds of skills came out one after another. The lights of swords, swords, shadows, guns, and daggers fell on Liu Tian almost at the same time

In the blink of an eye, Liu Tian lost more than ten points of life.


A sturdy burly man rushed towards Liu Tian who had just regained his ability to move aggressively, with a large shadow in his hand, he pressed towards Liu Tian

Liu Tian's complexion was icy cold, the killing sword in his hand came first and pierced the big man's throat

"Hmm..." Liu Tian snorted. When his attack fell on the big man, other people's attacks also landed on him. The only difference was that their attacks took away a few lives, while his took away a few lives. a life

He was facing the continuous attacks from Luàn players, his body was constantly moving, and the killing sword was constantly attacking. More and more players died in his hands, and his life was getting less and less, and his body was getting bigger and bigger. more tired

He didn't notice that there was a pair of eyes staring at him through the figures of the players. The owner of those eyes was a young man holding a dagger in his hand. He was an assassin, and the one who could refine poisonous assassin, he is called student

The student has a very domineering poison yào, this poison yào can forcibly deduct 15 points of life from the player, but the domineering poison yào also has disadvantages, it will evaporate after [-] seconds after it is prepared, so this poison yào can only be prepared in battle , and the ingredients for preparing the poison drug are not easy to obtain, and the success rate of the preparation is extremely low. He has prepared it three times, and failed three times. All the materials on his body are only enough for him to prepare it five times.

Fighting alone, this poisonous drug is a burden, but if it is used to deal with bosses and people in Liu Tian's current state, its effect is undoubtedly the greatest

His position is on the valley wall, some distance from Liu Tian, ​​the successful preparation of the poisonous drug can only give him an opportunity to attack at most, and it may not be successful

Faint blue light and green light flowed on his dagger together, the two streams of light were melting into each other, and the buzzing sound was drowned out by the noisy surroundings

Now it is the last step, which is also a crucial step. If it is not successful, all the previous efforts will be broken into pieces, but he is confident that he can succeed

In the blink of an eye, the last potion appeared in his hand, the bright red potion was like blood, exuding a strange brilliance

The small transparent bottle toppled over, and the blood-red medicine quickly spread to the mouth of the bottle. At this moment, he turned the dagger in his hand to one side. There was no medicine on this side, and the smooth and bright blood-red medicine slowly flowed out of the bottle mouth, leaving a residue in the air. next red line

The blood-red potion fell on the blade ridge in the center of the dagger and spread out. When the blood-red potion covered the blade, he turned the dagger over. At this time, a lot of blood-red potion had seeped into the blue and green poisons. middle

The blood-red medicine left a red line in the air again, and the continuous blood-red medicine flowed to the blade spine, and then spread from the blade spine


The blood-red elixir mixed with the other two venoms magically melted the other two elixir, and the range of ablation was rapidly expanding. In the blink of an eye, the blue-green venom on the blade disappeared without a trace. Surface becomes smooth, bright and dry

A gust of wind blew, and the blood-red medicine on the other side spread over. After a few breaths, the dagger was covered with a layer of blood-colored streamer, but the next moment, the blood-colored streamer disappeared, silently, without leaving any moisture

"Successful." There was a smile on his face, the poisonous yào was successfully prepared and he could get the president's reward

He swept towards Liu Tian, ​​and the players who passed by gave way one after another. They had already received orders, and the players who besieged Liu Tian attacked fiercely, and they also received orders to create opportunities for him

"There are six seconds left." He rushed to the attack circle, and a thought flashed in his eyes. At this moment, the assassins lurking around Liu Tian attacked Liu Tian at the same time.

Squinting his eyes slightly, Liu Tian felt an unusual aura. Except for melee players, the rest were assassins in all directions. They attacked him from all directions around him. No matter what, he couldn't dodge part of the attacks, even if he cast [Boundless] There is no way to avoid all attacks

With a touch of disdain, the corner of his mouth curled up. He didn't move extra. The killing sword crossed a half-moon light arc, bang bang bang, and all players in the light arc were wiped out. At the same time, the attacks behind him also landed on him

Frowning slightly, he held back the pain, turned around, and made a clean and sharp sword. At this moment, another assassin appeared behind him. Although there was a reminder from the right eye of God, he didn't care, even here The strongest player attacks him, at most it will only force damage

A sword swayed like a moonlight blooming, and a row of players fell down

At this time, the shiny dagger in the player's hand fell on his shoulder, and a strange red light flashed on the dagger


Liu Tian's expression froze, and a look of horror surfaced on his face, he swung his killing sword recklessly and slashed at him, killing the assassin who was still about to make a second blow

Liu Tian panted, a look of shock filled his eyes, and the 100 points of life disappeared in an instant, and now he was completely in a desperate situation, with only more than [-] lives left, how could he persevere?A few more attacks, and he will have to drink his hatred

What Ji Hao said was surprisingly clear in his mind

"Once? No no... If I could only kill you once, I would definitely not do it, but now it is different, I can let you die ten times, and the attributes dropped by the tenth level will not come back as the level increases"

grade ten?Even if you upgrade to level ten, the attributes will not come back

He looked in the direction of Taniguchi, where there was peace, and rescue had not yet arrived. Despair grew in his heart, and his last hope faltered.

The eyes of the players who were like wolves and tigers burst into hot light, and the huge damage from Liu Tian's head gave them great motivation. They howled and rushed towards Liu Tian, ​​waving the sharp weapons in their hands

A faint desire to die spread out in Liu Tian's chest, and a few traces of madness flashed in his red eyes

The bloody smell wafted in the small valley, and the long-distance attackers at the top of the valley seemed to have taken stimulants, all of them had rosy faces, and they threw skills at Liu Tian for free

The task is finally about to be completed, this is the voice of all Luàn world players under siege


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