Full of vigor, the cold sound of piercing through the woods. 【26nbsp;】


The bright and coquettish blood flowers bloomed suddenly, and every drop of the bright red was so clear.

Death, headshot!


The rapid and dense sound of breaking through the air was played immediately, and a shadow fell on the players of the Chaotic Times Guild who were still in a daze.Immediately, there were clear screams in twos and threes.

At the same time, the players of the Troubled Times Leader Guild in other parts of the forest were attacked to varying degrees, but the attack lasted for a very short time, and almost when you were about to fight back, the players had already disappeared.

Hearing the news from the battlefield, the guild leaders who led the battle felt tight for a moment, and there was a team hidden behind them, which made everyone feel uncomfortable.

"What's the situation?" Ji Hao, who had already returned to the battlefield, also received the report from his subordinates, and his brows were wrinkled.

"President, there are hostile troops behind us. The number is unknown, but it will never be many. Based on the situation where it was attacked, there may be nearly a thousand people."

"What's the situation now? Where's the sneak attack on our troops?" Ji Hao had a gloomy expression on his face.

"It's gone. They ran away after the attack. It was too hasty. The brothers were all stunned."

"Idiot! What about the people we arranged to patrol in the rear? How could they miss this team!"

"President, they haven't found this troop yet..." the voice said weakly.

"Fuck!" Ji Hao said with a gloomy face, "Strengthen the defense at the rear, if they dare to attack again, they will chase and wipe them out!"

Silence, the team attacking the Troubled Times suddenly fell silent, which made the players on the Troubled Times who had already prepared to wait and see extra irritable.

"Why don't you come? Isn't it very arrogant to go up and down?" A player patrolling behind muttered, his big eyes rolled.


The moment he turned around, a stream of light quickly came through the air and sank into his chest.


"Enemy attack! The opponent has appeared!" The patrol player immediately sent a message to his companion as soon as he fell down.

The players in this area immediately rushed towards the place where he died, swearing, they were scolded because of this team that somehow got to the rear, and they were suffocating. Now that they heard that team appeared, they couldn't care less The others all rushed over here.

"Heh..." Liu Tian hid in a tree, and observed the graceful figure in front of him through a little gap.

He took down a wooden arrow and placed it on the Fire Tong Jinwu Bow. [Breakthrough Arrow] slowly supported the wooden arrow, and a faint golden light immediately lingered on the wooden arrow.


The leaves trembled slightly, mixed with a golden streamer, rushed out of where Liu Tian was, and shot through a player who was searching more than 100 meters away with an arrow.


"Ah..." his companion exclaimed, and at the same time attracted players who were searching elsewhere.

"What's going on?" A small captain asked.

"He was shot to death. There are archers from the opponent nearby, and they are very powerful. The two players who were killed earlier were killed by one arrow." The companion said with lingering fear.

"Captain, according to the direction the arrow is coming from, the archer hiding near here should be over there." A player checked the dead player and pointed in the direction where Liu Tian was.

"Let others surround you in that direction, others follow me! You must find out this player who provoked us one after another!" A flash of excitement flashed across the squad leader's face.

Liu Tian set up a wooden arrow again, this time he was going to shoot the squad leader.He doesn't need to worry about anything, his goal this time is very simple, which is to annihilate this small team and attract more shrimps,

"Captain, why does that tree seem to be hiding someone?" When approaching, a player with sharp eyes pointed at the big tree where Liu Tian was and said, with a slightly wary look on his face.

"Huh?" The team leader looked in the direction pointed by the finger, but just when he raised his head, he saw a black shadow attacking quickly, getting into his head, and then a sharp pain hit him, but he couldn't hold back. Then all pain disappeared, and he died.

"Quick, quick, that person is in the tree, quick..." the sharp-eyed player shouted, but his voice stopped abruptly in the next moment, a wooden arrow was nailed to his head, and his whole body was slowly falling Down.

Without waiting for those late rushers, Liu Tian grabbed a rattan that had been prepared earlier, and slid down from the tree. He carried the Fire Tong Jinwu Bow on his back, and this time it was the Killing Sword that was unsheathed.

"Avenge the captain!"

Twenty or thirty melee players rushed towards Liu Tian, ​​while the long-range players summoned their long-range skills to blast towards Liu Tian.

As soon as he loosened his hand, Liu Tian fell straight to the ground. The moment he landed, his figure rushed out like a cheetah. With a pinch of the sword formula, more than a dozen star swords immediately hung in the air of those players.While they were screaming and dodging, more than a dozen star swords blasted down together, killing nearly ten players in an instant.

To deal with these players, Liu Tian completely slaughtered them unilaterally.

After spending a few minutes, all the players who searched for him in this area died, and they quickly passed the information to their divisions.

"Over here, over here, hurry up!" In the forest, there was a faint voice in Liu Tian's ears.

"The speed is quite fast." Liu Tian smiled lightly, the more the better, it's best to anger Ji Hao's bastard in one fell swoop, and let him send more troops to encircle and suppress, the loss of this little shrimp won't affect the battle situation.

After this wave of attacks, the hundreds of people he led had been lurking somewhere according to his wishes, waiting for his instructions.He wants to keep the rear of the troubled side in a state of turmoil, make them tired of dealing with front and rear flank attacks, and annihilate them faster.

The Killing Sword slowly returned to its sheath, and the Fire Tong Golden Crow Bow returned to his hand again.

"The profession of long-distance attack is also quite good." Liu Tian took out a wooden arrow from the quiver on his back, and slowly retreated behind a tree, using the cover of the big tree to observe the team that was looting this way.

"The number of people is still a little less."

call out!

While speaking, the wooden arrow in Liu Tian's hand shot out, hitting a player's heart.

"F*ck..." The player screamed and hid, but it caused the players behind him to suffer.

Glancing at the fallen player, Liu Tian smiled, his target was the fallen player.However, his frontal attack was tantamount to exposing his whereabouts to the opponent.

His expression changed slightly, and his figure swept towards a nearby tree. On the way, a wooden arrow had already been thrown out of his hand. Unfortunately, his accuracy in shooting while moving at high speed was not very high. An arrow fell through.

"So many people can practice for a while."

Liu Tian purely regards these players as moving targets for training shooting skills.But he did this to let more players from the Troubled Times rush over after hearing the news.If Ji Hao knew that he was the one making trouble in the rear, Ji Hao would definitely lead a large number of players to encircle him.

With the help of the cover of the trees, Liu Tian quickly shuttled between the trees, his hands never resting, and the wooden arrows rushed out one after another.

The erratic body straightened, and Liu Tian shot a [Sky Breaking Arrow], killing a player in the distance, and all the players in the vicinity perished.

"What? Hundreds of people sent out were killed by the other party alone? Why don't you gangsters die?" When the news came, Ji Hao was furious.

"President, we tried our best, that person seems to be the president of the Eternal Alliance, the one with the first rank..."

"He?!" Ji Hao was overjoyed: "He actually dared to come, hmph, dared to break into our rear alone. Then you will die again."

He couldn't invite the black-robed weirdo anymore, and the other party only agreed to help him once, but he learned from the black-robed weirdo that his move was not easy to undo, and Liu Tian might still be in a state where he couldn't recover blood.

"Drop [-] elites and follow me to the rear." Ji Hao ordered his subordinates.

500 people were ready in no time, and Liu Tian also received a report from the spies lurking in the other party's camp.

"500 people? Ji Hao is coming too? If they are all wiped out, Ji Hao, who returns to the city, will probably mobilize more troops to encircle and suppress, but this is not bad." Liu Tian grinned: "We should lure them to Brother Blood Wolf. Go, they are probably bored by now."

"The fish is here, ready to start work." Liu Tian sent a message to Cangyuan Blood Wolf.

Liu Tian didn't leave this area, and was still wandering around here. He wasn't afraid of being besieged, but he was afraid that Ji Hao wouldn't find him.

Ji Hao was not far from the rear, and he led his team there in about 10 minutes.

Liu Tian, ​​who was gnawing on the grass roots and counting the leaves boredly, was overjoyed when he heard the sound in the distance, spat out the grass roots, and almost shouted that he was here.But the good location he chose was not in vain, 500 people found Liu Tian before they searched.

The Huotong Golden Crow Bow was flipped in his hand for a few weeks, Liu Tian smiled slightly and continued to start his work, but he was more cautious, he didn't want to be entangled by any special skills.

He repeatedly killed his subordinates in front of Ji Hao, retreating and provoking at the same time, leading more than 500 people around the woods, but they seemed to be running randomly, but they were actually moving in a certain direction.

Ji Hao looked at Liu Tian, ​​who was laughing wildly, his eyes were burning with anger. He didn't expect that the 500 people on his side would be led around in the woods by Liu Tian like playing monkeys, and the 500 people became 1000 during this period. More than two hundred.

"Brother Blood Wolf, are you ready?" Finally, Liu Tian sent a message when he was about to arrive at the scheduled place.

"Waiting for the fish to enter the net."

"Okay." Liu Tian smiled lightly.

"Damn it, a bunch of idiots, people are right in front of you and you can't catch them!" Ji Hao scolded angrily. If news of this time gets out, he will lose face again.

"Kill, rush, kill these bastards..."

"You bastards have thrown yourself into the trap!"

"Ha ha…"


Suddenly, shouts of killing sounded from all directions, so loud that Ji Hao's face turned pale. He knew that he was being tricked, and the other party had set up a trap for him to sneak in, but he kept digging in.


Pieces of black arrows rained down on more than 1000 people from all directions.

Liu Tian had already climbed a tree. Looking at this scene, he mourned for Ji Hao in his heart: "You must never discover this huge flaw."


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